AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Frame / Sheet Create Template?

Apr 13, 2013

I was wondering if a template used to create frames using the create frame tool in autocad civil 3D should have the same datum, projection as the files that are being referenced? Or is the template independent from from the reference files and does not need any datum, projection setting applied to it?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Setting Up Sheet Set Manager Template?

Jul 15, 2013

I want to set up a sheet set manager template which uses a specific client titleblock, which due to the work I do is quite frequent.

I would like to insert as many fields into the title block that refer to custom properties in the Sheet Set.  In particual some common fields point to the actaul Sheet Set custom properties (eg Client Name), and some point to the actual sheets custom properites (eg Title).  I have set up a sheet set with a range of custom properties attached to both the Sheet Set and the Sheet.

However, I cant figure out how to set up the titleblock template to read in this information for each new sheet I create.

I open my template file, insert fields as required and try to point the fields to the sheet sets file.  However I cant point to the custom properties for a sheet unless there is a sheet open.  When I do this, all new sheets are created with the fields using the original sheet values - I wanted to update these based on custom properties I set for each sheet.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: View Frame Sheet Numbers?

Apr 24, 2012

I creating plan and sections from my model.  I went through my Create View Frames, and created my sheets fine.  But one thing I cannot seem to fix, I am starting from Sheet 10, not sheet 1, so I need my match line to start at sheet 10, then up from there.  Whats the setting I need to change for this?  I have set all counters to start from 10, but the first match line still says sheet 1   i have attached an image of the matchline.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Have / Create Free Frame Views

Sep 5, 2013

I'd like to have a view frame not linked to any aligment, simply a view frame collection. 

The goal is to can create a VF for a cartography purposes or something similar. In example a 10x10 distribution schema.

A trick can be to use a "ghost "aligment , used only to served as environment to create the VF. 

The main problem is the annoying link to aligment. 

I suppose it is impossible to avoid this , isn`t it ? 

Civil 3D (2013)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cross Sections Create Separate Sheet Drawings

May 30, 2013

Is it possible to have the production tool for cross sections create separate sheet drawings, rather than creating multiple sheet layouts in one drawing? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Sheet Drawing That Has Two Plan Or Profile Views On Same Layout?

May 27, 2013

I would like to create a sheet drawing that has two plan views or two profile views on the same layout?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Template For A Sheet Material

Apr 11, 2012

I created a template file for the sheet material with the specified type of material, sheet thickness and the radius of bending. Placed in the Templates folder. Call the template from the menu, HED, and all settings are reset to Default? How to make a new file so that all settings are saved?

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AutoCad :: Creating Custom Sheet Set Template

Jul 2, 2012

What I am trying to do is create a custom sheetset template that will have ALL my sheets embedded, that way all my notes, details and sheets will always be ready. I would just need to update some text and details from time to time.

These are the steps that I have taken

Created a new sheetset and called it Sheetset Template
In this sheetset template, I created all my sheets and inserted notes/details.

At this point I thought all I would need to do is copy the sheetset file and all by sheets would get copied too, but that was not the case, just the sheetset file was copied and I have to create all the sheets again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Template File For Frame-generated Components?

Apr 23, 2012

Inventor 2012.

change template file for frame-generated components?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sheet Title Block Template

Apr 23, 2012

I already build sheet system ,and I found when I revise title block template,my sheet not update automatic,I must create new sheet,and double-click it to open it, then you can see update,who know why?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sheet Template Location Won't Stay Set

Aug 30, 2011

Every time that I go and set the sheet template, it says that it can't find it, then when I check the location, the path change to something funny: E:/C/Doc........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Sheet Numbers To Template For Document

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to add sheet numbers to my template for my document. I know I have to use the Sheet Properties, Sheet Number then Drawing Properties, Number of Sheets but I cannot remember how to do this? I am using IV 2010. There used to be a Properties Field icon, but now I cannot find it? I RMB on the title block, select "Edit", then selected the location of the property, then selected Sheet Properties, Sheet Number, but nothing shows up.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Embedding Excel Into Sheet Metal Template

Sep 7, 2012

How do you embed (not link) an excel spread sheet into my sheet metal template.

The excel file is simple, 2 rows listing the A1=gauge and B1= decimal equivalent.

What I want to do with this is to get the gauge to show up in the iProperties description along with length and width of part.  The thing is I need column A to show up in the iProperties (12GA) but column B to be used for the sheet metal default thickness.

I keep getting this error when I run my code.

Error in rule: Gauge, in document: Part1

GoExcel: 3rd Party worksheet not found: "3rd Party:Embedding 1", Sheet: "Sheet1"

Code so far..

i = GoExcel.FindRow("3rd Party:Embedding 1", "Sheet1", "Gauge", "<=", iProperties.Value("Custom", "Gauge"))MultiValue.List("Thickness") = GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 1", "Sheet1", "B2", "B35") 

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Photoshop Elements :: Create A Frame Inside Frame?

