My question is, in SSA how would you model an inlet in say a parking lot that is NOT a curb inlet but an "area inlet" that is in sag. For the project, we are using Neenah grates and so would like to use the Neenah inlet manufacturer.
SSA 2012 and Civil 3D 2012 (We do have 2013 as well but haven't installed it yet)
I see you can import junctions from GIS shapefiles, but can you import inlets? I have hundreds of inlets (mostly grate inlets) and I need to import the inlet type and inlet opening dimensions. I have a shap file with the inlet data, but I'm unable to import it into SSA with all the information I need.
I know you can import shapefiles as junctions and convert them to inlets, but then you would have to manually input the dimensions of the inlet. Is it possible for SSA to automate this processs?
How to changes the settings for the "Square Area" in mapcheck's closure summary. When I right-click the dwg name in the Settings tab of Toolspace and choose Edit Drawing Settings, then Ambient Settings, I see the Area settings, but in the closure summary, there is also "Square Area". Why are these both there? It WOULD be nice to show sq. ft. as well as acres, but I can't find anywhere to edit it.
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
I have a hatched region that clearly has an area, however the geometry properties indicate that there is no area associated. This a a complex region with many PI's. I really don't want to recreate this area.
Is there any way I can create a boundary around the hatch lines?
I am new to C3D and I have been going through all of the tutorials and learning everything I can from the given data, which has been amazingly useful. Everything has been running spot on except today when I was going throughtthe parcels tutorial, I applied Parcel Number and Area to a group of parcels I created via the tutorial dwg file "Parcle-1A". Everything displays correctly except the Area is not shown as it does in the sample pic. I have applied the "Parcel Number And Area" to the Area Label Style, but it still does not display the area. Only the Parcel Number. Is there some part of this process that I am overlooking? The tutorial dwg file is called "Parcel-1A". It was too large to attach, but you can find all of the tutorial dwg files via the Help Menu. It depends on your OS to where they are located.
If you go under Parcels Tutorial>Exercise 1: Creating Parcels from AutoCAD Objects, you can see exactly what I am working with.
I can see the area of a TIN surface no worries (under Surface Properties/Statistics/Extended), but want I want to get is surface area of a TIN volume surface where no "extended" option seems to be available to view the area information with this type of surface.
I am trying to get C3D to report the surface area for a bounded area with no success. I am aware of the Bounded Volume feature, which BTW appears to be retired in the 2014 release (AECCCFDBADDBOUNDEDVOLUME fails to produce any results). Obviously there have been some major changes.
What I want to do is retrieve a report for a defined section of a surface, regardless, of what type of surface it is. I see this as simple as deriving the 3D areas of the trinangles within a bounds of a TIN.
I wish to have the ability to define runoff coefficient regions of a surface (using parcels, closed polylines, aecpolygons, mpolygons, etc...) such that when a catchment area is created, the weighted runoff coefficient is calculated. For a corridor surface, the runoff coefficient can be specified by the link code used to define the surface (defined in the code set style).
These surface coefficients should continue through pasting operations, i.e. a final design surface should have the runoff coefficents from the various corridor and grading surfaces used to define it.
Currently, I have to manually calculate the weighted runoff coefficient by first determining grass, aphalt, roof, areas per each catchment area.
I have been able to undertake this with other software and have desperately tried to find this same function in Civil 3D .
Is there a command that returns the average level of any particular surface within a specified area, for instance if we have a generated a large surface and then draw a square in the middle of the surface, can it calculate the average level within the square only?
I have an oddly shapped "cut" area with various elevations that I want to create as a surface so that I can compare the volume with existing survey data. I've been able to get the basic "cut" template in 2 seperate surfaces, but now I want to combine them into 1 surface. When I paste one surface into another, the surfaces go haywire. I have attached a plan and cross section view of what the 2 surfaces (cuts) look like in relation to each other. how I could combine them into one surface and "trim" off the inside grading that overlaps..?
For a surface: I would like to a boundary above a inlet point that is 3" deep.
I would like something like catchment area but the ability to specify a depth distance. Or specify a depth in the water shed analysis in the surface properties.
The only way I know to do what I want is user defined contours for each elevation. Is there a better way to do get a specific shed area for a depth?
