There are been a few posts about transitions this week, so here is a simple little sub assembly (provided "As Is") that might work. It was build with Sub Assembly Composer 2014. The way it works it to calculate a number at a station based on a start and end value, a transition type and the station (chainage) value in relationship to the start and end points of the region. It has X transition types: Linear, Parabolic Out (rate of change increases) Parabolic In (rate of change decreases), Reverse parabolic (back to back), Bay Taper (from Caltrans this is a three part transition made of 2 parabolas and a linear section), Cubic Out and Cubic In.
The way it works is you insert the subassembly before a subassembly that you need to transition. You set up the start and end values and the type of transition to make. Then in the following subassembly you reference the value that is returned. For slopes, you'll have to input the values in decimal (4:1 = 0.25)
I've attached a drawing as well that shows a bay taper of a road from 12 to 24 over 120 and a daylight that goes from 1:1 to 4:1 and back around a curve (3 regions)
It sounds like the transition should happen automatically (although some tweaking may be required).
But for some reason, I'm NOT getting a transition.
I had one assembly for the entire length and the designer wanted to have the curb stop at 0+40 and from 0+40 to the end, he wanted NO CURB--just an EOP.
So I copied the assembly, modified the copy so that there was no longer a curb and attached the shoulder (that was previously connected to the curb) to the EOP.
So the codes should all be same. I just attached a dwg file (created/saved in 2012) with my two assemblies in it.
I have two assemblies that represent road cross section at two points along a corridor. I want the corridor to transition smoothly between the two cross section so that if I look at a section halfway between the two assemblies it will have an intermediate width. Doing this with a simple transition assembly doesn't seem to be the most efficient approach since my offset or target actually changes as one moves up the corridor. Is there a way to generate a polyline or some other type of entity that could be used as a target?
Trying to model a curb height transition in my corridor. Over about 15' I want to go from a 6" curb to flush.
The only way I can seem to get it to show accurately is to leave a void in my corridor. This allows the surface which is created from the corridor to model correctly and give me a transition of my curb height from 6" to flush. Here's the object viewer showing it correctly:
However, there are a few problems with this approach. Mainly I've come to like the way the relatively new "extract corridor solids" tool (toolspace, toolbox, miscellaneous Utilities, corridor solids). I use this to create a fairly nice looking Navisworks model. With the void, now my model has a void. It seems to me that there should be a way to have a subassembly that can target both the back of curb profile and the edge of gutter simultaneously. I've tried with the standard subassembly "UrbanReplaceCurbGutter2" but with no luck. Any successful modeling a curb height transition within their corridor?
I need getting a roadway to transition horizontally for a turn lane. If it were straight without super, it would be easy. However, the transition happens in a curve that needs to be super elevated.
I know I can use the lane transition assembly and set it to "change offset and grade" but with that, I would have to manually calculate my EOP elevations.
Is there a sub assembly with the ability to use the centerline super elevation data as well as transition horizontally?
we use three line road profiles. If there is a bus pullout or lane transition we show the curb profile based on centerline stationing. I'm able to generate a the corridor using a transition lane assembly from centerline and targeting a widened offset alignment or just a feature line. I can import the corridor curb feature line into a profile which would be a perfect solution, but it is all truncated. (i.e. no vertical curves) I can create a profile of the offset alignment, but the stationing doesn't match centerline.
How can I either generate a non trunidicated profile from the corridor for my curb profiles? How can create a design profile of a transition/pullout curb line that I can target and plot against centerline stationing?
So I created the rail sub assembly everything looks great in sub assembly composer.
Start a new dwg data reference in the rail alignment, Note the rail alignment type is set to rail.
Create an assembly and under the Construction tab for the assembly the Assembly Type is set to Railway. Attach my custom sub assembly to this assembly.
Created a corridor and I get this error: Something wrong with current subassembly: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
So I delete my sub assembly attach the Civil 3D Rail Single sub assembly. Re run corridor and everything works fine.
So I promote the alignment change type to centerline. Delete the Rail Single sub assembly put my rail sub assembly back. Rerun the corridor and everything works.
