I can't just accept something cause it's the way it is. I like to know the reasoning behind it.
Case in point:
Why does the check box say "Non-destructive breakline?" Why doesn't it say, "Erase tin lines that cross boundary?" I doesn't seem to have anything to do with breaklines. Or am I wrong on that one?
While I'm on a roll, double negatives send me into a tailspin. Like "Disable description keys", True or False. Huh? Why not just say, "Description Keys", on or off?
HP DV7 Laptop
Intel Core i7-3820QM 3rd Generation Quad Core 2.7 GHZ CPU
16 GB DDR3 RAM ( 2 DIMM ) / 180 GB SSD
Nvidia GeForce 650M Graphics w/2 GB Memory
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit / AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014
When adding data to a surface, there is the option to add it as a "Non-destructive" breakline. [URL] .....
What is this good for? I created a surface, copied it, and created a volume surface between the two of them. As expected, the resultant volume was 0.
I then draw a 3d polyline and snapped to elevations on the surface. I then took that 3d polyline and moved it up 5'. I then added that breakline to the surface as a "Non-destructive" breakline and the resultant volume between the original surface and the one modified with the new breakline was still 0. Absolutely no change was made to the actual surface, it just added additional triangles.
I'm trying to find a reason it's even option and I'm coming up blank. There has to be SOME reason it's there.
Using the COM Interops we can find the entities which were used toi create surface breaklines:
foreach (AeccSurfaceBreakline brklin in brklines) { object[] ents = (object[])brklin.BreaklineEntities; for (int i = 0; i < ents.GetLength(0); i++) { AcadEntity en = (AcadEntity)ents[i]; //do whatever with the Entity }}
I have, as yet, been able to figure out how to get the entity(ies) using 2012's .NET API. Is it possible, or do I have to stay with COM?
foreach (ObjectId surfId in CivilApplication.ActiveDocument.GetSurfaceIds()) {TinSurface surf = tr.GetObject(surfId, OpenMode.ForRead) as TinSurface;if (surf != null) {SurfaceDefinitionBreaklines brkdefs = surf.BreaklinesDefinition; for (int i = 0; i < brkdefs.Count; i++){Surface Operation AddBreakline brklines = brkdefs[i]; for (int j = 0; j < brklines.Count; j++){ SurfaceBreakline brkline = brklines[j]; //well, as of C3D2012 SP1 the actual entity associated with this breakline is not exposed via .NET} } } }
In using 2013 I noticed when I delete a feature line which is added to a surface as a breakline it does not delete it from the surface. Even after a rebuild the surface does not update. I am having to go into the toolspace and manually delete the breaklines from the surface list.
Can you filter 3dpolylines to find which ones have a vertex at 0 elevation? I do not see the option in the Object Selection Filters dialog. We have several 3dpolys which would take a while to go through each vertex.
Using the select breaklines in the prospector doesn't do much of anything in my case. Zoom to Breakline works but how do you determine one particular breakline in the bunch if theye were never named?
I am having an issue with my contours running through my breaklines (feature lines). I have tried re-ordering the breakline, edits, etc and have also set my settings to allow crossings.
I am building a surface and have back of curb, curb face, and curb flowline going around a curve. I cannot create the lines with the usual pline as they will cross due to poor field collect. I created the curbs with multiple arcs. I was then going to change them into Feature Lines and am wondering if I can then use them as breaklines in a surface.
I am having a survey plan both with points and contour lines. Points are comming from the main road and contour from the outside areas.
I want to be able to make the surface ignoring the contours between the breaklines of the road since any contour inside professional survey is giving me errors on profiles and everything.
I have created linework using the line by object tool. I have created a surface and am trying to add breaklines by selecting some of this linework. Once I try to create the breaklines, it says that all those breaklines contain errors and have not inserted them into the drawing.
Dealing with an old topo. Building a surface from a point group of points in the drawing, and 2D polyline being used as proximity breaklines.
Here is my list of events after I rebuild the surface:
So I went to use the 'Resolve Crossing breaklines' tool, and here's what that looked like:
So are there or aren't there?
