AutoCAD 2013 :: Link Vport Scale Into Title Block As A Field?
Oct 7, 2013if it possible to insert vport's annotation/standard scale into title block as a filed? Does some variable exist or I have to create a formula?
View 2 Repliesif it possible to insert vport's annotation/standard scale into title block as a filed? Does some variable exist or I have to create a formula?
View 2 RepliesOne of the guys here has created a title block which has a scale field in it, this field reads the scale at which the title block is brought in, by use of an invisible attribute (he used the block in model space so that's why I scale them up). When he xref the dwg into my main drawing all is fine and the scales are as they should be but when he prints, the scales all show 1:1 on the print and in the main drawing. Could this be due to the fact that the xref is brought in at 1:1? But we can't see why this would change it as the block is obviously still at e.g. 1:50 in the xref.
Why is the Rtext link in the title block not working for my team members in canada? They are using the same TB as us but for some reason the plot/date stamp shows like the attached pictures
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to link a vport to another drawing file?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a title block inside my drawing and i want to link my title on the title of the file itself, so that if the title of the file was change, it will be change also inside the drawing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a new drawing in my AutoCAD 2013 that I just recently installed last week, I encounter a problem that I am not familiar with from previus versions of AutoCAD I have worked on. First of all, the units default to decimal, and I want them to default to architectural, with feet and inches. I have to type UNITS in the command line every time I open a new drawing in order to adjust this. I have AutoCAD for Architecture 2012 on another computer, and the program automatically defaults to architectural units upon opening up. Just to let you know, the program I am having this difficulty with is part of a package called Autodesk Building Design Suite 2013. I was under the impression that it included AutoCAd for Architecture, but I think it has only standard AutoCAD.
The scale of the objects I draw vs. the scale of the drawing field is very out of proportion. What I mean is, when I open a new drawing and draw a 30' -0" line, the line appears so long on the screen that I cannot see the whole object, even if I zoom out to the maximum. I should be able to see the object in it's entirety. In fact, when I draw a line that is only 12" long, even when the zoom is all the way out, the line looks huge in length. I have tried adjusting the units to the architectural/inches setting of course, and I have tried adjusting the scale in model space from 1:1 to 1/4'=1'-0", but nothing is working.
I am using 2013 Inventor.My company uses the .dwg file extension instead of .idw (if that makes a difference).When I make a new .dwg file and insert an .ipt file for my first base drawing ..The material field of the .dwg Title Block is populated.This is something I would like to avoid.When I open iProps in the .ipt drawing and go to the Physical/Material Tab don’t seem to have the option to display a blank (no information) in the material field in the Title Block.The closest I can come to this is to choose Generic, which looks kind of odd.
My company chooses to give all material specs in a note displayed on the drawing.In case of a material change at some point, I do NOT want to have to change the note on the drawing AS WELL AS the Material information in the .ipt iProps.The reason is that, sooner or later, I’ll forget to change both(which will lead to confusion) and possibility lead to making junk parts (made of the wrong material) which will then have to be thrown away (at perhaps a major loss).
Is it possible to put a date field in a IDW title block that only shows the year?
It's for a copyright date & I'm trying to avoid having to type it in every time or remember to change it every year ion every sheet.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
I would like to have a field in the title block that reports whether the drawing was created with Autocad or Civil 3D and also whether it was 2009 or 2011. The only system variable I found close was acadver but it doesn't distinguish between products.
View 1 Replies View Relatedway I can link my AutoCAD title block attributes to excel and make changes in either excel or AutoCAD and then be able to run an update? The attributes would be “REV” “DWG_NO” “TITLE” “LOCATION” “DRAWING_SIZE” and “FILE NAME”.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to get up to speed on the whole sheet, navigator, title mark thing but it seems so much more straightforward in Revit. I used to use mview and layouts and would title by hand on paper space layouts. With the functionally of Revit (it seems to be straight forward to drop in field information in title marks, sheet, numbers etc.) I am having problems in the navigator.
My process now in Autocad 2013 is to draw in model space, go to a layout in paper space, insert using 'mview' with the scale appropriate to the paper space sheet (that has an imported border with logo company info etc.). In order to automate the title marks, I use the tools pallet and drag that block into the layout. The title mark won't recognize the mview, so I made vports (using the vports dialog) but these boxes disappear when I exit that vport dialog box. When I insert the title mark from the pallet these vports show up when dragged over, but disappear again when placed or when the cursor is moved away. There appears on these vports to be a title mark location already as the lower left hand corner has a circle (as to show a view number).
So is the mview not a vport? How do I get the current vports to show their borders on the layout or how do I get the mview border to become a vport? I'd like to get the automatic fields to work so that I can enjoy the functionality I am currently enjoying in Revit. 'Why not just use Revit', there are times when our office needs to use autocad when revit doesn't make sense.
I am trying to get the scale of the base view in my titleblock. I have searched, the conclusion that as of Inventor 2012, this still can not be accomplished without add-ons?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to set the drawing Scale to the Title Block? Seems like it is missing parameter...
View 8 Replies View Relatedhow to create a text field, in an IDW, that will link (look) at the scale factor of a "Base View" in the same IDW? I am trying to create a text field on my title block that will identify the "Base View" scale automatically.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAfter creating a pdf.... when printing that pdf at non scale, the edge of the title block gets cut off. how can I fix that in adobe still using non scale format.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do you get the scale to show up properly in the title block? I've been searching and finding nothing on this issue, with exception of Autodesk personnel telling users to use the scale display on the views. I know it's not the "Autodesk way" of doing things, but my company has been putting the main view scale in the title block for over 30 years.