Nov 15, 2013

How do I creat a frame inside a frame?  Elements 4.0

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Recovering Purged Items After Importing To New Template Sheet?

Mar 28, 2012

Needed to purge items in a drawing  to recover a drawing in order to repair corruption within it  it. I purged and audited the drawing in question and then created a block or the drawing elements which I imported to a new drawing sheet. That's great, all is well but.....obviously (now) the only layers, dimscale,etc. items I normally use in my template sheet are gone and only the items remaining after the purge are the ones that were in my original drawing.

How can I, or can I replace my normal full layer list, dim settings, blocks, etc?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Template With All Common Plate Size

Jan 3, 2012

Looking for 2012 sheet metal template with all the common plate sizes already in the rule?

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AutoCad :: Range On Excel Sheet Imported To DWG As Reroutable Xref For Template DWF?

Dec 1, 2011

Any way I can import data from an excel file in a predetermined range but variable workbook and sheet. For instance, in Station5.dwg I access cells B4:C15 on sheet STA-5 on workbook TerminalA.xls and then in Station6.dwg I access cells B4:C15 on sheet STA-6 on workbook TerminalA.xls, but all through just rerouting the sheet just as if I were to reroute an xref with the same scale and insertion point.

I'm trying to avoid a continual copy/paste of OLEs for each .dwg because I will have an average of 5 ranges to import from each sheet, of an average of 7 sheets per workbook, of an estimated 220 workbooks to work through. (7,700 ranges estimated so far is a lot of work).

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Fields In Title Block Sheet Template

Jun 26, 2012

I've created a sheet template that includes Fields to populate the sheet with the Project Name and location among others like scale, etc. When I create the new sheet in the project navigator most of the fields populate with the correct information based on the parameters set in the project. However, it consistantly does not populate the Project name and location. When I click the field and ensure that the attribute is set correctly then it renders the correct information. The problem is this ends up being a manual operation yet it still reads as a smart tag. Why do these not populate automatically?

Here's my process:

Create dwt for sheet file and include xref of title block.

Create a block with attributes that link to AEC Project, CurrentSheetTitle, etc. and insert into dwt.

In project navigator I create new sheet and select my template.

Information does not populate.

But when I view the block and close (no edits) it then links.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Default Corner Seam Behavior In Sheet Metal Template?

Jan 10, 2008

Is there any way to set the default corner seam behavior in the sheet metal template? Right now a simple corner seam always puts a gap approximately the metal thickness, I need to make that smaller as the default behavior.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Template Giving Error / Non-empty VBA Warning

Oct 2, 2013

I'm trying to breath life into an old Sheet Metal template.It starts with the Non-Empty VBA warning.From there, "Run-time error '13': type mismatch

Debugging, here's my screen (attached). I don't know enough about VB to know where there's a problem.

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VideoStudio :: Template Defaults To Frame Based?

Jun 20, 2012

I'm using the HQ 4:3 template in VS11+ but noticed it's defaulting to frame based. My clips are mpeg's BFF. Shouldn't this template be switched to bottom field first?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Publish A Sheet Metal In The Frame Generator?

Apr 17, 2012

How can I publish a sheet metal in the frame generator? I can not set the base extrusion in the structural shape authoring being this a sheet.

I am attaching the frame that I'm not getting published.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Multiple Revisions On One Sheet And Sheet Set Manager

Nov 6, 2012

How people deal with multiple revisions of one sheet with sheet set manager, basically I want the cover sheet of drawings to have a list of drawings including the revision letter and revision date and on each individual sheet keep track of historical revisions 

There is the current sheet revision and date fields.Does everyone usually just update these and manually keep track of historical revisions else where in there title block?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Frame Generator Skeleton Be Sheet Metal Parts

Feb 22, 2013

Up until now, for FG I've always created a part with just a sketch in it. I insert that in an assembly and use it as my frame generator driving part. Now, I've started creating a solid instead of just a sketch in the part and using its edges to attach frame members. Picture a cube. I really need to put sheet metal on the cube and have my frame on the outside of the sheet metal. I was setting up a parameter for the sheet metal thickness and offsetting the members in Frame Generator that parameter. Now, I've accidentally discovered that I can select the outside edge of the sheet metal part to attach my frame members to. Is that a valid workflow? If it is, its a bit of an epiphamy for me. Using a parameter in FG as an offset required me to edit each member with FG and update it to get the offset to use the current parameter value.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating New Sheet Set In Sheet Set Manager

Jan 15, 2013

I was creating a new sheet set in the sheet set manager as I have created new drawings to be added to the old one.  When I do this and browse to the directory of drawings, once I hit next it only wants to create a sheet with a few drawings in the directory.  There are 22 drawings in the directory and is leaving out about 18 when it creates the sheet set.

