3ds Max :: Backburner Stops And Starts Before Finishing?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a problem with Backburner, because it stops redering a frame after about 10 hours, when I set the quality settings high.

When I render in lower settings, there is no such problem.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Backburner Starts Rendering But Never Finishes

Oct 25, 2011

All the footage is available, but backburner starts rendering and the stops just before 100%. So I have a bunch of clips on idle, and there are most of the time only 2 frames missing.... why is that? Can I consider the job done and delete it out of the backburner?

Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)

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Photoshop :: Starts And Then Stops Before Completing The Load

Dec 4, 2006

I have photoshop 9.0 and it has been working great but now I cannot load - it starts and then stops before completing the load. It did this last week and then after using spybot it seemed to work but now refuses again. Why is this happening? I have loads of memory.

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Photoshop Elements :: Loading Photos From Hard Drive - Process Starts Then Stops

Nov 3, 2013

Got a new Windows 8.1 PC.  Successfully transferred all photos (about 12000) to the new hard drive.  When I open Photoshop and use "get photos from files and folders", I can locate the pix but when I try to import them, the process starts then stops without bringing any to the organizer.

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AutoCAD LT :: REVCLOUD Is Finishing As Concave

Sep 15, 2011

About 40% of the time, the REVCLOUD command will finish the cloud as concave. It will start correctly and be correct the entire time I am surrounding an area on my drawing and then when the last arc joins the starting point the entire cloud become inverted. Why? Is there something I can do to make it not do this? I don't seem to have any control over how it finishes. When it completes backwards, I fix it using PEDIT > Decurve then I convert the Polyline into a cloud and it appears correctly. Is there a better way?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Finishing Up With Compound Paths

Mar 11, 2014

I'm a novice here so here's my script. It works really well like it sits. It basically takes two objects in a large group and aligns them. I want to make each two objects combined into a single compound path. I have tried multiple things and they all just kick out errors and what not. I can't seem to get my head around the vocabulary for the scripting but the darkness is starting to fade the more I do.
#target Illustrator
          var idoc = app.activeDocument;
          var pi =idoc.compoundPathItems;
          var numn = prompt ("How Many Names?", "Enter Number of Names");
          var dd = prompt ("How far below name is the number?", "Enter Drop Distance");
          var nH = prompt ("How tall are the names?", "Enter Name Height in Inches");
          dd = parseFloat (dd);
          numn = parseInt (numn);
          nH = parseFloat (nH);
Would Like to combine the aligned items into a single compound item.

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Photoshop :: Finishing Touch - Add Another Layer With Glow Effects?

Jul 5, 2011

Ok first of all explanation this Is a photo I took of a friend his favourite movie is the matrix (I know dated now) he has an online tag of Gadg3t man all though you will not see it in this pic it is only 10% of the size all of his body is actually like a circuit board which I spent way to much time on luckily I managed to save a jpeg but not the psd file before our bilding power went out I want to add a white inner glow to every little character in the matrix letters not the Gadg3tman part but all those tiny little letters without doing the whole picture again and without doing it all manually with a paint brush I have tried to do a preset pattern and it just looks worse of a way to achieve this bearing in mind I dont have the layers and I cant really add another layer with glow effects it needs to be subtle and constrained within the tiny characters or am I going to have to redo the whole pic again

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GIMP :: Correct Free Selection After Finishing A Photo?

Apr 27, 2011

I made a free selection in a photo with a great detail of zoon which took me a lot of time. When I pasted it I noticed that there is a small incorrection that I wanted to retouch.

However the original cut picture has the borders of the selected area brightening but doesn't show any longer the points that I could correct.

Any way of forcing it to edit, allowing me to change slightly the borders?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Home View After Finishing A Sketch

Feb 5, 2011

i can't find where to tell inventor to not switch back to the home view after finish a sketch edit. sometimes it is handy but often it is nice to see the part update after doing some sketch editing rather then the home view spinning the part away. i think we are capable of hitting F6 ourself if we wanted that view.

i have found that inventor 2011  will always do this when you are looking square onto the sketch and then finish the sketch . am i right to say that this is only a 2011 thing? i cannot recall previously this happened. i am finding that i am always finishing my sketch and having to hit F5 after inventor swings away to home view.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Exit Panel Finishing Command Of Addin Button?

Dec 5, 2012

I am developing Addin for inventor in C#.

I have added single panel in my new ribbon tab. This panel contains a single button.

When user clicks this button then a dockable window is invoked.

Now I want to insert 'Exit' Panel(and "Finish" button in it) to kill the above dockable window.

e.g. If we switch on sketch mode then to exit from this mode the 'Finish' button is there in all tabs of ribbon

(As shown in below image)

I want to use this behaviour in my addin.

