AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Project Point Group To Profile View?

Apr 12, 2012

Project objects to profile view... got it. No problems selecting individual survey points or survey figures and projecting to profile view. Is there a way to project a entire point group to a profile. I have a point group created for the large number of points to be projected. Next I right click on the point group and click "select'. Then go to Project objects to profile view. Nothing...

This process works for the survey figures, but not the point groups! In prospector tab go to survey > figures then select CTRL + each figure to project then VIOLA' the whole group of figures are projected.

Is this limited to graphical selections only? If so, is there a workaround to generate a graphical selection set from the point group.

Using C3D 2010 on Win 32bit platform

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Project One Feature Line To Section Group Or Profile?

Aug 29, 2012

Is there a way to project just one feature line (or anything appropiate...polyline, 3d poly etc) into the sections group or profiles ?

The thing is that Projection tool, labels everything that's a Block, Point, 3d poly ...etc to the sections group.

And it puts all labels in the same layer.

My project theme requires to project forest limit on every section. This is appearing on the survey as a polyline along the road. Civil Engineer / Infrastructure of metropolitan transports [URL]

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Project Objects To Profile View?

Aug 20, 2012

I ‘ve put some blocks (Cone penetration test) in a profile view. Then I created view frames and sheets.  I tried to insert those blocks into the sheets with the 'Project objects to profile view'  command. I get the message: “There are 10 objects outside the Profile view's station range and will therefore be ignored.”

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Project Object To Profile View?

Jul 5, 2012

I have an existing alignment and a profile view with a profile of that alignment.  I would like to offset this alignment to show the edges of roadway and add the existing ground profiles to the same profile view.  The edge of roadway lines are 3D polylines and I use the 'project objects to profiile view' to to create the profile.  I select use existing surface for elevations and it does, however, it only picks up elevations where the 3d polyline has verticies.  So where I have a tangent section that crosses a stream it does not show the stream because there are no verticies at that location.  If I create a whole new profile view and select the line it picks up elevations all along the polyline.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Project Objects To Profile View - 0 Selected?

Feb 25, 2013

When I select an object to view in my profile, all I get is "0 objects selected".  I have tried selecting several objects in plan top view, but get "0 selected".  What is the "simple" solution that I am overlooking?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Projecting Objects To Profile View And Showing Point Of Intersection

Nov 11, 2013

Say I'm projecting some 3D polylines to a profile view I have, and the 3D polylines cross the alignment defining the profile view. Is there a way to format the projections such that the point of intersection is identified, and that the points will be updated if I change either the alignment or the 3D polylines?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Group Name As Point Table Title

Nov 7, 2012

C3D 2012

Is there a 'property' to use the Point Group Name. I need it in the Point Table Style: Title text like this:

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Profile View Labels With The Profile View?

Jul 20, 2012

I tried moving a Profile View and even though I selected everything at once and selected a base point and destination point, the Profile View Station and Elevation labels moved with a different offset than the Profile View itself.  ?

Civil 3D 2012

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Group For DTM

Aug 7, 2012

I am having a problem getting all the points I want to include in my DTM into a Point Group. The raw description inclusion of most double codes, codes with line designators and codes with size and description modifiers does not bring the points into the point group. (e.g. WL S,  CLF E,  PIN 18 where the description key set is created to size the pine tree by 18 and create a descriptor that says 18Inch Pine).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Base Structure Profile Label Location On Top Of Profile View

Nov 4, 2013

I'm working with a structure profile label style and it seems like the only way to anchor the position of the label is based on offsets from the structure itself... Any way to position the label based on the top of the profile view, so that I could make all of my labels horizontally aligned above the profile view?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Make Curb Return Profile Without Profile View Like Intersect Command

Feb 28, 2011

I try to make curb return profile without profile view like a intersect command.

I was make curb return alignment but I can not find profile command without profile view.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structures In A Profile View Extending Outside The Profile

Nov 22, 2013

I have a 10 foot profile view and a 15 foot manhole. I want to show the manhole but not the bottom 5 feet. It is extending beyond my profile view.

