AutoCAD 2013 :: Using Dynamic Block In Table Cell?
Dec 11, 2012
Is there a trick in using a dynamic block in a table cell? When a dynamic block is inserted into a cell, any visibility can be viewed (Properties Manager) in that cell if the visibility state has a block in it. What happens if the visibility state does not have a block. That is, if the view has exploded block so one can use parts in actions etc? Can I view ANY state in a cell regardless if it has a block or not? Or must the visibility states have blocks to be able to use it in the table cell?
I have a dynamic block, that represents a stirrup.
I inserted in the block a Block Propreties Table, that have some preset dimensions for the stirrups. The grip of this table I decided to put in the top right corner.
The problem is that I can't make this grip moveable )
My boss gave me a copy of Autocad 2012. I've messed around with architecture 2010 before so the ribbons are no surprise. One thing I have noticed that's really different is the dynamic block constraints & block table actionblock properties table? I looks very similar to the lookup property table
It's about "Block Properties Table",I want to use a Block Properties Table to manage a Dynamic Block.
I have defined a Dynamic Block a and its Block Properties Table in Autocad2010,this is the screenshot of the Block Properties Table(a1:d1=100,d2=200;a2:d1=100,d2=400;a3:d1=100,d2=600.) Now I want to insert the Dynamic Block using .NET API.after I input a command,the block of a2(d1=100,d2=400) is inserted. I have the code about it, but the code is not complete. this is the Dynamic Block
this is the the screenshot of the Block Properties Table .
the result:
the code about it:
[CommandMethod("readBlockTable")] static public void CmdReadBlockTable() { Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager. MdiActiveDocument.Editor; // select a block reference [Code].......
Ok over the past few weeks I've got pretty much most of the Dynamic Block stuff down except this feature.
I've attached a drawing. In the middle I used VISIBILITY to have all the different weld types. I need something at the end to where Weld Tails can be added if they're needed but you can only use one Visibility per block. I'm also going to need something at the front of the block for different symbols like "Field Weld" and "All Available". If I can figure the Tails out then I can do the other one.
I've created this dynamic block for work. Its an overhead cupboard with 4 doors. My problem is that when i create a table through data extraction the value for the length and height for the doors aren't shown (The column this there with a heading, no value), the length of the cabinet and visibility is though. Do i need to assign an action or something for the value to be displayed?
Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?
I use this technique quite often in Excel. One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D. While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from: BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE. The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.
I have created a dynamic block and have applied some lookup tables to it but its not working just the way I want it. I think its to do with the custom entry on the lookup tables. If I delete the custom entry when i select the block in model space the drop down select box to allow me choose a selection is no longer available. How can I remove the custom entry and still have the block working normally. I've attached the block.
I've created a titleblock with a menu to select sheet size, a single set of attributes that serve all the different sheets, but now I'm trying to find a way to add a table.
The table is to sit above the title box and include information on: New revision number Text detailing changes since the last revision (might be single or multiple line text) Date of new revision . The bottom line needs to sit flush to the top of the title block so the top line would be moving up the sheet as new lines are added if that makes sense?
We use a number of blocks with block tables for data extraction here, and whenever one of the blocks is modified and updated, all of the block tables reset to the default value. This happens for any block reference change, not just changes to the block table (which makes sense that it would reset).
How can we update these blocks without having to manually change all of the block tables afterwards?
The "Main Stretch" parameter does not correspond with the Block Properties Table. What does this parameter need to be attached to?The paramter will adjust with the pull down options of the Block Properties Table.
I am creating some table of contents. The first column contains symbols that are inserted blocks. Now, when I've created dynamic blocks I've made them to have more visibility states. If I insert the block that has such states, only the saved state is visible. Is there any way that I can use more visibility states when inserting some block into table.
At the moment the only solution is to insert another simplified block that I've created just for this insertion. That way my blocks library is getting bigger and bigger only because of this. I don't use simplified blocks in my drawings, except for the thingy mentioned above.
Whenever I add a block property table the window that should be opent doesn't open. The strange thing is that I think it actualy is open but i just don't see it on my screen. The same thing gous for the screen that allows you to ad a parameter to a lookup set. by folowing this link you can see what i mean, it gets interesting after 30 seconds.
Is there a way to setup vertical alignment of text in a cell for the entire table, when using Table Tool? It is possible for a single cell, but when selecting a table (or multiple cells) this option is not available.
I am in the process of fixing one of our dynamic blocks. It's a fairly simple fix where there was a typo in one of the names of our items in the lookup that needed to be fixed.
I changed the name of the item in the lookup table. I went and did the test block and it seemed to work fine, but when I bring the block into a drawing, it reverts back to the old lookup as if I did nothing at all.
