AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SAC- Marked Points / Creating Corridor With Custom Assemblies On Two Alignments
Jan 7, 2014
I am creating a corridor with custom assemblies on two alignments. the alignments are not parallel and graded independently.
Between the two assemblies I would like to fill from one assembly to the other with a dynamic link. I can't do this as a target to featureline etc as it is within the same corridor. We have created the link with a target but this was done by creating a non-dynamic featureline from the corridor and using that as the target. This is obviously not great as far as keeping the corridor dnamic is concerned.
So I would like to customise a subassembly to allow it to target a marked point on an adjacent the SAC tools (Get marked poinit or set marked point etc.) can be used to do this. The help file is less than useful. I am still on 2012 and dont have access to the 2014 SAC yet but will do shortly.
I have a corridor with multiple assemblies along a 4 mile stretch of road. In certain locations the corridor is not not modeling the sidewalk. I checked all the targets and everything is good.
I have a corridor with multiple baselines and assemblies (not offset assemblies, but different baselines and assemblies).
I am trying to link them together with the LinkToMarkedPoint2 subassembly. From what I have read, this should be possible with this command, but I am getting no links. Am I wrong about the capabilities of this subassembly?
I created a base drawing for sections that references an alignment. I xrefed in the drawing where my corridor was created. When I create the section views, the corridor shows up perfectly.
I then created a blank sheet and xrefed in my section view base drawing.In this sheet drawing, only parts of the corridors are visible.I have a C&G on one assembly and a shoulder on another assembly that aren't visible. (see pics)The first pic is my section base drawing.
Is there a way to show a corridor assembly in a crossing profile in c3d 2012? I have a underground duct bank that I have modeled using a simple corridor. Now I want to have the duct bank assembly show up in another profile that crosses the ductbank corridror. I can't really create a surface fom the corridor since the duct bank a closed polygon. BTW, The subassembly for the duct bank was created from a polygon, if that is any useful info.
I always draw a polyline to define my alignments. When selecting the polyline for the alignment, in the Create Alignment from Objects box, at the bottom, the default is to "Add curves between tangents". Where do I turn that off so default in NO.
Any Earthen Causeway or Breakwater modeling using custom Assemblies and Subassemblies. Any tips or tricks before I get going ??
Structure would consist of a Core, an Underlayer, and of course Rip Rap. Also the Rip Rap layer will most likely have a Toe at the Existing Seabed.
The last time we did a Causeway, it was fairly complicated and I did it with Grading Objects. Edits and modifications were a real PITA. Also volumes were a little awkward to get. I figure using a custom built Assembly would be a better way to go.
Using C3D 2010 I am unable to drag and drop custom assemblies from the pallette or even insert the assembly dwg file as a block. The program shows me the "egg timer" and nothing happens. The subassembly properties are indicated as .net where originally created at the Assemblies Folder. I would sure like to avoid creating new assemblies from scratch for every project.
When creating a Corridor Section Points Report using the Toolspace>Toolbox>Reports Manager in Civil 3D 2012, the stations get listed but only a few contain point information (see attached).
I am trying to generate stake-out data for a proposed road. I was able to get this report to work successfully in one of the Civil 3D tutorials, so I assume that nothing is wrong with the utility. The problem may be related to my corridor.
I am using the COGO Points from Corridor command but would like to limit the freqency of the created points to only every 50 ft (half station) or so. Is there a command I can change to make this happen ??
I've checked the CreatePointsFromCorridor command setting and it doesn't seem to be there...
I recently made a custom Tool Palette that contains all of our most commonly used Assemblies in our office on my PC. I then exported the Paleette to a location on our network and tried to import it onto another workstation. The Palette imported correctly and all of the assemblies are visible. However, when an assembly is attempted to be inserted into a drawing nothing is inserted.
Upon insertion the properties menu box shows up indicating that it is closed or locked..."do you wish to continue".
