AutoCAD 2013 :: Freezes On Loading On Splash ONLY When Opening From DWG File?
Jan 3, 2013
So my other designer is having issues getting his ACAD to open directly from a DWG file. He can open just fine using hydracad, or autocad, or acad mechanical, and open the file once inside. The problem only arises while opening straight from the DWG file on our server (or his hard drive itself, doesnt matter the location). Any DWG file for that matter. Myself and another designer are able to open them all just fine, and have no issues. We are all running with the exact same settings of startup (1), and all have the same computer specs.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5502 @ 1.87GHz 1.86GHz (2 Processors)
8gig ram
64 bit operating system.
Nvidia Quadro NVS 290
and a couple 250 gig Hard drives.
We tried running a repair and it didn't do anything. Not sure what the issue could be. I tried performing quite a few of them for him (even though none of the titles indicated they were having troubles opening just with DWGs, as most were having freezes on the splash screen just opening the .exe).
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Aug 8, 2013
I'm running Revit 2013 on Parallels 8 (Windows 7 x64bit) on a Macbook Pro, it has been working fine for over a year untill today as it freezes on the startup splash screen and the 'SECSplashwnd' becomes non-responsive. Nothing significant has been changed as it was working fine 8 hours ago.
I have tried repairing the Revit installation, restarting windows and mac, uninstalling Microsoft Framework and reinstalling. Problem Details:
Description:A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
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Jun 23, 2011
I just became a part of the Student Community here, and downloaded Inventor Pro. I actually had some problems right off the bat: some kb971153 file was missing, so I had to find a hotfix from MS and install it before it would let me install Inventor.
Anyway, I opened up Inventor, and found that within seconds of loading up a new .ipt file, my computer would freeze. I can confirm that ctrl+alt+del, mashing several other buttons in frustration, and thinking of creative ways to use four-letter words to describe the situation don't work. As far as I can tell, .dwg files work just fine, it's just the .ipt ones that are kick my blood pressure up a notch.
If I remember correctly, the hotfix had to do with individual licensing or something, so it shouldn't be the cause right? Everything else on the computer works just fine; if I downloaded the wrong fix or something, I figure I'd see some problems with the computer overall. So I'm lost. Maybe it has to do with the stuff the .ipt file is trying to load or access but, either way, it's causing me to have to turn my computer via power button, something I'd rather avoid.
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Sep 9, 2005
Photoshop CS freezes on splash screen. I have been using this since CS first came out without problems. Now it will not go beyond the screen and locks up with 100% CPU usage. Athlon Barton 2500 w/2G Corsair Ram, 2 - 160G Seagate 7200 HD's configured with Raid +1. All other programs work normally...just PSCS
Should add that I have uninstalled CS and reinstalled it. I have also removed each 1G stick of Ram and tried it...then swaped the other stick...
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Jan 23, 2013
photoshop cs5 randomly freezes when opening a file. File does not open and cannot move palettes. Only rebooting cures it for a time then ...freeze again! Seems to be getting worse, happening more often. I have all the updates. Running on macbook pro 2.4 core i7 8gb ram OS 10.7.5. Basically I work away and then I try to open a file, the windows and pallets all open but the actual file doesn't. The layers are showing all relevant info but if I try to move the pallet...frozen! Have to reboot to get the file to open.
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May 27, 2011
I've had this problem with XDP6 and now I have it with XDP7 as well.
If I am opining a file (double-click on it to open) and I don't have all the fonts that may have been used in the file, then I get a message telling me so, but, I cannot click on the 'Continue' button to do so.
Designer is simply frozen, no matter how long I wait. I can click on all sorts of things but nothing happens.
I have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE to shut down Designer.
If I have Designer open already, then sometimes I can click on 'Continue' but not always.
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Jul 31, 2013
I am new to gimp and after using the program yesterday afternoon I went in to do some more work on the document and got the following error message: "Error loading PSD file: Unsupported Compression Mode: Error #43775. How to get this file opened? I was Opening As Layers.
