AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Limit Frequency On Points From Corridor
Jun 4, 2012
I am using the COGO Points from Corridor command but would like to limit the freqency of the created points to only every 50 ft (half station) or so. Is there a command I can change to make this happen ??
I've checked the CreatePointsFromCorridor command setting and it doesn't seem to be there...
I created a simple corridor for a road widening. I want to plot some drawings but I do not want the frequency lines to plot. I have frozen the layers containing these lines. I have also set the layers to not plot in the layer properties manager. The frequency lines still plot. I've obviously missed something. What do I need to do to stop the frequency lines from plotting?
I am having an issue where I have set through my codes that i do not want to view the frequecy lines in my corridor. It is displaying right but when i go to print all the frequency lines print. the attached images show my screen of what i am looking at and the other is a pdf of what prints.
I am using the default styles that came with C3D 2011. How can I change the colors of the corridor "frequency" lines. The lines I am referring to are those that are from the last sub assembly to the daylight line. This is prior to making any section views or surfaces. The colors have to be determined somewhere within the corridor styles I think, but I can't find where.
When creating a Corridor Section Points Report using the Toolspace>Toolbox>Reports Manager in Civil 3D 2012, the stations get listed but only a few contain point information (see attached).
I am trying to generate stake-out data for a proposed road. I was able to get this report to work successfully in one of the Civil 3D tutorials, so I assume that nothing is wrong with the utility. The problem may be related to my corridor.
I have created COGO points from my corridor, there seems to be 2 sets of points ontop of each other along the crown of the road. They are different numbers, so its not the same point twice, why it would do this?
I made an alignment, profile, build an assembly with it's constraints (2:1 until a certain elevation and then 3:1 to the existing ground), and made a surface from that corridor.
Now i wanted to know this : How do i generate a polyline with the assembly information ?
Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012 OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
I would like to have my corridor section points report to have different labels for the points like Edge of Shoulder or EOP instead of labels like P2 and Hinge. Is the only way to do this to somehow change the codes in the stock subassemblies?
I was trying to edit a corridor surface manually by editing points and tin lines but for me its much easier to edit the contours itself so I explode the surface into polylines and fix the contour issues but when i make it into a new surface the Surface does not look clean anymore. When I look at it in the object viewer it looks rough and jagged and doesn't look like a road at all, however my original corridor surface did look clean with perfect roads and cul de sacs i just wanted to fix the contours outside the road. I tried extracting it like i should have done in the first place but when i add the contours to a surface it still looks ugly and jagged. Another thing is that when you look at it in 2D or plan view the contours look exactly the same but when i look at it from a perspective view or 3D that's when you see the difference.
I am creating a corridor with custom assemblies on two alignments. the alignments are not parallel and graded independently.
Between the two assemblies I would like to fill from one assembly to the other with a dynamic link. I can't do this as a target to featureline etc as it is within the same corridor. We have created the link with a target but this was done by creating a non-dynamic featureline from the corridor and using that as the target. This is obviously not great as far as keeping the corridor dnamic is concerned.
So I would like to customise a subassembly to allow it to target a marked point on an adjacent the SAC tools (Get marked poinit or set marked point etc.) can be used to do this. The help file is less than useful. I am still on 2012 and dont have access to the 2014 SAC yet but will do shortly.
I have a road corridor and need to create sample lines at a 50m interval, as well as at every horizontal and vertical turning point. While the 50m stations and the horizontal turning points are easy to add (using the alignment), I can't seem to find where/how to add the vertical points (they have to be extracted from the profile).
Running the Feature Line Report I noticed the horizontal turning points are not used in the report: it only reports the 50m stations (so I guess the same will happen to the vertical points?).
how to add the vertical turning points to the sample line group and how to include both horizontal and vertical points in the Feature Line Report.
I have created a surface from a corridor. I set the boundary of the surface to the daylight of the corridor. In some areas of the corridor the surface does not triangulate see attached.
Copy a corridor successfully? I'd like to try this just a little worried about the explosion of evil this may cause to my Civil 3D session.
Even all the properties of the corridor setup from one to another would be useful. I'm building one corridor and an 2nd one that matches everything except I need to replace my Assembly with one meant for stripping.
My corridor surface is not matching my corridor top links. see attachments. this is affecting my volumes!
The section-plan(surface red).png is showing the section editor and the plan view. the red highlighted line in section is the corridor surface and as you can see in plan view the surface is incorrect and wiggly.
The pdf is all my sections with the red linework being the corridor surface.
I had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....
I have recieved a file with many points and would like to convert them into COGO points in Civil 3D. The problem is; I would like to keep the hole ID's as I convert, I've made a few conversions and lose the hole ID every time (not showing in Name or Description). Is there a seting I am missing to keep these? My aim to to organize the COGO points in different point groups.
I have a couple points that were part of an import event (data from a previous project) which I want to assign as control points for an incoming traverse, is there any way to assign those as control points? I can't seem to find a way to do that other than perhaps re-importing the specific points as control points and overwriting the existing ones.
I have a project that was started by leaving all the survey data inside the "All Points" group. So, I'm concerned that when I enter my as built survey points, that even if I put them into their own group, that the original surface will still look at them and just rebuild to my asbuilt data, effectively cancel out the purpose of the asbuilt survey. Will this happen?
I want to take the original points and put them into a group of their own, but I don't know if that will affect anything or not? I have several wetlands already designed on that surface with volume calcs already done too.
I am trying to increase the memory limit to my raster options and it wont let me change the size. I have plenty of available memory(mb) to use, but after i restart civil 3d and go back to the same options menu, its back to what it was..
I need to determine a limit of rock cut for a land development project. I have created surfaces for my Existing Grade and Top of Rock. Is there any way to determine the limit of rock cut within 25 ft of the existing ground, the volume of rock cut, and show the limit of rock cut on my plan view?
I could drop the Existing Grade elevations by 25 feet, but then how would I create a separate Surface from the intersection of the lowered Existing Grade surface and the Top of Rock Surface?
when I created a Top surface, C3D showed me otherwise. I need a gap at an intersection. In the attached DWG the intersection corridor has been removed from view by isolate.
I used 2 seperate baselines to force the road corridor to have a gap at the intersection.
Looked OK .. except ..later .. when I created a Top surface, only the first baseline is used to create the surface, the second baseline is skipped : (
I obviously did not make a gap correctly. What is the correct way? Or.. is there no way .. must the designer create multiple seperate corridors when the road has gaps?
I have a very basic question about creating corridors. As you can see on the attachment, i created an assembly consisting of ditch and my own polyline subassembly and turned it into a corridor. The ditch part is drawn out correctly, but the other part (supposed to be a gravel road) has only sections in certain points.
I started playing around with 3d dwf's. I'd like to share my corridors in a 3d dwf viewer or something similar but when it opens in design review, everything is skewed/ jagged/garbled. The other problem is that it exports everything (assemblies, alignments, sections etc.) so it make viewing navigation difficult in the viewer for people that aren't CAD savvy to begin with. It would be ideal if you could select what you want to export similar to exporting a wmf file.
How do others share 3d models with non-cad people?