AutoCAD 2010 :: Starts 2 Times Spontaneously?

Feb 2, 2012

When I start AutoCAD with the SDI value on 1 to start a new drawing, everything is going well. But when I start an existing drawing, AutoCad starts twice, the first bare and the second with the required drawing.

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Photoshop :: Saving Multiple Times - JPG Image Starts To Lose Information

Jun 20, 2012

So they say if you save a JPG image lots of time, the image starts to lose information...
If  I open up a JPG image in Photoshop, make some edits, then use the 'save as' command (using a lower quality setting), overwriting the current file open, will saving it again further compress the image that is currently open? Or does photoshop store the original file (when it was first opened) information until closed?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 32bit / JPGs Spontaneously Disappear

Mar 20, 2012

ACAD Architecture installed as 32-bit on Win 7 64 bit machines w 12 gig ram. My users are using that g.d. CAP studio program, hence the 32 bit install.  SP1 is installed as are hotfixes for Ribbon and Dimension issues. 

Here's what's happening: most of the time we have no issues with raster images attached to the files.  However, every once and a while one of the images decides to not show up.  In XREF manager, everythings fine - the paths to raster images are correct (shared network path).  The files are loaded, the insertion layers are on. You can close out of AutoCAD and come back in - sometimes the image pops back in.

Even though these are plot settings, I have RASTERPERCENT set to 80, and Raster Threshold set to 120 (although the size of most of these images is around 100k)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linework Over Xref PDFs Keep Moving In Model Space Spontaneously

Jul 26, 2013

I'm using Autocad 2010, and have never had this problem before. Working in plan, the traced linework over 2 xref pdfs (both on locked layers) keeps moving in model space either when I'm performing another command on different linework or when I regen. The layers that keep moving are all locked, and do the same when they're frozen. There is no consistency to where they move--usually within the same screen view--so it makes me wonder whether I xrefed these files into a different plane? They're not georeferenced though.  

Or is this just a bug? I thought the file may be corrupted so started a new one, still same issue.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Splash Screen Starts Up And Then Closes

Feb 1, 2013

I am getting below

6432 2013/02/01 15:56:44 Reason=Fatal error
6432 2013/02/01 15:56:44 ComputerName=RAMANJS-01
6432 2013/02/01 15:56:44 OS=6.1.7601.Service Pack 1
6432 2013/02/01 15:56:44 File=AdlmIntSATSLicense.cpp,Line=416
6432 2013/02/01 15:56:44 VendorID=2 [ADLMACT]
6432 2013/02/01 15:56:44 VendorError=101 [The license cannot be accessed/loaded/opened]

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 Quits Before It Starts Or After Splash Screen Pops Up

Nov 5, 2013

When I try to start Inventor is attempts to open and shows up in the active processes list for a few seconds.

Sometimes it will quit before the splash screen appears and sometimes a split second after it appears. No error messages or computer lag, it just simply quits. I'll list the steps I've taken so far. (Windows 7 64 bit)

Deleted the Cascadeinfo.cas file

I've had an error when my 3d connexion mouse trys to start so I uninstalled the drivers.

IT guy could open Inventor from his login on my computer but still not with mine.

Deleted Autodesk folder in the AppData folder and deleted the Cascadeinfo.cas again.

Did a "Repair" of Inventor.

Did a "Re-Install" of Inventor.

Nothing has worked yet and the only advice I'm finding is in regards to deleting the Cascadeinfo.cas file.

My thoughts are that the key to this problem is the fact that it works for other users on this machine. I just don't know what it is or how to fix it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: What Could Be Causing All Add-ins To Spontaneously Unload Themselves

Oct 18, 2011

what could be causing all of my add-ins to spontaneously unload themselves?  For the second time in a week, I opened Inventor to have all of my add ins unloaded, and the "Load at Startup" and "Loaded/Unloaded" checkboxes are unchecked.  I am not doing this and I am the only user on this machine.  System stats and version below.


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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended Spontaneously Disables 3D Feature

Dec 19, 2012

I subscribe to Creative Cloud and while Ai has proven to be exceedingly crashy, Ps CS6 Ext et al, have performed quite nicely..I was working yesterday with Ps, Ai, Id, and Br, all at once, going back and forth from one app to the other (working on an art book) without any problems at all.
All of a sudden, the next day I get the following alert when launching Ps CS6 Ext: What the heck hardware could it be referring to since I have not installed or uninstalled anything at all! My graphics card appears to have more than sufficient memory, as shown below, and do not experience any problems with 3D functions in any other app.I downloaded the latest version of the graphics driver as suggested in the alert but to no avail; .