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May 29, 2012
I have loaded autocad 2013 on several workstations. On one machine, I seem to be having trouble with the .pgp file not loading. Ordinarily when typing in "O", i get offset but for some reason, it changes my cursor to orbit and asks to "select an object".
This is only happening on one machine. Other commands work but customized ones do not.
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Nov 22, 2013
working with 2014 acad and i have made myself a partial CUI. it is really only one extra tab on the ribbon with a few of the standard panels i use in one place. nothing to out there. so here is a step by step of what i did to get this cui file.
entered comannd CUI in command prompt.
went to "Transfer" tab in the CUI dialog box
on the left panel it is "Main Customisation File (acad.cuix)"
on the right panel i created a new CUI file.
then right clicked the "Ribbons" path and created new "Josh's Tab"
then transfered the panels across i wanted
then saved the cui as "Josh's CUI.cuix"
then loaded the .cuix file via the "CUILOAD" command
at first nothing at all happened, so i unloaded and reloaded it. then closed and opened acad again. still nothing
so i loaded it and unloaded it a few times again. so i went back to "CUI" and had a look at my partial and it hadn't saved anything.
so i created a new tab again "Josh's Tab"
transfered the panels again and saved the file then loaded and reloaded the .cuix
when i loaded it acad "blinked" while it reloaded all the CUIs and my tab was there but no panels. i had another look at the CUI and the panels are there but not showing in the ribbon.
i have done this from 2009-2012/13 (can't remember which i was last using) and never had a problem. i have been away from Acad for the last 16months though so i figure i have just forgotten one simple step somewhere. I have the current SP installed also.
Product design suite 2014 running on a Toshiba Qosmio X870-70
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Jan 9, 2014
I'm using AutoCad 2013 Civil 3D. I'm trying to import the attribute table from a GIS shapefile into AutoCAD. I tried it in Map but could not get it to work. I could not find and object file in creating a quirey.
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Mar 18, 2013
when trying to reopen a file from the "recently used" file list? When I try to click on a file from the list it gives me a message stating "error opening file". I know this will happen if the file has been moved to another location, but the files are in the same place as when I originally opened them. None of the files in the list will open anymore. Is this a pathing issue?
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Oct 31, 2013
I have joined Photoshop CC and it worked for a couple of hours. Now when I load it, when its loaded, it freezes and nothing works.
I have Windows 7 and plenty of computing power and disc space. I have tried reloading it 3 times plus signing off and on to my account.
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Aug 18, 2005
I recently tried to open photoshop 7, however the programme starts to load, but freezes when trying to load TWAIN! I have carried out a logistics test and the following message kept on appearing - Adobe Photoshop 7 (380) CF Log (21) : get disc fragment returns- 2851 for TWAIN > when trying to load / System / Library / Frameworks / TWAIN. framework / TWAIN.
Further to this Indesign will not load, instead a message appears Cannot load Indesign because it requires Photoshop Import filter. Please install Photoshop Import Filter plug in and restart. As mentioned I am at a complete loss, both programmes working before. The only thing I can possibly think of is that I loaded the software for my new digital camera, this being a Nikon Coolpix 7900 and the software is Picture Project 1.1, then decided I did not require the software, so deleted it. I wonder if this has anything to do with it. I have since re loaded the software, however Photoshop is still not working.
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Dec 7, 2012
CS6 Bridge, text in the Folder window freezes following loading of an image from Bridge into PhotosShop CS6. Bridge is render useless. Closing Photoshop frees up Bridge. Bridge does not refresh the type in the folders window and occassionaly leaves partial tiles of images in the content window. This occures esch time an image is loaded from Bridge into Photoshop.
Photoshop CS6 & Bridge were updated at 11:47 AM PST today 2012-12-07
Win 7 64X Professional latest up-dates as of 2012-12-02
Intel Core i7 Quad Core 950 3.06 GHz 8MB
EVGA GrForce GTX 460 - 1GB graphics card
"C" Drive Intel X25 120GB SSD
Working Drive Intel X25 120GB SSD
Two(2) 1TB HDDs storage
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Dec 31, 2012
While opening the autocad file it is showng some warning & I dont know what is this.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have AutoCAD Civil 2013 and AutoCAD 2010 installed on my Windows 7 system.