Civil 3D 2014 SP1
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Core Quad Q9650 3.0 GHz
8 GB, 64-bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: No Profile Is Drawn In The Profile View - Update

Jul 24, 2012

I have yet to produce a profile. I created a polyline and turned it into an alignment.

Looking at alignment Sample(3), I see that it is not superimposed over your surface. The polylines are, but the alignment is not. That will disallow creation of a surface profile.

Is the sample5 an alignment that sits on the surface? how come there is still no profile?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface Profile Not Shown In Profile View

Nov 28, 2012

Attached are survey points that created the surface of a road embankment portion that caved-in. The road is very near a reservoir  shoreline. 

1. How can a surface profile be produce? I/'ve use line to change it into an alignement and then create a proile , then a profile view. But the the surface profile is missing. 

2.the points having higher elevation are the  top edge( road level) of the cave-n . A few few shots were take before the shorline elevations.

3. What the best way to come up with the rock volume to fill the cave-in given this surveying points., Also the shoreline elevation will be lowered some more while work is being done since the fill is not allowed to fall in the reservoir. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Group Properties

Jan 3, 2013

I know that there used to be a way in land desktop to change an entire point group to the same layer without having to do each point separately. How to do this in Civil 3d 2011?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Group Creation

Nov 7, 2013

When point groups are deleted through the UI and then recreated via code with the same name the criteria such as the excluded point number list is included. It would be nice if it started with a clean slate once created and not keep around deleted point group. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Group Properties

Apr 23, 2013

I have a bunch of culvert points in my drawing and I would like to include all of the in the same point group.  They all have CUL in the raw discription but some are CUL 0.3 INV, CUL 0.4 INV, etc, etc.  

Is it possible to group all of these by just using the CUL somehow so that I don't miss any?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set A Default Point Group?

Jan 20, 2012

How do I set a Default Point Group?  When creating points manually, I want them to automatically go into a certain/current point group, but since I don't know the point range prior to creating the points, I am having to continuously update the "include" points catergory.  I can set the default/current layer, default point style, etc, can I do the same with point group?  I understand about the "all points" group and the description keys that can be utilized in the other individual point groups to group information , but Is there a better way?  Under the point creation toolbar, there is a point group template, but when I create a point group thru there, it doesn't do anything but create the point group.  None of the newly created points go into that group....  what is the point of that option? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Edit Profile Without Having It On Profile View?

Jul 31, 2013

A tabular data sheet for profiles could be very interesting.

Civil 3D (2013)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Shifted Profile Within Profile View?

Jan 22, 2013

I have an issue with a profile referenced into a plan sheet that is shifted when I view it in the plan sheet viewport.  The profile stationing is correct in the profile dwg file and in the plan sheet dwg it is referenced into.  But when I switch from model space to paper space in my layout sheet (the file the profile dwg  is referenced into) the profile moves to the wrong station within my profile view in paper space.

The profile start station is 0+00, but it shifts to -1+00 within the viewport of my layout sheet.

The scales are the same between the dwg files (50) and the Annotation scale matches the dwg scales.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: No Profile Is Drawn In The Profile View?

Jul 24, 2012

I am a C3D newbie who used  ground survey points  (Serrano_EG_surface)  that  generated a Civil 3D surface. The white line is consist of arc segments that I turned into polylines and then  into individual CL alignments. The first alignment ,which has its left and right offsets   do not generate the profile view that I needed to be created. There was a prompt asking for a profile to choose, but I don't know where in the drawing or in the propector panel to click on.

1. Are the ground survey points good enough  so that any alignments over the those areas can provide me a surface profile, a design profile, cross sections every 50 feet, so that I can submit a  preliminary drawing for environmental permitting. ?

2. When I check the object browser,  the aligments preceding each other are not in the same elevation it seems. Do I have to to transform each of the polylines first into a 3d polyline and then an alignment so that I can create a profile.

3. Eventually , I wish to connect all these alignments to model a 1.5 mile rural road (more like an access road to a water reservoir).

4. What's a best techniques to keep track of modeling a road.This question pertains to e.g the object browser as one of the useful aid. I've also used the inquiry tool but not used it for its full potential.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Data Band Label Group?

