AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Updating Styles In 2011?
Feb 19, 2013
I have a job that the customer provide the original CAD files with Civil 3D styles in them. As the project has progressed we have found many of the styles were not created properly and notified the customer. They have told us to fix the errors and send them the corrections...
Now that I have one file working properly I have to push the changes to the 30+ styles through the 100+ files of the job. Is there a quick way to do this in Civil 3D 2011? (It is part of our contract to use this specific program and release year without converting the files.) Or do I need to drag-and-drop each style into each file?
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 (Primary), 2011 by contract.
Dell Percision T3500: MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1; Intel Xeon CPU W3505 @ 2.53GHz, 12.00 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 600
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Feb 12, 2013
I am using Civil3D 2013. I was wondering if there was a way to link your dwg to a master dwg file? For example, if i were to copy the dwg into folder A and copy a dwg into folder B. I would then update the master dwg with either a layer color change or linetype or add a layer / label etc, could those changes from the master be (linked) or a child or the parent master dwg? Or does this work with dwts?
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Jan 13, 2012
Transfer styles/settings from 2012 template to 2011 template
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Aug 10, 2011
I’m having a problem with ACA 2011 and tags (prop sets).
They are not updating When add any type of tag to an object. It’s coming up as –
I have download the sp2 and it seems to fix the problem, but then it comes back again. Some PC are working and other are not.
The only workaround I have got is to remove ACA from the regedit and run CAD again or run the update msi.
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Aug 9, 2010
I'm using Inventor 2011 with the style library. I have made some changes to my styles template and want to batch update a group of drawings to the new style. Is there a way to do this without opening each drawing and doing the update?
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Nov 8, 2011
I have various multi leader styles set up in my drawing. I place a multi leader (arrow and text not seperate mtext) then decided to change it to a different leader style let's say from ML48 to ML96. The problem happens when I try to change it again. It doesn't update to my new multi leader style. Example....from ML96 back to ML48 or any other style. It seems like I only get one opportunity to apply a different style.
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Jul 30, 2013
I would like to preface this post by stating, for the purposes of this message, that I have absolutely no understanding of the workings of AutoCAD. I have looked at many forum discussions concerning my issue and I am simply unable to understand the terminology and/or concepts being described.
I recently purchased a new computer for my office. Accordingly, I needed to install AutoCAD on this new machine. All of the machines in my office are running AutoCAD 2011. However, after addressing some licensing issues with AutoDesk, I received a license and installer for AutoCAD 2012. Everything was installed correctly (as far as I understand) and the program itself is working fine. The problem I am running into involves the text style for the files I open:
For files saved on AutoCAD 2011, the text style used is Arial. Simple; no custom fonts. However, when I open that same file in AutoCAD 2012, the text style for the entire file has changed to Franklin Gothic Book. (Note that all files are accessible from all computers in the office through a network drive)
That is my only understanding of the situation. As I mentioned earlier I have very little understanding of the workings of AutoCAD. I have had this problem for almost a week now and I am no closer to understand this issue, much less solving it.
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May 27, 2013
I'm trying to migrate our styles library from Inventor 2011 to 2013 using the style library manager. I have the current (2013) library loaded in the first slot, and my old 2011 library loaded in the second slot. Under the 2011 library, the Migrate button is active.
I click Migrate, and after telling me it can take up to 2 minutes to migrate the library, it proceeds. After about two minutes, I get a progress box generated by Inventor (not the style library manager) that indicates it is copying some 1300 files from one location, to another. I can't tell if it is the same location or not, as the filepaths are truncated in the progress box.
As it finishes, usually with one file remaining, I get the "Autodesk Inventor 2013 Has stopped working" error. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly etc. etc.
I do not relish having to go back and manually define all my styles.
Context: Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, Win 7 Pro, 12 GB ram. I've tried both with and without my antivirus realtime scan on.
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Sep 7, 2011
How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012? I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over.
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Aug 21, 2012
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have a recurring problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have my existing grade TIN surface as a data shortcut into my roadway design file, but it sometimes will not update when opening the drawing. The surface profile will not display until the surface is manually synced. Any labels that are associated with that surface (or other object) will just display the ??? because it can't seem to connect to the data. After a manual sync it seems to come back.
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Feb 5, 2013
I am having a problem with my data shortcuts for my surfaces not updating. I have 2 surfaces (one ex and one prop) both are on auto-rebuild. Both of them are in separate files and data short cutted into my profiles files (I have one for water, one sewer and a third for storm drains). Any time I make a change whether I add or subtract data the file the data does not update in the profiles. As a work around I have been creating a new data short cut and adding it to my profiles files. What am I doing wrong that would make them not update?
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Mar 12, 2013
I created an alignment in one file. Then in another file I data shortcut that alignment in. From there I created an existing ground profile using that alignment. Later I modified the alignment. When I go into my profile drawing containing the existing ground profile, it did not update. I have had this happen on several projects and I can not figure out why it is not updating. My station range on the existing ground profile is set to automatic.
I used to do this all the time in 2012 and never had this problem. I am using 2013 with the latest update..
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Dec 17, 2013
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3d 2012. I have succesfully created a View Frame Group (VFG) from an alignment and then created Plan Profile sheets from that View Frame group. I did create the sheets in a separate file from the View Frame group (that is an option when you create the sheets). It appears that if I change a View Frame using the grips, the corresponding sheet viewport doesn't change based on the edits to the view frame. I must manually update the sheet plan viewport to align with the edited location of the view frame. Is there a way AutoCAD will do this automatically or does it just not do that? Do I have to create the whole sheet set again or can I just recreate that one sheet? I don't want to do that since create the sheet will create a new profile view.
