I used to be able to snap to the end of the linework that form the visual end or intersection of walls while grip dragging a wall of one style to another. For example, using a wallstyle as a countertop, I'd be able to drag it to the corner of a room and use object snap to the intersection. In ACA 2012, the object snap defaults to the justification plane of the wall even if that's not where the intersection snap is desired.
I have an xreffed drawing and I can snap on wall edges in model space but not through paper space. I have tried the "allow snap on wall justifcation line" and nothing has worked.
I'm attempting to create a wall style that has 2 components, a framed wall and a brick veneer. What I would like to do is have this wall react a certain way when I insert a window. Basically, I don't want the window to cut into the brick veneer, only the framing.
I have attached my attempt so far, and I have not figured out how to get the window to only cut the framed portion.
I can convert a wall to a curtain wall but not a curtain wall to a wall. When converting a wall to a curtain wall I select wall in the design pallette right click apply to wall select the wall and it changes to a curtain wall. When I try converting a curtain wall to a wall I right click on curtain wall select apply properties to wall then go to select the curtain wall but I cannot select the curtain wall as a wall?
I simply want to convert an existing curtain wall to another wall type how is that done/
So... Is it possible when drawing a line to snap to a 'grip'? I've got a drawing that has been converted from PDF to DWG and the wall outlines are gone. What is there is hatching that is the poche. That means I could re-trace the walls if I could snap to the outside grips of the solid hatching that is there.
I quite often like to use the wall grips to adjust the length of a wall. This works really well accept for the occasional situation were I want to snap to the face of another wall rather than the justification line. I know that I can snap to the face of a wall rather than the justification line because I have some files that it works fine in and other files that it does not work in.
My boss wants me to make the most outside line of a walltype to be the heaviest pen. If I go to the properties of the wall and changethe boundary it changes the boundary of the item in the wall, each boundary independentfrom the other. Such as a wall made of the following: BRICK, AIR SPACE, SHEATHING,STUD AND GYPSUM BOARD. In this wall theexterior face of the brick and gypsum board need to be heavy.
have trouble moving doors or windows within a wall?
I am trying to move a door so that the door is flush with a face of wall. The prompts in acad do not match the instructions.
For instance; select door, okay. then from anchor panel select 'reposition within wall', okay a red line appears and prompt to 'select position on the opening'. okay so i click the face or side of door jamb then select a reference point. (guide says select point to measure to) and on and on. Door never moves.
it should be; select door, select reposition in wall, select reference point (interior, exterior, midpoint), select the desired location. Done.
Instead it is select this that and the other , measure from here, select, click.click click.
In AutoCAD Architecture 2012: when we insert standard windows in the wall, we usually get a wall break. After changing window size to small (2’ high), this wall break disappears in the plan, but still have it on isometric or perspective view.
Is it possible to create a wall in AutoCAD Architecture that will change in size along its length. At one end of the concrete wall the wall thickness is 12", at the other end the wall thickness is 24" thick. The wall will grow in size from one length to the other.
I have received some architectural models which were modeled in AutoCAD MEP and only have walls modeled as type Standard. Is there a way to transform Standard walls into cavity walls etc., giving wall makeup as you go - or do I have to re-model in order to get quality 2D cuts?
I've got a wall style that has multiple components. I have changed one component so the bottom starts 12" below the baseline ht of the wall.The section window display reflects the change, but the wall style won't update.Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere.
How to group wall types together when scheduling a drawing?
I have multiple wall types within a drawing but scheduling produces multiple entries per type depending on length, only grouping them together when lengths are identical. All I need is a total length per wall type within the drawing.
I've been having an issue with autocad architecture 2013. For some reason it won't let me create a wall. I can click it but it doesn't want to actually create anything. It just gives me the selection tool. I downloaded the service pack and still doesn't work.
I have two created wall styles, one is a stud wall with gyp bd each side, the other is a cmu wall with gyp bd each side. I want to use a solid hatch which I am able to do but the problem is one wall style the stud hatch is HATCH 1 and in the other wall style the CMU hatch is HATCH 2. It seems as though the two wall styles are tied together some how for if I turn on / off a hatch in one of the wall styles it turns on / off the hatch in the other wall style.