So then I undo everything up to the point of promoting the alignment.
Opened the base file changed the alignment type to centerline.
When I tried to synchronize the references I ended up a broken reference with the following error. Invalid reference. Synchronization failed
Not good we already have plan sheets cut.
where in sub assembly composer were do I define the sub assembly to be for Rail?
I have a finished corridor, but now I need to add marked points to label a few key grade breaks in my cross sections. When I attempt to add the marked points on some of my sub-assemblies it gives me the error that the sub-assembly is not part of the assembly. I can right click the sub-assemly and choose "Add to Assembly" but when I rebuild the corridor it strips all the sub-assembly data from my assembly and leaves me with essentially a null assembly for the range.
I'm in the process of building a subassembly in SAC. My goal is to have it transition from one cross section to another over a set length (by using station values). I can set it up so that at a certain station it switches cross sections, but I need to have a gradual change.
I've looked at other posts on here, but they all relate to road cross sections and changing slope (at least from what I saw). Any insight as to the proper way to do this (maybe with Auxiliary points and links)
I'm not getting the design levels of assembly, just major offset and elevation, how can i get all design levels from where my assembly is changing and where it is matching to the existing surface, is there any band problem or anything else, im sending the view that how i'm getting my cross section and also i want to know that how can i control text size because it is too big for sections.
A way to edit the stock Sub Assemblies provided by Autodesk?? I noticed they are compiled into a dll, therefore there is not a way to open them as a pkt that I am aware of. My intention is not to get rid of what Autodesk has provided but to add on to them.
Many times I have been asked "This sub assembly is great but can it do this?" of course it is the one thing that particular sub assembly can't do. For instance, the Varying Width sub assembly can't extend the top layer while having the sub base layers go in a negative direction.
1. Attached is a file , when opened show two viewports. the plan view look OK , but the ortho on the right show a corridor not near elev. Of the the alignment and the surface is missing ( I cannot get to the object viewer to show me the model setting) .
Am I in big trouble and had to create a surface again?
2. The end of this corridor you have lines all over the place , I probably need to create a corridor surface , correct?
3. Why is the alignment so far from the corridor model?
I have created a corridor of an exit ramp. Part way through the corridor, the left side slope isn't generated.
The subgrade doesn't exist. In the Sideslope to no side slope.png image that the corridor has a side slope and ditch at 10+600. Also in the 10+600.png image. But at 10+610 there is no side slope. There is OG surface out far enough, but it seems that in the 10+610.png image that there isn't enough OG surface. Orignally there was survey data missing in this area and it was added after the fact to the OG surface. Why doesn't the corridor recognize it, if that is the case. I have updated and syncronized the heck out of everything, but it still doesn't seem to work.
I should point out that this is in meters (the cross sections are 10m apart) and that it is the same Assembly being used for this area. Also all targets are consistant through this area as well.
I designed a very straight forward piece of road consisting of a centreline, 2 channels and a footway either side. I played around with superelevation, assemblies and created a corridor. This all works fine.
Now when I add a taper to my offset alignments (for instance to widen the carriageway at a junction approach in order to add a splitter island), I noticed that the corridor stays perpendicular to the centreline. So this means the 2m wide footway I specified is not actually 2m wide, measured perpendicular from the curb. (See attached)
I have figured out that I can achieve this by attaching an offset assembly to the curb and attach the footway sub-assembly to the offset assembly. (So the curb acts a bit like a subsidiary string in MX). However, in order to make this work, I need to assign the horizontal alignment and Profile of the offset alignment to the Offset in the Corridor Properties Parameters (see attached). So far I have only managed to do this by creating a temporary surface which is wider than the curbs, so I can apply a profile to the offset alignment.
This seems a bit of a silly work around for such a standard simple highway design principle. Is there an easier way to create footways that are not perpendicular to the centreline?
Why is the superelevation I have assigned to the centreline, not projected onto the offset alignments? If this was the case, the offset alignments would have had a profile automatically?If you attach the offset assembly to the curb, why does it not automatically know it should stay attached to the curb? ie, remove the need to specify te horizontal alignment in Corridor Parameters?Is there a curb subassembly in existance that will project anything attached to it, perpendicular?
