AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Shortcut Error 2011 / Drawing Has Not Been Saved
May 13, 2010
Occasionally I get the following message when trying to add data shortcuts.
"The drawing has not been saved yet, please save the drawing before creating data shortcuts" Only I have saved, this still occurs after either a full or quick save.
Shutdown Civil and reopen still gives the same message..The problem seems to be when you are saving to any other version of Autocad than R2010. Save as R2010 and it works.Mike Evans
Civil3D 2013 / 2014 British UK
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz With 32768MB RAM, AMD FirePro V4900, Dedicated Memory: 984 MB, Shared Memory: 814 MB
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a 2011 Civil3D drawing with Data shortcuts in it. I need to replace the source drawing path of the data shortcut with another path. Is there a way to change this either manually or, preferably, programically. At some point we'll need to batch through the drawings and change this path information. Is this information is stored in a drawing dictionary somewhere? If so, where? If not, where?
Updating the .XML data files doesn't appear to affect data links already in the drawing.
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Aug 9, 2011
when I saw this option was possible to make the right click act like a space bar or enter when in the drawing area.
On the pc, you can go to options where it is there. I can't find the options for a mac.
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Jul 22, 2012
I there a way to open a drawing saved in 2011 ver,into a 2005 ver.
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Sep 18, 2012
I want to be able to repath a data shortcut I have on my drawing to a file thats on my C: drive, how do I do this? Its just for this one drawing I want to do it with, so the Data Shortcuts Editor is no good to me.
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Jun 22, 2012
How can I locate the Data Shortcuts Working folder? A surface exist as a data shortcut in a dwg, but the location of the data shortcut folder is unknown and therefore cannot be set in the Prospector.
C3D 2011 (latest updates)
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
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Jul 9, 2012
I have run into a problem with my Pipe Network data shortcut. When I am in a drawing that is referencing my Pipe Network not all of my structures are showing up. I confirmed this by going to the prospector tab/pipe networks/storm/structures. According to the list It is obvious that not all of my network structures are making it to the new drawing. I've double and triple checked the source drawing to make sure that all the structures actually exist and they do.
I've deleted the data shortcut and recreated it and still nothing.
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Mar 6, 2013
Is there currently any workaround to bring in alignment descriptions when data short cutting? I have hundreds of lines that are in my drawing that need callouts and this is easily done by making a label with reference text to the alignment description.
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May 21, 2012
how to make a data shortcut to a pressure network? Is this feature even available? It seems odd that this feature would be left out of C3D 2013 when it is critical to plan production.
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Feb 14, 2013
I am having an issue with alignments not updating to the latest source drawing. Initially, the alignment source drawing was in File1.dwg. Due to a design change, a few of the alignments were revised in a new File2.dwg. For the first time ever, I used the Data Shortcuts Editor program to repoint the data shortcuts to the new File2 location. By all accounts, it looks like the data shortcut were updated to the new source drawing (File2).
The problem is in some files some of the alignments still source to the File1 location and even when manually synchronizing it still sources from File1. Additionally, it seems random in terms of which alignment and files source to File2, even to the point in some files one alignment will update to File2 and other won't and some alignments will update in some files but not all. Note that I am not the original creator of the files so I don't know much history on the files (no alignments seem promoted however).
What’s the best way for me to get all the alignments to point to the new data shortcut source drawing location?
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Feb 15, 2013
How do you move a survey database and data shortcuts? Without going into details, sometimes it is necessary to copy portion of projects as new projects. The survey database along with the drawings our surface, points, linework, etc. need to reference the new directory. I can set the survey database folder location to the new path but am not certain the information in the dwg is point to the correct location.
The same essentially applies to the data shortcuts. I'm having trouble getting this to work. With LD we were able to copy the project and resuscitate the drawing(s). I tried to use Data Shortcut Editor with the Saveas. I then attempted to rename the dwg's and path the new location and name but receive an error of Invalid source file. Correct the path or press Esc..
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Feb 22, 2013
For a roadway project I am creating alignment detail sheets. For the first project, only a portion of the final road is being constructed. I have the proposed alignment brought in with data shortcuts and will use various styles for the labeling. But I only need a few different sections of this alignment to be shown. Is there a way I can set clip boundaries or mask out the sections I don't want to show?
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Aug 29, 2012
Is it possible to data shortcut a surface from c3d2013 into c3d2012?
I tryed it and it says that the surface is in the drawing but its not showing up.
I've tried changing the style and the layer but nothing works.
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Sep 15, 2011
We are using Inventor 2011.
Inventor adds extra spaces to the parts list filenames when they wrap.
The space is added just before the break.
We access the parts list in several VBA programs. Mainly to get the line Item number.
With the Filename corrupted with random space characters I cannot tie the document to the item number in code.
Is there a way to get the true fully pathed document name from a parts list Line item instead of the flakey filename that is displayed?
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Jun 18, 2008
I'm trying to find out what could be the cause of sturcture styles in a Pipe Network Design Drawing resetting to default styles when I Data Shortcut the design into my Sheet? (I.e. I've got gate valves, fh's, and plugs in my design file, but when I data shortcut them into my sheet they are all come in as null structures) Not Cool!
