Two of my users' 2013 Civil 3D's Sheet Set Manager does not show anything in the Recent list even though they have opened a few sheet sets and have worked on drawings from those sheet sets. In other words, they pick on the SSM > Open > and hover on Recent and nothing shows up. Once some sheet sets have been opened, the Recent list does populate during that AutoCAD session, but once AutoCAD is closed, the SSM > Open > Recent list does not populate. Mine works fine and we are using the same profiles.
Attached is a zip file with a standalone program to aid in cleaning up the Recent Documents list for all flavors of AutoCAD, 2009-2013.
It's pretty self explanatory, just be sure to run it with no sessions of AutoCAD, or vertical products, running. It should refuse to run if it sees any Acad.exe application in the running tasks list. Once the dialog opens it will show you all of the Autocad related products you have installed, select one and it will fill in the first list of recent documents. Then select a profile for that product and the second list will populate with the SSM related recent documents saved for that profile. You can then select any item from either list, if the same DST filename exists in both lists it will automatically select them both. Use the standard selection methods to select more than one (shift-click, control-click, window).
Be sure to Unblock, if needed, the zip file before extracting the exe file. (Check the file properties)
Any way to remove the .dst listings in the "Recent Documents" list on the "File" pulldown? We use Civil 3D mostly with dwg files and they are usually pushed off the list because of Sheet Set Manager files. Some of these dst's haven't been opened in weeks? But there still at the top of the list....very unproductive when you have to go searching for a dwg file you were just working on.....
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Pro (64bit) Intel Xeon W5580 @3.20GHz 12gig RAM NVIDIA Quadro 600
From the inventor file menu how to get an in correct recent files list? I get a list that i never worked on. When I carefully take a look, it shows a combination of couple files i worked on and a many files that my colleagues worked on.The tool tip shows it reading from c: empxxxx
I am in ACAD 2012 and want to delete sheet sets from my "recent" list. Many of them are invalid now. How can I do this? I would expect it is a registry entry but I don't know where.
The "recent" file list when I right-click the AutoCAD icon in my task bar only lists .dxf files. No .dwg files show up. Is there any way for me to change this so that my recent .dwg files will be listed?
After a rather horrendous incident with trying to do a series of videos all in one project using bins and shared media and a savefile that got *WAYYY* out of hand (20 minutes to load the file)- which I believe was tied to importing media from another .proj file, I have switched to a more modular approach with anywhere from 2-5 projects in each project and now a collection of around 15-25 projects on the go. Most of these are "work on a chapter, then change to another project while waiting for footage for another project" and several of them share pieces including multicam segments and sync'd audio.
Rather than importing from another project, I am using Control-C, switch to a different project file, then paste in. This isn't the most "Adobe Professional" style way of doing things, but considering that I lost several hours to trying to recover from the last project, even when I only needed to spend 20 minutes pumping out a rough cut, I'm not going back to that method until my next computer upgrade and until I begrudgingly switch to CC in around 1-1.5 year's time.
So the issue that I'm faced with is that I'm often using the Open Recent Project flyout and having 5 projects on that list is just not enough to be remotely useful.
In MS Office, the list is quite long and even in photoshop, I can get 10. That's enough for my Photoshop, but I switch projects using the Recent Projects list in Premiere a LOT more often. I could just use my explorer windows to jump around, but given that I have 5-6 explorer windows open per project most of which are folders crammed with footage, PSD stills and peak files, plus other non-video things I'm working on right now, that's really not the simplest way to navigate at a glance.
How can I get 10, 20 or 25 items in that flyout list instead of mucking about with 5? I run Adobe Production Premium CS6.
I have a friend using Lightroom 3 on a Windows 7 PC. She uses multiple catalogs. (one for each client) as do I. Now when she launches LR the list of recent catalogs is empty. Could this be cleared some where? Why do they not show up and will they start showing up again after she opens different catalogs?
Having trouble finding the correct place to put the FEET, INCHES, METRIC, custom scales in the registry. I'm not sure if its any of the following or is it somewhere else now?
Every time I launch Paint Shop Pro X5 my recent file list is empty. I thought the program was supposed to remember the last four images that were opened. I then have to select File > Open but now the program defaults to a folder called My Pictures. I store my images in my own folder elsewhere. I would like to set my folder to be the default folder. I have to navigate to my folder ever time I launch the tool. If I go to File > Preferences, I do not see a place where I can change the setting.
