I have an employee in our office with Autocad LT 2012, none of our dynamic blocks work on his machine? We have another machine with Autocad LT 2009 and the blocks work just fine? I can create dynamic blocks on the the machine, but when I close out of the block editor, none of the dynamic block grab-point show up. Is there a setting or somthing that needs to be turned on?
I can't locate dynamic door blocks in Autocad 2012 for Mac. I am a student, and my course instructions read to insert a door from: Architectural Tab on Tool palettes (TP) Dynamic Block Name: Door-Imperial. But I do not show that tool palette, nor am I able to locate any dynamic blocks in my content palette.
I open files from many different customers in 'vanilla' Autocad 2012, upon exiting I occasionally get an exclamation mark inside of a triangle that appears on the screen by itself after the program closes...No text associated with the close just an exclamation mark inside of a triangle with an 'OK' to dismiss....Does not appear to be file specific, does not happen after any specific input either...Is there perhaps a log I can enable and/or interrogate to see what is causing this warning?
I do tech-support work in a school district that is part of the Project Lead the Way program. As part of this program, we have 2 full labs of machines (25+ each) that are licensed for using Inventor 2012. Each year, this program supplies an updated version of Inventor, so each year I have to make a new Ghost image for those labs and apply it. All the machines are identical, and I image them with the same Ghost image file. This year, I'm having some major difficulty as follows:
On seemingly random machines with seemingly random student-level access accounts, the Inventor splash screen will come up when the kids launch the program…and then it will just immediately dump them back to the desktop with no error message whatsoever. At first I thought it was a rights issue, but on some machines it does the same thing when I log in with my administrator-level account.
These machines were imaged with Ghost, with Inventor 2012 installed, then activated on standalone licenses when the kids log in the first time (at least in theory). The machines are running Windows XP SP3, on an AD2008 domain. Sometimes you can log into a machine with a different user account where a kid has had this problem, and Inventor will open right up. That would seem to indicate that it's an account/permissions issue, but if you then take that kid and move him to a different (identical) PC in the lab, he'll be able to open Inventor just fine.
I've spent a good 2-3 hours Googling this one, digging into Autodesk's knowledge base and just looking through different forums, but I've had no luck isolating any factor that might cause this behavior so far. I even went so far as to do a full uninstall using the Autodesk uninstall utility on one affected machine. When I reinstalled from the disc, the behavior persisted. I also tried downloading Service Pack 1 for the software, which apparently just came out on August 31st. Installing the Service Pack didn't fix the issue either. I see nothing suspicious in the system logs that point out an Autodesk-related error.
I've made annotative blocks and I've made dynamic blocks... My intent is to integrate both but I can't find a way to move dynamic block parameters separately at different annotative scales.
In other words, if I insert an annotative dimension and add multiple scales I can move the dimension grips independently at each scale. If I insert a dynamic block I want to be able to use the dynamic block's action "grips" to do the same. However, with a dynamic block, if I move a stretch action at one annotation scale it moves the action at all annotation scales.
I have created a dynamic block with several visiblility states. The block works great for what I need it for. however, I am trying to add one more action to the block but am having issues.
This block is essentially a 24" retail cabinet with the visibility states showing the different drawer and shelf configurations. I want to be able to lengthen the cabinet in 24" increments and have the visibility show for each 24" section.....e.g. I want a 10' cabinet so I bring in the 24" starter block. Then stretch the cabinet to the 10' mark, then I can chose any drawer/shelve config for each 24" section (they are all different).
I can get the block to stretch in 24" sections....no problem.....i just want the visibility state to be duplicated as well for each section. Now as it stretches, there is only one Vis state and it only populates the first cabinet.
I could do this by copying the block over and over 5 times.....but I am hoping there is a way to make this dynamic.
I have a block I am making into a Dynamic Block. I will be adding in different visibility states. Depending on the visibility state the block would need to be inserted from a different point.
My question is, is it possible to add multiple insertion points to a dynamic block so depending on the visibility state it defaults to the correct insertion point?
I've created my first dynamic blocks...but when i insert them into my dwg they are way off in space. i've tried selecting a base point in the library file. and i've tried using INSBASE 0,0,0 but no luck. my dyn block is made up of several individual blocks.
I am labeling my pipe network structures and I was trying to create a label with a dynamic block. I want to have an octagon with text that I can change. So when I label INLET 1 I will have the information I need plus a symbol that corresponds to it.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. I am thinking that this may not be possible at this point but I am still going to try. I have an alignment label style for station and offset. I also have created a dynamic block for the border of this label to put around that label. This call out border is not a typical single width border so the borders within the alignment style do not match and cannot be used for our designs. I have attached an image of the border around the label style for a random alignment. So far the dynamic block has been a great fix for the border so that we dont spend a lot of time drawing in these borders for each label, but I was trying to add this dynamic block to the label style so that it would act as the border.
So far I have tried adding the block as a component in the layout tab of the label style but it appears where I anchor it and does not access any of the dynamic attributes to make the callout box larger in reference to the text. I know I can insert it so that in general it will be surrounding the Station, Offset, and Alignment contents, however, we frequently add additional text to our labels to callout pipe bends and other items so the box is not typically the same size.
How I might be able to do this or if it is not possible at this time?
Drawing disappear after using a dynamic block's stretch parameter?
I’ve made fairly simple dynamic blocks with lines or leaders that can be stretched and some attribute text. After moving the stretch grip of the block the block will disappear. If I then do a regen the entire drawing disappears. But it seems to be only a graphical glitch based on the fact that I can then save the disappeared drawing, reopen it and everything is up to date. I can even see my devious little dynamic blocks. But of course if I try to edit them everything will disappear again.
