AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Determine Elevations Along Slope
Dec 3, 2013
I need to project a surface/grading (or something of that nature) across my berm and have it intersect with the inside bank. This is better explained if you see the attached image. In the plan view you see 4 featurelines. Outside TOE, outside TOB, inside TOB then inside TOE. I need to project the outside TOE across the berm (shown in the section view) then create a new featureline where the line and inside slope of the berm intersect. Note that all the elevation shots vary as does the widths across the berm. What's the best way to do this?
Can you not perform a slope-slope intercept to place a PVI? Essentially holding the sta and elev of the PVI's directly before and after the PVI of interest and changing the grade in and out so that the sta and elev of the PVI of interest are changed.
Can't figure out how to match gutter slope to outside lane super subassembly slope. Have super eop targeting a feature line with elevations, but when i check section editor gutter slope doesn't match pavement slope.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
i need a shoulder subassembly that varies slope in relation to the lane superelevation slope. i know that i can get a subassembly for the shoulder that will follow the alignment superelevation xml data but in my case i can't use it because we are just adding a shoulder to an existing road. we're not changing the superelevation of the existing road, just milling and overlaying and widening. right now i've created a profile of the outside edge of the shoulder that gives me the correct shoulder slope but whenever i change my centerline profile i have to redo the shoulder profiles which is a real time suck.
I am in the process of transitioning from land desktop to Civil 3D. I design roads in steep terrain and sometimes need to have my catch (daylight) slopes change. So my question is, how do I change a daylight slope at a specified depth? For example, from the shoulder of the road I want a 3:1 fill slope to a depth of 10 feet than change to a 2:1 slope until it catches the existing surface. Can this be built into a subassembly such that if the fill is less than 10 feet it will daylight correctly at a 3:1 and if the depth is greater than 10 feet then it carries the 3:1 for 10 vertical feet and then changes to the 2:1 until it daylights?
I need to extract the XY location of a surface label. Specifically, I am trying to determine the coordinates of the first picked point in a two-point slope label. But in looking at the IAeccSurfaceSlopeLabel interface in the ActiveX documentation, I'm not seeing where this data is stored. Even for a simple surface spot elevation label (IAeccSurfaceElevationLabel) I don't see a property that stores the coordinates.
. How to assign proposed elevation to layout alignment along each station?. I know there is a way in LDT to assign proposed elevations to s specific range of stations or the full alignment, under menu "profiles/ FG Vertical Alignments/Create COGO Points" I am looking for the same one in C3D.
2. How to add connecting alignment label and station in profile view. For example I have an main alignment and in-between lot of other alignments are meeting with this alignment.
I want to show in profile view of the main alignment the meeting alignment's name and the station it meets with?
How to get precise elevations at lowest and highest points. I need to get spots where the water flows and its precise elevation at that spot as analysis.
In C3D 2012, when I needed to know what elevation a surface contour was at, I simply hovered my mouse near the point in question and a small window would tell me what elevation my mouse was hovering at. Now, in 2013 I am trying to do the same thing but the little window only has the name of the surface and no elevations. So, how am I supposed to know surface elevations on the fly? Is there some setting to turn that back on?
The undefined areas of a slope map now have a hatch to them and are plotting black. This map was created a month ago in 2012 without issues, upgraded to 2014 and now the undefined range has hatch!
I have a simple driveway corridor along a steep hillside. For cut, I would like to have a negative slope away from the shoulder edge. I have tried numerous approaches and all 'cut' reverts to positive. I searched and found no clear answer. It's such a short driveway, I can 'fake' it in, but I would like to calculate quantities.
We have a good size channel and the section for the channel varies quite a bit. We want to find the volume excavated in the channel between 2 elevations (it is the area of sand per the goetech report)? A template was not used to create the channel surface, breaklines and gradings were used.
I have two different point groups that I am using in my drawing. One is from a survey done a few years ago and the other is from one that I did just the other day.
I don't have a problem inserting the points or whatnot, but the issue I am having is that when I click "Datum" to adjust the elevations of my new point group (to make my benchmark 100.00'), Civil 3D alters all of my points; including the ones from the older survey. Is a way to adjust elevations to only one set of points.
I have a survey figure that no matter what will not come in with the correct elevations, its a spline (continous) curve that the elevations get blow up on.