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Maya Animation :: Control Curves Spontaneously Change When Saved

Aug 20, 2013

I set up my file. I set my controls to where I want them. The Control Curves are in position. I save. Everything is going well.When I reopen the file, control curves have spontaneously moved. Without permission.I've done several experiments with different results, but the same problem: the control curve of my rig are moved from where I had them when I saved the file.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Addin Does Not Load When 2013 Starts?

Jun 1, 2012

I have an addin that needs to load when the autocad loads or when user type the command. It works fine with autocad 2012 but does not work with 2013. The addin dll is located in %appdata%autodeskApplicationPlugins. If I use Netload command to load the dll in 2013 and it works fine. But I need that addin to load either when user type the command or when autocad start up.  I have checked the [URL]

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Open New Drawing It Starts On Layout1 Tab?

Nov 6, 2012

I have my CUI properties set to start on model space, but everytime I open a new drawing it starts on the layout1 tab.  I would like new drawing to start in model space.  Just a preference thing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Refresh Previous Rule Before Next One Starts?

Jul 9, 2012

Is there some syntax that would refresh a previous rule before the next one starts?  I have a file where the constraint is not turning on when it is supposed to, but all I have to do is refresh the rule and it works.


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AutoCad :: Make Specific Drawing Open When Starts?

Sep 23, 2012

I was wondering if there was a way to always make a specific drawing open when AutoCAD starts. For instance when you start it, the file that always opens is acad.dwt

I was wondering if there was a way to make it open a drawing you might be working on. Then you always wouldn't have to click so many times to open it and find the folder it was in and so on. You start AutoCAD and there it is when AutoCAD starts. You can get right to work and not have to look for it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Showcase Starts To Load And Then Shuts Down

Oct 7, 2013

2012 showcase starts to load and then shuts down.

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AutoCad :: Make A Lintype Where Line Starts / Ends With A Point

Nov 2, 2012

I want to make a lintype where line starts with a point and ends with the point and in between is continuous line. Space from points to line should be 1 or 0.5 units depending on the scale I want to plot my drawing in.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2 Or More Drawing Files Opened - Screen Starts Flashing

Dec 30, 2013

I just starting working with AutoCad 2014 Lt....and its great. I have a problem with the interface when I have two drawings open at the same time that are xref'd...the screen starts flashing, mouse dragging and the operations are very slow.  Example,. if I have the plan open and the elevations open in two separate model space drawings but the plan is xref'd into the elev for reference.  Is this an issue for others?  What is the fix? This didn't happen in our older ACAD 2005.  It is distressing, and I thought it  was a server issue, but if I work off my station only, it still happens.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Opening Neutral Format File Starts New Instance Of IV

Apr 24, 2012

Whenever I attempt to open a non-native format file from outside of Inventor it launches a fresh instance of IV. Currently I've been working around it by dragging the file to the status bar of IV, but at least a few times a week I forget and double click it.

Some scouring of the web and these boards yielded some info concerning this problem as it pertains to native formats, but I haven't been able to find anything for neutral formats. I'm sure it requires a registry key tweaking, but I'm not comfortable enough with regedit to go in there and just start changing stuff without some level of guidance. The problem occurs whether the files are opened from windows or an internet browser (tried firefox and ie).  I suspect that every format I ever wanted to open would require a separate edit, in that case I'd be perfectly happy with just a fix for .step files. That would at least have me set for 90% of my downloads and offer an improvement to my overall sanity level.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Wheels To Rotate And Turn As Box Starts To Move Sidewise

Nov 23, 2013

I want the wheels to rotate and turn as the box starts to move sidewise. I tried to suppress the angle but It still did not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Quickest Way To Create Part That Starts Off As Basic Extruded AISC Shape?

Dec 10, 2013

I am new Inventor user (2014 version) trying to get up to speed on best practices and the most efficient work flows. I find myself designing individual parts that start off as base AISC shapes (angles, square tubes, rectangular tubes, etc.).  These are parts that start off as base extrusions that then have multiple machining operations performed on them.  In most cases, the parts are stand along parts that aren't involved in any type of frame.

