AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change All Point Elevations
Sep 2, 2013Sounds simple enough, but how would I subtract 2.300 from every point elevation?
View 4 RepliesSounds simple enough, but how would I subtract 2.300 from every point elevation?
View 4 RepliesI have two different point groups that I am using in my drawing. One is from a survey done a few years ago and the other is from one that I did just the other day.
I don't have a problem inserting the points or whatnot, but the issue I am having is that when I click "Datum" to adjust the elevations of my new point group (to make my benchmark 100.00'), Civil 3D alters all of my points; including the ones from the older survey. Is a way to adjust elevations to only one set of points.
Is there a way to have multiple elvations on a single point?
Such as with a top & bottom of curb.
I have tried to add a component to the style, assign the name as the control, and put in the elevation
I want, but you can't have multiple points with the same name.
We have conducted a 6" x 6" grid survey of a building's finished floor and the client has requested the output drawing of the point file survey to be shown in Millimeters. The Point Label style in Civil 3D 2009 only has the option to show Meters which isnt precise enough for the clients wants. I am using the metric template in autocad Civil 3D and all units are set to metric.
Is there a way to change you point label to show Millimeters?
I am using Civil 3D, Update 3
I'd like to turn off the leader for individual points that have had a component dragged. For most points, I need the leader, but for others, it's just in the way. I'm beginning to think that I have to make a whole new label style in which the leader for dragged components is made invisible.
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
Dell Precision T3400
(Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz)
Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
I'm working on a stream restoration project and we need to determine the x coordinates and corresponding elevations along a stream alignment at certain sample lines. The centerline of the stream's alignment has been created as well as sample lines for cross sections at 50' intervals. We need the coordinates & elevations of each sample line (cross section) exported into an excel/txt document.
For instance, at station 1+00 of the alignment we have a sample line. We need to know to the right and left along that sample line the corresponding elevations and that x coordinate) from the alignment. Primarily, whole contour intervals but more information would be useful as well. I was hoping this could be automatically generated.
I am trying to have a block scaled on import baised on the elevation of the point. I already use description key sets to scale blocks in import to parameters added to the code libary, for example; "Pole 0.31" draws a circle with a diameter of .31 meters.
Is there a way where I would be able to scale a block on import based on the elevation of the object? For example, a point's elevation is 1.7m, so on import it would scale a block by 1.7 on the x/y axis. Ideally if I were to modify the datum of the points the blocks would automatically scale, but that is more of a pipe dream.
We import the data from a trimble r8 rover and convert the file to a FBK file before importing the survey data.
I have imported a survey file. When I insert the points into the drawing, the elevation changes to something that isn't even recognizable. When I view the point in the survey tab, the elevation is correct, when I view the point in the prospector tab it is different.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow do I change the precision for the elevation?
View 3 Replies View RelatedBy rotating points elevations change too!? I wonder what I am doing wrong!?
Just starting using Civil 3D 2012 version.
Is there a way for the program to automatically change profile elevations of intersecting roads.
Say for example i have two intersecting roads ROAD A and ROAD B.
On my ROAD A profile at station 0+300 i have a proposed road elevation of 9.5
On my ROAD B profile at station 0+000 (intersecting point) I have the same proposed road elevation of 9.5.
Now i change my ROAD A profile at station 0+300 to 10.3
Is there anyway to allow the program to automatically change my ROAD B profile elevations to 10.3
and I have to use the Annotate > Add Labels > Profile View > .......................... labels,
Is there a way for those labels to link across the profiles such that , On my ROAD A profile at station 0+300 i put the label at the elevation of 9.5
On my ROAD B profile at station 0+000 (intersecting point) I have the same label at the elevation of 9.5
Now i change my ROAD A profile at station 0+300 to elevation of 10.3 then is there a way for it to automatically raise the ROAD B elevation label
So that I would know, without having to manually check through, that there is a discrepancy between those intersecting roads. So the real list of my query is whether I can link my alignments, profiles or annotation labels.
Question 1: Is it possible to change a Survey COGO point to a regular COGO point so you can edit the datum?
If not:
Question 2: Is it possible to transfer the survey database from one office to another so the end office can make datum changes to the survey COGO points. Will the link between the file and the database still apply?
C3D 2013
Windows 7 64 bit
C3D 2010..I have a alignemnt that I need to move the starting point 120' east of where it is now.
I've treid a slew of thing to no avail. Can this be easily done?I already have existing profiles for the current alignment.
I did some search and got some code from 2009 post which not really working for me. Since I am not a pofr for autocad civil3D and just staring to learn how programing with autolisp, I am having trouble to debug the code:
(defun xp()(setq sset1 (ssget "X" '((0 . "AECC_PARCEL_SEGMENT")))) (COMMAND "EXPLODE" SSET1 "")
if (= (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))) nil)
(setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))) );
FILTERS UNCLOSED POLYLINES(defun c:changestyle()
(setq xlabel (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel))))
[Code] ....
I'm looking to change an elevation of a survey point within a drawing. I can see where it is possible to manually unlock the points from the Survey Database to allow the user to edit the point. I'm not seeing a method or property in the API Help for 2013 to do the unlocking with code.