I've been using Patrick de Stobbeleir's "iProperty Collection" utility since Inv11, and it does the job. The thing that bugs me, though, is that I can't figure out how to get the FirstViewScale:x custom properties to work intelligently in my title blocks. I just use the property FirstViewScale in my title block, which displays the scale of the first view put matter what the sheet.
how I can use the FirstViewScale:x property in title blocks such that x is the sheet number? So far we just have the first sheet use the FirstViewScale, and then subsequent sheets use a prompted entry (I know it's an ugly work-around).
How to import scale of view into a title block?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a 'drawing scale' defined attribute inside my title block when brought into paper space? I tried setting it up using 'plotscale' fieldname with various formats and it keeps coming in as 1" = 1' or 1:1 rather than 1" = 20' because that's what my plot scale is inside paper space but my drawing scale is 20 scale. If I bring the title block in model space, it adjusts, but I don't plot from model space. Surely there's a way to make this automated inside paper space.
Also, I just setup a 'Date' attribute inside my title block today. What's the difference between Date, Saved Date and Plot Date? Will 'Date' update if its in a drawing and opened up a month from now and saved or do i need to take 'Date' out and replace with 'Saved Date' or Plot Date'?.
I have a block that i would like to scale based on the plot scale when plotting.
We set up our drawings full size and occasionally we want to plot them at half size. We do this by setting the plot scale to 1:2 (custom) in the plotting dialog. We have a few blocks that we want to print at the same size on paper, essentially become twice as big.
Is there is a way to fix the size or just set a few scale states and have them automatically adjust based on the plot scale (not drawing/annotative scale)?
I would like to ask if its possible to extract part of the drawing from modelspace then add title block in lay-out and scale the extracted will i do that?
View 9 Replies View Related First, it requires there to be a prompted entry text box in the title block named <SCALE>, is there any way to write to a textbox that is not prompted entry? The prompt when a new drawing or sheet is created is misleading and makes users think they need to manually fill out the prompt. Secondly, this code works on multi-sheet drawings but it concludes by making the last sheet active. Since we are triggering this rule before save it's a nuisance to have the drawing switch sheets everytime you do a save. Ideally, the current active sheet should remain active when the rule runs. Here is the
For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Sheets
If oSheet.TitleBlock Is Nothing Or oSheet.DrawingViews.count=0 Then Exit Sub
Any way to get a scale bar/title block text to reflect plotting at half size?
We use the common (24x36) sheet size for all projects, but when plotting we send out half size (12x18) as well. This means the scale bar reading 1"=40' is no longer correct. It should read 1"=20'. I would like to automate this.
I am using AutoCAD 2013 and I working on a project of approxamitely 80 pages and I have a Sheet Set Manager set up.There are about 40 pages that have text saying Continuation on Sheet XX of YY. I managed to use a field for the total count (YY) however I need to link the XX to the another drawing. I have researched and failed miserably.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to copy the "Title"-field and the "Caption"-field into the "Keyword"-field?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way i can insert a title block through the design center by selecting the the layout and dragging it in. When i bring it in it gives me just the blank paper without the title block.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having some difficulty in deciding how to go about creating a title block for my drawings. I have attempted to create the title block with Document fields from the drawing properties custom properties tab, and creating the same fields with information from the Sheet / Sheet Set fields. Both title blocks used attributes inside the block to house the fields, and both were .dwt files.
Is there a way to take the properties from the .dwt drawing into a newly created drawing, or is there a way to link custom sheet set properties with a newly created sheet set? The main goal is to not have the user manually input multiple custom fields either in the drawing properties or the sheet set manager of the new drawing.
Im wondering if there is a fast and atuomated way to insert a title block onto the layout tab throughout an existing project?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a title block in AutoCAD 2013 and have the option to select from a drop down list a Name and Address to place in a certain area of the title block?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI made a 24 x 36 title block with attributes and saved it as a wblock.
1) When I inserted the title block into a 24 x 36 paper space, The titleblock does not fit. and the texts are messed up as well. The text are in in their respective places. What I did to create the title block is to basically created a title block border and then created the text. So, I made a block out of the borders and then a block out of the text then I made a block out of the whole thing (text and border). After i saved it as a wblock. When saving as wblock i chose entire drawing and once i chose object.
2) When I try to test plotting with this title block i made (even though it does not fit in) it does not show up in print preview.
How do I make some of the text Bold and others not? but keep them all same style?
I Xreffed my Profile Border (title block) into paper space then xreffed my profile.dwg into the model space. When I plot, the gridlines from the border plot on top of the profile lines. Is there way to change the plot order of the Xref files?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use Inventor 2013 regularly and only sometimes require the use of AutoCAD, mainly for 2D electrical layout drawings.
I have saved my drawing .idw template file from Inventor to a .dwg
Inserted it into AutoCAD .dwg
Saved as an AutoCAD .dwt
now the only issue that I have, is the image that I had embedded into the inventor drawing template, shows up as an icon instead of my compnay logo:
Is AutoCAD capable of showing images in a title block and hwo would I go about deleting the current icon image and replace it with the logo?
I tried deleting the current image in block editor but it won't let me select it.
Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49