I made sure that the path was correct and I even just dragged and dropped straight from Windows Explorer to no avail.Does AutoCAD keep referring to the old block? Did I forget to change something else?
my problem is whenever i make a new block a stretch point appears even if its not a dynamic block . also its not a stretch point, because when i click on it, it just move the block , and it always appear on the coordinates 0,0 it cause me a problem when I insert the block , autocad use this point as a base point , and its very far from the real block .
i was wondering if it's possible to change the default precision of values in the drop down menu for linear parameters when using a block properties table from 4 digits to 0.
See attached file, when opening the dropdown menu, the centre-to-centre widths of the chair are displayed in a value with 4 digits "behind the comma" and i would like that to be 0.
I am creating a table where I want the cell contents to be aligned Middle Center. I can set that up in the table definition and it seems to be in place once the table is in the drawing. If I type text into the cell the alignment is as expected. Whenever I type a number the aligment changes to Top Right. I can go back into the cell and reset the alignment to Middle Center. If I then delete the cell contents, exit the cell then return to the cell and enter a number the alignment returns to Top Right. I want the table to start off empty so others can enter informaiton as it becomes available. Is there a way to have the cell alignment stay the way I wnat it regardless of what I enter into the cell? I tried changing the cell format to text but the instant I entered a number it switched back to a number format and aligned Top Right.
I am trying to find out which Cell in a table is being / has been modified, in AutoCAD 2011 with C#.
I have subscribed to the Table's .Modified event, but when this is triggered by modifying some MText in a Cell, the Table's .HasSubSelection property is false and its .SubSelection property throws an exception. Conversely, modifying the MText in a Cell does not trigger the Table's .SubObjectModified event.
I noticed a class called Autodesk.AutoCAD.Internal.Reactors.TableSubSelectFilter which has a event called CellSelected, but how to instantiate such a class for the Table and subscribe to this event.
How Autodesk intends you to determine which Cell of a Table has been modified?
I am currently using 2008. I have data linked an excel sheet to a table in my drawing. That part works fine.I am trying to link cell values in that table to block attributes using fields-object-formula-cell.Numeric values transfer to my field OK but values containing letters or full words transfer as #####.This appears to be the 'way it is' in 2008.
Is it possible to create 3D dynamic block and export dimension data ? in detail I would like to create a pipe block, use it in a dwg with different length and export data in order to know sum of all blocks with different length.
As alternative, In case 3d dynamic block is not feasible, is it possible to export data to calculate dimension of 3D object?
I want to create a dynamic block that as I select my pick point to move it over it stretches the box, however at the same time it arays 2 other lines at the same time. The trick is I need the 2 lines that array to renceter them self within the overall box thats being strtched. To put this in exact teerms I'm looking to create a dynamic block of a reinforced concrete slab that you can stretch to the length you want and at teh same time the reinforcing sysmbeol (----- X-----) will array itself and recenter. Is this possible to do?
I have created a drawing border block for my users to insert into their drawings. Within the block there are dynamic blocks which have visibilty states. However when you insert the border block with the dynamic ones you can't do anything with them? Is there anyway of making the border 'flexible' or something so that it maintains the fact that it is a block with all the attributes but you can use the embedded dynamic ones. Other than the obvious edit block in place or block editor?
is there a way to make a dynamic block that adapt when using with constrait...i want the block, wich will be a panel with different visibility, to adapt between 2 geometry using coincidence or colinar constraints
so when i change the parameter of the distance between the 2 geometry , the block length will ajust accordingly i'm not new to the dynamic block but to using parameters with it, never done that.
what I need to do to fix the elevation tag block below? I want the text to rotate and be readable as I rotate the block. Right now the text rotates but it's not readable when it's on the left hand side.
I have a drawing with multiple instances of a dynamic block. I have a second drawing with said block modified.
I want the first drawing's block to be updated to the modified block without reinserting each block separately.
I don't have the block as a separate file to "insert", only available to copy. With it being dynamic, I don't trust using the block editor and just copy/paste from the modified into the original.
I have set up several tables inside autocad that have one cell as the input cell and after regen the others perform calculations based on that cell. I want to write a command that uses the same value as the input value to draw the arc to scale. I tried using the table value as is called out in the cell field:
^C^C_arc 36,6;e;0,6;r;Table(8796085192704).A3;.
Is there anyway to get a value from a cell inside autocad and put it into my macro so I can draw an arc of the radius shown?
In ACA2008 there seems to be a maximum of 10 Cell Styles allowed in a Table Style? When I try to make a new 11th style, one of the existing 10 styles gets supplanted by the new style.