AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface On Nearly Aligned Points
Sep 12, 2013
I have alignement of wall or embankment. I have existing ground including this corridor river. I have also CSV file with points (x,y,z). On my sketch there is drawn. Points present FDL (flow defence level) maximum level of river in case of huge rain or other things. These are almost aligned. I need to transform it (project) into alignment. I have to create profile of EG, FDL (based on this point) and then create new profile of height of wall or bank. What is the best solution for projecting this points. I tried with grading (distance and grade0%) I tried then with offsetting this feature line based on points and used it as breaklines. Created surface had holes.Even real is worst because alignment is perpendicular in same places to river.
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Mar 5, 2013
I have a large surface (over 1.5 million points and 20 000hectares)
I need to get a point file .csv from the TIN to be able to use it in another program.
-so i've extracted the points from my surface, but they are Autocad points.
-next step is to convert them to civil 3d points.
-I can not select them all when converting them or my computer crashes.
-so i select about 25 000 at a time, the converting takes roughly 10 minutes.
and i have over 1.5 million points to do.
how can i speed this up.
will more ram useful?
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Jul 30, 2013
I have a grid survey of points and I've entered these points into Civil 3D. Now what I want to do is use these points to create a surface so that I can create a slope analysis of the surveyed area. My problem is that I can't get the points into a point group.
I have a generic grid (15 x 15) of points set up and I've only used a portion of them (defined by the dimensions of the site). So I want to create a surface that includes all of the points that aren't set at an elevation of 0.
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Mar 29, 2013
I have an "existing" surface built. But there has been some construction since my company surveyed the site. So, my surveyor went out and got the new points in the area of the new construction. I am trying to remodel the "existing" surface without rebuilding the entire surface. I have removed the old (demoed) points from the point group used to define the surface. But, the points are not being removed from the surface.
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May 31, 2013
I built my surface by importing points directly, ie, not through the ribbon, so i have no points listed in prospector. i have been editing the points (mostly deleting errant survey points) and would like to export the final data set. The only step i found, was to show points in surface style, and then Extract Objects (of which i selected Points).
This seems to have no placed all the points into my DWG, but HOW do I export this files into a single text file??
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Apr 24, 2013
I have created a surface with a point group. I have a few points on the edge of my surface that need to be added to the surface. I can add them to the point group, but when I updated my surface nothing happens. The triangles don't extend to my newly added points and my profile of the area doesn't show a surface where these new points should be. the new points I want to add have the same properties as the other points in the point group, they are cogo points.
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Jan 10, 2014
I am building a surface and started looking at the triangles and found that some are going to non-existant points. I have unfrozen, checked, etc. all of my points to make sure they are not in the drawing.
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Apr 18, 2013
What I have is a tin volume surface. I am asked to label the points with the thickness of the volume surface.So where there was survey data on the top layer I need to have the width of the surface at those same points.
Any commands that can make this possible?
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Jun 25, 2013
2013 version. Long story short, I am having problems with pressure networks in my drawing so to simplify things I want to just show the top of the current watermain in my profiles because we are not doing anything with the water main, though it needs to be shown in the profile. To do this I created some points where the watermain is and made their elevation 1.8m lover than the existing surface at those points (due to the 1.8m of cover the watermain has).
I then created a surface using those points and an outer boundary surrounding the points. For some reason the surface stops at one point and doesn't continue to the rest (about 5 more points). So when I create my profile the surface stops short. The points are included in the point group the surface uses, and the outer boundary doesn't cut them out either. Not sure why the surface isn't referencing those points.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have been given a survey on AutoCAD which was orginally 2D with the levels written in text next to it. I changed each point (690) to include the level in the Z-direction. I am trying to calculate volumes of topsoil removal and then cut anf fill volumes.
So I opened up Civil3D in metric template and imported my drawing as I have not been given a ddata file with the co-ordinates. Unfortunately I am having trouble creating a surface between the existing points.
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Feb 11, 2012
I am working on drawings where we create dtm's from surfaces, use the dtm for layout, shoot the asbuilt of the final surface, and then compare hundreds of shots to the surface to develop an as-build report.
I want to be able to select a mass of points, compare the perpindicular difference in elevation to the surface, and have an excel spread sheet generated from the results.
My coworkers are able to do this in Terramodel but I am on a mission to eliminate Terramodel from my day to day work.
Windows 7 x 64
Dell Precision M6600 Mobile Workstation
16 GB Ram
i7 @ 2.5 ghz
Civil 3D 2012 SP 1
Civil 3D 2011
Autodesk Inventor 2011
AutoCad Map 3D 2011
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Mar 7, 2012
Is it possible to add points to a surface without adding them to a point group? I've got a bunch of ponds I'm doing and it will save me some time if I could just select the points, and not have to put them in a point group then add the point group.
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Jan 16, 2013
I am having some trouble creating a TIN from a point layer in Civil 3D 2011. Would the best course of action be to extract the points from the drawing and creating a surface from there, or is there a way to create the TIN around the existing points in Model space?
I'm much better versed in AutoCAD, but excited about furthering my understanding with Civil3D.
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Feb 13, 2013
I have been trying to follow "Autodesk 3d Civil Help>Surfaces>Adding and Editing Surface Data" in order to construct a surface from a point cloud I have, in x,y,z format. I have been trying to creat a grid surface since my data is regular DTM data.
My first issue is that a lot of the options are greyed out when creating the surface (for example I cannot change "Render Material Style". I can still create a surface though. The second, more important issue, is that I am then told to expand the surface definiton section on the Prospector tab and click on the points icon there. This icon is simply not there for me - I have a choice of Boundaries, DEM Files or Edits.
