AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Add Points To Surface Not In Point Group?
Mar 7, 2012
Is it possible to add points to a surface without adding them to a point group? I've got a bunch of ponds I'm doing and it will save me some time if I could just select the points, and not have to put them in a point group then add the point group.
Is there a way to renumber all the points in a point group? Right now I am doing each point individually but I have many points and it would be wonderful to learn how to do that automatically.
Sometimes when i import points Civil 3d creates a Point group in the drawing with the name of the point file, sometime it does not. I prefer when it does create this point group. It always seems to create a Survey Point Group. How do i control wether or not a point group is created in the import?
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
Is there a way to create a point group of random points within a drawing and adjust the elevations for the points within that group? Some of the points in the group may have been manually created and some may have been imported by way of "Import Events"..
I know that there is a limitation on the numbers of points added to a surface from a point cloud. But I'm curious how Civil 3D determines which points to exclude from the surface. Is there a special alorithm/criteria the software uses?
I have a project that was started by leaving all the survey data inside the "All Points" group. So, I'm concerned that when I enter my as built survey points, that even if I put them into their own group, that the original surface will still look at them and just rebuild to my asbuilt data, effectively cancel out the purpose of the asbuilt survey. Will this happen?
I want to take the original points and put them into a group of their own, but I don't know if that will affect anything or not? I have several wetlands already designed on that surface with volume calcs already done too.
Im still new to Civil 3D and i would like to know how to connect inported points using 3D polylines. I imported my points from Excel in a PNEZD format. How do i get the 3d poly line to snap to my points so I can Connect them? someone mentioned using a feature line to connect the points but im not sure how or what that would do.
I am having a problem getting all the points I want to include in my DTM into a Point Group. The raw description inclusion of most double codes, codes with line designators and codes with size and description modifiers does not bring the points into the point group. (e.g. WL S, CLF E, PIN 18 where the description key set is created to size the pine tree by 18 and create a descriptor that says 18Inch Pine).
I know that there used to be a way in land desktop to change an entire point group to the same layer without having to do each point separately. How to do this in Civil 3d 2011?
When point groups are deleted through the UI and then recreated via code with the same name the criteria such as the excluded point number list is included. It would be nice if it started with a clean slate once created and not keep around deleted point group.
I have a bunch of culvert points in my drawing and I would like to include all of the in the same point group. They all have CUL in the raw discription but some are CUL 0.3 INV, CUL 0.4 INV, etc, etc.
Is it possible to group all of these by just using the CUL somehow so that I don't miss any?
How do I set a Default Point Group? When creating points manually, I want them to automatically go into a certain/current point group, but since I don't know the point range prior to creating the points, I am having to continuously update the "include" points catergory. I can set the default/current layer, default point style, etc, can I do the same with point group? I understand about the "all points" group and the description keys that can be utilized in the other individual point groups to group information , but Is there a better way? Under the point creation toolbar, there is a point group template, but when I create a point group thru there, it doesn't do anything but create the point group. None of the newly created points go into that group.... what is the point of that option?
im trying to create a point group by including all points and then excluding the points i don't need. it doesnt seem to be removing anything from the group. i used to do this all the time in ldd. is it still possible in c3d?
How to use the Surface Contour Label Group class in the .NET API.
My first guess was that I had to create an instance object of the class and name it, and then use a "Create" method (e.g., CreateMultipleAtInterval) from there, like this:
Dim labelgroup As SurfaceContourLabelGroup
However, this doesn't work, as Visual Studio told me "Warning: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."
I just started work in Civil 3D 2014 and was going about creating different point groups for some volume calculations so I could create different surfaces. I noticed after creating my first point group that the NO DISPLAY group could not been seen in the Prospector under Point Group. Now in previous editions there has always been a NO Display Group so you can easily view your different groups. Is this something they changed in Civil 3D 2014 or was the installations faulty?
Project objects to profile view... got it. No problems selecting individual survey points or survey figures and projecting to profile view. Is there a way to project a entire point group to a profile. I have a point group created for the large number of points to be projected. Next I right click on the point group and click "select'. Then go to Project objects to profile view. Nothing...