Any quick way of calculating average Parcel Area? I used to export to LandXML and do an area report in CSV. That doesn't seem to be working for me when I export out of C3D 2012.
The workaround I found was to select all the parcels in Prospector, copy to clip board, paste in excel, find and replace "_Sq. Ft._" with 0, then do the average.
To workaround the missing API for creating Parcel Area Tables, I have tried the following:
1. Create a "pick point" selection set (using ObjectARX), containing the Parcel for which I want to create a table. 2. Execute the AddParcelTable command. 3. Programmatically push the Select Parcel-button and the OK button of the Create Table dialog using win32 API.
When the Select Parcel button is pressed, the label next to it displays 1 parcel(s) selected and when the OK button is pressed, Civil prompts the user to pick the upper left corner of the table, but the prompt is immediately interrupted with the message "Invalid 2D point" and the table creation is aborted...
When creating section view sheets how do I control where the section view is in relation to the print area. I understand I can use the data bands to force the sections left and right but what about vertically? I end up with sections drawn right on the line and the labels are outside the print area, see below.
I have created a Parcel Area Label Style in code, and also added a text component to the style. The point in adding a text component was to expose a Parcel UDP on the label, but the text component does not display as expected (read: as it displays when the same thing is done in the GUI).
I set the LabelStyleTextComponent.Text.Contents.Value to the same string as I get when I add the Parcel UDP to the text component in the GUI (from the Properties-drop down in the Text Component Editor), but the label then just displays the "template", e.g. "<[My UDP(CP)]>", exactly as it shows in the Editor. When the style and text component is added through the GUI, the label correctly displays the current value of the UDP "My UDP" on the Parcel.
If I go into the Text Component Editor after having added the area label style and it's text component through code, and add the same UDP to the text component (so that it stores the UDP twice), then the label correctly displays the UDP value twice on the Parcel (!). That is, Civil then suddenly realizes it's a UDP.
On the side of sheets created with the Create Sheets command there is a grey area that masks out the referenced files at the match line. Is there a way to reproduce this without having View Frames and using the Create Sheets? In other words, I a manually creating these plan sheets and I wonder if there is a better way of masking than using wipeout on the sheet tabs.
Windows 7 x 64 Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 8 GB Ram Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
I have a large ex surface that I have divided into basins and such. I know need to evaluate the slopes in these areas. To do the whole surface at once seems to not be possible. Is there a way in c3d to view analysis information for a section of surface for instance in a polyline or fence?
I went out with our GPS and shot each of our stock piles we have in our yard (recycle asphalt, 3/4" gravel, 1" gravel, etc.), and now I want to figure out how much of each pile we have
So what I did was create a seperate surface for each pile, then I created a volume surface for each as well and just set the base and compare surface as the existing, that wat was I can get the total sq ft of each pile, but now I want to figure out how much yards of material are in each pile
Would I need to set up a materials list for each on to calc how much are in each pile according to what type of material they are?
Is it possible to insert a formula or is there an existing expression I could use to calculate area in acres from a General Overall Length line label if I input the width?
I must monthly calculate quantities. So i have 3 surfaces, one is representing the original ground level and the other two the measurements on the end of the months. Between the measurements I calculated volume. But I want calculate the quantities what is inside of the original ground level, what is outside that I want to exclude from the calculations. There is a way how to crop that surfaces to match with the original ground level?
I am evaluating volumes of concrete removed from a surface and the volumes of concrete poured to replace the demolished concrete.I have created surfaces for each stage of the process in individual drawings.
I have created a drawing for the section views and successfully created cross-sections showing all the surfaces.When I compute materials, determining cut material between 2 of the surfaces, the end area is not always determined at every station.
I have previously noticed end area "shapes" with breaks in them. Each time, this was because there was a void in the surface triangulation.Is there any way that I can interrogate a surface to check whether the triangulation is incomplete, with voids in it?
I posted last week and included the attached screen print showing incomplete triangulation which I only noticed by turning on the "Shades of Gray" visual style.There must be some way to check surfaces without having to use the memory gobbling visual style.
In Civil 3D 2013, when I execute the _area command, i get results in square feet as opposed to acres. Under the ambient settings, the area unit is set to acre. how to get C3D to display my area in acres? I just want it to list the area, not label it.
Also, is there a way to get it to display the area in BOTH acres and square feet?