Apr 7, 2012

So I've got a collection of the LabelGroupSubEntity in the ProfileDataBandLabelGroup. I need to replace some values inside them based on what Vertical Geometry Point they are labeling. Is there an easy way to determine what station value it is labeling?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Renumber Points In Point Group

May 25, 2013

Is there a way to renumber all the points in a point group? Right now I am doing each point individually but I have many points and it would be wonderful to learn how to do that automatically.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Add Points To Surface Not In Point Group?

Mar 7, 2012

Is it possible to add points to a surface without adding them to a point group?  I've got a bunch of ponds I'm doing and it will save me some time if I could just select the points, and not have to put them in a point group then add the point group.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Group Include Exclude

Nov 14, 2013

im trying to create a point group by including all points and then excluding the points i don't need. it doesnt seem to be removing anything from the group. i used to do this all the time in ldd. is it still possible in c3d?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Mark Items In Alignment View To Display In Profile View?

Dec 20, 2012

I was wondering if after drawing an alignment, creating a profile, and profile view, is there a way I can mark items along the alignment so they could show up in the profile view.  I am laying out a pipeline and want to have the profile display a marker for items such as tees, elbows, reducers and other items.  The marker I would like to use will be something like the vertical style grade break markers.

Also on a side note, as each of these items will have a different name, is there a way that I can add these markers and then have each one with a unique name?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile View Empty Or Missing - Cave-in - Section View

Nov 28, 2012

1. I had trouble with profile view of the alignment line shown. What step am i missing? Are there things that is turned off?

2. How can I best come up with the right volume to fill.  

3. Do I need to learn the grading tools? or could i get buy with a section profile from the alignment. ( it is not even an alignment yet) 

4. How to I render a rock fill in this cave-in.  

The attached aerial image , has survey or cogo points  that are imported to surface, to become surface points. . So I wanted to create a surface profile  below  and an outline of  fill  above it.  Iideally the side profile would look like a trapezoid, where the base is the surface proile and top would be the design embankment. 

But the reason , a surveying crew went down and took shots at the shoreline and a couple shots around the cave-in walls (higher elevation on the cave-in wall cannot be surveyed, although I coud have used a laser , did not)  is so that a more accurate volume of the cave in can be obtained. I tried to label how far the road edge is from edge of the cave-in . Norice the higher elevations are the top edge around the cave in area. 

The ouline for the embankment will be a mild slope then breaks to a more steep slope. like 4 :1 , then 1.5:1

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Working Back And Forth From Plan View And Profile View

Jan 18, 2013

I was given a horizontal centerline of a 5 mile bike path. We have to stake all the even stationing every 50 feet and all the VPC's and VPT's with vertical elevation. I have created the horizontal profile and also the vertical profile including all the vertical curve information. Is there an easy way to incorporate the elevation information back into the plan view so I can create points that carry x,y & z points that I can transfer out of autocad as a .txt file so we can upload it on our gps equipment?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 - Point Group (NO DISPLAY) Does Not Appear To Be Included

Dec 20, 2013

I just started work in Civil 3D 2014 and was going about creating different point groups for some volume calculations so I could create different surfaces.  I noticed after creating my first point group that the NO DISPLAY group could not been seen in the Prospector under Point Group.  Now in previous editions there has always been a NO Display Group so you can easily view your different groups.  Is this something they changed in Civil 3D 2014 or was the installations faulty?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Station Offset Report By Point Group?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to use the Station Offset to Points report from the Reports manager. Currently, as far as I ca see, there is no way to select a group of points to include, either by point group or selection from the drawing.  There is only "Select All' or "Deselect All".  I want a report that will show the station, offset, raw or full description and elevation of a group of points related to an alignment/street.  I don't see that option. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Lighting Up Grips When Selecting Point Group?

Oct 5, 2013

when selecting a point group from the prospector tab, sometimes the point grips will light up and sometimes only the points will be only dashed.

Having the grips light up like that is very useful when viewing a region with many point groups.

How do I toggle this on and off?

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