AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface To 3D Solid And SAT / STL Files
Apr 23, 2009
I have created a surface in Civil 3D by adding contours....... Now that I have created the surface I need to Exoprt it to .sat / .stl files. But in order to do this I need a 3D Solid.
How do I convert this service to a 3D solid in order to the the export?
I have tried the thickening option in the 3D Modeling workspace but it doesn't want to accept my surface.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am issues with DEM files that I am downloading from the USGS website.I download 24k, elevation for the area I need. I then choose staged 1 second, add a surface to a blank drawing, then upload the DEM files to the surface.
The surface imports correcty, but when I try to import points taken by a surveyor on the same drawing, they plot incorrectly.The DEM surface and the points from the surveyor do not correspond. Also, the DEM surface is in meters, not feet. I have tried changing drawing settings, datum types, coordinate types, etc.
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Jun 20, 2012
I'm using 2D solid level band surface styles when generating simple flood maps - In order to manipulate I generally have to extract the surface objects (faces or hatches) which gives me a single face or object per triangle within the surface.
I then try and get round this by using a combination of various Lisps and Union to wind up with a single boundary that I can then use in ordinary AutoCAD and 3rd party software. However on big surfaces this is killing me as I have 50k+ triangles, so 50k+ faces or individual hatches, so its causing 15min long unresponsive stalls on my PC.
What I'd like to do is simply export the boundary of each level band to a polyline, or even better to extract the whole solid band as a single hatch object. Is this possible within C3D as it stands, or is there a lsp out there
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Dec 15, 2012
Is there a way to create hatching for the slopes surface style instead of using solid colors?
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Aug 12, 2013
I have finally created the shell of the complex surface that you see. This is only a section of the part because I cannot show the whole thing for proprietary reasons. I formed solid surfaces using the network command. The propblem is that it will not convert to a solid because the surface seams are not "water tight." When the network command created the solid surfaces, the surface seams do not exactly match the lines so there are gaps in all the seams. I have tried blending, patching, etc. and nothing works. how to convert this to a solid without losing the outlines and the shape?
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Sep 2, 2013
I would like to know how can put planar surface to solid object which surface is curved like cylinder for example. When start draw from first point rectangle of planar surface follow x cordinate not that solid object. How to do that simply?
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Mar 4, 2008
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
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Dec 13, 2013
I was given a job where i need to create a surface from a gis file. have been messing with my civ 3d 2013 a little bit and have been able to get a surface comprised of a bunch of polylines to appear (not a true surface). I will need to create profiles so i need a true surface. I downloaded a compressed shape file from the county and need to know how to insert this into a drawing and build a surface using my own surface style.
The files i have to work with:
"autocad shape source"
"autocad complied shape"
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Apr 8, 2012
I have checked my data folder and I cannot find the file Surface-7.dwg used in a surfaces tutorial. It's a multi-view block. I checked my entire hard drive and it is not there. Can the files be downloaded? I can't seem to find where I can do this.
As a matter of fact, the location where the tutuorials say to look, Windows 7: C:ProgramDataAutodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D2012enuData, does not exist on this Windows 7 Home Premium computer I am using.
Windows 7 x 64
Nvidia GeForce GTS 450
8 GB Ram
Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz
v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
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Jun 6, 2013
I am having a problem using 2014 civil 3D. When I import las files and create a point cloud, and go on to make a surface from those points, it is limiting the "number of points added" to 340134. I am using the lidar las files which each tile or file has an average of 12 million points, and I have tried to create a surface using one file, and up to 28 tiles (where there should be 340 million points). Regardless, one of the files contains 12 million points and I do have the "point density" set to 100, and the "real time density" set to 100. Why will it only use 340,134 points? I have tried all options from "point cloud extents" to "window" and same result. All the points from the cloud are there and displaying fine, it just seems civil 3d is limiting the number of points used for surface.
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Jun 18, 2013
I have a.3ds file imported into Civil 3d. The object imported as a polymesh in Civil 3d. I need the solid 3d object to do some edit like slice or union and subtract.
The question is "How can I import .3ds into Civil 3d as a solid objects or hoe can i convert polymesh to solid?"
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Jan 17, 2011
Is there a easy way to make this into a solid.