Also is it possible to convert a Survey Point to a regular Cogo Point through the code? Or do I have to delte the point and then recreate it as a COGO point? I think this will be my work around if the above doesn't work.
Im experimenting with C3D2012, and found an issue... (Same issue is found in C3D2011)
When I change a points Raw Description to anything that isn't listed in the DescKey, the Full Description does not change. It will only change/update the Full Description if the new Raw Description is contained within the DescKey file.
Original Point Raw Description as "EP" - DescKey format for "EP" is "Edge Pavement" - Full Description = "Edge Pavement"
Change Point Raw Description to "X" - No listing for "X" in DescKey - Full Description stays "Edge Pavement"
Change Point Code to "GS" - DescKey format for "GS" is "Ground Shot" - Full Description updates to "Ground Shot"
While most of the time any updated code SHOULD be in the DescKey file, I can see times where that may not be the case, so it should update even if it doesn't find the Raw Description in the DescKey file.
I want to navigate along my feature line, viewing which point is screen is the current point at the grid.
My feature line shows its points with blue circle & square grips and the current point is showed by a green circle.
The problem is the zoom level, Grips have always the same size but circular green indicator does not.
You can only view this last at a very detailed zoom.
I'd like to have a "big" arrow or something similar.The problem is the great difficulty to identify points....
Civil 3D (2013)
Is there any way to change the format of Lat/Long in a C3D point list display from degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees? I have looked pretty hard, but can't find anything. The geodetic calculator only does one item at a time, I think. Any plug-ins out there? I suppose this could be on a wish list as well.
I am using R2012.and have ended up manipulating point values in Excel-not a quick way of going about it.
Is there a way to set up a custom Point Label Style that will change the text color if the information entered meets particular criteria? I will be entering sample measurements taken on two (2) different dates, but if the sample data is greater than 1.0, I want it to show up a different color.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a finished 2D autocad drawing but I want to use the proposed elevations and change the ones in the google maps import.Does Civil 3D have it built in?
View 9 Replies View Related. How to assign proposed elevation to layout alignment along each station?. I know there is a way in LDT to assign proposed elevations to s specific range of stations or the full alignment, under menu "profiles/ FG Vertical Alignments/Create COGO Points" I am looking for the same one in C3D.
2. How to add connecting alignment label and station in profile view. For example I have an main alignment and in-between lot of other alignments are meeting with this alignment.
I want to show in profile view of the main alignment the meeting alignment's name and the station it meets with?
How to get precise elevations at lowest and highest points. I need to get spots where the water flows and its precise elevation at that spot as analysis.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn C3D 2012, when I needed to know what elevation a surface contour was at, I simply hovered my mouse near the point in question and a small window would tell me what elevation my mouse was hovering at. Now, in 2013 I am trying to do the same thing but the little window only has the name of the surface and no elevations. So, how am I supposed to know surface elevations on the fly? Is there some setting to turn that back on?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have a good size channel and the section for the channel varies quite a bit. We want to find the volume excavated in the channel between 2 elevations (it is the area of sand per the goetech report)? A template was not used to create the channel surface, breaklines and gradings were used.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to project a surface/grading (or something of that nature) across my berm and have it intersect with the inside bank. This is better explained if you see the attached image. In the plan view you see 4 featurelines. Outside TOE, outside TOB, inside TOB then inside TOE. I need to project the outside TOE across the berm (shown in the section view) then create a new featureline where the line and inside slope of the berm intersect. Note that all the elevation shots vary as does the widths across the berm. What's the best way to do this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a survey figure that no matter what will not come in with the correct elevations, its a spline (continous) curve that the elevations get blow up on.
Only thing I can think of is the when it starts to interpolate the curve it cant get the elevations correct, this only happens in the curved area, once it goes tangent everything goes back to normal.
Win7x64 6gb
We are running Civil3d 2012. When converting a line or 3d poly to feature line, or just creating one it adds elevation points where it crosses surface breaklines even if you do not assign elevations. We want the feature to just have 2 elevations. The beginning and end. Is this a bug? Or is there another setting somewhere?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am working on laying out data for some survey crews along the centerline of the road. I have a BC and EC elevation, but the vertices along the CL are at different elevations, which were the original elevation of the poly line before being transformed into a 3D polyline. Is there an easy way to make the full line follow the slope from BC to EC other than manually shifting the vertices?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI graded a commercial site with mostly feature lines. I added points where I needed them to get everything to work. After modifying my surface, I suddenly have zero elevations randomly throughout my site. They don't make any sense why they appear. Some are just added to my drawing and others are existing points that were changed to zero. I can go to a back up drawing from a few hours ago and redo some grading, but I would like to know if there is a way to just erase zero elevations from the surface. I remember LDD was able to create surfaces ignoring elevations below a set elevation.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI Created a Feature Line from Objects (a polyline). I added it to Site 1, gave it a name, layer. Do I Assign elevations during creation (conversion options)?
I set the Elevation to 8.5 (NOT From surface)
Then I go to
Modify Feature Line -
Elevation Editor.
Why are the elevations locked? I want to set them.