AutoCAD 2013 :: Position Filetabs From Default Location On Top Of Graphic Screen?
Apr 23, 2013Is there a way to position the Filetabs from the default location on the top of the graphic screen to the bottom where the sheet tabs are?
View 1 RepliesIs there a way to position the Filetabs from the default location on the top of the graphic screen to the bottom where the sheet tabs are?
View 1 Replieschange the default position the Text Format box opens in when double clicking on text to open the editor?
I have downloaded a list of system variables but have been unable to identify a system variable to control the location of the Text Format box.
Every time I double click on text to open the text editor the Text Format box opens directly on top of the text forcing me to drag the Text Format box out of the way to be able to see what I'm typing as I edit the text.
Some one in our office pointed out that the Text Format box is defaulting to open in the center of the screen and that if I want to avoid the conflict I should zoom or pan to a point where the text I wat to edit is not in the center of the screen. This is a major PITA that requires significant retraining as I ALWAYS zooom and pan to place what I am editing in the center of the screen. Twenty two years of AutoCAD use creates habits that are difficult to alter. I would think most people would do this by default and having the Text Format box default to opening in the center of the screen was a rather shortsighted choice by the programmer.
Shouldn't the placement of the Text Format box be relative to the location of the text chosen for editing, say above or below on the screen rather than defaulting to a set location?
We are having an issue with the xloadpath variable. We currently have a bunch of .ac$ files in the project folders on the network. We are trying to set the temp xref file location to the same folder as the temp drawing files (located on each user's hard drive).
After specifying a location for these temp files, the location is blank once the drawing is closed and opened again (which means they are in the folders on the network).
Why is this folder location resetting to default (no location given) when the drawing is closed and opened up again? Shouldn't this be the same as selecting the folder for the temp drawing files?
direction of where the DEFAULT SCALE LIST is stored in the C: drive?
I have set it up in the option tab and all is working, but will soon be installing several new PC's with AC and want to drop the stored file straight into the new PC's rather than having to type them out one by one on each PC.
I'm having problem changing the default location for templates in Application Options of Inventor 2013. If I set the location to a folder in my server, the template files aren't showing up. It's like there's nothing there. I've never found this problem before. The templates are shared on the network, so it's the same for everybody. Now it's necessary to everyone copy them locally, which is not the best practice in my opinion.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to change the publish settings so that it prompts asking for a location to save when I publish to PDF? Right now it's just saving to the default output location and I need it to ask every time where I want to save the file.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get either location, insertion point, or center of an entity that is inside of a block. I'm getting subentity using the Editor.GetNestedEntity. I create a FullSubEntityPath for highlighting, that works well, and I have looked at using GetSubEntityGeometricExtents using that same subentitypath, but not having any luck, I can't seem to find any documentation on using that method.
I know I can get the location of the owner, then calculate the location of the entity based off of that, but I'm looking for an easy way now, if that don't work out, I can do the lengthy approach.
Where is this data stored?
Geo Location
Sun Source vector (I can see it in the "Sun & Location" Panel)
But how use this data.
In attachment you will see sample drawing with all this information.
How can I find them with lisp?
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
i recently upgraded from 2006 to 2008, and am having a strange problem. when i open anything such as the xref manager or quick select window, i resize the window and the next time i open it, back to the default size and position.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSomehow I got the ribbon vertical in autocad architecture 2010 I don't know how I did it nor how to get back at default horizontal position
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf I double click a workplane in the browser, the edit dimension dialog comes up half way off screen, does not remember the screen position if I move it, so it has to be repositioned every time. Seems to be tied to the browser position.
View 9 Replies View Relatedjust upgraded from 2004 to 2012. Wow, sure looks different.I'm playing around with the ribbon & don't know how to stop an annoying behavior. I position the ribbon locked to the side of my display because I have a wide screen & if docked to the top I end up with a very wide, skinny drawing area. when ever I make a change tp the ribbon contents it goes back to the default top position, after which I have to relocate it again. Is there a way to get it to remember the previous position of the ribbon?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the default save location?
