AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Point From Coordinate And Elevation Data
Jul 28, 2012Is there anyway to create a point from the coordinate and elevation data listed in a section inquiry panel (see attached)?
View 3 RepliesIs there anyway to create a point from the coordinate and elevation data listed in a section inquiry panel (see attached)?
View 3 RepliesWhen I snap a point to an object, the point takes on the elevation of the object. I would rather the point's elevation stay as is.
-changing osnapz variable
-latest civil 3d service pack
A few weeks ago I did not have this problem but once my computer was switched to the company's global server and c3d was reinstalled the problem appeared. Furthermore (post switchover), when a colleage of mine prepared a simple test drawing with just a line and a point, he was able to snap to that line without the point changing elevation. When he sent that drawing to me and I tried snapping the point to the object, the same problem occured with the point taking the elevation of the line object. I suspect it is a system variable issue
C# public bool FindStationAndElevationAtXY(double x,double y,ref double station,ref double elevation)
I don't understand this method. API documentation says that "Finds the station and elevation values at the given X,Y coordinate." but this method return a bool value.I don't understand neither "ByRef".
I'm having problems getting super elevation data to transfer to different drawings by means of an alignment data shortcut. I know alignments hold the super elevation data so I've gone into my alignments data shortcut, input my super elevation data, saved and closed. Now when I open my finished grade drawing, reference in my alignment and profiles, then create a corridor from that information, my super elevation didn't transfer with the reference.
I pulled cross sections and it appears is has no clue there is any super elevation data. Also, I tried bringing it directly into the drawing I'm doing my corridors in and it erred saying I must be in the parent alignment drawing. Data shortcuts are pretty much useless to me if super elevation data doesn't transfer.
64 bit Windows 7
Intel Xeon (R) @2.8GHz
6.00GB Ram
Civil 3D 2012
Civil 3D 2012
Intel(R) Xeon W3530 @ 2.80GHz
6.00GB Ram
Windows 7 Professional
I am trying to create an elevation label that will give me the spot elevation followed by the letters "TC" and then on the line below subtract 4 inches from the elevation followed by the letters "BC". It's easy enogh to add the letters but the simple equation of elevation - 4 inches eludes me.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with different coordinate systems. I have a drawing in old Finnish coordinate system (KKJ, kaista 4) and I have a point file, which is made in ETRS-GK29 coordinate system. When I try to transfer the points to the drawing, the points will land way off from the drawing or I get this error message "Coordinate transformation from ETRF89.FinlandGK-29 to FINL-KKJ4 failed for point located at {29511662.554000,6948599.365000}. This usually indicates the point falls outside the boundaries of the destination coordinate system". I have checked and the point {29511662.554000,6948599.365000} should be over the drawing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 50+ project sites scattered along a 600+ mile alignment. My alignment reference drawing coordinate system is set to a UTM coordinate system. My project site drawings are set to state plane coordinate systems. Does coordinate transformation automatically occur with data references?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are starting a project that we will be preparing a site grading plan for.We are being provided with an ALTA Survey drawing that is on state plane coordinate system, and the existing topography that I will be using for my existing surface is on a UTM coordinate system.
The site grading plan needs to be on state plane coordinate system that the ALTA Survey drawing is on.
I haven't done it before but I understand you can use Map 3D and take drawings that are on different coordinate systems and have them line up properly.
If I have my existing surface in a UTM coordinate system and want to data shortcut it into my site grading plan that's on state plane coordinates, will that work?
I have a database of points I am trying to import, and the point data for each point includes a hyperlink. I've created a set of custom User-Defined Property Classifications for all the data types in the point database, and I've created a point file format to use to import the points.
It's a database of existing curb ramps, the data includes things like widths, slopes, some text, and a hyperlink to the Google Streetview at each ramp. I've created a custom point label that will show the data I need to see at each ramp.
All goes great except that the import fails because of the hyperlinks. I've tested it by removing the hyperlinks from a small test portion of the data set, and the test points are then successfully imported. I suppose I can delete the hyperlinks from the entire database, but if there is a way to include the hyperlinks in the point import I would prefer that.
