AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking A Dwg To Another Dwg For Updating Styles And Layers

Feb 12, 2013

I am using Civil3D 2013. I was wondering if there was a way to link your dwg to a master dwg file? For example, if i were to copy the dwg into folder A and copy a dwg into folder B. I would then update the master dwg with either a layer color change or linetype or add a layer / label etc, could those changes from the master be (linked) or a child or the parent master dwg? Or does this work with dwts?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Updating Styles In 2011?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a job that the customer provide the original CAD files with Civil 3D styles in them. As the project has progressed we have found many of the styles were not created properly and notified the customer. They have told us to fix the errors and send them the corrections...

Now that I have one file working properly I have to push the changes to the 30+ styles through the 100+ files of the job. Is there a quick way to do this in Civil 3D 2011? (It is part of our contract to use this specific program and release year without converting the files.) Or do I need to drag-and-drop each style into each file?

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 (Primary), 2011 by contract.
Dell Percision T3500: MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1; Intel Xeon CPU W3505 @ 2.53GHz, 12.00 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 600

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Controlling Layers In Point Styles

Aug 16, 2013

I am having layer control issues when dealing with Point Styles. I have a Description Key set up that will put the specified point style on a certain layer. For instance the point style COMH will be placed on the V-UTLY-MH layer upon insertion. The point style that I have created will have the Marker associated to the V-UTLY-MH-SYM layer and the Label associated with the V-UTLY-MH-LABEL layer. I also have the check box at the bottom of the Object Layers Tab in the Drawing Settings Dialog box checked that says "Immediate and independent layer on/off control of display components" checked. With all of this set up, I still cannot independently layer on /off the label of the point style without having to create a Point Group Style and have no label style selected within the Point Group Styles Properties.

While I understand how to do this and can set up multiple Point Group Styles and push them up and down to get the visuals to do what I want, we have to deliver our drawings to clients who are not the most CIVIL 3D savvy of people. Any work around that does not involve duplicating and exploding the cogo points just so that clients can layer on/off or freeze/thaw the point lables in a drawing? I have included an image of the settings with the code used for the COMH point style and description key settings.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Plan Production - Layers And Styles On Sheets

May 14, 2013

I'm using the Plan Production feature of Civil3D 2012 (x64). Here's my scenario:

I have a base file with all company style and layer standards. I have an alignment and profile in this base file, which I am creating sheets for (plan and profile, same sheet). I create my VFG and generate the sheets from this base file. My sheet template creation .dwt file only has a couple layers in it (nice and clean).

Is it normal behavior for the sheet files being created to have ALL the company layers and styles associated with the base drawing where the VFG and sheets were created from? I would think only the layers/styles used for the alignment, profile, and profile view would be transferred to each sheet.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unable To Remove Layers / Blocks / Point Styles

May 3, 2012

I have a drawing with a bunch of layers that cannot be deleted since they are nested in block definitions. However, the blocks are not in use and cannot be purged. I think it is because they are referenced for point styles, that are also not in use. Is there a way to delete the point style in order to clear these layers and blocks?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How Styles / Point Groups / Description Keys / Layers Collide

Aug 24, 2011

In an effort to firm up my understanding of how styles, point groups, description keys and layers collide, I followed the recommendations of an article. How groups/deskeys function together for layer visibility.

This process of Layer visibility that is supposed to make the program flexible makes it almost impossibly complicated.

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Photoshop :: Linking Layer Styles?

Jan 3, 2006

or to edit a layer property like gradient overlay from 2 layers at the same time?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Batch Updating Drawing Styles

Aug 9, 2010

I'm using Inventor 2011 with the style library.  I have made some changes to my styles template and want to batch update a group of drawings to the new style.  Is there a way to do this without opening each drawing and doing the update? 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multi Leader Styles Not Updating?

Nov 8, 2011

I have various multi leader styles set up in my drawing.  I place a multi leader (arrow and text not seperate mtext) then decided to change it to a different leader style let's say from ML48 to ML96.  The problem happens when I try to change it again.  It doesn't update to my new multi leader style.  Example....from ML96 back to ML48 or any other style.  It seems like I only get one opportunity to apply a different style. 