Intel Xeon E31230 - 3.20 GHz 4.00 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional - 64-bit Nvidia Quadro 600 - 1GB DDR3
I am having difficulty getting the tie down portion of the assmebly to work. The project includes adding a 5' wide paved shoulder and a 5' stabilized shoulder. I have constructed the assembly but the daylight portion of the assembly will not show in the section view.
I am overlaying and widening an existing road, however the assembly is not behaving as I would like it too. Here is the cross section below, the widening, overlay and day lighting portions appear correct, how the Datum surface is off.
DATUM SURFACE - The datum surface is not following the existing ground in between the two road widening pavement portions. You can see the datum surface as a red line connecting the two paved widening below the existing crown of the road. I would expect the datum surface to follow bottom links of the overlay as well up through the crown, but this is not the case.
EARTHWORKS CUT/FILL SURFACE - The earthworks surface shows that the area between the existing crown and the unexpected datum link is being calculated cut/fill (cut presumably) which it shouldn't be.
ASSEMBLY BEING USED: Perhaps I am misusing the subassemblies, or link codes need to be modified.
I don't know why when I make an automatic intersection the curb assembly is placed on a lower elevation respect to the main and second roads in all quadrants.
I want to generate a report by sample line station that gives me the cut/fill quantities between my assembly(s) sub-base links and the existing ground. I have section sheets cut with sample lines and the EG surface DREF'd. Am I correct in assuming that you need to create the sub-base surface, (for every corridor, I have 18), to be able to get the cut/fill volumes? The corridor is Xref'd into the section cut sheets, so no hope of generating a surface in the cut sheets from the corridor. Can you have the EG surface defined in the Edit Material List and the sub-base as a corridor shape and get the cut/fill volumes? I have tried and I get zeros in the earthworks report.
I can’t seem to manage to get the profile working, the assembly seems to look ok but it doesn’t show on the profile!
The assembly just follows the line of existing ground and does not show the height of the assembly (barrier). Also, if you take a quick section through the alignment/corridor it shows the assembly but doesn’t show it fully?
I am trying to get an assembly to work but having no luck. I have a 4' side walk with a (boulevard that varies in slope and distance from the back of curb) on the right side. (The sidewalk is existing and will be put back in the same place) I have an alignment and profile for the inside edge of sidewalk. (The inside edge of the sidewalk is the point I want to target). I have tried different targets and assemblies but get get anything to do what I need. Any way on assemblies and getting them to work in the sections?
C3D 2011. 64 bit. sp1 and sp2 installed windows 7 enterprise 64 csharp 2010 express
no problems referencing managed dot net libraries; already developed some working I need to reference the COM libraries..when I try to reference the AEC Base 6.5 Application Library (program files ........ aecxuibase65.tlb) the response is error: cannot find wrapper assembly.I have tried:
1 - the registry edit from the api training session
2 - downloading the object arx sdk and referencing x64 dll's from there
I am using civil 3d 2012 and i want to use rail assembly for my single track rail project. i want to know how can i customize my assembly. As in given defaulf assembly i can keep the width of sub base same on both side of track centerline. But my requirement is to use different widths on left and right side of centerline of track.
I'm trying to successfully get through a corridor, but to no avail. I'm certain I'm missing a step, and I'm certain that the step I'm missing is setting a surface to daylight to.
My project: It's a simple grassed waterway in a parabolic shape that is ran on a proposed profile grade up a draw. As you can see in the screen shots, it should daylight to the surface on each side. You can also see that the majority of the profile is deeper than the assembly is tall, so I should have a corridor that daylights on each side with a gradual cut up to the surface.
I profiled the centerline with offsets. I need the offsets to see how deep to lay the proposed centerline in regards to how deep my waterway will be. I get a bunch of error messages when I run the coridor, and they all deal with the offsets.
I have 30 M corridor. daylighting slopes have not been mentioned in typical section of this urban road. the sketch is shown. making this assembly and to get the 30 m fixed corridor.