After loading a single 24x36 road plan and profile PDF drawing as an underlay, Autocad is so slow and jerky I couldn't work with it. The PDF file size is about 1 MB. I need to load at least 10 more, so it is a hopeless endeavor to use the PDFs. I'll have to convert them another format such as to JPG to get the job done.
How to use this functionality, but if the performance isn't greatly improved it might as well not even be included in the product.
My girlfriend has a problem with AutoCad 2013 students version. After attaching pdf file in underlay option AutoCad crash. She's got macbook air with system version OS 10.9. She had not ever problems with pdr iunderlay before.
Client of mine has been experiencing slowness with AutoCAD LT 2013.
The program works fine when working on floor plans. However when they open up any PDFs to be using as an underlay, AutoCAD LT performance on scrolling up/down left/right moves as a snails pace.
PC Specs are: Intel Xeon W3505 @ 2.53Hz, 3Gb ram, Windows 7 Pro 32-bit, nVidia Quadro FX 580
Currently about to suggest upgrading the video card to a Nvideo Quadro 2000 1Gb Video card. Would this solve the issue that my client is having the the slowness when scrolling when a PDF underlay is used.
Is there anyway to be able to edit a PDF document while the drawing it's referenced in is open?I would have thought that a PDF underlay would have worked in the same manner as an external reference does.
We use crystal reports to create reports from the drawing, export to PDF and insert back into the drawing.Then when items are released for ordering and received the PDF is stamped as such and the underlay reflects that progress in the drawing.
But if a user has the drawing open the PDF is locked for editing.
I'm using a PDF overlay which looks perfect in CAD and print Preview. When printing to PDF the quality drops to a level which is useless. I have tired increasing DPI and Quality settings but the outcome is the same.
Print Screen Of Print Preview - Notice Quality of text on the panel
Print Screen Of Actual PDF - Text unreadable...
EDIT-- It seems I can't upload an image big enough to show the issue. You'll have to take my word for it.
I'm not sure if I have a difficulty with all .pdf plots from AutoCAD, or if it mainly concerns those with .pdf underlays. I am generating some drawings usings .pdf underlays with other information added to the underlay information.
The underlay appears to be exhibit good line and text resolution. When I zoom into the overlay, I can read the information and the quality looks great.
The problem seems to be when I then plot a drawing as a .pdf. Using Acrobat to increase the zoom level, the lines and text on the drawing become very distorted and are hard to read.
I am having trouble getting a DXF underlay to plot clearly and boldly. I insert the ref to the dxf, then, in paperspace, create viewport, etc. I plot all files to pdf (seperate install) for record purposes. When plotting this file, the dxf is very faint--even though the preview is very bold and dark.
How do I accurately set the scale on a raster underlay based on 2 (or more) points where I know the distance between them?
In fact I would like to do this on 2 axes separately so that it stretches.
I am used to georeferenceing like this and getting raster underlays the right shape for the coordinate system I am using. How I can do this in AutoCAD, which used a very simple coordinate system.
I am adding some complex details to my block library, and I want to include about 20 different multileaders in each block so that I have immediate and consistent access to the annotations. I may use an individual block many timess in a drawing, but each instance of the block may only require me to use 4 or 5 of the multileaders. I also want to be able to manipulate the multileaders in the same way as I do any regular multileader (change their position and location, landing length, align, etc) and even align and position them with other multileaders that are not part of the block.
How do I create or use a block in this way? I essentially want to create a dynamic block of some sort, but I don't really know where to start. Am I trying to do the impossible? Would it be easier to just create a visibility parameter to keep the mleaders hidden, go into the block editor at every instance of the block, copy the mleaders I want to use, and paste them into the drawing?
The Thumbnail in the media library are not useable. They need to be larger. I know the desktop is also an option, but for quick scanning, they don't serve there purpose.
I want to send a consultant our dwg file as a dwf so they can use it as an underlay. I cannot find any clear info in forums or on web to create it from model space (so 1:1 scale) for them to attach it in their model space. AND when I did try it (just not sure it is the best way), I insert in (as DWF underlay) and it comes in with all white lines & the line weights of everything are way too thick.
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2013. When attempting to attach a PDF as an underlay, I go to the Insert tab, choose "Attach" from the Reference panel, pick the PDF I want, and then...nothing. No dialog boxes come up, I get no error messages, it just doesn't do anything at all. I just upgraded my RAM and I know the rest of my specs are up to par, and I did get this feature to work once, but now it doesn't do anything.
I have a pdf underlay in my dwg file and I found I can snap the object in it, end point, mid point, etc. Is this mean there are some ARX functions to retrieve the object in pdf underlay?
I'm trying to import a pdf underlay in AutoCAD 2012. However, every time I have imported it, the frame of the underlay shows up, but the pdf itself doesn't show up.