Is there any API to add this 'Exit' panel to terminate from any button command or do we need to add it ourselves?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Commands Not Finishing After Calling Script Within Function

Nov 15, 2013

I have a simple lisp function to add a scale axis to a drawing by calling a script, renamed the drawing by appending "withScale" to the file name, and then closing the file. I placed a call to the function in the acad.lsp file in the startup suite. The idea was to batch process all files by simply opening them. Upon open the startup acad.lsp file runs, which calls my lisp function, which in turn calls the scale script. It should then execute the renaming, saving, and closing commands. The problem is that it is calling the script fine and renaming the file, but it does not save the changes before closing. Here is the lisp function
(defun saveScale(); (command "-purge" "all" "" "n")(if (findfile "C:/Users/Russell/Desktop/TreeFiles/Automation/Scale&Key.scr")(command "_script" "C:/Users/Russell/Desktop/TreeFiles/Automation/Scale&Key.scr")); end if (command "_.zoom" "e") (command "_saveas" "2013" (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) "withScale.dwg")) (command "close") ) (saveScale)
Apparently you cannont run any lisp commands after calling a script, however the renaming still follows through.

I've attached the script file as well. (I couldn't attach .scr format so you may need to rename it).

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AutoCad :: Design Walking Track 1 Mile From Starting Point And Finishing At The Same Point

Aug 16, 2011

I need to design a walking track 1 mile (5280 feet) from a starting point and finishing at the same point. I need to go around buildings, ponds, etc. What is the best way to tackle this? I thought about 16 splines at 330', but as soon as the spline is moved the distance changes.

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3ds Max :: Backburner For Renderfarm Use

Aug 2, 2011

I've finally set up my renderfarm. I have Maya 2012 suite (network install) and Max 2012 (dedicated install) on my workstation. I have a network licence manager computer for Maya 2012 and 4 renderfarm computers for backburner. (Thats how I presumed the setup should be)

The installs for the workstation and licence manager are working fine. I'm now trying to install backburner on the render farm computers but cannot install backburner without installing the whole 3dsmax suite.

My questions are is this setup correct?Do I have to install the full suite on the renderfarm computers to get backbuner to work?

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3ds Max :: Backburner Not Using All Servers

Aug 13, 2012

This is what I am doing:

1. Main Computer> I run a Manager
2. Main Computer> I run a Server which connects to the Manager (no problems here).
3. Main Computer> I run a Monitor.
4. Second Computer> I run a Server, it connects with Manager on the Main computer no problems.
5. Main Computer> I click connect in the Manager and it connects showing both computers available and idle.
6. In 3dsmax 2013, I choose Network rendering and it pops out the window where I leave options as they are and click connect in the available server list it only shows the Main computer the other one is not there (although it is in the Monitor list). When I start rendering only one computer is used for the process.

Backburner 2013 the newest version just downloaded
3DSMax 2013 Student version

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3ds Max :: Backburner Server Error

Mar 24, 2013

I have a small render farm of about 6 computers running Backburner for a Max Design 2013 animation. After working fine last week, one particular computer is not able to run Server, although all the rest of the computers seem to work fine. On Server startup, the error message is:

Error receiving information: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (0x2746)I'm not finding very specific information regarding the message by searching Google.

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3ds Max :: Backburner Texture Flickering

Aug 30, 2011

I'm trying to fix a backburner/3ds max problem that's been plaguing our render farms at work for some time now. I'll give an example of what happened with last nights renders.

I sent a scene off to get rendered, and the footage that comes back has a texture from one of the objects flickering between 2 different versions of the texture. In this case, a normal map on one of the workstations was rendering a slightly older version. I had edited the normal map earlier that day and it was rendering the version of said normal map in the state it was before I editted it. It's not limited to normal maps, just any texture file really. It's also not a GI flicker. We can't seem to pin down the reason why a server or workstation would use what appears to be an outdated texture.

We were hoping our recent transition to a domain based network would fix this but it hasn't. Texture files are packaged and sent with any backburner job, so even if the workstation is has a local, older version of the same texture file, it shouldn't matter.

The OS on the workstations is Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, and the render servers run Windows 7 server. Rendering with vray 2.0, 3ds max 2012 x64.

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3ds Max :: How To Share Load Via Backburner

Jul 12, 2011

My rig is a laptop with two GB of memory and an Intel celron 900 processor. I am modeling out a building and have begun adding light sources. This has put a huge drag on my laptop, and I can barely move the viewport. is there a way to share the load via backburner or something else with a much more powerful rig?

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3ds Max :: Vector Maps And Backburner

Apr 25, 2013

I tried rendering a sphere with an multipage pdf earthmap over backburner. The map is only loaded and rendered in lowres. Rendering on each workstation locally works fine and highres and as expected.

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3ds Max :: Backburner Parallel Rendering

Apr 5, 2012

Ive gained access to a very powerful 32 core machine. Im using maya but im sure the same applies to 3dsmax, The initiation of each frame is actually single threaded, whereas the rendering itself is multithreaded.