Win 7E 64-bit, Intel i7, 12 GB
C3D 2012
When the attached shape file (change soilmu_a_a.txt to .shp) is imported using MAPIMPORT the data aligns with other imported georeferenced raster imagery (said imagery was imported using the MAPIINSERT command). If the same shape file is imported using the data connect tool it shows up in a much different location (see word document).
The drawing coordinate system code is "UTM83-18F" and the data was downloaded from the Web Soil Survey's data download with the identical coordinate system (see attached readme.txt).
I prefer to use the data connect option when importing this type of shape file because I can label them all using a theme and use stylize the data for visualization/presentation.
As an aside, I have found that data connect does not automatically transform data coordinate systems to match your drawing coordinate system as advertised. I've used the edit coordinate system to no avail; however, again when the file is imported using MAPIMPORT and saved as a drawing (with native data coordinate system) and then that drawing is queried from a drawing in a different coordinate system it seems to transform the coordinate system just fine. Is this a problem with data connect?
Is there a way to change all your point styles display mode (flatten to elevation, use point elevation, or exaggerate elevation) at once? I don't mean make a new style and then apply it to all points: I want to systematically change it for all my current point styles.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs shown in the attached drawing, the station label where the superelevation transitions back into normal crown shows with 4 decimal places. We have verified that all precisions are set to 0.01ft. The normal crown station at the begin transition shows with 2 decimal places.
Civil 3D 2013 SP1
Dell T3500 Workstation
Intel Xeon E5630 @ 2.53 GHz
12 Gig of RAM
Nvidia Quadro FX3800
Window 7 x 64bit OS
I'm looking to change an elevation of a survey point within a drawing. I can see where it is possible to manually unlock the points from the Survey Database to allow the user to edit the point. I'm not seeing a method or property in the API Help for 2013 to do the unlocking with code.
Also is it possible to convert a Survey Point to a regular Cogo Point through the code? Or do I have to delte the point and then recreate it as a COGO point? I think this will be my work around if the above doesn't work.
Is there a way to convert a feature line elevation point to PI?
My objective here is to delete all the elevation points except one. It would be time consuming to pick each elevation point and delete them individually (in this case there are about 15 but sometimes there are more). I want to use the delete all option but keep one one of them. If I can convert that one into a PI I could then quickly delete the remaining elevation points.
I'm trying to determine if it's possible to take a 09 LDD Companion drawing in which the elevations for many points have been moved AND/OR rotated (to align with roadway), and not only convert these to C3D, but also have them transferred along with the move/rotate information. We're talking about a mile long stretch of roadway and the project is 6 years old (i.e. no C3D when it was originally done).
The problem is that there are a ton of ground shots that need only be shown to 0.1 precision but are shown to 0.01 precision. LDD was not able to assign an elevation precision to groups of points, only all cogo points together, which meant we had to explode certain groups of "soft shot" points once they had been inserted at the desired precision.
If there's no way to do what I'm asking, it's no big deal for this case since the higher precision can be easily rounded to the lower by the viewer (better than the other way around). But as I am the only one on C3D and have been for the past 2 and a half years, we will likely face this monster again several times over with other drafters' projects and I'd like to have a best practice in place if we need to go the other way (extracting 0.01 precision from 0.1 precision).
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
Dell Precision T3400
(Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz)
Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
Is there any way to increase the size of the marker that shows up on the plan view when you select a PI in the elevation editor? It is so small that if I have the feature line selected I can't see the marker over the highlighted line. I generally have to zoom to a PI so I can see where I am.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow I would replace the Elevation label on a point with Alphanumeric text on certain points in a point group (or if it can be done at all)
Some background info:
I work with site diagrams that have monitoring wells and each one has a groundwater elevation value that gets updated every year according to field data. Our current setup is that the monitor well name and elevation values are displayed using point labels and looks like:
x 12-1 (Monitoring well name)
788.432 (Groundwater elevation value)
However, sometimes the monitoring well is dry and we need to display 'DRY' instead of a numeric elevation value. Autocad won't let me put 'DRY' as an elevation because it's not a number. Is there a way to override this, or somehow make the label display 'DRY' if elevation of 0 is entered?
Another use to overriding point label elevation is that sometimes the groundwater elevation that we get from the monitoring well is so far off from the general contour pattern that we will put the elevation value of that well in brackets such as (788.432) and indicate that this means the elevation was not included in the groundwater contour flow map.
