AutoCAD Architecture :: Recover Files And Xrefs In 2013
Apr 15, 2013
I'm using Autocad 2013. My problem is when i use "recover files & xrefs", all the files recovered are saved as a 2013 dwg version. As we all save our files here as 2007 version so when others opened the files they are getting some of the xref files missing in the drawing.
Is there any option to save files in a lower version when i recover?
I have noticed when I go to open a file there is also a recover file. Almost every file I have worked on in the last two weeks has a recover file. This causes problems if I can’t see the entire file name and accidentally start working with the recover file.
does AutoCAD 2012 automatically create recover files? I don't have unexpected shutdowns, I have never been asked to recover or create a recover file.
I've recently run into a problem that involves xrefs. Basically, I cannot open files that are being xrefed in other drawings when those drawings are currently open. AutoCAD Architecture will only allow me to open the xrefed file as a read-only version. For example:
I have 1ST FLOOR PLAN (drawing file) xrefed into A-201.00 FIRST FLOOR PLAN (sheet file). If one of my team members has the sheet file open with the drawing file loaded, then AutoCAD will only let me open the drawing file as a read-only file. But if my team member has the sheet file open with the drawing file unloaded, then I can open the drawing file without any problems.
I have never had this type of problem with xrefs before and so I'm wondering if it's an AutoCAD Architecture 2012 bug.
Our office recently moved all of our project files to the dropbox. Now when I open files with xrefs I have to attach them back into the file. However, this doesn't happen for my coworker. She can see all the xrefs. How could I solve this? The file names or directory has not changed.
I regularly recieve files from Architects and of course they have several xrefs. I have all of particular files that are referenced, however i cannot open the main file and have them load in 2013. I also cannot click reload or even detach and then reattach them. Nothing happens. However if i open the file in 2012 it opens just fine then i can bind everything into one. is there a setting i need to change?
I've got the second floor of a building which is an attic, which is over 2 different levels, each of which has its own xref. The roof is sloped. I would like to vary the cut plane in the same view, so that both xrefs are respectively cut at 1500mm above floor level. This would mean using 2 different cut planes, one for each reference.
We are using ACA2010 and use the project navigator to bring constructs into views then bring the views into sheets, which has been working great, but in the last few months we have gone to a sheet only to find that the view no longer contains the constructs. I was working on a project on Friday and the Site Plan view no longer had the site xrefed into it which I fixed, now today the Site Plan is fine but the Roof Plan is empty. This is not the 1st project this has happened to but it is the 1st time it has happened to me so I know nobody changed something they should not have. Is there a known bug in 2010 or something I should check. I don't want this to happen to the Floor Plan if it does I will lose all my dimensions.
If we have both the Xref and the File that it is referenced into open on one of the computers here and we reload, the Xref disappears. If we do an undo and close the Xref it reloads without problem.
I tried to replace the user profile from another PC that doesn’t have the problem, but it didn’t work. Is there a Registry setting that cause this behavior? All stations set to “Enabled with copy”
I have an xrefernced drg , which i print from a layout/paperspace .I freeze certain layers using VPort freeze in layer properties and save the drg whenever i close and reopen the drawing the layers are thawed in the viewport again.
few of our systems are not loading the xrefs automatically. it show as UNRESOLVED until reload it manually. also this systems are not able to attach / overlay xrefs as relative path.
What is the best method to re-path x-refs in a project whose folder has been moved. We are talking about 60-100 x-refs here.The originals were created in ACA 2009 and were not pathed relatively; nor was Project Navigator used. We are currently using ACA 2014.
When an object in an XRef is tagged (and the object has an object based PSD) the tag will not update to reflect changes made in the XRef.
This can be fixed in the XRef by running the PropertyDataBrowser command and unticking the Overrides (shown in the leftmost tickbox when two tick boxes present).
Any automatic way to keep the tags up to date? I have attached my VB.Net code attempt for this. It almost works BUT the MultiViewBlock Overrides are ReadOnly.
the ctb files do not appear in the drop down list in the plot dialog box. I have checked the files and are located in the correct directory. Also have verified that the files are being pointed to in the options dialog box.
Using ACA 2012 and Windows 7 Pro x64. I have a drawing with two viewports. In one I'm showing the electrical layers and the base floor plan. In the other I'm showing casework and the base floor plan. All of the layers are contained in one xref so some are frozen in each viewport. When I bind that xref using the insert method (bindtype=1) some of the electrical layers show in the casework plan. I've tried everything I know of but I can't figure out how to surpress this behavior. If I use bindtype=0 the problem goes away but I end up with ugly layer names.
I am having several problems with my xrefs. My two big problems are xrefs bringing in way more information than I want, and they are duplicating if they are selected, even when I have the xref layers locked.
My set up is this:
I have a plan file, a grid line file, an elevation file, and a section file.
