In previous versions I have used a pan feature tied to the view toolbar. In 2013 no such pan icon is included on the view toolbar. So, I am in the process of adding (customizing) the view toolbar. I realize that I don't know the difference between "pan" and "realtime pan".
when I would use the "pan" feature, instead of the "realtime pan" feature?
There are different results when executing polar array using the 'classic' method and the array using ACAD's standard array. I tend to revert back to the classic array as I find this more user friendly and tend to use this one over the standard ACAD array. Which methods are preferred by other CAD users ? I was wondering if any other CAD users prefer any other 'classic' functions over the standard ones. I sometimes use 'classiclayer' as well because of a display issue, not sure if this is a common bug that other users have found too ?
How do I get my part to be transparent in the "Realistic" view like it is with the"Shaded with edges"? This is what it looks like with the view style set to "Shaded with Edges". Notice how it is transparent and you can see thru the part.
Now when I switch to "Realistic", I get this. Anything that is behind this part is not visible.
I want to be able to see thru the part when in the reallistic visual style.
When I open a new drawing in my AutoCAD 2013 that I just recently installed last week, I encounter a problem that I am not familiar with from previus versions of AutoCAD I have worked on. First of all, the units default to decimal, and I want them to default to architectural, with feet and inches. I have to type UNITS in the command line every time I open a new drawing in order to adjust this. I have AutoCAD for Architecture 2012 on another computer, and the program automatically defaults to architectural units upon opening up. Just to let you know, the program I am having this difficulty with is part of a package called Autodesk Building Design Suite 2013. I was under the impression that it included AutoCAd for Architecture, but I think it has only standard AutoCAD.
The scale of the objects I draw vs. the scale of the drawing field is very out of proportion. What I mean is, when I open a new drawing and draw a 30' -0" line, the line appears so long on the screen that I cannot see the whole object, even if I zoom out to the maximum. I should be able to see the object in it's entirety. In fact, when I draw a line that is only 12" long, even when the zoom is all the way out, the line looks huge in length. I have tried adjusting the units to the architectural/inches setting of course, and I have tried adjusting the scale in model space from 1:1 to 1/4'=1'-0", but nothing is working.
I'm having trouble with AE CC playing a RAM preview at a realtime framerate - it's lagging behind at random speeds. This is a short image sequence (of many more to come) My iMac just seems to struggle with this, I can't figure out why. Is this a Graphics card issue?? We have an older mac here which has an older card with more ram (1024 MB) on the card, which takes longer to render the preview (is that due to less system RAM?) But, plays back with a solid 30fps framerate no worries..Is this a problem with the particular Graphics Card on this iMac? There seems to be little info about this card that I can find with After Effects.
Project task:
- I am only previewing a short (15 sec) 1920 X 1080 image sequence (either TIFF or EXR) at 30 FPS. Ram preview going at around 20-28 fps: 'fps: 20.271 / 30.00 NOT realtime' - RAM Preview set to Full Res, 30 fps Frame Rate, Composition settings 30fps, footage 30fps - tried lower quality settings, tried cropping video - same jerky framerate - Even when video is rendered to a .Mov Lossless file the video is still juddery and appears to be dropping frames when played in Quick Time - VLC is better slightly.
System / Memory Preferences:
Ram shared by other apps: 4GB Ram reserved for AE: 28GB..After Effects Multiprocessing: ON Installed CPUs: 4 CPUs reserved for other apps: 2 RAM allocated per bg CPU: 6GB actual CPUs used: 2
Extra notes:
- Have tried with using less memory on the system, no diffeence - not a problem with the RAM in the iMac (which is above the recommended standard, I know, but works fine with everything) - Running After Effects CC - no other programs running - Works fine with other Mac we have - which is OSX Lion & After Effects 5.0 with ATI Radeon 5750 HD 1024MB Graphics Card. - Had the same issues with After Effects 5.5 - Tried with After Effects 5.5 with Apple RAM 12GB no difference on this machine - Monitored System CPU & GPU - no problem running at CPU 25% & GPU 40-50%
Just wanted to double check if the brush cursor rotation updates realtime in Photoshop CS6 WHILE painting. i.e. not when Intuos Art pen is hovering but in the middle of the stroke.
Previous thread on same topic, but with no conclusion :
I can scroll through UNRENDERED CFX clips in the timeline and have an amazingly fast realtime-preview of the result on the broadcast-monitor (only). I had to record this phenomenon with my phone.It instantly feels completely different!!! URL...
I really like Smoke, I've tried pre-release and I've noticed there is no realtime playback. I have pretty fast machine, MBP, 17, 1920x1200, SSD, 16Gb Ram, 2.3 Ghz (early 2011), AMD 1GB, but still it seems too slow for Smoke?
optimize it for laptops, because 50% of users siting on laptops.
I'm writing a program (C#) that automates the notch tool within the frame generator add-in in Inventor. I can select one part and then select multiple other parts that will notch to the first selected part automatically. This will save me a TON of time if I get it working correctly. With that being said, I have it to the the point where the user selects the first part and then window multiple parts (these are stored and then cycled through later), then I use SendKeys to open the "Notch Tool", and now this is where I encounter my problem.
The Notch Tool is waiting for the user to Pick/Select one part. In my code I've tried to use the CommandManager.DoSelect method which does not register with the tool (I'll exit out of the tool and the part will be selected). My thinking is that this notch tool will only accept the CommandManager.Pick method which would defeat the purpose of the program as I do not want the user to have to go through the parts one by one notching them together.
