Our company just installed Civil 3D for the first time. I am now setting it up with all required standard templates, points, linetypes, survey databases, assemblies, surface properties, profile and cross section properties. All to make it more user friendly for our company. How to do all this in a efficient manner, either files to load, or a document outlining steps to follow, etc.
So I have my properties pallete and layer pallete docked on the left side of screen. They dont stay open long enough so I was wondering if there is a time setting to stay open then automatically dock themselves back?
Setting that will turn on snap all of the time instead of just when a command is active. You can't even tell that snap is on unless certain commands are active. The cursors doesn't snap on the BREAK command thus I can't use a two point break with any accuracy because the cursor doesn't snap until after the object is selected.
I need snap ALL THE TIME not just when certain commands are active.
I need a tool or option in order to set the time/date of a series of scanned slide files into the date/time sequence of my choice (when browsing with the Organizer in "Thumbnail View" (I.e. in Date/time order).
For those slides that I had sent within slide-trays, I asked the scan shop for the following for the photo-files resulting from the scan:That the name of the photo-files include a trailing number reflecting sequence as the slides within their trays.That the scan timestamp sequence reflects the sequence of the slides within their trays (this was and is important for me, in order to be able to browse within the PSE Organizer through the scan-result of one tray, in the same sequence as the slides within their trays; even when the resulting photo-files are not organized in a PSE Album; and even when being in “Thumbnail View” sequence). Unfortunately, the scan shop forgot about this request and I can therefore not look (in Thumbnail View” mode) at the scan results in the same sequence as the slides within their trays.
I am looking for a Windows Tool (or a PSE Organizer Tool/plug-in) that will allow me to set the time of a series of Foto-Files in ascending time sequence. A tool that will for example allow me to select multiple foto files • then, allow allow me to specify the date/Time of the first photo-file within the selected files to the date/time of my choiceand then add an increment of 1 or n seconds (or 1 or n minutes) to each one of the fotos that follows in the selected series. Question: For a Windows 7 and PSE 8 environment are you aware of such a tool? (the scan shop told me, they are not aware of such a tool)
Two details: When looking (before importing the foto files into the PSE Organizer) with Windows Explorer at a folder containing the scanned photo-files I can see the following: the foto files have both a “Date Created” and a “Date Modified”. But they have not yet a “Date Shot”. I do not know, whether this can make it simpler to find a solution.I tried without success, the following within the V8 Organizer, I displayed the photos in “Folder Location” view (in V8, this will show the foto-files of each folder in file-name sequence),while in Folder Location view, I selected all photos of one folderthen, while still in Folder view I did “Adjust Date and Time of Selected items” --> “change to a specified date and time”.
It seems that all selected photos got (exactly?) the same time, Unfortunately this did not work for me. Why that?
After the Time-Adjust, when switching from “Folder Location” view to “Thumbnail View”, the photos of that folder were still in the desired sequence (that looked great and I was happy). After editing one of these photos (and when storing the edited result within a versionset) , the edited version of the photo was still in the desired sequence (this still looked great!). But surprise – surprise..., once I exited from the Organizer and then relaunched it, the Versionset containing the edited Photo changed its position to the end of the series of photos having the same date/time – this was no more its desired position/sequence.
Is there a setting for hatch transparency? My work station it works fine. I have a few other users complining that is doesn't work. One user I imported my arg profile and it seemed to do the trick, but the next user I imported my arg and it had no effect.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I see that Neilw asked about exporting alignment and profile to the data collector. My problem is this. We use Trimble Links to send data to our data collector and that is fine, but the surveyor cant stake out the points or anything. We can see the info is in the data collector, but how do you set out anything. Is there a setting maybe on the TSC2 that we are overlooking? We have Civil 3D 2012.
Where do I set the contour labeling line to not show or be on layer defpoints. When I click on the label line and right click I can edit the contour label line properties and change the Display contour label line to false but not sure where the style is.
I just brought an old project into 2012. We separate or drawing versions by year so the pathing has changed a little. I use the Data Shortcut Editor to change all the paths. However. None of the references shows in the drawing.
We also save Drefs by project so the Working Folder is set to the Project Number and the Shortcuts Folder is the to _Shortcuts. I'm attaching a screen shot of my Data Shortcuts from the Prospector and what the Data Shortcut Editor shows for pathing.
In the Band Style_A pdf you can see the location of my elevation labels, they are below the bottom line of my profile view grid. In the Band Style_B pdf the labels are showing up in the proper location (above the bottom line of the profile view grid). To move the labels to the proper location I changed the "Gap" setting from 12.5 to -24. Is there a way to change this setting in my "style" rather than have to go make this change to the style every time I use it in a profile?
Way to snap or drape the alignment (station) labels over a surface or bring them to the elevation of a selected surface. I'd like to know how to do this if there is a way, so when I look at surfaces in object viewer I can get an idea of where problem areas are from the stationing labels.
I am using version B.219.3 (UNICODE) of Autocad Civil3d 2008 with service pack 2 loaded.
I am putting together some plan and profile sheets for a civil roadway job.
The annotation scale setting of the text in the profile xref and alignment xref is being ignored in the sheet file viewports. This text should be appearing at 1:40 scale, automatically, same as the viewport scale, but they are appearing very small instead. According to the way annotation scale is supposed to work in Autocad2008, this annotation should be appearing at the correct scale, automatically.