Whenever I double click on a *.dwg file Windows starts up Civil instead of AutoCAD 2010 to open the file. Even if I already have AutoCAD 2010 running.
I went into the Control Panel Associations and attempted to Associate a file type with a specific program. When I pcik the *.dwg file extension the only option that Windows gives me is "AutoCAD Application". I even browsed to the AutoCAD 2010 directory and manually chose acad.exe but Windows just defaulted back to "AutoCAD Application".
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Sep 4, 2012
Just installed product design suite 2013 without issue, however when I try to run Inventor 2013 it hangs at the splash screen.
The only way to exit is to kill the Inventor process. Other applications with in the design suite run fine ACAD, Fusion etc.
I did read a post about a windows security update causing this, but I do not have the offending update loaded so it can't be this.
Windows 7 64 bit Dell Precision
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Jan 8, 2014
The user has Autocad 2014 64 bit Service Pack 1 running over Windows 7 Pro. Everything is working fine until she receives .dwg files from a supplier that uses Autocad 2010. When she opens those files, the screen is empty, no crash/freeze, no error message, just a black background. The other opened files are still there in the background.
The only way she can open the file is by asking a colleague, also running Autocad 2010, to open the file and convert it using the WBLOCK command. After the conversion the Autocad 2014 user can open the file without issues.
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Sep 4, 2013
When AutoCAD is closed and I try to open a drawing from the Windows Explorer I get a fatal error and when AutoCAD is opened before opening the file from Windows Explorer everything works fine. We have this problem with several stations at our office.
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Dec 3, 2012
I am looking for a way to verify what version an AutoCAD file is without opening the file. I have a customer that requests the files to be in an older version of AutoCAD and for QA purposes I would like to verify that the files we are sending out are in the correct version.
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Nov 16, 2012
I am facing problem in my AutoCAD2013 (Ultimate version) -
1.While opening any file an alert message is appearing on the screen, for closing the same I Have to use ( X) close many times.
2 After opening the file every time I have to set the AUTOcad default setting once again, it is taking too much time,
I am not in a position to format my PC now, The snap shot is attached herewith.
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Dec 27, 2012
I have a Windows 7 machine running AutoCAD 2013. When trying to open any drawings from our AutoDesk Vault 2013 server, AutoCAD will hard lock/freeze and can only be closed by using Windows Task Manager. When accessing the same files through the Vault first, without opening AutoCAD, they open with no issues.
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Nov 30, 2011
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
It freezes when I try to open a STEP file, even one I just created.
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Jul 20, 2012
We have loaded copies of AutoCAD Architecture 2013 on several workstations. We had tried brining over older profiles (from 2008)- which did not work, so made up new ones. ANYTIME we go into the profile settings to load a different profile beyond the default, AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial), eventually while working the program will crash. We've wiped out installations of the program, registry and all, and re-installed without brining over any prior data. Same issue.
Even when using a seperate "default" profile us as (Global) or (Metric)- same issues. The problem with staying/modifying the workspace for the US Imperial is it will not load the complete menus with the MENULOAD command (only loads EXPRESS). If we work within the (US Imperial), no crashing, but again, the menus are not available within that profile for some reason, so that is not an acceptable solution.
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Apr 27, 2012
i usually get stock at this screen , usually what happen is i click "Continue" and it load the video screen and i start working but now nothing ... just nothing when i had this before i try to restart sometimes work sometimes it's just load me the Autocad 2012 "Non-Civil3D" .
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Nov 12, 2012
My adobe cs4 collection (photoshop, indesign, etc) freezes upon starting. I've got fresh system install - windows 7 (x64), new ssd drive - corsair force, new motherboard and cpu - intel i5, 16gb ram ddr3.