Is there a way to do this override, or is there another method I should be using to label my monitoring well elevations? I know I could just MTEXT everything, but that's double the time to update the point elevations for the contours and then updating the mtext to display the numerical elevation values.
Is it possible to rotate the point labels when working with point files from an elevation Survey in Ciivil 3D? When activating the labels visibility they are horizontal, but when I rotate the drawing to a side view I am can´t see them.
So far I was working with Autocad (importing a dxf). Is there a way to rotate at the same time all the points labels, wich in this case are just text items?
C3D 2012
I want to set and Elevation Point (not a PI Point) along a feature line by entering the grade from the previous point. Currently the "Set Elevation Point" command only allows entering an elevations or getting an elevation from the surface. I know I can set an elevation point and then use the "quick elevation editor" to adjust the grade, but I don't want to go through the extra step.
How do I drop trailing zeros for numbers that end in zero, but keep a 0.1 precision for all other numbers in a point label style?
ie. I want to have points display 702 and 708.5 in the same point label style.
I am modifying an elevation of a point and this throws me the error Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0018 exception at c74f11ech
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a bunch (hundreds, so manual input not an option) of X,Y points without elevation data that I would like to import into a DWG and assign an elevation that is based on an existing surface object. Is there a way to do this for a point file? The command for inserting individual points would be the "Create points - Surface > Random" but I don't see a way to do this in a batch type method where i have my PNE formatted input file to just move the points to sit on the existing surface.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Civil3D 2010. I am trying to export the offset/elevation data from my cross sections to a text file or excel file so i can paste the info into another program. so far i've been labeling the offset/elevation info on the section and typing it into excel by hand.
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhen I import PNEZD format .csv using import wizard the coordinates get transformed. all points are shifted about 20' in northing and 5 feet in easting. I have to use the import wizard w/ survey database in order to process linework codes.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get point 1234 to show a label that says Point #1234 and then in a grading plan have that same point show up as a spot elevation. I have tried making two point groups "Point #" and "Spot Grades" which include the same points in them with two different label styles for each group, however the point seems to only want to take one label style at a time.
C3D 2012
Win 7 x64
8 GB Ram
Quadro K4000
Is there a way to "data shortcut" information imported from a data file into multiple drawings? If so, is there a way to lock the data points "in place" and not be able to adjust the point location/elevation, but allow the movement the text information around within the drawing.
The goal is to have multiple drawings with these data points and be able to move the text information from the style, but not (in a million years) be able to move the data point itself. There may be multiple drawings with these points located within them.
how to show point labels on the points I imported from a .shp file. I used MAPIMPORT and brought in the associated object data but I don't know how to get it to display in my drawing.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if it's possible to have a point code automatically add data to a user-defined field either in the survey database or in a drawing. For instance, our surveyors currently will code a catch basin as CB INV2.2 if it has an invert depth of 2.2'. I have a survey point user-defined property called InvertDepth. Is it possible to get the survey database to automatically add 2.2 to that user-defined property or does that have to be manually input? I have an expression and a label style that will take the elevation shot and subtract the depth number to give me the invert elevation on a lable, but I'd like to see if this can be done automatically without having to manually type in the depth on every point that is a catch basin or other inlet.
I've looked into the description key-set's parameters, but they seem to be mostly for display purposes and writing a full description.
I'm working on a topo survey and the contours are crossing each others (See attached pic) and what I did was edit the surface by adding points. I know that these points are fake, but how does this affect the terrain surface for design point of view? I did try swapping edge and deleting lines but makes it worse. Also as you can see in the pic, I don't see the added points like it did back C3D 2008.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an excel sheet containing alignment coordinates i.e
Station Number
Eastings and
Tangential Direction
I wanted to export these into Civil 3d so that I can work with the info. What format would I save my excel document? is it 'text (tab delimited)' or 'csv (comma delimited) or formatted text (space delimited)?
I've tried all the above but I keep getting an error message from AutoCAD that point files not in right format
NB: Am using MS Office 2010
I created a new surface, pasted my OG surface into it, set the build to exclude elevations less than and greater than but my surface still is showing every contour range. I want to only show contours at elevations of 371.5 and 370.5
Is it because it's a pasted surface?