Is there a way to simulate a mouse click on a selected occurrence within Inventor? Is there another approach I should be considering? And finally, how to rewrite the actual notch tool to allow multiple notches to be done at once?! I'll post a snippet of my code.
issue, more than 1 user needing to work on the same file. Of course this can create problems, like time mangement or users creating their own copies of files which leads to confusion about revisions etc.
I've looked into the possibility of using 'shared' files which updates edits made from multiple users but so far a solution has proved elusive. The only thing I found is called CadVault, but I don't think this does what I would like.
I got the idea from using shared Excel documents and it seems to work well, and IMO, CAD is the typical kind of application that requires this kind of manipulation, but I've never worked for a company that uses such a method. I'm baffled by the lack of information / support for this, unless I'm overlooking something.
I have a drawing in metric but I want the results in feet and inches, do I draw it in metric and have Autocad spit out a feet and Inches drawing, is that even possible. Or do I do the conversions up front and explain to the client that he will get his metric drawing back in feet and inches.
Second part, if the drawing is in metric do I open the Autocad Civil 3D metric icon or does it matter. Where I can read up on why there is a metic and imperial Autocad icon?
What is the difference between Annotation Text versus the Civil 3D Lables? Do you have more control over the annotation text? Do lisp routine work better for annotation text than the Civil 3D Labels?
I have a routine that will create a quick leader and text from the object layer that it selects.
Layer EX-PAVEMENT ----> the quick leader call out would label it as Existing Pavement.
SaveDate only updates when I save the file but CreateDate updates every time I regen? How is that a CreateDate?
Is there a setting that would create a date field that updates only once during the life of the drawing? I would like to create a true CreateDate field where once I save the file the first or second time it stays the same date from there forward.
I have looked at the FIELDEVAL settings. I have a plotted date on my drawings so maybe a general date field is not necessary?
I received a drawing form a vendor that is in 3d (27 meg)...this drawing contains the model and 4 paper space sheets.
These sheets contain different pieces of the 3d model. I need to create four 2d drawings (one for each sheet). I have tried "export layout to model" with no luck as most of the drawing does not export. I have tried to copy to clipboard but, drawing is too large for the clipboard. I have looked in the "help" and there seems to be nothing on converting a 3d drawing to a 2d drawing or extracting indivigual sheets to a 2d format model. I have tried exploding the information on the sheets in order to get everything to export but that doesn"t work.
I’ve been using Autocad LT since 1994 and the Tracking command has always worked the same, now in the newest version (2009) when I Shift + Right Click I only have “Temporary Track Point” on the menu and it works differently then the old Tracking in LT 2002.
If I want to place a Point at a specific area inside a rectangle I would normally select Point then invoke Tracking then select the bottom left corner of the rectangle and move the cursor over to the Right and enter a distance such as 2.1 Enter, then move my cursor up and enter another distance 2.5 Enter, Enter. That would place the point at 2.1,2.5 relative to the lower left corner of the rectangle. I can no longer do this because as soon as I hit Enter after the first distance it places the point there.
Something I'd like to see fixed (or find out how) is when using the start New File icon, if you select the icon itself, you are directed to the templates folder of the active project, but if you select the "Pull Down" arror next to the icon, you are taken to the Inventor Standard default templates which are typically not used.
I see numerous users unknowingly selecting those default templates and not noticing until they've started entering dims, etc. They get very upset at having to make sure they select the icon and question as to why it would be different.
Same deal if one is to select the Inventor Icon in the far left upper corner (this is more common than the users selecting the pull down) and then select "New", again, they are shuttled to the default templates and not the associated project file templates...why?
I am trying to standardize the company I just started with and I believe the Named Plot Styles are definitely the way to go, rather than Color Dependent.
Now, the question I have is when I created my Named Plot Styles, I created multiple styles with different lineweights. I plan on creating a base template with layers and have the lineweight based on the plot style. Is the correct way to handle it? Because we work for a certain large state DOT and they do things slightly different. They have only 2 named plot styles (existing, proposed) and change the lineweight directly in layer rather than the lineweight being dependent on the plot style. Now truthfully, there is no difference that I can see in the plot styles they created except for the description.
difference between the "Refresh File" and "Revert to Latest" commands in the Vault browser within Inventor 2013? We just started using the Vault Collaboration 2013 flavor of Vault.
why a line drawn perpendicular to a spiral curve in C3D is not radial? If so, what is it perpendicular to? It can result in several feet of difference.
Also, labeling an alignment along a spiral using the automatic routines appears to run perpendicular (whatever that is - not radial).
Perhaps I'm not looking at the math right (its been awhile since spiral curves in college) but it seems to me that a curve of diminishing radius should be labeled radially. Is that not how C3D sees it?
The only other thing I can think is that C3D is running perpendicular to the small tangents or arcs that it puts in to approximate a spiral curve.
I've just used the Sync Center in Windows for the first time. Basically I syncronised an Inventor project that resides on a server with my laptop so I could go into the field. All seemed to work well until I returned back to the office and performed the sync again. For some reason now all of my projects don't appear in the projects list.
Sync Center and Inventor. Should I be looking at Vault. Can it do syncronising better than the Sync Center shipped with Windows?
Product Design Suite Inventor Premium 2012 - SP1 Installed HP 8760w I7-740M Laptop Windows 7 Professional 64 12 Gb DDR SDRAM AMD FirePro M5950 Graphics Card
I have created a custom linetype using a shape & also added text. I have tried countless combinations to have a different spacing for the text, without affecting the frequency of the shape.
I want there to be no space between the shape, just repeating. But I want the text to display only once for every 4 times the shape repeats. Is this at all possible?
Every time I change the text spacing, I get huge gaps in the between the shape and it seems that their spacing cannot be independently controlled.