I can not get our HP T1200 to plot landscape using AutoCAD 2013. I have the latest firmware and drivers for the plotter installed and HP support says its an AutoCAD problem. Plotting from AutoCAD 2012 works fine.
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
I am working with AC 2012 LT on a Windows 7 x64 system and printing to an HP Laserjet 5200tn connected by USB. The issue that we are having is when we try to print a secion of a drawing. Under the printer properties, portrait is selected and the layout window shows a portrait orientation. However, when we preview or print, the results are in landscape orientation. I've gone over the printer settings a few times, updated the driver, and tested that other programs on the same computer don't have the same issue.
On PC_71, While ploting(creating the pdf via autocad) the pdf,its everytime coming in portait format but we want in landscape format.
On PC_71, if we create the pdf of any document by our Adobe pdf printer PRT13 then its creating pdf properly for both portait and landscape format . But for any autocad drawing file , the pdf printer PRT13 is not creating in landscape format.
I also cross-checked all plot setting with other proper working PC , its same then also its behave differently.
And if we create pdf on any other PC then its creating the pdf properly for any drawing but not on PC_71.
Also 1 more typical point I noticed that if we delete any pdf file from PC_71, then after refreshing its again appeared on same location.
Among about a dozen ACAD users in my office, one is missing the "Arch D (landscape)" paper size that accompanies the PC3 file we generally use. I have checked that the roll size and other settings in the machine in question and all of that looks good. I don't want to edit this PC3 as it works for everyone else and don't want to create a new PC3 for this one user.
We just recently updated to AutoCAD 2013 from 2011. We use Publish to create PDF files that we send to our customers. When I tried to create a PDF in 2013 some of my drawings are oriented landscape while others are oriented portrait. I went back to 2011 and used the same drawings and it created them all oriented landscape.
I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
I can't print my drawings in PDF with format A2, A1, A0 in landscape with good orientation (A3 is ok). The attachment file "ScreenShot-A1" is the only correct pdf but oriented in portrait.
If I print with landscape orientation (preview on Autocad is good), I get the pdf file "Document-A1".
Note: We can't use DwgToPdf due to problem lines which disappeared or moved with different versions of Adobe Reader.
I have an HP DesignJet T1200. We are using AutoCad Civil 3D to plot large files that were exported from PLS CAD. These files contain multiple ECW's that average 5-10 megs each. Is there a customization we need to set to get the plotting time down.
Currently it takes 8-10 min for AutoCad to process the plot and once it is sent it takes another 8-10 min for the plotter to start plotting.This is telling me that there is something wrong with our setup. (see below)
workstations = DELL T3500 with Windows XP Pro; Intell Xeon 320GHz; Nvidia Quadro 4000/2g onboard RAM; 4g system RAM
Plotter = HP DesignJet T2100 on network
We usually have projects that contain 150-200 drawings that we need to work on and plot per project. This plotting time is killing our productivity!
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
I want to be able to plot a drawing as a PDF (to send to customers, vendors, etc.) and not have the PDF able to be converted back to a DWG (as so many programs out there are able to do).
Having an issue where the .ctb works in some paper space tabs and not in others. When we do the plot preview on one tab the line weight is correctly shown, and when we go to a different tab, the preview displays colors and no line weight. We tried this on two separate machines both running the same operating system, AutoCad 2013 and using the same .ctb.. We tried creating a new copy of the ctb. There must be a setting that is different in the viewports, but I can not figure out what it is.
I only revised the text on my drawing and wanted to reprint my layout, but the 3D view disappears when I change the "view type" and will not plot. After hitting "regen" command several times, the 3D view types finally appear but are not even accurate - "Shades of Gray" is showing as "Sketchy", etc.
I just switched over to 2013. I am trying to make a 2d drawing from a 3d model. In past releases I always would plot to DXB and select hidden plot style. In this 2013 I select hidden but it does not hide anything. Is there a new way to acheive this in 2013.
Lets say that I want d drawing to be printed on scalw 1:50 why do I need to input at the plot properties 20mm to 1 unit in order to get it correct?
Also different question. If i want to print on paper roll and the one dimension of my drawing is 297 (A3) and the other dimension is undifined how can i set the paper size? Because under the drop down menu paper size the sizes are all fixed.
I have a drawing that refuses to plot the raster image when i plot to a PDF. It will plot the raster when I send it to the plotter. The raster is visible in the print preview. I've tried using the Adobe PDF driver and the DWG to PDF.pc3.
All I get is the line work.
Plot tranparency is off. Image is at Brightness 50, Contrast 50, Fade 0.