Is there a step that I am missing on importing or exporting of assemblies or Palettes?
I have created COGO points from my corridor, there seems to be 2 sets of points ontop of each other along the crown of the road. They are different numbers, so its not the same point twice, why it would do this?
I made an alignment, profile, build an assembly with it's constraints (2:1 until a certain elevation and then 3:1 to the existing ground), and made a surface from that corridor.
Now i wanted to know this : How do i generate a polyline with the assembly information ?
Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012 OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
I would like to have my corridor section points report to have different labels for the points like Edge of Shoulder or EOP instead of labels like P2 and Hinge. Is the only way to do this to somehow change the codes in the stock subassemblies?
I was trying to edit a corridor surface manually by editing points and tin lines but for me its much easier to edit the contours itself so I explode the surface into polylines and fix the contour issues but when i make it into a new surface the Surface does not look clean anymore. When I look at it in the object viewer it looks rough and jagged and doesn't look like a road at all, however my original corridor surface did look clean with perfect roads and cul de sacs i just wanted to fix the contours outside the road. I tried extracting it like i should have done in the first place but when i add the contours to a surface it still looks ugly and jagged. Another thing is that when you look at it in 2D or plan view the contours look exactly the same but when i look at it from a perspective view or 3D that's when you see the difference.
I am trying desperately to create a corridor in C3D 2013.
I have the requisite Alignment, Profile and Assembly, yet when I create the corridor, either nothing appears, or it creates the corridor at incorrect elevations. I have the proper elevations in my alignment.
I am trying to create a surface from a corridor. I have a sub-assembly attached, which I believe is working correctly. I managed to create the empty surface and when I try to add surface data nothing seems to happen. I keep changing the specified code to Base which is my finished gravel structure and hit the + but again nothing seems to happen.
Ultimately I am trying to determine a volume between my corridor and original topo.
I have the centerline of a berm constructed using a 3D polyline. I want to use this centerline as the Alignment that I need from which to create a Corridor. When I try to create an Alignment from objects, I can only use a 2D polyline, not 3D. The berm has a slope to it and I need to have the assembly follow that slope as I create the Corridor. Do I need to create the Alignment in 2D and then edit the points for elevation?
I'm not having any luck on my own. Can I use subassemblies that I create in subassembly composer to make an intersection using the "CreateIntersection" command?
I mad e the mistake of creating my corridors for a large site in the same drawing, and now I would like to pull them apart into individual drawing files for each corridor. I thought that last time I tried it, the drawings or data somehow got corrupted. I am running C3D 2009.
I'm trying to use assemblies when creating a corridor. The Tool Pallette is emply but I can drag the assembiles in from the Catalog. I've also created an assembly using the ASC. Neither work when I try to use them. The error message is attached.
I'm using a network installation and I do not have the option of changing it to a DVD installation.
I'm having troubles using the create points on grid command. When I run the command, I keep getting asked to type in the point description for each point. I have about 5000 points to create.
Is there a way to set a description for all the points, so I don't have to do this manually?
I have a grid survey of points and I've entered these points into Civil 3D. Now what I want to do is use these points to create a surface so that I can create a slope analysis of the surveyed area. My problem is that I can't get the points into a point group.
I have a generic grid (15 x 15) of points set up and I've only used a portion of them (defined by the dimensions of the site). So I want to create a surface that includes all of the points that aren't set at an elevation of 0.
I created a Description Key called "EP" and it will land in a "S-PTS-EP" layer automatically.
I then created a Description Key called "NEW EP* " and created it to land in a new layer called "S-PTS-EP-NEW". But, when I manually create a point called "NEW EP" or "NEW EP BC", it does not land in the "S-PTS-EP-NEW" layer.
Is there some switch I need to turn on or is my description not complying with some naming convention?
I encountered a problem while creating contours from the points. what actually is the problem with the points or tell the steps once again that would be great. I'm attaching the points file.