Only thing I can think of is the when it starts to interpolate the curve it cant get the elevations correct, this only happens in the curved area, once it goes tangent everything goes back to normal.
We are running Civil3d 2012. When converting a line or 3d poly to feature line, or just creating one it adds elevation points where it crosses surface breaklines even if you do not assign elevations. We want the feature to just have 2 elevations. The beginning and end. Is this a bug? Or is there another setting somewhere?
I am working on laying out data for some survey crews along the centerline of the road. I have a BC and EC elevation, but the vertices along the CL are at different elevations, which were the original elevation of the poly line before being transformed into a 3D polyline. Is there an easy way to make the full line follow the slope from BC to EC other than manually shifting the vertices?
I graded a commercial site with mostly feature lines. I added points where I needed them to get everything to work. After modifying my surface, I suddenly have zero elevations randomly throughout my site. They don't make any sense why they appear. Some are just added to my drawing and others are existing points that were changed to zero. I can go to a back up drawing from a few hours ago and redo some grading, but I would like to know if there is a way to just erase zero elevations from the surface. I remember LDD was able to create surfaces ignoring elevations below a set elevation.
I've got a surface that displays contours correctly. When I go to Surface Properties-Analysis tab, I can set an arbitrary number of ranges for contours, directions, elevations, slope arrows, etc, and they display correctly.
I can set an arbitrary number of ranges in the slope range box too, but when I click the Analyze button, Civil 3D 2014 hotfix 1 only displays two slope ranges: 0% to 2979736.0077% and 2979736.0077% to 99999900.0001%. (!)
Can I automatically have my slope patterns introduced with a command like matchprop or something similar ?
I have 284 streets and it's getting ages to finish the slope patterns on every street. Civil Engineer / Infrastructure of metropolitan transports. URL....
I'm trying to match an existing slope design that has a soft rounded off top of slope. The toe (green) is a feature line and I'm using a 1-1/2:1 slope to natural surface grading rule. You can see the rounded contours in blue that I am trying to match.
in my link "link slope to surface", i have the slope set to -2.00%. in the cross sections, it is at a +2.00%. why is this thing not linking at the defined -2%? see image.
What formula Civil3D uses to calculate the average slope of a surface?
The formula I am using is S = I*L/A
S = Average Slope I = Contour Invertval L = Length of Contours (ft) A = Area of parcel (sq. ft)
I just had to do four parcel calcs and the percentage I find using the formula is always 1-3% lower than the percentage Civil3D spits out. I can't find anything about how Civil3D arrives at that number, it just appears. I assume that Civil3D is more accurate but I can't give that number to a client without knowing how the program arrived there.
I need to have a subassembly for a superelevation where the lane and base slope to the left and the bottom of the sub-base will slope to the right. I was using the LanSuperelevationAOR subassembly, which worked fine with my superelevation when the lane, base and sub-base were all sloping the the left, now I need to edit the slope of the sub-base only to slope back to the right at a -2%.
Windows 7 x 64 8GB Ram Intel Xeon CRU 4 Core @ 3.07GHz Civil 3D 2012 .....
I can not get the slope analysis to come up with 10 slope ranges. My ranges are set to 10, but my Range details populate to 22? Screen Cap included. I've tried this with Equal Interval, Quartile, and Standard Deviation. Nothing will create 10 intervals.
My "slope analysis" surface style is set to show Slope, with the range set to 10. In surface properties, my range is set to 10.
I use slope symbols instead of contours to keep my maps less busy. Unfortunately I can only change my cut style and fill style to slope symbols with grading by right clicking on the little diamond in the grading and selecting grading properties.
I have created a surface with 3d poly lines not by creating grading and got contours that way, How can I create the slope symbols in a surface. I tried xploding them and then creating a block and using the measure tool on the 3d polylines but it doesn't do anything.
Picture 01 is the contours
Picture 1 is the contours turned off and cut/fill styles turned to slope symbols.
Please find the attached picture. It shows a surface with its data points. I extended the surface to the outer boarder shown by kriging. The slope of the surface that was added with the extension (past the data points) has an upward slope that was generated. I need the surface to stay level with the data points that are there.
How to avoid that added slope when extending a surface?