It goes to my documents, but in options I can't find anything with that path.
I want it to go to a different folder but I can't figure out how to make it do that.
How to change the Default Templates Location from the installation directory to the Network Location so that my Mechanical Design Team can use our Assigned Templates.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a template and changed some style properties. I can not save to master location and when I open the template is tells me it is going to override my custom style.
How do I save out my custom style to the defalut location?
Is there a way to change the default save location for imported components? I can't stand the default "Save in Workspace" option which creates the dreaded & useless (IMHO) "Imported Components" folder.
I know how to change it during an import by clicking the "Options..." button. But if I or another one of our users forgets to do that, then things get saved to the "Imported Components" folder. This becomes particularly annoying with library files.
I have re-arrange the Properties and Project browser from their original position, I cannot figure out how to put them back in their default position , I'm having hard time navigating thru my project because of this mess.
See the attached picture.
Elements 10 on a MAC, his organizer window appears on screen with the top line/menu bar having File, Edit, find, View etc. off the screen at the top and I can't move it down to display properly. I am not very familiar with a MAC being a PC user myself
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know how to go in to my settings and change the default page settings on a new design, but I want my settings to ALWAYS come up with the settings I change them to. How do I set these so that every time I start Xara I don't have to go change the settings AGAIN?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to change the default drive path location of the items that are placed into the Library panel on the edit window. I have a second hard drive and would like the items from the Library panel edit window to default to a drive path location on the second drive. I know I can export a library but I want the main Library panel work screen to default directly to a drive path location on the second hard drive.
View 5 Replies View RelatedToday I accidentally moved the toolbar. I watched the movie about customizing Xara, but I can't follow it. How to set it back to its default location (top of left edge).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using Creative Suite CS5 in Windows Pro 64, and would like to set a default location for files in Illustrator and Photoshop when I execute the File > Open or File > Save commands.
Yes, the program defaults to the location of the last file opened, but sometimes that file is gone, or I'm creating a new one from scratch, and the program looks for files in a distant place in my file structure.
Is it possible to set a default file location for opening and saving in Illustrator CS5 (and in Photoshop CS5)?
How would one set up a default import location, such as a directory below "My Pictures" or a flash drive? I don't see a way to create a macro or a preset that would step straight into a directory holding new images. In Windows, there are about six or eight levels from the top of the hierarchy to a location below My Pictures. There should be a way to automate the source location.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA couple questions on backing up the catalog.
1. What is the default location for the backup?
2.Can I change the default location? I would like to keep the backup on an external drive
3. If I can not change the back up location or Lr must do the backup,can I copy/paste the Catalog I want to keep to my external drive.
When in CS6 I want to be able to move my image where ever I want it, by default it's centered on the workspace. Because my palettes are on the right and I use quit a bit of them it's better when I can move the image moire to the left.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy command prompt window position moved to top left corner. Want to move back to bottom left corner.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust upgraded to Autocad 2013 and I've noticed that if you click a dimension then right click the "dimension text position" is missing. Also double clicking it to get to properties, under text position I don't get the option to change to sat centred or above line. how to get it back. I've switched to classic view if this has any effect.Inventor 2013
View 8 Replies View Related.jpg export screen shows a solid black area instead of my graphic image - why? but when I open the .jpg file that was exported, it looks correct (not a large black rectangle). why is the preview window in the export window showing a large black area? see attached screenshot.
View 9 Replies View Relatedor how to position a picture in a specific location within a background picture.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was trying to load in some tool presets for my pen tool in Photoshop. Upon doing so I noted that clicking on "Load Tool Presets..." or alternatively any of the quick jump links i.e. art history, pencil brushes, etc... Photoshop would load absolutely nothing.
Upon looking to see where Photoshop was looking for these tool presets I noticed that it was looking here:
"C:Users*********AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6PresetsTools" instead of looking here: E:AdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)PresetsTools --- which is where the presets are actually located.
Is there any way to change where Photoshop looks by default? How did it get set to the incorrect location in the first place.