I have just started using 2013, and everything works just fine, with the exception of trying to plot. I am able to plot to PDF, but if I try to send a job to any of my network printers/plotters, AutoCAD crashes.
I am on a Dell Optiplex 990, Windows 7 Pro, 32bit, Intel Core i7 proc, 8GB RAM
I use .STB Plot Style more often (as our Standard Format) which is easy to use for me, and once in a while use .CTB plot style. Since .CTB are more often use by others, and would like to develop a new standard layering format.advantages and disadvantages or differentiate of this two plot style in its actual application.
Not sure if I am supposed to specify the PDF printer in the Page Setup or the upper left of the batch plot dialog box.
Also, why is it that every time I open batch plot it loads all the current layout tabs in the drawing (which I dont care about). How do i open batch plot and specify my sheet list and not have to "replace all sheets"/
The first picture shows an old drawing using Autocad LT 2005 plotstyles named "cannon.ctb"*notice the weight of the dimension lines
The second picture is my new drawing using those same plot styles in our new Autocad LT 2013. Almost nothing is visible and it will not copy it is so light. The third picture is my new drawing and clicking on the box that says "Plot with Plot Styles" AND "Plot object lineweights". Note: I do not have my drawings set up with object lineweights.
I have tried completely redoing my plot styles, but that does not work. I am at a complete loss as to how to get my plot styles to register in this Autocad version 2013.
We have just upgraded our computers and now have windows 7, along with upgrading Autocad LT 2005 to Autocad LT 2013, and I have just installed a new Cannon plotter. However, I was having the same issue prior to the new plotter and I was hoping the plotter was the problem, which it seems to not be.
when i open dwg file. message shown , plot stamp detected.and when i give plot drawing print with message " PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT"
I've been using Autocad for over 20 years. Any office I've ever worked in never used custom plot styles.
Can custom plot styles control lineweights of objects at different scales? For example, I have a floor plan drawn for 1/4" plotting the lineweights look fine. Now I want to print that floor plan at 1/8" but many lines now look darker than before. Can I create a plotstyle for the 1/8" scale to control the lineweights?
I am new to 2013 and having issues when I print files that have pdf underlays that are set with a border of color 8 but still print dark on the sheet. I have the same issue with TIFF files that want to show the white background and everything dark. Is there an easy fix to plot it greyed out so you can see what you are proposing over what is existing?
I have a site drawing which has a decently high resolution satellite image underneath. When I try to plot to a pdf, the underlying satellite image doesn't show up. In the plot-preview mode it does show up, but not in the actual pdf created.
is it possible to have multiple plot style tables in one drawing ?
The purpose would be to plot xrefs with plot style table x while maintaining the company's plot style table for the drawing itself. The output would then be a plot in proper style for all parties involved.
This would save us the job of converting the layerstructure we get delivered by external parties to our own.
We upgraded to AutoCAD 2013 earlier this year (from 2002 - archaic!), and I've run into an odd glitch when using the batch plot utility. It seems to work fine when I'm only making one copy of a set of drawings. When I need to print more than one copy, Bathc plot does one of two things: it either plots a single complete set instead of the quantity I have entered, or it prints the correct quantity of all but the last sheet I've requested. It doesn't seem to matter how many sheets in the set, or how many copies, and I have yet to find a way to predict which outcome I'm going to get.
Essentially, I've got a bunch of extruded polylines - so, some 3-d shapes - that I'm viewing in a new layout/'viewport' (?), which is set to SW Isometric view in '2D wireframe' viewing style. I've got my lines in different colors, mapped to be all black but different line widths in a custom Plot Style .ctb file.
So, when I change the 'page setup' to "display plot style", everything seems fine. All the lines go black in the viewport, and it seems as though I've configured everything correctly. When I preview an export to .pdf, however - or actually export it - this is lost. The export comes out in color.
I've done exporting using both EXPORTPDF, and PLOT, in both cases making absolutely certain that the .ctb file is being linked correctly (with EXPORTPDF, I've done it both using the 'current' page settings, and also 'override'), and with the PLOT, using the DWG to PDF converter,
I've looked through EXPORTSETTINGS, EXPORT...
On the same computer, with another earlier, simpler file, I have no issues accomplishing what I want.For additional information/to make things more annoying for me, at this stage, the previous file which DID work seemed to conserve layer information, and allowed me to edit individual lines later, if necessary... This colored "I don't care about your plot styles I'm not going B/W" file seems to just be a flat image.
I've compared the two files in two tabs extensively, and can't seem to find ANY other difference, in any of the settings...
Additional info:
PC running Windows 8, Autocad 2014, Adobe Reader XI... Tried both the DWG to PDF and Adobe PDF plugins to export to PDF...