When I use the 'Zoom to' feature, it takes me to the midpoint of a TIN line on a breakline, with no other objects around. Crossing window selection: only the surface and one polyline. I found one crossing breakline just by accident, not from either of these tools. After I fixed it it didn't change anything. I even deleted all the breaklines from the surface and added them again, closed drawing and reopened, no change.
I am using a breakline to establish contours around the foundation of a building. I've done this in the past with no problems. Now I'm getting an Event Viewer, Error message saying that the breakline wasn't added to the surface because it crossed a point or crossed another breakline. In one case there wasn't another breakline in the drawing.
I've used 3d polylines & others to establish the breaklines.
I had some inaccurate survey points in my EG. Now I have new points and breaklines. How to locate thes old breaklines either within the list or visually within my surface editing / style.
The zoom to doesn't work as there are many breaklines within the zoom extents, and 1000's of breaklines to sift through. Is there a setting somewhere in the surface where i can turn on the breaklines that have been added already to something that's visible so i can delete those out of my surface?
I'm looking for anything on this one. (Not the obvious answers thought). Delete all and replace all (not happening).
I'm somewhat new to Civil 3D 2013 and have never encountered this problem before. I've got a top slope standard breakline (dark green line) and bottom slope standard breakline (light green line) with the highest elevation for the top slope at 72' and it gradually slopes down to about 54' within a 75' span. My problem, as you can see in the screen shot below, is I am getting 54'-59' elevation contours right next to a survey point with a 72' elevation whenever I hover my mouse over one of the contours. There are no nearby points with anything near 54' even outside of the surface boundary (shown in magenta).
I have a viewport with two loading bays about 50m apart. I want to use a higher scale to make it more visible but wont fit on the page. I have seen this before but unsure as to how to do it, I want to put a breakline in the viewport so the scale can be bigger but have the same dimension distance.
I'm thinking if there is a way to get photoshop somehow to apply a filter on a shapelayer, which will apply the filter on the layers beneath It's similar to applying effects on a 0% filled layer, exept in stead of effects I need to use filter (Spherize filter to be exact)!
I want to use the burn tool for a special effect but I want to do it on a new layer, I've read all about making a new layer set to overlay mode with 50% grey but this produces a different effect than when I burn the backround layer.
When using burn>highlights>15% on skin colour I get a grey kind of burn which is perfect but it destroys the pixles but when using the non-destructive method I get dark red effect which is not what im looking for.
I'm not using the burn tool in the typical sense (to darken part of the picture) I use the highlight/midtone/shadows seperate to create a very specific special effect with the burn tool.
I've wrapped my head around how to reclaim the stripped-out portion of an image that has been non-destructively cropped in CS6: click the image with the crop tool, or select Reveal All from the Image menu. Short of doing this every time I suspect that I may have cropped an image, is there anything in Photoshop's interface to tell me at a glance if the image has been non-destructively cropped? I guess I could check the document dimensions in the pop-up status display at the bottom of the window, but I'm looking for something more direct that doesn't make me search.
Is there any way to put a non-destructive cap on color saturation, the way you can shelf frequencies above or below a certain level in audio engineering?
In other words, an adjustment layer that would limit all saturation values over X to.. well.. X.
Example : Let's say we set it to 80% max. Pixels with saturation levels of 80 or below remain untouched. Pixels with saturation levels over 80 are re-adjusted to 80.
(Simply lowering the saturation levels via an adjustment layer will lower everything, including portions that are already below the desired cap. We don't want that.)
I hope that there would be an option in the future to crop an image in lightroom, then when you open to "edit in photoshop" the image would be cropped using photoshop new non destructive crop. So that i can tweak color and retouch the whole image then close and i can do final cropping back in LR.
I imported Google earth surface (at eye alt 600m) to civil 3d 2012 and created an alignment of length 181m.
When I exported same alignment to Google earth , it showed the length as 190m ( the difference increases with increase in length of alignment) And also the profile view of the alignment in the Civil D & Google earth varies.
I want to create a Layer Filter that excludes both Civil Layers and Xrefs.
I have created one that excludes Civil objects (Excel Civil.jpg) but when I add a filter for excluding xrefs as well the Civil objects appear in the filter again indeed all the layers are included again (Excel Xref.jpg) if I invert the filter nothing is displayed.