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Nov 11, 2011
I have created a model, by lofting a shape along a curved spline path. The model properties is currently '3d Solid' what I want to do is generate a 3d Face off of this model.
I have exploded the 3d model and that gives me a surface, bu the dilemma is that I do not know how to 'trace' or turn this surface into a 3d face format. What I was thinking is that if the surface could be exploded into individual elements I would be able to draw over the surface with the 3d face tools and then have my model, but a issue with this is that I cant explode the surface into elementary elements AND the 3dface tool cant generate curves.
In short how to turn a 3D model into a 3D Face or a Surface into a 3d Face?
The program I am exporting the model into accepts the following:
DXF Entity SAP2000 Objects
1 POINT Point
2 LINE Frame/NLink
3 3DFACE Area
5 CIRCLE Line(s)
6 ARC Line(s)
Note: To be able to import the dxf entities as solids in SAP2000, you must draw them in AutoCAD as meshed polygons or meshed solids. I could also export the model as a solid but again do not know how to get a meshed polygon or meshed solid from my 3d solid, when I do mesh smooth, the model basically turns into a rectangle and looses its detail.
As you can see it is number 3 I am working on. I have managed to create simple 3d faces and get them into the program but the 3dface tool is very primitive and I cant see how I would create the curves that my model has, I cant seem to form a grid system either to use the 3dface - everything seems to draw in space.
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Jul 25, 2011
Can I hatch a 3D solid surface? Do I have to create a 3D face on top of it beforehand?
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Aug 23, 2011
I have asked to amend a drawing, which consists of lots of square tube sections and other stuff, however I have received it in IGS format. I have got it to open in AutoCAD by first opening it in Inventor, then using the 'Save Copy As' command to save it as a DWG. However, instead of it consisting of solid tubes which I assumed it would be for me to easily amend, it's all surfaces.
I can't find a way of opening it as a solid model (maybe the file type doesn't allow it anyway), nor can I seem to convert any of the surfaces into a solid.
I have attached a sample tube from the drawing, how to turn it into a solid? I am moderately experienced at solid modelling from scratch, but I've never come across something like this before.
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Mar 3, 2013
Is it possible to convert surface into solid in AutoCAD 2002?
For example, can I convert these five surfaces into a solid pyramid?
If yes, what is the step to do it?
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Jun 26, 2012
I'm having a problem creating a 3D Solid from two 3dpoly lines. I'm attaching a script file which reproduces the two 3dpoly lines to use for the LOFT command. As you can see when running it, I have two closed 3dpoly lines which use exactly the same X,Y coordinates and differ only in the Z axis. I'd like to make a 3D Solid with these lines, which should be possible using the LOFT command... but I only get a surface around the 'sides'.
I needed to remove the .scr extension from the file in order to attach it, so to run it you need to replace .txt with .scr at the end of the filename. It's a standard ASCII script file. If someone prefers I can also give the coordinates of the 3dpoly lines as a post.
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Jan 28, 2010
Is there any way to convert a surface to solid?
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Jul 29, 2013
i have recived an igs fle which i imported into auticad 2012.when imported the and saved as an .dwg the model is in surfaces, im looking to convert the surface to solid so i can export the file as an .stl for 3d printing. is it possible to convert this?
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Jun 1, 2013
I'm using ACAD 2014 Win8 64bit.
I need to slice a cylinder with a surface but the slice command keeps giving error " Inconsistent face-body relationships".
I created the surface from a solid that I created using solid intercept between the cylinder and another solid that the cylinder actually passes through (a housing I have). In my attachment I do not include the housing, just the cylinder, the solid intercept and the surface from the a face of the solid intercept.
I tried increasing the U & V isolines of the surface, and scaling it up so that it isn't bounded by the cylinder, but that didn't work.
I'm willing to try any technique that achieves the same goal - I need the butt of the cylinder to contour to the housing so that I can do a JOIN and have a solid housing with a cylinder sticking out of its face. The inside of the housing is hollow with a 0.05 inch wall.
PDS 2014/Win8 64/32GB RAM/256GB SSD RAID1/Asus P9X79 Deluxe/i7 3820/nVidia Quadro K2000D/Dual 27" LCD
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Dec 5, 2013
I have a scanned model of a casting. It was necessary to delete surfaces to remove the casting flash from the model.