When I click File the drop down menue at the bottom has five entries for recent jobs. The most current is a file I worked on three or four days ago. How do you make Corel remember what was the last job opened?
We are planning on upgrading our CAD workstations. At the moment we are having problems (crashing) running Autocad 2014 and Plant 3D in 2014 version. Unfortunately our graphic cards (Quadro 4000) are not listed in the list with certified drivers, so getting any support on this subject is not possible. So currently we are still running AC2013 and it works fine.
For our new workstations we want to be sure all our hardware will be fully compatible (for that reason we only buy 1 first). If I look into the certified drivers list; [URL]....... I can mostly see older cards. When will newer cards/drivers be tested? We would like to re-use our quadro4000 or buy quadro K4000 or K2000. (Actually we were never impressed by the quadro4000, the quadro2000 would probably have been almost just as good at a much lower price.)
Every time I try to select the text of an item in the open recent list the recent list will disappear before I can select it. I've discovered that I must carefully move my mouse pointer down the left column that precedes the entries in order to select any of them. Autodesk, could you fix this so that anywhere on each item is selectable and the recent list stays open until the mouse moves off of it?
It is said that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words... I'm just writing this stuff instead of saying it outloud... that's my loophole.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
Any way to stop the recently opened Sheets Sets from showing up? To me, it's highly irritating and they always crowd out my .dwg's. All you have to do is open any sheet file and the Sheet Set Manager opens automatically.
When I have been working on a document for a few minutes, Photoshop suddenly disable the OpenGL features such as the Rotate View Tool. OpenGL does still seem to be enabled in Edit>Preferences>Performance...
I think the disabling happens when I use the Brush Tool.
If I save, closes and re-opens the document, the features are back. (I just created an action for this)
My video card is a NVIDIA GeForce 6700 XL with updated drivers.
I have a model rigged with The Setup Machine and The Face Machine and a single material is applied to each of them. Not sure if the above is relevant, but when I tested this in a clean scene with just a sphere, everything was fine.
I then select a few faces and apply a new material to those faces. I smooth the mesh and the UVs are smoothed and the different materials appear where they should be. If I set the divisions on the polySmoothFace node to 2 or more the materials seem randomly placed across the mesh. The Uvs however, are smoothed correctly. So I then have to reassign the materials to the correct faces.
If I do one smooth mesh, then another separate smooth mesh, the materials are placed correctly.
Is this a bug or do you think something is wrong with my setup?
Core i7-2600K 8GB RAM Win 7 Professional Maya 2011.5
I am trying to solve a problem. My company uses AutoCAD 2013. We set up a sheet set manager template that has custom properties linked to fields in an attribute block. Now we want to finish configuring a sheet list table. The problem is that we cannot get the sheet list table to look the way we want it.
In the sheet list table we add the drawing number, the revision, and then three titles (all from left to right). The three titles come from three separate attributes in the title block. The titles say the discipline (electrical) then the system type, then the particular drawing itself. We want to figure out how if possible, to have these three separate attributes in the same sheet list table cell.
We tried to do a multi-line text, which did place all three titles into one table cell, but then had issues with the multi-line text placing the three different titles into position on the title block.
I have a layer named XYZ, that contains ARC, LINE and POLYLINE. I want to get a list of all linetypes from every ARC, LINE and PLINE. If I open the properties, if I select only the ARC, under linetype I'm getting *Varies*. Instead of*varies*, I would like to have a list of all linetypes (ARC, LINE and PLINE).
Is it possible? WOuld it also be possible to do the same for linescale or weight?
How to get a list of commands and variables in AutoCad 2013. In the past I always got that from the help files, but it seems now that I cannot find in the help files in this new version of AutoCad 2013.
is it posible to list all the materials from all libraries and catagories from Inventor 2013?
I am using this at the moment: Dim oMat As Inventor.Material For Each oMat In oApp.StylesManager.Materials comboMaterial.Items.Add(oMat.Name.ToString) Next
This works but only pulls through and lists the "Inventor Material Library" materials by default.
What is strange though is that when I apply a material from another library to a part then its almost like that library is now active and if the routine is run again it only pulls through materials from that library and not the "Inventor Material Library" again.
I know in 2014 its better supported but is there a way to get all materials in 2013?
direction of where the DEFAULT SCALE LIST is stored in the C: drive?
I have set it up in the option tab and all is working, but will soon be installing several new PC's with AC and want to drop the stored file straight into the new PC's rather than having to type them out one by one on each PC.