Contrast = 100 Fade = 0 Monochrome = No Show underlay = Yes Path is correct
I've tried importing image underlays (PNG files), and they work fine. Also, the pdf file is pretty big (about 100 MB), so I didn't know if that affected its ability to to get this to show up?
I haven't used PDF Underlays very much as we're always given CAD backgrounds. In this case, I used them to quickly put in since we won't get CAD files. However, they are scanned PDF's so they are essentially raster images. They have jagged lines, etc.
Is there a way to just lighten these when plotting so I can still use them as my background? or should I just bite the bullet and trace them to get actual ACAD lines to be able to control in plotting?
I understand that a pdf underlay will slow down AutoCad and its functions. My company just switched from AutoCad 2010 to AutoCad LT 2010, while maintaining the same computer and it has become astronomically slower. Is this an issue I have to deal with or is there a way to improve its efficiency?
In AutoCAD Architecture 2012 we try to use the PDF Underlay to insert PDFs into our dwg files. We have problem to scale the pdfs correctly. We use metric units (mm) and when we insert our pdfs it scales to imperial units. For example, we have a pdf plotted from AutoCAD (or Revit) as an A1-sheet (841x594 mm) an insert it canceled to 1 the inserted pdf (image) get the size 33,11x23,39 which is the sheet size in inch. If the drawing is in 1:100 scale we would like to scale it up to 100 to get the correct scale in AutoCAD but it won't work.
I have tried insunits, insunitsdefsource, insunitsdeftarget but it has no effect.
I'm trying to import a pdf underlay in AutoCAD 2012. However, every time I have imported it, the frame of the underlay shows up, but the pdf itself doesn't show up.
Contrast = 100 Fade = 0 Monochrome = No Show underlay = Yes Path is correct
I've tried importing image underlays (PNG files), and they work fine. Also, the pdf file is pretty big (about 100 MB), so I didn't know if that affected its ability to display. How to get this to show up?
I am attaching a PDF or DWF file to my drawing it shows in xref dialog but when i try to get it from
Database.GetHostDwgXrefGraph its not in the graph node list. can some body give code example, how i can update the underlay path. the following code crash Autocad.
using (Transaction trans = database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { UnderlayDefinition uDef = trans.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as PdfDefinition; uDef.UpgradeOpen(); uDef.SourceFileName = newPath; trans.Commit(); }
I'm working with ACAD 2013. I need some way of masking part of a PDF underlay. Basically I am attempting to call out something on architectural plans and create a listing on a table. The mask needs to be transparent, kinda fading the rest of the plans out, leaving my little callout box.
The ways I can think of doing this involve a little trickery. I think if you bring the PDF (2) times create a clip then create the opposite clip then turn the fade up on the outer one should work.
I have a PDF underlay that is giving me some issues. I locked the layer and moved the pdf underlay's x-position to -1 and sent the drawing to the back to make sure it stays underneath all my lines, but annoyingly, everytime I draw something, it ends up *under* the PDF and I have to zoom out very far and selected the pdf to "send to back" again.
I'm using ACAD2011 and a HP DesignJet 500 plotter. We use PDF underlays of scanned charts, maps, etc in our cad plans and sometimes the PDFs will only partially plots even though the rest of the cad line work plots. We are using 2007 dwg file format to make files compatible with another program. I have monkeyed with the RASTERPERCENT and RASTERTHRESHHOLD variables but still same problem.
I am having a problem with pltting files to pdf that contain a pdf underlay. When I do this, the pdf underlay part comes out fuzzy and unreadable. If I plot to paper, everything is fine.
I am using the standard pdf plotter and my own ctb file. Autocad 2012 and Adobe Acrobat x standard.
I didn't have this issue at my last employment with autocad c3d 2010 and acrobat 9 pro
I suddenly am having a problem viewing underlays. It happens with PDF Files and DWF Files. When I insert the file nothing is displayed. I dont see a frame or an image. All I get is a point. When I select the point the underlay ribbon bar comes up. I have the show underlay selected. The Fade is Set to 0, In properties I can the layer is set to 0, but under view the height and width is all 0.00000.
I am running straight Autocad 2012 w/ SP1. Its 64 bit on Windows 7.
If I insert a pdf underlay into a drawing, it won't display or print out. I know a pdf has been inserted as I can use Erase-All and it will say an object has been selected. The funny thing is that it all worked fine a week ago, and now doesn't. I can open a drawing done months ago which was fine but now there is no pdf displayed.
I've checked various settings against another computer and they are the same.
How can convert PDF underlay into actual autocad 2010 drawing / layer ? PDF file can be opened in autocad 2010 in PDF underlayer.It could be convert into separate lines / individual lines etc...