This process works for the survey figures, but not the point groups! In prospector tab go to survey > figures then select CTRL + each figure to project then VIOLA' the whole group of figures are projected.
Is this limited to graphical selections only? If so, is there a workaround to generate a graphical selection set from the point group.
I am trying to use the Station Offset to Points report from the Reports manager. Currently, as far as I ca see, there is no way to select a group of points to include, either by point group or selection from the drawing. There is only "Select All' or "Deselect All". I want a report that will show the station, offset, raw or full description and elevation of a group of points related to an alignment/street. I don't see that option.
When I use the AutoCAD List command on a Civil 3d Point, one reported datum is Primary Point Group.
I want to get at that information with vlisp, but when I vlax-dump a point, there is no mention of Primary Point Group. If that's a limitation of using vlisp, let me know, and I won't chase it.
Maybe I have to go in through the point groups collection?
Somewhere along the line, someone in our office made our template import points into separate layers based on the RAW Description. I would like to un-do this. So far, I have deleted every point style & point label style except for 'Basic'. Inside of 'Basic', the layer is 'V-NODE'. However, some of my points are still coming in on layers like: 'V-Site-'(Raw Desc).
I'm about to start from scratch on the template, however, I'd like to avoid that because of the array of styles that are in it.
I'm using civil 3D 2012 for 2 weeks now. When I create a query to include or exclude points in a specific point group I get an error. It doesn't allow me to build a query with decimal number but only with natural number.
Everything was fine with my old civil 3D 2011.
The problem is with civil 3D 2012? or maybe their is a magic switch somewhere to allow me to use decimal number?
I have a grid survey of points and I've entered these points into Civil 3D. Now what I want to do is use these points to create a surface so that I can create a slope analysis of the surveyed area. My problem is that I can't get the points into a point group.
I have a generic grid (15 x 15) of points set up and I've only used a portion of them (defined by the dimensions of the site). So I want to create a surface that includes all of the points that aren't set at an elevation of 0.
I have an "existing" surface built. But there has been some construction since my company surveyed the site. So, my surveyor went out and got the new points in the area of the new construction. I am trying to remodel the "existing" surface without rebuilding the entire surface. I have removed the old (demoed) points from the point group used to define the surface. But, the points are not being removed from the surface.
I built my surface by importing points directly, ie, not through the ribbon, so i have no points listed in prospector. i have been editing the points (mostly deleting errant survey points) and would like to export the final data set. The only step i found, was to show points in surface style, and then Extract Objects (of which i selected Points).
This seems to have no placed all the points into my DWG, but HOW do I export this files into a single text file??
I have alignement of wall or embankment. I have existing ground including this corridor river. I have also CSV file with points (x,y,z). On my sketch there is drawn. Points present FDL (flow defence level) maximum level of river in case of huge rain or other things. These are almost aligned. I need to transform it (project) into alignment. I have to create profile of EG, FDL (based on this point) and then create new profile of height of wall or bank. What is the best solution for projecting this points. I tried with grading (distance and grade0%) I tried then with offsetting this feature line based on points and used it as breaklines. Created surface had holes.Even real is worst because alignment is perpendicular in same places to river.
I have created a surface with a point group. I have a few points on the edge of my surface that need to be added to the surface. I can add them to the point group, but when I updated my surface nothing happens. The triangles don't extend to my newly added points and my profile of the area doesn't show a surface where these new points should be. the new points I want to add have the same properties as the other points in the point group, they are cogo points.
When you use the Import Survey Data wizard it automatically creates a point group that goes to the top of the list. This used to be created with a standard point style and description, but something has changed and I'm getting a different symbol and label that I definitely don't want as the default. I would think that this would be controled by the CreatePointGroup settings, but that isn't working for me. I can't find any other settings that would override or control this.
I am building a surface and started looking at the triangles and found that some are going to non-existant points. I have unfrozen, checked, etc. all of my points to make sure they are not in the drawing.
What I have is a tin volume surface. I am asked to label the points with the thickness of the volume surface.So where there was survey data on the top layer I need to have the width of the surface at those same points.