I'm using the same template that contains all the same parts/styles for both design and sheet.
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Nov 26, 2012
I have a data shortcut file where i keep my EG surface that now has File Name.dwg [DS] [DS] [DS] [DS]. What's the deal? Has this managed to morph itself into something it's not. It used to have only one, had two for awhile, and now 4 references to the DS (Datashort cut project folder).
Have I done something wrong here to get these wonky file names, would be nice to see just 1 reference being made to my DS Project folder.
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Oct 3, 2013
I made a pipe network in one drawing, d-reffed it to another, drew parts in profile.
Then I realised that I needed to show the outside walls of some pipes in profile. We don't normally display them. And I found that the wall thickness was wrong. I eventually figured out how to edit the wall thickness, and I have it working right in the source drawing. (I had to swap parts to get it to update.) But the host drawing is not updating.
So if I go to pipe properties in the source drawing, it gives a wall thickness of 165mm (correct). If I go to the same pipe in the host drawing, and go the the pipe properties, the wall thickness is 75mm (wrong).
how to trigger an update? I've swapped parts back and forth to different sizes, synchronized, SetNetworkCatalog and done PartCatalogRegen in both drawings.
For background, read Edit wall thickness.
Civil 3D 2011, 32 bit
Win 7 Pro, 32 bit; Intel Core i5 @ 2.80GHz; 4GB RAM
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Oct 25, 2013
I've got a drawing that has a data referenced pipe network (C3D2014). Everytime the pipe network is syncronized the pipes and structures change their styles back to what I can only assume to be their default. I can not find where to change this style or behavior.
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May 2, 2012
I have a existing ground surface drefed into a model and am trying to get a user defined contour at a set elevation but nothing appears. I have userdefined layer on in the surface style and other ideas why it will not appear?
[URL] ......
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Nov 14, 2013
We've recently upgraded a large project from Civil 3D 2012 to Civil 3D 2014 and for the most part things have migrated well.
On this project as well as others that have been migrated, I've been noticing this and similar messages re: modified in a previous version when the dref's synchronize:
"FG-STREET A was modified in a previous version of the software. Changes in the current were overwritten when the data reference was synchronized."
The steps we used for converting this project in order are:
Set Data shortcuts working folder.
Migrate Survey Database.
Open/save base drawing containing survey & EG surface.
Open/save all C3d source dwgs before opening any plan sheets.
Open/save all C3d plan sheets.
Because of the warning message I thought I'd try the "Migrating Data Shortcuts" following the instructions.
Use the stand-alone Data Shortcuts Editor to save one or more data shortcuts to a specified folder. If the shortcuts were created with a previous version of AutoCAD Civil 3D, they will be updated to the current format in this process.
When following the steps in the Data Shortcuts Editor, when I get to step 5, select the folder & choose Saveas, I see the following message that they will be saved in 2009 format?
Isn't that a downgrade? How these modified in a previous version messages?
I'm still trying to figure out if they are a benign message or if they are something I should be concerned with. 95% of the shortcuts on the project sync normally & seem to work fine other than an occasional disappearing profile in the sheet profiles.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
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Aug 3, 2011
I recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2011 from C3D2010. I have used the same ACAD.PGP file for years that includes the shortcut C for the COPY command. Up until C3D2011 this would always allow me to copy an entity multiple times, (the default when COPYMODE is set to 0).
I am running C3D2011 64bit on WIN 7 64bit OS. It happens with other commands too that use a dialog box normally, i.e. INSERT - it only brings up the command line version of it.
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Oct 25, 2012
I'm getting the following error:
ERROR 517 : Error in reading TR-20 project data.
but when I compare my raingage input to the one in samples it appers to be correct. Is there someplace else I need to be checking?
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Mar 17, 2012
When i try to use Import Survey Database 'Create New Survey Database' i receive the following error.
Running Windows 7 Pro 64-bits and its fully updated. Also installed all the servicepacks available for Civil 3D
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May 3, 2012
why I'd get this error when doing an Export to AutoCAD 2010/2007/2004...? It seems to be innocuous, and irrelevant, but it's disturbing none-the-less. I haven't been able to identify any reason why it appears, and all drawings seem to work normally, with no problems. AUDITs turn up no errors. So I've just been ignoring this message, but it's distracting. And it doesn't always appear... although I haven't been able yet to identify what causes it to appear in some drawings, and not others. I think it only ever happens when there's an XREF, but not sure... (Maybe when an XREF is in an older version of C3D/LDD/AutoCAD...?)
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Nov 19, 2012
C3D2012 SP2.1
What I have is a nice production drawing, that has NEVER even been opened in C3D2013. I JUST finished adding labels for some new pipes and structures that are in an Xref. I saved the drawing and closed it to work on a different project while plotting. In SSM, I select the sheets to Publish, the first 4 plot without issue, then I get a CER without a Fatal Error...I can still work on the nbow current appears that SSM crashed while loading the aforementioned sheet I had been working on.I close everything down, restart C3D2012, open the same drawing I had just labeled, says it needs to be recovered, so I let it finish loading (I've found that stopping the load will almost always cause C3D to hang indefinitely), close that drawing, then run recover, finds 2 errors, allow to fix, am greeted with the message box "This drawing has been saved by a newer version of C3D. All C3D commands are disabled in this drawing."