I should point out that I am working in Autodesk Civil 3d 2006.
Is it some issue with the liscence/installation? Or am I missing something erally obvious that greys out some options and makes others dissapear completely!
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Dec 5, 2013
Since Action recorder does not work with the surface style display box, is there any way
to automate the toggle of points and triangles display ?
I dont see any command lines that can change the light bulb status?
using c3d 2012
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May 21, 2012
Is there a way to create a surface by manually selecting the points instead of creating a point group? I survey stockpiles for a local construction company and calculate volumes for them.
There may be 50 piles on one site and it would be a lot easier to create a surface by selecting the points manually instead of creating so many point groups.
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Apr 22, 2013
I'm trying to create flexible model of a penstock with different ground surface elevation scenario.
In case if both top points of trench below or above EG, there will be cut/fill case to EG.
how to connect P1'/P2' and AX1/AX2 via EG? Basic link wouldn't work because it will be just a straight line.
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Jun 22, 2012
Cannot get corridor surface boundary from daylight points. Is there another way so that I do not have to trace the outer limits?
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Aug 28, 2013
Every week I recieve new survey data (typically around 20 points) to insert onto an existing surface of our local landfill.
The surface is displayed as minor and major contours. The new survey data typically always has higher elevations then the exist surface and shot roughly 2 meters apart.
Here's my issue...when the survey data is inserted and the surface is rebuilt, the contours seem to turn into little cones at each new point. see attached...
how to eliminate these 'cones' so the surface contours seem more relistic?
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Jun 16, 2012
When creating surface profile Is civil 3D use interpolation to get elevation of unknown (points which not having elevation data) points?
Or just join elevations which have elevation data(input data)?
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP 2
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May 4, 2012
C3D 2013. 64 bit. Windows 7.
Question 1.In C3D 2013 is there a ceiling to the number of points allowable in a C3D surface? Is it 1.5 million?
Question 2. In C3D 2013, when creating a surface from Point Cloud data is there a maximum point count based on the answer to question 1 - or is a different point count limit applied?
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Jan 9, 2013
I need to create points with surface elevations along sample lines. The points need to represent the verticies one would see in the section editor. I've attached an image of my section editor for one of my sample lines. I need to create points that represent these 24 verticies along this sample line and do so for the rest of my sample lines as well. Is there an automated process to create these points?
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Jul 21, 2013
I wanna interpolate points from surface but only in that area where my sample lines intersecting with the surface. There is a point creation tool that makes this based on polylines but I have to many data and it will get to much time to do this. So, for better understanding I attached some pictures, in the first picture it is shown the final result which I have made based on polylines, but here is also a problem, the tool is not putting points where the surface is changing ( on my second picture I highlighted with red circles).
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Aug 13, 2013
How would I go about generating labelled points with xyz values at 5m intervals along a road alignment in Civils 3D 2014?
I have had a go with the AddAlign Labels command but could not figure out how to add an elevation value to the label. Also this method seems to require manual input for each label which is not practical as I will have have around 450 points to set out.
I have looked into the Stakeout Alignment Report, but this seems to require a survey database, which I don't have.
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Mar 14, 2013
I can only change the layer color.
But I can't change the cross simbol, its drwaing scale.
Also cant view the point number,....
Maybe I cant view or set these properties when points were added using "Point Files" option.??
Civil 3D (2013)
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Oct 4, 2013
I was trying to edit a corridor surface manually by editing points and tin lines but for me its much easier to edit the contours itself so I explode the surface into polylines and fix the contour issues but when i make it into a new surface the Surface does not look clean anymore. When I look at it in the object viewer it looks rough and jagged and doesn't look like a road at all, however my original corridor surface did look clean with perfect roads and cul de sacs i just wanted to fix the contours outside the road. I tried extracting it like i should have done in the first place but when i add the contours to a surface it still looks ugly and jagged. Another thing is that when you look at it in 2D or plan view the contours look exactly the same but when i look at it from a perspective view or 3D that's when you see the difference.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a surface made by a wide array of points and a line of points that i need to use that surface to assign elevations to ..
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Jan 7, 2013
I know that there is a limitation on the numbers of points added to a surface from a point cloud. But I'm curious how Civil 3D determines which points to exclude from the surface. Is there a special alorithm/criteria the software uses?
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Oct 8, 2013
C3D 2012 SP3 on Win 7 Pro:
I have an alignment with horizontal PVI points that are coincidental with COGO points. I want to display in a profile view, a surface elevation at the alignment PVI points in a band style. Is it possible to do this? If so, how?
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Apr 10, 2013
how I can add more volume to curved object surface? Say for example I have a plastic cup.You can think of this as cylinder object ,which was the shelled out using the shell tool and then had its base sealed.
Now at certain parts, I would like to increase the thickness and then blend it the rest of the surface(may be chamfer its edges) .
At certain parts on curved surface I would like to add an extra mm, I think if the surface was flat I would just sketch the shape, then extrude it by few mm and smooth the edges by doing a chamfer
But how can this be done on surface that is curved? Or multi curved for edges?
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Dec 11, 2013
I have to track a plane from a certain reference point. I want the layer that is to receive the corner pin (which is actually just a time-frozen frame at that reference point, masked) to be 100 percent scale at that moment, naturally. However when I track the plane, align the surface at the reference time and export the corner pin data to the layer, I get a scale value of about 400 percent which mocha compensates with making the corner pin smaller. This results in completely blurred footage at what should be a 100% scale freeze point. I don't really get where I am going wrong, I thought align surface would automatically create a frame where all would be unchanged?
Edit: Mocha Version 3.1.0 build 6407 After Effects CC
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