In these cases, I generally sketch the profile from scratch using my AISC book and then extrude.  I'm sure this is silly.  Frame generator already has the profile data built in- so why am I sketching these profiles from scratch?  But using frame generator in an assembly environment to make a single member part seems silly to me also.  Why should there be an assembly file at all?  I just want a single part that starts off as some length of some standard profile.  Using frame generator in an assembly environment seems like overkill.

What is the best practice for starting off a part with some length of a standard ANSI, ISO, or other profile? 

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AutoCAD LT :: Copying Object Multiple Times

Nov 22, 2013

I'm copying 1 object, multiple times. Yes I know how to multiple copy.

The problem is this.

The object I'm copying will have varying distances between each copy e.g. , 50, 100, 90, 150, 140, 100, 190 so on and so forth.

Is there a way in LT to copy relative to the last object placed?

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AutoCAD .NET :: The DocumentCreated-Event Fired Two Times?

Jun 15, 2011

why does the DocumentCreated-Event fired two times. Thats a problem because the code within the event-method must only execute one time.

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AutoCad :: Viewport Is 20 Times The Size Of Paper

Dec 21, 2011

When working with other drawings I've got into the habit of dropping in my layout using the design centre rather than copying the whole drawing into my template setup. Most of the time this works fine but every now and then my layout will be massively oversized with borders, tables and veiwports all over the place.

My viewport is about 20 times the size of the paper! The paper size is fine and insertion units are set to 0 and I still can't find a solution. The attached image shows roughly the problem I'm getting. I'm using 2010 LT by the way.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Run Program 2 Times?

Feb 5, 2013

I'm having an issue where when I run my RULES the model updates 99% of the assembly components.  The 1% will update if I run the RULE again with the same inputs.  What am I missing?

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Photoshop :: Getting Error 213:8 Every Time CS 5.5 Starts

Oct 20, 2012

“A problem has occurred with the licensing of this product. Restart your computer or re-launch the product.” “Error: 213:8”

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Photoshop :: CC Always Starts With Window Open

Oct 10, 2013

Photoshop always starts with opening a window (grey) at startup or when closed en re-opened. How can I close this window permanently so that i can see my desktop when closing last Photoshop picture (window).

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VideoStudio :: Add Text Before Video Starts?

Oct 19, 2010

Is there no simple way to select a start and end time for the video timeline?

I have the text the way I want it, but it's OVER the video. I want the text to come up first then the video. The only way I was able to accomplish this is by drag and dropping the video into overlay track timeline. That won't work b/c I have to overlay the track yet. I know I can overlay then save then reimport. but something as basic as delaying when the video portion starts by 8 seconds should be simple. If I want an 8 second delay before my video starts how do I "insert" that delay before the video note: I want a HARD delay not fade in fade out.

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3ds Max :: Backburner Stops And Starts Before Finishing?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a problem with Backburner, because it stops redering a frame after about 10 hours, when I set the quality settings high.

When I render in lower settings, there is no such problem.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Unable To Import SHP File Multiple Times

Aug 8, 2011

I'm using Autodesk Map 3D 2006, it's a new install.  I am trying to import an ESRI .shp file with the object data, but have only been able to successfully import it once.  When I try again (even after restarting the program), I keep getting 0 objects processed and no linework imported, even with new drawings.  I also got 2 error messages at one point: 1900 - about having coincident points and a can't transform object error.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Addin Loading Multiple Times

Dec 2, 2013

I have an issue where an addin loads once the first time Inventor is opened. If the addin is unloaded and reloaded via the Addins dialog and no documents are open it loads once. If the addin is reloaded while a file is open is reloads twice.

I came to the conclusion it is loading multiple times because the it seems to go through the Activation method of the addin twice. When is the Activation method called during loading an addin?

Inventor Addins
FlowTools for Inventor
ilxButton Panel (Buttons for iLogic Rules)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inserting Part Many Times In An Assembly?

Feb 3, 2013

If I nead to insert a Part a many times in an assembly... let's say fifty times.

The only way I know is to copy past fifty times (then I place them with the constraints neaded).

The rectangle or cicular array can't be used since they a realy in different places.

But is there a fastest way to insert the Part fifty times in the assembly, instead of copy paste?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Weight Times Quantity Of Part?

Jul 5, 2013

Our Autocad parts lists used to calculate the weight of parts times the quantities.  Now we are using Inventor and I see that the weight shown on a parts list is the weight of an individual part - although the quantity could be 2 , 3 (more than one).  Is there a way to have the total weight shown equal to MASS times ITEM QTY?

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