I've begun to create tool palettes to organize my blocks and often-used items. I have no trouble creating the tool palette, inserting regular blocks, export/import of the tool palette and groups, however my problem involves Dynamic Blocks and the fact that I keep each seperate dynamic block in a different file. I do this so that I can easily insert the block into a new drawing.
I'm able to drag the dwg file onto the palette (from explorer to autocad) just fine, that way the block's reference in the palette is the original file. Although when I take this method, I don't gain the lighting bolt to signify a dynamic block.
To get the lighting bolt I insert the block into an empty drawing, save it, then drag the block over to the palette. The problem with this is that the tool palette references the saved blank drawing, not the original block's file.
My endgame is to have a tool palette that contains my dynamic blocks and that will be eventually exported/imported to other computers everytime there is a major change. I also want to be able to change the original block's file and have that change be reflected in the tool palette.
Noticed that the Dynamic Blocks in the Annotation Tool Palette are missing? Let me rephrase that, in the Tool palette they show up, but the dwg's that they reference are missing. I have 4 users that are currently testing Civil 3D 2013 and all of them are missing the files.
Is there anyway to link standard AutoCAD Grips and there commands to Dynamic Block Actions? I want to stretch an arc by its midpoint grip. This accomplishes something that no other commands do.
So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it. However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle. Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.
This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.
I have a dynamic block, that represents a stirrup.
I inserted in the block a Block Propreties Table, that have some preset dimensions for the stirrups. The grip of this table I decided to put in the top right corner.
The problem is that I can't make this grip moveable )
new to dynamic blocks but looking to streamline my wiring diagrams here and have created a block that shows the typical wire styles we use in a simple easy way. I now want to add an overall flip to the entire block and have not been able to find set this. I would prefer to use the same label and go from there. I have included the block to show what I mean. It is only working on the single visible item at the one time. I know this has to be possible just let me know what I am doing wrong. I am running AutoCad LT 2013
I need to create a dynamic block for a "Glass Panel" in a balustrade. I need to be able to insert it, in one corner and stretch it in another corner, to suit the staircase angle.
I've created the block, but it isn't working correctly. I've attached a drawing, with the left hand drawing a sketch of how it needs to be. The right hand drawing is my dynamic block attempt. As can be seen, when the block is stretched between the 2 points, it doesn't follow the angle of the staircase correctly (Very slight run off)
I wish to create a dynamic block containing some attributes. These attributes are inside rectangles that can't be modified in length using linear parameters ; but the attribute has to be always in the middle of the rectangle. So, I draw a line inside the rectangle (in a hidden layer) and insert the attribute with center justification (not sure for the translation) that I place in the middle of this line ; then I put a coincidence constraint (not sure for the translation, but it's the first one) linking the middle of the line with the middle of the attribute.
But here's the problem : when stretching my rectangle, the insertion point of the attribute suddenly changes from "center" to "bottom left".
I am looking for a way to use the ATTIN/ATTOUT workflow to bring in data from an excel spreadsheet to drive the size of each of my block's instances. The block will be simple, a rectangle, with width and length parameters. For each entity in my excel/csv file these parameter values are spelled out. I know how to display these parameters in my attributes, but I don't know how, if I were to feed in these values, to drive the geometry. If there's a better way to take a list of width and length values to generate a series of blocks each with a rectangle containing its respective size.
I need to do some repetitive task on a lot of dynamic blocks, unfortunately, when I open each file, AutoCAD keeps asking if I want to open it with the block editor.
Is there a way to disable that dialog and open the files as normal dwgs?
A hint: BLOCKEDITLOCK doesn't make it, it shows another dialog...
usage of dynamic title blocks with visiblity states and defining page setup override templates which use same for quick plotting using sheet sets.
I have attached a simple dynamic block that I built which is the outter frame of our company title block, it is designed to allow users to quickly switch between Landscape and Portrait orientations.
The problem I am having is when I go to define page setups for my Sheet Set Page Setup Override Template I am unable to use the "Extents" option with auto-center because the "Extents", as defined by the page setup, includes ALL objects in the paper space regardless of visibility, so my title block ends up being centered in a stupid way if that printing configuration is used.
The only solution I have found is to use the "Layout" option when defining page setups, but this option produces other issues in other ways when printing. I don't want to use the "Window" option either for the potential for users to be using the page setup overrides to print drawings using different paper sizes or drawings that were not originally created using the current template the override is designed to accomodate.
Is there perhaps a system variable that defines whether invisible objects are included in the "Extents" setting in the page setup? I'm sure you'll all agree that Extents is the way to go in this situation, but it is not performing exactly as required.
I'm trying to make a dynamic block of a column radiator.
It should be very simple. It's a 46mm wide module that comes in a range of heights (300, 500, 600, & 750mm) and a range of assembly widths (9, 13, 18, 22 & 27 modules wide - more commonly given as mm widths of 414, 598, 828, 1012 & 1242 respectively).
My attempt at constructing it has gone quite well, but when 'stretching' the block a ghost of the core 414 (w) x 300 (h) unit remains. I attach the block to give you a better idea of what I mean.
I have a drawing ("SURUBURI.dwg") with several dynamic blocks ("M12", "M16", "M18" ... an so on...). I want to insert in my current drawing, one of the blocks from SURUBURI.dwg, for instance the block named "M12".
For that i tried creating a new command "INSERT_M12" that has the following script :
I have successfully created a dynamic block. I can insert it into AutoCAD, and it behaves like I want, except for one thing.
I can select the block and change it by taking a grippoint and place it at another position. So my block is e.q. stretched, just like I wanted.
But then. When I want to use the ordinary STRETCH command of AutoCAD, I can only stretch the insertion point of the block, but not the grippoints. Is there a way to set a grippoint to be select edable by commands like STRETCH.