I have a base(blue) with an array(orange) positioned on a face.
When I select all & UNION the whole geometry becomes orange & I would like it to become blue.Selecting the base first then the array doesn't seem to work.
I've tried using the union tool in AutoCAD 2013 as well as the Boolean join function in Inventor Fusion 2013. In AutoCAD it doesn't let me select more than one object (says that the array is the only object and that individual unit blocks are duplicates). In Inventor Fusion I can't seem to get the hand of selecting the target & tool bodies.
I'm trying to use the PATH array feature on 2013 to array stairs, and I can't get the array to be 100% accurate. It seems like CAD rounds the decimal to the nearest 3/4" which could be causing the problem.
I set my run to 10.5" and rise to 7.25", array along the angle of the stringer, and there's always a small overlap on the stairs. The "distance between" should be 1'-209/256" and CAD rounds it to 1'-3/4" which is where I believe the error is. Is there any way to fix this or array this correctly? Otherwise...back to the COPY method I suppose.
Rhino allows for two-rail curves and extrusions, is there anything similar in Autocad2013? I'm working on a trellis that has an undulating, slatted top - I can array the slats along one spline/polycurve, but figuring out how to rotate them to match the secondary angle/curve (it twists) is proving to be really difficult. Rotate3D I have trouble with (crossing different faces/USC which confuses me), and doing so for each slat is going to be exceptionally time consuming.
Is there a way to array a form along two paths, so that the pieces automatically adjust to match the needed angles that both rails define?
I am currently trying to draw a football stadium and I have copied the seats along the rows by using the array command. When I click on one seat it selects all the seats from the array. Is it possible to just select one seat incase the other stands don't have the same amount of seats?
I am trying to do a polar array of a small circle within a large circle. I chose the center point of the large circle as the center point of the array, but for some reason the smaller circles are not in perfect array as some one them slightly overlap the larger circle. Is there some way to calibrate it correctly?
How to trim an array? I want to trim out array items as if using a crossing window, not as the trim command does. See attachments. I want to be able to trim as in array 2, not as array 1.
I wish to control an array within a block (see jpg). Basically, I have a series of circles which I want to fix to Distance1. I want to control the distance between the circles with an expression called 'centers' (say 80mm). When I change the length of Distance1 in the Properties-tablet to say 600-mm, I want the array to follow the dimension.
When I select the array, the fx button next to the column distance on the array-tablet is greyed out. If I were using Revit, I would apply a dimension and give it a label which I would manipulate in the identity-table. What should I do in AutoCAD to achieve the same result?
I am trying to find the best way to accomplish the task of populating an auditorium section with chairs. So far, I have created the arc path of the section and then offset each row the specified distance. From there I place a copy of the chair at one end of every path and then use the PATH Array tool in AutoCAD LT 2013. While this works, it doesn't seem to be very efficient (can actually be a royal pain, if changes are required) and was wondering if there is a better way to accomplish this goal?
What I would like to do is to use the POLAR Array tool and just work from the first row. That way, I could maintain all the necessary associativity and edit the array as a whole. However, this tool doesn't appear to offer the option of changing the quantities on successive rows, which led me to the above approach.
How I could use the tools differently, or has an exchange app that will accomplish what I am looking to do.
There are different results when executing polar array using the 'classic' method and the array using ACAD's standard array. I tend to revert back to the classic array as I find this more user friendly and tend to use this one over the standard ACAD array. Which methods are preferred by other CAD users ? I was wondering if any other CAD users prefer any other 'classic' functions over the standard ones. I sometimes use 'classiclayer' as well because of a display issue, not sure if this is a common bug that other users have found too ?
I was trying to figure out how to edit an array to either remove all the array objects outside of a shape or to fill in a shape with objects.
For example, I created a rectangular array of dots and want to remove the dots such that it makes a circle (or triangle if that's possible?). There are reasons that I can't use the polar array to make the circle because I need certain parameters that really I can't replicate. Also, selecting each point is too tedious and really not efficient (though it could be done eventually, but I don't want to waste a ton of time).
I have a polyline path and a rhombus. I will like to array the rhombus along the polyline path. As you can see from the attached file, as the object rotates along the path, it shift off the path such that the distance between the rhombus and the path changes esp at the turn. How can I keep this distance between the rhombus object and the path constant?
Looking for a method of selecting multiple blocks that have been arrayed within a drawing. I have tired with filter and qselect however there is no way to filter out blocks by name contained within an aray. Would be great if there was a .lsp routine or arx file that could deal with this.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
In Autocad 2013, Is it possible to erase somme items of a rectangular associative array. I have seen that we can replace an object with a different one.
Trick to keeping objects aligned with a helix when using an associative path array? The animation below demonstrates the problem where I can't seem to keep the "treads" on a spiral stairs aligned with the center of the helix. (fewer objects accentuate the problem)
union the red and yellow objects? after that in mine I have intersection line between them! why?and the other question is; when I try Interfere command to remove the interference object it doesn't work!
I was wondering if you have to solid objects and then use UNION command to make them as ONE object BUT then I don´t after a while you realise that this was a mistake is there a command that you can use to split them as they were before (beside from command undo or slice).
Recently have had AutoCAD re installed and and am having trouble unioning and subtracting the two solids in the attached file. Other objects will occasionally subtract and union with these objects, but only occasionally.
I am trying to create a company logo and would like the text of the first word to be rendered as a union flag and the second word as the Sierra Leone flag, ie a bold font with just the fill showing the flag.
I have tried putting a flag behind text and trimming so it only shows through the text but not only does trim not work, I cant seem to get a transparent fill for the text anyway. Ive seen an example of transparent text but no instructions as to how to do it.