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GIMP :: Set Up Template For Dealing With Printing Four Images On Sheet

Jan 2, 2014

I wanted to set up a template for dealing with printing four images on a sheet.

I created an image the size of the sheet and then added four layers, each of the desired image size which needed to be positioned appropriately.

When I went to position the images, I could not find any reasonable way with the move command or with any of the layer operations to position each layer precisely.By that I mean simply type in the coordinates of the upper left corner, or move with the mouse where I see a text version of the upper left coordinate of the new layer position as I move.

If trying to position using the mouse, the lower left of the status line shows the position of the pointer itself, so that is useless in positioning the layer as a whole; and the numbers to the right of the per-cent size display show how much the layer has moved relative to its starting position, not the absolute position of the upper left corner. (I'll grant that the latter is useful, but in this case one needs something else, particularly if a layer has been moved and needs to be repositioned to a fixed location.)

The only way I could get what I wanted was to expand to 800%, and at that magnification I could grab the upper left corner with the mouse so the mouse position was itself the upper left corner position. Surely there's a better way?

Layer/Layer to Boundary Size... does not appear to work as advertised. The offset appears to be relative to the original size of the layer, not the original size of the image. The panner image is limited to the size of the layer, not the image. When you first bring up the dialog, you are unable to reposition the layer unless you change the layer size to make the layer smaller. If you make the layer half the size of its original size and then click "Center", the offset is set to - 1/2 the size of the original image, not + 1/2, which seems bizarre. The layer is scaled properly, and ends up where you would expect (based on the center command given, but not based on the offsets indicated), but the values in the Offset boxes seem to have the wrong sign. It works by moving the original layer relative to the desired new layer, rather than position the new layer size relative to the image. Which means you can't move the layer relative to the image if the layer is smaller than the image, and the graphic panner doesn't show you the layer position relative to the image as a whole. It is not at all intuitive and is not useful for quite a few common cases.

Layer/Transform/Offset shifts the contents, but not the layer itself. Which is what it is supposed to do, so that's ok; it's just not usable for this operation.

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Revit :: Stuck Inside Sheet Template Schedule Editor

Oct 8, 2012

In customizing a sheet template, I entered into a "Schedule: Revision Schedule".  I made the minor adjustments, but can not get back to the sheet template. 
The 'Project Browser' only has "Schedules" under 'Views'.  (refer to attached image)  I know the rest of the content from the sheet (eg. titleblock) are still in the file, as it still is present when I "Load into Project".
How do you exit the schedule editor from a sheet template file?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Drawing From Template DWG

Nov 13, 2012

I want to open dwg from template:

DocumentCollection acDocMgr = Application.DocumentManager;
Document acDoc;
try {


But on the line "acDocMgr.MdiActiveDocument = acDoc" AutoCAD is hanging and in around 10 sec AutoCAD closes.

How does the new document from template set active (do current)?

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Create Pipe Template

Jul 28, 2012

I designed these pipes that intersect each other in AutoCAD but that program doesn't seem to do much else other than drafting.

I want to open a pipe design so i can print it out, paste it on a real pipe and cut the end out. It's pretty much sheet metal development.

Attached is one of the many pipes. I have Autodesk Inventor FUSION 2013. Does that have any such features or do I have to get the Professional version?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Create A Reference System Template

May 29, 2013

I would like to utilise the Layout Element: Reference System to draw the grid lines and grid values on paper space viewports.

But.I am working in South Africa. The WGS Lo systems are opposite to the northern hemisphere, positive is heading south not north. To solve this, most drawing offices (including ours) just reverse the signs of X and Y values.

Now you can see why I cannot use the Layout Element Reference System templates provided with Map. I need to change sign the X and Y text values.

How do I create a Reference System Template?

These are provided with Map:


Military Grid Reference System

United States National Grid

Custom map coordinate system

I tried to use 'Custom map coordinate system' but it is a fixed template, it does not provide change sign as needed. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create New DWG From Template File (DWT) And Save

Jul 14, 2011

Current development env:  AutoCAD 2012, VS 2010, ObjectARX.Net (2012)

My target:  in AutoCAD pops a dialog, select filename (related to our internal projects) string, then it will create a DWG file from a template DWT file. Then some operation like insert elements into the DWG file and then SAVE (with the filename assigned).

Here is the code I currently implemented:

class DWGWritter
const string TemplateFile = @"C: empMyTemplate.dwt";


Well it doesn't work on either of #1-4

#1 give out "eFileInternalErr" exception, which I found the answer - you can't call save() if it's open from exist file

#2 works ... but it just save the contents we write to the database but won't save template file contents, ie. we have put in layers inside the template file but they doesn't save to the new file

#3 give out "drawing is busy" error, no clue why it's "busy" ...

#4 give out same error as #3

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