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May 22, 2013
So I've got a customer who's upgraded drawings from a previous version of Civil 3D to Civil 3D 2013. One drawing contains data shortcuts to pipe networks, alignments, and surfaces. At the drawing open the pipe networks are updated, but none of the other data shortcuts are. Removing the pipe network data shortcuts allows the other data shortcuts to be loaded normally. Using SYNCHRONIZEREFERENCES updates all of the data shortcuts normally in the darwing. So I strongly suspect the pipe networks are the cause of the issue. Opening a new drawing and creating a data shortcut doesn't exhibit the same issues. Also WBlocking the trouble drawing doesn't work either.
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Aug 7, 2012
I have a drawing with some cross sections of road showing the Proposed road surface and Existing ground surface. Now we have received a new ground surface and we have to supersede the old ground surfae with the new one. is there any way to swap the surface in the existing cross sections?
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Feb 4, 2013
I am updating a map and besides manually creating my own block for the "arrow" of the leader. Is there more then one generic leader style I am unaware of to make life easier?
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Aug 6, 2013
I created a surface based on survey data, recently i recivied an updated survay (new DTM).
Is there a quick and painless way to update the surface? Obviously this surface is the basis for my entire design 8)
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a set of drawings with a large number of sheets. I need to do a mass edit of the properties for each sheet (for example update the revision number, date, checked/design/approved/drafting initials, description). The updated properties are largely similiar.
Is it necessary to update each sheet's custom properties individually, or is there an easier method?
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Jul 9, 2013
i have "as-built" data in csv format for my pipe network assembly.
i'm using C3d 2011, i dont see a way i can import or batch edit the pipe network data with the current csv data.
i can export the pipe network to an excel table through the panorama, i was hoping there was a way to edit that data and push it back into the dwg file.
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May 14, 2012
I have a few sites that I use just to keep FeatureLines that I'm using for construction and don't want them interacting with anything in other sites. Of the when I draw an FL in one of those sites I'll get a message such as "Updating 286 points". This takes over 2 minutes to accomplish.
Since I don't have a lot of FeatureLines in the sited I wouldn't expect it to take that long. If it were a complicated site I might not think anything of it. If I add another FL I will still get the same message with the same # of points. So it isn't based on the number of vertices in the FL in that site or it would increase after adding each FL. There is no Surface that uses these FL. So It isn't updating a TIN.
Civil 3D 2012
Dell T7400, 4GB RAM, Win 7 Pro.
BTW. If I delete the FL I don't get any message or lag.
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Jan 7, 2013
I have a field in a block and all the FIELDEVAL variables are set as shown in the screenshot but the field doesn't update on REGEN - I have to issue the UPDATEFIELD command to update the field.
There was a previous thread started in March 2011 with the same problem - is this another unresolved bug? (No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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May 15, 2012
We are geographically spread out and need to come up with a way to have all Civil 3D files locally available to each office. There is a way to replicate the files to every office. Has tried DFS?
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Mar 23, 2011
how to explode a PDF in Autocad Civil3D 2011? I need to be able to manipulate the PDF by removing parts and drawings new sections.
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Mar 11, 2013
We've recently done some work for an engineering firm, and have also recently upgraded to Civil 2013.
It turns out they are using Civil 2011, and obviously are unable to open our drawing. As far as I'm aware, they need a TIN surface and cogo points, but I'm unsure of how to provide them with this other than reproccessing the job on an older version of Civil.
I'm thinking that I might be able to export to LandXML to keep all my points and surface, and then just export to Autocad 2010 for the linework?
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Dec 2, 2013
IT moved all of our projects to a new directory and have subsequently broken all the survey events. Is there a way to update survey events so they can find the original file again or does each event need to be redone to fix this?
e.g. I brought in a fbk located at p:/prj/6000 that file is now located in p:/6000.
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Jan 6, 2014
I’ve recreated and replaced a corrupt drawing, which contained surfaces that were data referenced into multiple files. Is there a way to update the data shortcuts, so other drawings referencing the surfaces are unaffected? I’ve tried moving the corrupt drawing to an archived folder and naming the new drawing and surfaces to match the old. However, I’m not able to repair the broken shortcuts in the other drawings. The surfaces are referenced in a large construction plan set that includes sections, profiles, and numerous labels based on the surfaces – it will be very time consuming to create a new reference in each drawing.
(I'm using Civil 3D 2013.)
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Nov 9, 2012
I have a feature line that is perpendicular to another and connected to it at a PI .When I modify the elevations of one of the feature lines, the labels for slope and PI elevation of the dependent feature line do not react and update without having to invoke a REGEN.
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Nov 25, 2013
I imported survey data and had auto lines drawn. then I rotated my points/nodes. -- how do i get my linework to update?
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May 6, 2013
I created a surface in 2013 for an old project by importing a TIN from LDD, which worked fine, but the survey crew recently went back to the same site and did an update (asbuilt) with updated elevations. A good portion of the survey is still accurate and has not changed, but there was an area of new construction. My question is what is the best way to remove the old TIN lines (that are actually still connecting some old, incorrect survey points) and incorporate the new elevations that will now reflect new TIN lines in certain areas. Basically, I need to get rid of some old TIN lines and replace with new and updated survey. The surface in LDD used a point group, which was fine then, but now some of those points in that point group are incorrect.
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Jan 14, 2013
I have some sample lines that highlight utilities needing a section view. I've now moved my sample line to highlight the true cross section stationing for these crossings. Why doesn't the station value update for the sample line once this is moved. For some reason I remember the station text on the sample line updating itself automatically in the past.
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