I want all files to be referenced to each other. However, I do not want duplicates of any xref. For instance, in my section drawing, I will reference my plan file which consequently brings in any file that is referenced in the plan file. I know that I will get the circular reference warning and that I can click continue. However, is there any way I can just get "1 degree of nesting"?
Second, I cannot figure out how to lock my xrefs to prevent them from constantly being selected. My problem is that in my live drawing information, if I select everything within my window and an xref is in that window, it will be copied. I don't ever want to duplicate my xrefs, but I can't find a way to lock them (even when locking xref layers).
We setup a company template to use STB. Not trying to debate if its the right move, we simply did it because the designers grasped the concept of Named Styles rather than color styles.
Here is our setup.
AutoCAD 13 on Windows 7 with Adobe PDF or DWG to PDF
We have an xref'ed drawing of a background. We xref it on Layer XXX_BKGRD with a color of yellow and a Plot Style of Background.
In our STB file we have style named Background set to plot Black. We have Plot object lineweights and plot with plot styles selected. The VP is set to Legacy Hidden.
When we do a plot preview, its all color. No change.
My autocad gets a fatal error unhandled exeption error and crashes when I etransmit from the sheet set manager. it hangs for awhile then crashes, and I have to close the application. This is a very xref heavy job with files from all diciplines culminating to create a zip file for the project. It worked with Acad 2012, took a long time, but worked. By the way this is accross all our our new AutoCAD 2013 installations who try to transmit from this project. I've tried others and it works fine. Just this project. Is there any way to recover the shet set dst file?
I have 4 plans of the a building in separate files, all set to world ucs. I xref in ground floor to the first floor, then move the first floorr so it aligns. I complete the same process for plant room and roof. Having saved all the files I then xref back the first floor into the ground floor using the insertion point as 0,0,0 but the plans do not align???!!! I do the same for the other plans, the plant room plan aligns with ground floor whilst the roof plan aligns with fist floor [but not ground].
I have tried reinserting numerous times but am missing something? The files were supplied to us as dwg format but I do not know the full history.
I have recently installed Autocad 2014 and am experiencing very slow and jumpy files when using x-refs. The other machines in the office where I work are not experiencing the same problem and apparently my machine is more powerful.
Originally we thought this might be a network issue (as x-refs are being referenced through the network) but when I put the actual reference files on my computer, I experienced the same issue.
Using project navigator my drawings get xrefed from the constructs, through the views, and finally to the sheets tab.
I recently realized that I needed to fix / change my linetypes on 5 different drawings starting at the construct. When I had finally finished fixing the layer linetype / line LTscale / drawing LTscale to get it to look exactly the way that I wanted, I had to go through my views drawings, and the sheets drawings, detach the xrefs, re-attach them, and then modify the layers to the colours that I wanted.
Some people had the same problem about 10 years ago in this thread, and the poster at the bottom sums it all up nicely. This is not a VISRETAIN issue. I just want changes to my linetype changes to flow through all xrefs, just as if I had moved a line.
I would like to see a setting added to CAD that would allow linetype changes to flow through, and a colour setting that would allow colour changes to flow through. Maybe VISRETAIN is too broad of a command, and needs to be broken down into linetypes, colours, LTScales. etc etc etc.
i have a large number of drawings that need xrefs detached and re-attached with the latest model xrefs, any way to do them in bulk rather than opening each individual drawing? the problem started a while back, when opening drawings, ACAD is not loading the latest 'saved' model when opening drawings...
After some infrastructure changes, I need to repath all of my xrefs. I know I can easily do this using the Reference Manager, and I have. However, when I open the drawings that I have updated, the xref images (jpg, png, etc) do not display, but rather only show the image border. I must then go into the External References pallette in each drawing and reload each reference. This works fine, but it is awfully clunky, as I must do this for every drawing.
Is there a way I can batch reload these references after updating the path in Reference Manager?
I am accidentally selecting the xref when hatching and thought I remembered a setting or something to where you could make it where the xref couldn't be selected when hatching? I know the work around. Just unload the xref and then hatch, just thought their was a setting for this.
Trying to use overlay to prevent some circular xrefs. When the civil plan is xreffed as an overlay, the images and pdf's xreffed in the civil file show up in the file it is xreffed into. As an overlay, this should not happen? the problem is that that both the civil and piping drawing has the same pdf xreffed and it is doubled up. Does overlay not work for images and pdf's? is there something else?
I am working with a client who upgraded to 2013 and their profile settings have disappeared. They also are not able to open hatch patterns that have been copied to the default folder, which is added to the support files search path.
I am not a CAD user or expert with the application, but am required to provide IT support for a client that uses the product.
Steps to recover the old profile settings and save the hatch patterns so they are available each time the application is opened?
We prefer to detach all xrefs when exiting a base file instead of unloading them. Is there a way to have autocad remember which xrefs were used in the base file so that they can be reloaded all at once next time.