Because of this the cores are not used until the actual rendering starts.Ive noticed that The initiation is taking about 2 mins, whereas as the render is almost instantly complete because it utilizes all 32 cores.

Is their a way to tell backburner to start initiating more then one frame at once on a single computer? Or can the initiation and the actually render be split up into separate jobs?

Any other distributed software packages that might accomplish this?even though the 2 mins isnt that much. The time savings would be significant over thousands of frames.

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3ds Max :: Backburner Won't Work As A Service

Oct 8, 2012

I installed Backburner same I used to install the older net rendering system.

It will not render when installed as a service.

If I run the server as an application and I am logged in as administrator it works.

When I install it as a service it won't.

The Service is run using an account that is an administrator on the local machine and that account has admin privileges on all local machines. It is not a domain admin account though.

I get an error on the manager software that there are no valid servers to process the job. On the Monitor software all servers are listed as being absent.

This became a problem when Backburner came out in place of the older version of the network renderer. Approx 2009 version. Even though they both appear to be identical what used to work fine now doesn't.

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3ds Max :: Where Does Backburner Save Files

Jun 20, 2010

where backburner saves the files that are in the render queue. I would like to extract some of these files to reuse as scene states.

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3ds Max :: Backburner Manager Will Not Start

Nov 22, 2012

3dsmax2013 64 bit.

I am have problems starting the backburner Manager on my workstation, i do not get any error messages it just does not start.

I have installed the new update for backburner. but still no Manager.

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AutoCad 3D :: Possible To Use Backburner To Net Render?

Nov 14, 2012

Is it possible to use backburner to net render in autocad 2013?

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Photoshop :: Getting Error 213:8 Every Time CS 5.5 Starts

Oct 20, 2012

“A problem has occurred with the licensing of this product. Restart your computer or re-launch the product.” “Error: 213:8”

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Photoshop :: CC Always Starts With Window Open

Oct 10, 2013

Photoshop always starts with opening a window (grey) at startup or when closed en re-opened. How can I close this window permanently so that i can see my desktop when closing last Photoshop picture (window).

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VideoStudio :: Add Text Before Video Starts?

Oct 19, 2010

Is there no simple way to select a start and end time for the video timeline?

I have the text the way I want it, but it's OVER the video. I want the text to come up first then the video. The only way I was able to accomplish this is by drag and dropping the video into overlay track timeline. That won't work b/c I have to overlay the track yet. I know I can overlay then save then reimport. but something as basic as delaying when the video portion starts by 8 seconds should be simple. If I want an 8 second delay before my video starts how do I "insert" that delay before the video note: I want a HARD delay not fade in fade out.

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3ds Max :: Backburner 2014 Could Not Find A Manager

Oct 30, 2013

I'm trying to set up Backburner and 3DS Max Design, and I'm a newbie to both. I'm getting the warning 'Could not find a Manager. Will keep trying...' when I try to connect to my manager machine from the server machine using the manager's IP address. I can connect to the manager from the monitor on the server machine, however, and I can connect from a virtual machine running Windows 8. The server machine is running Windows Server 2012 - I haven't been able to find where someone says if you can or can't use Server 2012.

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3ds Max :: Backburner 2012 And Videopost Rendering?

May 12, 2011

I have scene that I uses videopost glow, when I try to render from videopost to BB Max2012 starts and render the first frame, then hangs so I need to turn the power off.But I just render the same scene localy it works just fine.With my old installtion 2011 this was working just fine, and if I render from the standard render to BB it works, it´s only when render from videopost.

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3ds Max :: Objects Not Rendering Correctly Through Backburner

Nov 12, 2012

I've rendered a prepass for the IR and sent the job to BB like normal. The issue is with one piece of geometry. It's rendering it out of place when rendered through bb. If I render the frames directly in Max it renders correctly. This would be fine but I'm trying to render a 300+ frame batch to fix this area and I'd really like to be able to use the farm.

I tried copying the transform keys from the object, deleting it and replacing it with a fresh copy of the geometry made in a fresh/empty file and then pasting the keys back on. Then rendered out the prepass in Vray and I'm still getting the problem. It's obviously not with Vray because when I render directly through max it renders correctly. It's got to be BB but I'm completely stumped as to why or how to fix it. It's as if BB is getting incorrect geometry information from the max file.

The object renders through bb transformed in the x axis. In other words, the object is rendered about 3 feet off to the right of where it actually is.

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3ds Max :: Populate And Backburner Doesn't Work

May 8, 2013

I just noticed that I get a "3dsmax.exe process no response" when I try to render a scene that has populate people in it on backburner

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3ds Max :: Backburner Server Not Appearing As Assignable

Feb 28, 2012

I have a render node whose server appears in the backburner manager. However in the Network Job Assignment dialog the server does not appear. The server does show up in the Monitor.

All boxes have latest 3dsmax 2012 as well as latest version of Back-burner 2012

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