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Edge Animate CC :: Elements / Text Linking To Styles In External CSS File

Jun 4, 2013

the project I am working on is using a default.css and I would like to assign styles from the file to elements in edge - how can I do that?I already tried the "class" setting in the GUI next an element but the elements do not use the styles defined in the default.css.The default.css is linked in the html file properly. In the js file which edge creates I see that the value  userClass: 'slideTitle' is assigned and slideTitle is defined in the default.css.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Applying Default Contour Labels Styles To Surface Styles?

Aug 21, 2012

How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style).  Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.

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Photoshop :: Linking Layers In CS2

Mar 2, 2006

I just purchased Photoshop CS2 and I noticed the linking feature for layers has been changed. I used to be able to link layers together by clicking in th box with the chain link, but now that box is gone. I did notice there is the link symbol at the bottom of the layers palette, but it's constantly disabled. How do I link layers in CS2?

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Photoshop :: Linking Layers

Dec 10, 2005

I create a photo consisting of several layers and then I want to move the whole thing over to another photo.

There has to be a way to link the layers so that I don't have to move them over one by one and then have to try to reposition them again.

I don't want to flatten the layers as I want to be able to move them around if I need to later.

When I go to the link layers icon at the bottom of the palette it won't let me choose it.

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Illustrator :: Linking Across Layers?

Feb 4, 2014

I am working with Illustrator files that have psd images placed in them. Each image has a shadow that is a separate image placed into illustrator on separate layer. So what I end up with is "image" layer and a "shadow" layer with their respective images in them. What I would like to do without having to group these is somehow linking images on separate layers so that when I move one the other moves as well.
I know that this isn`t a very logical way of managing these objects and if I could I would do it differently but it is a work method that is implemented and I have to abide to.

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Photoshop :: Quickly Linking Layers

Jul 23, 2006

I have to add an object to an exsisting image that has lets say 30-40 layers. In doing so, I have to move the entire image up or down, so I have to link all the layers to move it up or down. I can't merge the layers, because I have to use the same image several ways, so is there a quick way to "link all" layers, move, then "unlink all" layers in Photoshop 7??
I know that Select-All layers doesn't do the trick.

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Photoshop :: Shortcut For Linking Layers?

Oct 25, 2004

I work on a lot of files with 4-6 layers each, and then need to link them to create layer sets, to move them onto other files, where I combine the whole lot (we have a photographic studio, so it's for multiple images in wedding 'books' rather than separate photographs in albums).

I deal with hundreds of files a week, so I'm trying to automate it as far as possible. I've got most of it sorted, but I can't find any command or shortcut to link all of the layers. Is there one? For now, I've set up an action that links each individual layer and then creates the set, but that only works when I've got the same number of layers each time.

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Photoshop :: Linking Adjustment Layer To Two Separate Layers

Jan 3, 2013

I am wondering if there is a way to create an adjustment layer that only affects two layers that are spread apart. What I'd like to be able to do is change the color of both layers at the same time.

The problem is, I can't group the layers together and add an adjustment to the group because one of the layers (Number Color Flare) has to stay on top of the rest.

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Photoshop :: Linking Adjustment Layers To A Single Layer

Oct 17, 2006

I would like to add an adjustment layer to a photoshop CS2 file that has an effect on a particular layer rather than all of the layers. I have tried adding the adjustment layer from the icon at the bottom of the layers palette, from Layers, New adjustment layer, and I have also tried linking the two layers. In all cases the adjustment made applies to the whole image. I am sure that previous versions of Photoshop had this facility.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking Blocks To Text

Mar 14, 2012

I'm currently working with AutoCAD Civil 3D Land Desktop Companion.  The drawing has hundreds of callouts for different elements all over the site.  The callouts are in form of a block, with a number inside. The number corresponds to a notes page which lists each detail in chronological order. (nothing new there)

Due to an expanding and shifting job site, notes have been added and deleted.  The problem is now we have to go back through and update all the callout blocks.  For example: We have 75 notes in our list, if note number 3 changes or is deleted, we need to go through and change all the numbers in all the blocks to reflect the change to the list.

Is there a way to link blocks to an mtext list? or possibly a spreadsheet?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking Parcels To EXCEL

Apr 4, 2012

Create a large number of polygons (plines, parcels, whatever) that represent spaces on a building plan

Assign a space number to the polygon

Link the space number to an Excel spreadsheet (or Access DB) so that the characteristics of the polygon (line and fill color, for example) are chosen based on the "owner" of the space (e.g.; Engineering, Common Areas, etc.).