If I try to adjust the annotation scale to a ratio I think will work, it automatically adjusts the viewport scale to match whatever I enter for an annotation scale. What to try next.
Can files become corrupted in AutoCAD? If so, are there utilities to repair corrupt AutoCAD files?
I want to set up a sheet set manager template which uses a specific client titleblock, which due to the work I do is quite frequent.
I would like to insert as many fields into the title block that refer to custom properties in the Sheet Set. In particual some common fields point to the actaul Sheet Set custom properties (eg Client Name), and some point to the actual sheets custom properites (eg Title). I have set up a sheet set with a range of custom properties attached to both the Sheet Set and the Sheet.
However, I cant figure out how to set up the titleblock template to read in this information for each new sheet I create.
I open my template file, insert fields as required and try to point the fields to the sheet sets file. However I cant point to the custom properties for a sheet unless there is a sheet open. When I do this, all new sheets are created with the fields using the original sheet values - I wanted to update these based on custom properties I set for each sheet.
I am just starting out in Civil 3D and we are using the 2011 version. Anyway I have created cross sections along the centerline of a profile. How do I get the elevations and offsets to show up without digits to the right of the decimal, in other words to the nearest foot (ie. 3820.00 = 3820, 50.00 = 50)?
just a general question regarding contour labelling. Does it refresh automatically after I modified the labelling setting? My experience is no. Here is what I did, given an existing surface. Go to Surfaces -> Add Surface Labels -> Contour-Multiple at Intervals, I gave a decent interval, labels the entire surface with a few runs. Later on I decided to say hide the contour label lines, so I would go to Settings ->right click on Surface->Contour Labelling Defaults->set Display Contour Label Line to False, click Apply. So this setting will affect all the contour labelling created thereafter, but does it change the contour labels that I already created? If not, how can I change those labels?
I'm setting up some Civil 3D Metric dwt's & we work in Imperial units and have all of our dwt's set up for Imperial units. I'm looking for best practice tips on how to approach this task? Ideally I'd like to use what we have and not re-invent the wheel if that's possible & just convert the needed settings from Imperial to Metric.
After some experimenting it seems merely changing the "Edit Drawing Settings" Drawing Units, Ambient Settings and ddunits etc. this only gets a portion of the unit settings switched throughout the dwt.
I'm unable to switch the "Default Scale List" under Options>User Preferences>Default Scale List from Imperial to Metric as it keeps reverting to Imperial.
Additionally as I view the contents of the "Label Style Composer" of random C3d Label Styles I see inches as a unit etc. (Is there a way to globally convert these style unit settings to Metric)?
Something that seems like it should be fairly straight forward is proving to be anything but...
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
C3D 2009 - We are grading on a hillside, and need to prioritize our conditional fill situations. First fill at 2:1, if not then build wall and daylight @ 2:1, if not then build full height wall. However the sections are showing all three options where they are applicable. I want it to only show the "best" or "first" solution.
I have created a complicated 3D utilities model using pipe networks. All the clashes have been ironed out, the 3D DWF looks great when rotated, the client is happy. Now It is time to hand it over to the contractor to build. He hasn't got Civil 3D and isn't going to get get it. He either want's the information as an x,y,z, text format or a 3d polyline. I cannot see anyway of doing this with the tools available.
I am in the process of creating a .dwt to be used to generate plan & profile sheets. I have attempted to set the viewport type to either plan or profile (depending on the viewport) but it keeps resetting itself to "undefined".
I have a autocad file with MEP pipe objects (piping layout inside a building). If I start a new drawing using our company (dwt) template then xref in the cad file with the MEP objects they do not display. If I start a new drawing using one of autocads default (dwt) templates then xref in the MEP objects they display fine. My question is somewhere in our company template is a setting for MEP objects to be displayed .
Is there a surface setting / style option where contour labels (elevations) will display at some specified interval as part of the surface rather than going through and adding them as labels afterwards? Seems like a rudimentary operation, where the labeling can be so scattered and random.
How to set stakeout points on a pipe network? I have an alignment from the engineer that also has a pipe network associated with it that I would like to automatically set points vertically and horizontally on (like I can do with a regular alignment/profile).
We are upgrading from LDD2008 to Civil3D 2013. I'm working on a Civil3D template
I'm setting up line and curve label style. Oringally we were going to have one set of line label style. Ex. Bearing Above or Bearing Below. After seeing that the line labels does not look at the current text style we decided to make copies of the original label styles based on Text Styles.So now I have Bearing Above60, Bearing Above100, etc. I named them based on the Leroy styles and sizes.
After editing each one and changing the Text Style each one looks at, it is not using the Texting Style i assign it. I'm doing this in the General Tab and Text Style for each label style.
i guess I should have tested before creating all them to find out it didn't work.Does it need to be done somewhere else or is do I have to do something with the overall label style overrides?
so I am working on tis project in China and rainfall stats and soils are not available, instead i get a measurement of 50 year peak flow at various river sections. in order to model this in SSA I put in juctions with direct inflows at each measured section. is there anyway I can apply an SCS typeII curve to these userdefined inflows to generate volumes for sizing of detention ponds and check dams?
I need to produce a better standard table for our company, but need to know how it would be possible to display only either the START STAKE VALUE/ STATION or END STAKE VALUE/STATION in the appropriate column. If I can achieve this i would not need to details for straight segments as indicated in the details column.