Wait a dang minute, SSM crashes and somehow (the save time is still the same as when i manually saved it in 2012) saves it as a C3D2013 file...even though it is still opening as a 2010dwg format file? Opening the file in Notepad even shows it was last saved in 2012.
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May 24, 2012
Since I'm so darn clever I decided I could "save as" a 2009C3d-32bit drawing to 2011C3D-64bit. This drawing was working just peachy for a while. There are no data links. The drawing contained 2009 surface and point groups. I imported some Pipe styles created in 2011. Created 800' of profile,and my pipe network. When I was closing the drawing I got a lot of errors wanting to know if I wanted to save changes to VBA-pipes. Seemed like a good idea at the time so I said Yes. This morning I opened the drawing and it's there but the surface from 2009 no longer has it's Definition data. The point group is gone, breaklines are gone. I needed to remove one lousy bad point out of my surface. The points in the drawing now have three copies and one has the elevation in the point description and you can't fix it. The 3 labels are all tied together and if you erase one they all disappear. I am going to wing it from here and get this puppy out of the office with a little old fashioned autocad. This is my question. Should I have just started a new drawing in 2011, clipped all my old line work and text from the 2009, imported the points and rebuilt my surface? Did I do something wrong and there was some way I should have been able to make this work? I was running 2009 and 2011 on my computer but had to remove 2009 last week. It no longer like livng with his better looking brother "2011" and I had to put him out. I have numerous small projects created in 2009 so this will happen again.
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Jul 15, 2013
I'm trying to customise my drawing templates to keep them up to date and also include accountability.I seem to be having trouble in including the name of the person who has last saved the model, and the date the model was last saved.
Manually including this information isn't ideal as people will forget, and it makes it harder to trace revisions.I can't see anywhere on the iProperties where the 'Last saved by' feature is available, but I thought maybe the information could be pulled from the username from the application options?
The last saved date should be easy, as there is a modified date in the model's iproperties; however, I cannot pull this information.I have used other cad packages in the past and this was never an issue. With all the customisation of Inventor, I thought this would be relatively straight forward.
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May 10, 2012
We have just switched from 2010 to 2013, and are experiencing some problems on two different projects. The issue is that we have our pipe networks located within on drawing, then data shortcuted to our production drawings. However, the pipes are not drawing either in plan or profile to the correct size.
They read correct in the pipe size, the style is set to display the correct "parts" of the pipes, but they are incorrect. It is not consistent within regards to a single pipe size being incorrect, nor is it the same sizes between the two projects.
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Jul 10, 2012
2012 SP2. I get this very descriptive message while trying to create a point cloud: The following error occurred processing the point cloud data: An error ocurred in data processing.
I've previously created point clouds from the same data (ENZ comma delimited) without a problem. I believe this was done before applying SP2. Any problems creating point clouds since SP2?
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Aug 2, 2013
We use Survey Data Collection Link to convert our file formats, in this case it is a GPS job exported from a TSC2 using Trimble Survey Controller Version 12.46. I exported the job from the data collector as a .csv file then use SDCL to convert the .csv into a .fbk file. I am getting this error saying the file is invalid or in use. We ran into this problem a couple months ago and it disappeared after a couple days, and now it has resurfaced.
Running Autocad Civil 3d 2012 with Service Pack 2, Windows 7 64-bit OS.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have a major error currently affecting my work that I need to resolve ASAP. I'm using C3D 2012 64 bit with Windows 7. I have multiple model drawings that I have created pipe networks and view frame groups in, and using those model drawings I have created plan and profile sheets from the view frames. I created data shortcuts of all my pipe networks and referenced the pipe networks into my sheet drawings. In the sheet drawings I drew the network parts into the profiles, and everything displayed exactly as it was supposed to. No issues at all.
Now fast forward about a month. Out of the blue one day I open one of my sheet drawings to perform some edits and notice that the pipes that were previously displayed in the profile views showing inside and outside walls with the centerline turned off now show up as a simple line. I haven't changed any settings at all. I looked at the properties of the pipes, and they seem to have all ignored their asigned diameters- the pipe data in the referenced network now assumes all inverts & crowns are the same elevation as the centerline.
Long story short, I have gone so far as to completely reinstall the program and restart the drawings, but the more I edit the oringal network the worse the problem gets. Now all of my structures are attaching themselves to the surface profile instead of the pipes, and the entire network gets put onto my current layer rather than the layers I assign in the Create Pipe Network Reference dialog box.
It happens to any drawing I try to open on this network- even ones created by third parties that I haven't edited. And the problem resides in the drawing because anyone I send the drawings to has the same problem. It will even crash the entire program sometimes when they try to open my drawings.
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 - Windows 7 64 bit - Intel Core i3-2120 - 8 GB Memory
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