Display a label stating the space number and the space name. Is this best done with "Parcels" in Civ3D, or with "Polygons" in Map, or some other way.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Applying Plot Styles To Layers

Oct 20, 2011

As the subject states, I am trying to apply a plotstyle to a layer. I can create the layer and apply a plot style but as soon as I create another layer with a different plotstyle, the layers I previously created lose their plot style (it appears to be removed from the drawing) 

I have tried workarounds such as placing an object and applying a plotstyle then deleting that plot style and that still doesnt seem to append it to the drawing.this is my code so far:

 Public Sub addPltStToLayer(ByVal id As ObjectId, ByVal pltsty As String) Dim thisDrawing As Document = Autodesk. AutoCAD. Application Services. Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim thisDB As Database = thisDrawing.Database Dim trans As Transaction = thisDB. Transaction Manager.StartTransaction Using locker As DocumentLock = thisDrawing.LockDocument Dim dict

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text Styles For Different Layers?

Aug 22, 2013

How do I change the text style for one layer only? I already have some text in one font on a layer but now I want to create lables in a different font but when I change the text style while that layer is active both layers change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set New Text Styles To New Layers?

Jun 13, 2012

I have created some new layer and Text styles.

I would like to set the new Text styles to the new layers, but cannot find a way to do so.

Inventor 2010

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AutoCad :: STB Plot Styles - Cannot Apply To Layers

Aug 3, 2010

I have got as far as understanding the difference between CTB and STB plot styles, and have identified I require STB, as I want to apply plot styles to individual layers as opposed to certain colours.

I have converted my drawing from CTB to STB and have set up an STB plot style to acheive what I would like. However I am unable to apply the styles held within this STB to individual layers in the layers property manager. In the plot style coloumn they are slightly greyed out, upon clicking on a layer a 'Select Plot Style' box appears which lists the "normal", "style 1" & "style 2" that I have created. However upon choosing a different style and hitting ok it doesnt apply my selection.

I am reasonably confident my STB file is setup correctly, as it is possible to apply the styles to objects using the object properties box, and for these to then be printed correctly to the style assigned.

PS - I am using AutoCAD LT 2010

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking Feature Lines To Points?

Apr 16, 2012

Is there a way to link feature lines to points?  If I have a series of points and I've joined them with a feature line; I want the feature line to update automatically if I adjust a point elevation. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Preventing Linking Along Same Survey Line

Jul 24, 2013

See how linking is happening between points along the same survey line? How to prevent this?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - All Layers Updating

Feb 18, 2013

I have copied the Background Layer and deselected this.  I have then made adjustments to the copied Layer and when I commit the Background Layer will change as well.   I then created a New Layer and selected only this one, but then all layers were changed. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Grading Objects From Curb Lines - Linking?

Oct 12, 2011

I have been creating grading objects from my curb lines, assigning grades using the editor, then offsetting that line for the BACK of curb, and using the raise-lower command to raise the curb line height. If I edit the original face of curb line (gutter grade) then I go back and redo the process. Is there any way to intelligently link these two lines so that if one gets edited C3D knows the other is 0.5 feet higher (or lower) than its neighbor?

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Photoshop :: Updating Text Layers Changes Font

Jul 27, 2009

I am using CS2 on a XP64 machine. I am editing a .psd originally created in Photoshop 7 but saved under a different file name in CS2.When I open the file, a dialog box with this text appears: "Some text layers need to be updated before they can be used for vector output. Do you want to update these layers now?" The options are No and Update. Updating the layers changes all the text layers from font "Times New Roman" to "Radioactive", which I'm sure isn't a standard installed font. To avoid the problem in future edits, I saved the .psd under a different name through CS2 and then deleted all the offending text layers and recreated them using "Times New Roman" again. However, after saving the file and reopening it, I get the same problem as before. Should I perhaps delete the "Radioactive" font? I'd really rather not have to enter all the text in again.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Proposed Surface Not Linking To Correct Codes Of Assembly In Corridor

Nov 20, 2013

When I paste the proposed surface with the corriodor surface and I check the profile the proposed surface ties to the bottom of the kerb ignoring the footpath.Also in the same drawing file I can't seem to export it to ACAD.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking Objects - Create Grading Feature Line For A Stoop

Sep 4, 2013

Is there away to link a i.e. (a stoop to a finish flood elev)? So that, if I were to raise the finish floor, the stoop would move also. I understand I could possible to a create grading feature line for a stoop, but what happens if the stoop would be irregular shapped and not a rectangle?

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