Every time i open psd or indesign document i have to wait about 15seconds before the popup screen opens and the software launches. Same with acrobat AND with Office 2010 (wtf?). On my previous setup it started faster. I've tried unlockin Win7 options for best SSD performance, and reinstalled the graphics driver (geforce gt 220). This is a cs3 + upgrade to cs4. Everything else seems to work smoothly, system starts up very fast and such.
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Jul 24, 2012
i am trying to open a revit 2012 file in to revit 2013 but it is showing me an error thar says: There is a circular chain of references among the highlighted elements. and then this message: Data in this file is currupt and needs to be manually recoverd. but I can perfectly open the same file in revit 2012..
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Mar 21, 2013
My copy of CS5 photoshop freezes when opening saved psds and currently I cant find my cd key for it (in case I need to reinstall) what should I do?
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Feb 4, 2014
I've run into a problem with Premiere Pro CS6. Last week, I experienced a crash while working on a project, and ever since then I have been completely unable to open ANY of my saved projects.
Whenever I now try to open any saved project - regardless of whether it contains any footage or not - Premiere immediately freezes unrecoverably. The same thing happens with newly created projects. If the project contains video footage, the 'Media Pending' preview shows on the frozen page - if there is NO video footage in the project (which would be rare, obviously), then it just freezes without the Media Pending message.
I can, however, open a previously saved project by opening Premiere, creating a NEW project and importing an old project or sequence into it. Using this method I am able to encode one video at a time. I can not use Adobe Media Encoder to queue up video sequences for encoding - Adobe Media Encoder also crashes (freezes) whenever I attempt to start the encoding queue.
Steps attempted to resolve this issue (all unsuccessful);
Uninstalled the Adobe Master Collection CS6 completely, followed by a reinstallation. No change.Uninstalled every Adobe application on the computer, then deleted every remaining Adobe directory I could find - including those contained in Program Files, Program Files (x86) and in my user profile directory. Also emptied my Media Cache folders. I also then ran the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool and removed everything it would allow me to from CS6 and below. Followed by a reinstallation. No change.Both of the above installing back without any patches (Premiere CS6.0.0) and with patches (Premiere CS6.0.5). No change.Emptied the 'Temp' folder for my user profile. No change.
The one slightly useful thing that I have found is that if I create a new user account in Windows and open Premiere from there, everything seems to be fine - so the issue would seem to be related to my Windows user account ...
I do not want to simply eraze my current user account because it would take me ages to restore all of my preferences, applications and whatnot to their correct configuration - and there's no guarantee that the same thing wouldn't occur again (especially given that I've seem similar reports from other people, so it's not an isolated incident).
I'm running Windows 7 Pro, SP1, incidentally.
Crash details, for what it's worth:
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 5211d7f5
Hang Signature: 23a7
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Hang Signature 1: 23a73802a238152cdf9b7274c7d644c6
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Sep 1, 2013
I've been using X6 for over a year without any major problems. I have all updates and hotfixes installed. Last night I saved a project I was working on and this morning when I went to open it it crashed immediately, before the splash screen even appeared. Everything froze including the mouse and keyboard and I had to do a hard shutdown. I booted back up, tried again and the same thing. Tried different .cdr files and opening CDX6 directly. Same complete system-wide crash. The F8 reset option freezes the system too.
I tried reinstalling the last update and as soon as the reinstall began it crashed. I tried uninstalling it. It crashed. Each time freezing the complete system, mouse, keyboard and all, requiring a hard shut down. I scanned for viruses—nothing.
Everything was working fine last night, all I did was boot down the PC for the night and boot it back up in the morning like I've done a million times.
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Mar 22, 2011
I am unable to use the file command open, new etc. I click on open and nothing happens no file box opens. As soon as you do anything else the program says not responding and you have to close it down. I can click on an autocad file in windows explorer and bring up the file this way but as soon as you try any file command such as save as the program freezes again. I am running windows 7 professional and the autocad LT 2011 64 bit program.
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