Another little problem off the big list. Up until now i have been using Autocad Architecture 2009 but recently upgraded to 2012. For some reason though, my hatches are now no longer linking on wall corners like the attached drawing shows.
I have a curtain wall I need to make, but I need it to be curve on elevation. Its an arch. I can do it on sketchup but I need autocad precision to establish the modules. I have this division settings, horizontal 3.111 vertical 3.559m.
The profile arch has a 40.062m radius. 27.741 arc length. and a total angle of 39.673.
My question is, how can I bend the curtain wall??? I can make a flat curtain wall to follow my referenced base curve, but I need tu curve it in elevation. Here is a demo view from sketchup.What i'm trying to do is the coloured face.
I'm trying to draw a wall in plan that has Wood Timbers in the corner. The problem im having is that if i use a Body Modifier it puts dark heavy lines within the wall. And Plan modifiers don't seem to be working. I tried to use an interference condition and that also did not do the trick.
I tried to force a cleanup and that did not work either.
How to reposition window within wall? i have a window put into my basement wall with footing as shown. unfortunately, the window aligns on the symmetry line of footing itself (as i believe the footing is taken as the overall wall thickness). i want the window to be aligned on the wall/cavity thickness only.
i prefer to have it default in this window or wall style rather than playing around with anchors and other ,,reposition tools'' for each and single window in my basement plan.
I am working in Arch Desktop 2011 and need to make a wall for a upper floor and roof line with different plate heights. See the attached drawing for explanation.
What I'm trying to do is create an upside down "V" wall to fill in this area. This is an as-built drawing for an existing house with an addition.
In model space, my walls all show with correct colors. However, when I go into a tab, the viewport is showing my walls in different colors than what I have specified. There are no overrides within the viewport. The display is 2D wireframe. If I change the display to 3D wireframe, the colors change to the correct ones, but the dimension hashes are also in wireframe, not filled. Why the 2D display is changing my wall colors and how I can change these to show as I want them to?
I'm drawing individual guest rooms for a hotel that I would like to xref into the main floor plans. The walls between the rooms are 8" wide. I would like to only show half the width of those walls (4") so when xrefed againt another guest room in the main floor plan, the total width would be 8". But I would like for the one side of the 4" wall to appear as a centerline on the individual plans, but at the same time, be able to shut the centerlines off on the main floor plans. I'm new to ACA 2012 and perhaps I'm going about this in the wrong way.........?????
I know how to add components horizontally to a wall like brick in the front and air space, etc. My question is how to have bottom 2 feet of wall to be of one material and the top of another material.
Since yesterday, when I try to draw any of our custom wall types all I get is a standard wall type image (rectangle only). None of the detail or component colors are displayed. When I start creating the new wall, the detail displays until I click at the end of the wall, then the detail disappears. When I ID an existing wall and a newly created rectangle the properties all match. I can copy and mirror existing wall and the correct display is retained. All of the existing walls in the drawing display and print correctly. The newly created wall print only the rectangle. Medium detail settings are in place. This has to be a local setting problem on my computer because others in the office can draw the same new wall in the same drawing and get all of the detail.
Having something very strange happen out of the blue.Have wall types like lightweight block (Component Priority = 300) and stud gyp walls (Component Priority = 500) suddenly cleaning up w/ each other.
Hasn't been happening before when base lines extend to each other, but suddenly on this new project they are.
I am expanding on my modeling w/ this project. I taken another step in 3D modeling w/ ACA and am extending walls vertically to multiple floors and referencing the base floor plan into (below) the base file of the second floor. Everything is working as I expected and set up EXCEPT for this one thing. Hard to point to this as the difference because I'm having this issue on the first floor....where the reference issue is not part of the equation.
Also, know there is a way for my lightweight block walls on the second floor to clean up/merge w/ lightweight block of the exterior walls being referenced in...but can't find where that "check box"/switch is. Found it many moons ago, but didn't need it then.