I have lofted/patched/stitched the missing surfaces to close the solid. Apparently there is a gap somewhere because the model remains as a surface instead of returning to a solid.
How can missing surfaces be found in the model?
What else can prevent the model from returning to a solid?
When stitching, the gap tolerance was set to .002". The model will "rebuild" without any error messages.
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Dec 13, 2012
I am working on a project and have ran into a problem. I need to hollow out a currently solid surface in order for it to have a uniform thickness of 3mm that follows the curvature of opposite side. These pictures will show what I mean.
Top Side:
Bottom Side:
Basically, I need to hollow out the backside to make it fit the surface of the front side with a thickness of 3mm. Is there some sort of tool that is designed for this or another way of doing it?
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Sep 17, 2013
I have a model of a boat from some database. It's build from 3D faces but I would like to make it a 3D solid with a thickness of 3mm.
I can convert the faces into a surface, but i can't seem to get any of the two models into a 3D solid. I have tried thicken, convtosolid and a lot of other options without luck.
I was wondering if I could make two surfaces, one smaller than the other, place them ontop of eachother and create solid between them?
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Apr 14, 2013
I'm having trouble trying to place a material onto a surface so that it aligns with the x-y coordinates. When I use drag and drop from the materials library and use ctrl to select one particular surface/face, the material drop s in fairly arbitrary.
I thought I could use materialmap to force it into a particular alignment and while I can use the commands to set the base point and alignment, the material does not update with the boxed alignment.
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a solid that was created by extruding a regioned profile. I have made a lofted item (Yellow), that I will have to subtract from the solid (Green) to create a hole. When using the subtract command, I recieve the following error.
"The selected surface was ignored. Surfaces cannot be subtracted from solids or regions. At least two solids, surfaces, or coplanar regions must be selected."
I have tried convtosolid as well & to no avail.
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Nov 5, 2012
I was given a STEP file that was created in Solidwoks which when opened in Inventor 12' is a surface.
The surface can be successfully thickened after it is stitched, prior to stitching it fails due to it's complex obround, tapered, bell shape. However, because thicken only thickens perpendicular to the surface I end up with a lot of unusable ends with crazy angles and in many cases additional phantom surfaces which I cannot cut off or sketch on because they don’t really exist. Thickening has not been a serviceable option to this point.
All other techniques I try when making this model from scratch fail or do not match the original surface. Measuring the surface is difficult because the only measurements we get are the lengths of the loops, no radial measurements. Additionally, when I enter the solid I created from scratch into an assembly (whether it’s geometrically correct or not), I cannot constrain it, I can’t click on anything but the working planes – no surface, face or edge can be picked on the solid itself.
Making surfaces into workable solids? Is there anything I should do different? Is the sequence I am using incorrect? Correct order of operations they use to successfully create a solid from a surface?
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Oct 19, 2010
Any program to convert 3D solids to a mid plane surfaces? We need our models in this form to do FEA work on them. I wanted to ask this question before I took on the task of trying to create one myself.
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Sep 28, 2012
I am trying to convert this composite surface into a single solid body, however when I try to stich the surfaces in the construction environment it always crashes. I have also tried edditing the STEP file import options but it still always opens as a composite surface.
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Aug 4, 2012
I use INV 2013. MOVE THE END OF THE PART DOWN TO SEE WHATS HAPPENING. (MOVED TO REDUCE THE FILE SIZE). I am trying to split the solid using the surface as shown.
But, I am unable to do so. Also, I need to create a new surface with 0.50mm offset to create female form die.How to do it.
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Apr 2, 2012
I've been trying to lay a mesh on top of some contour lines. I've also tried the loft command, but with little success.
I've tried several terrain plugins, but they all seem to malfunction because I have overlapping contours. Here is the dwg, what I'm trying to make.
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Dec 16, 2012
I have a multibody surface part, which is derived from a multibody part. Therefor there are multiple contiguous surface parts that are isolated from each other.
Is there a way to STITCH or convert one of these contiguous surfaces into a solid part ?
Note: I tried the THICKEN tool but the hole features do not come out right. Some holes are missing or the hole depths are wrong.
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