I am attempting to create a cm scale drawing in AutoCAD of an rc airplane with a 200 cm wingspan. Problem is, the drawing only goes out to about 125 cm to the right, an I cannot pan or zoom out any further. I can't seem to find an option anywhere to change this. An Internet search has indicated I should use the limits command from the command prompt to increase the drawing limits, but this has had no effect.
How do you change the limits of a drawing in AutoCAD 2013? I have specified the limits for the bottom left and top right, yet it still isn't working. Is there something that I am forgetting or not doing right?
is there any point when you set up a new drawing in setting the drawing limits.
For example I am about to draw up a house plan at scale 1:100 which will be plotted on an A3 sheet. I envisage the floor plans will be on one A3 and the Elevations will be on another A3 sheet. Sections will go on another A3. I will have approx 6 paper sheets set up for this. I plan to draw the whole lot in model space. Then move it around in paper space so each item is on a seperate sheet.
Is this the correct way to do it. If it is, then what is the point of having drawing limits in Model space? The books I have, say it is good drafting practice to set up limits. But I can't see why Also what is the point of setting up the grid display when half the time you draw right off the grid?
What is the advantage/usage of limits command? I know it specify the area where could be filled with Grid command. But is it, its only usage? What other usage could be expected from "limits"?
If we want to make the paper space and model space same (draw in same scale, if we use 1/100 scale in metric system, 1 meter in model space is equal to 1 centimeter in paper space), is it a wise idea to set the model space into A4 or A3 paper size by use of LIMITS?
I think its utmost usage is in combination with "snap". Where you can quickly grab the points you want onscreen without need for coordinate input. Would be happy if there is other usage for GRID
Before, I thought limits will specify the area in model space where I can draw (limit the area of model space). But this is in contrary with the fact that model space is limitless and I can draw as far as I want.
It is really hard to understand that there is no limit for model space like real world.
I haven't understood these issues until I read many threads in CT. Now I have got most of them but I think I need some extra study to understand them 100%.
Eventually after I copy and paste with the clipboard enough times within one drawing, the ability goes away and I can no longer copy and past one item from one drawing to a separate drawing. I need to use the clipboard function because that is the only way of getting an item from one drawing to another.
I have download a clear clipboard function but it doesn't work. Closing CAD and restarting does not reinstate the function.
My Autocad has started a new behavior. When (in Win7) I double-click on a drawing file in Windows Explorer, Autocad opens the drawing file and also starts a new drawing, all in the same session of Autocad. Is there some system variable or Windows variable that controls this?
I realize it may be a Civil3D question. When I change my drawing scale in the "Drawing Settings" dialog box to 1"=40', for example. The Annotative scale in the Properties Palette changes to 1"=40'_XREF.
I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:
1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.
Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2 'Draw a line Dim PT1(2) As Double [code].....
How to create a border around the limits I set using LIMMAX. Are the limits (after setting up previous steps) what is visible on the screen? I see the X,Y coordinates in the middle of my view finder. Can I set them using REC?
I have a question about limiting movements. In real life, when you close a door it stops as soon as it hit its frame. I want to do the same in Inventor.
I have an offset assembly and I have forced the skew of the second alignment. (Is a simple basic lane + a linkslopebetweenpoints and a markedpoint placed at the left extreme of a basic road assembly)
As you can see, there are errors at the area in which we have the greater angle between cross sections. What are the limits of this C3D feature ? Above more that "x" degrees of cross sections directions difference C3D are going to fail ?
My co-worker had a dialog box show up that said something about Size Limits for Legacy Drawings. It had two options. The top one said something about when zoomed out you won't see details but once zoomed in you will see them. The bottom option was someting about showing full detail at all zoom levels.
She chose the top one, but now she wants to choose the other. I can't seem to find a variable or even a mention of this dialog box anywhere. How I can switch from one to the other? Or how I can get the dialog box to pop up again?
I don't have the exactly language, so that is way I have been so vague.
Is there any way to force IV to allow more than the 5 decimal place resolution that is listed in the Units drop down box?
And is there any way to force the result in the distance command to show all the decimals even if they are zeroes? When I specify 6 decimal places in the distance / measure command, I want to see 6 decimal places. If I don't, then I don't know if the rest of the digits are zeros or if it just didn't accept my choice to show 6 decimal places.
Has problem of layout limits such that he can't create more than 6 layouts, the 7th layout is automatically deleted. I know that we can create up to 255 layouts and sometimes more. Is there a variable settings that could have gone wrong inasmuch that the maximum layouts is now 6?
When I open Autocad, Each time I have to manage units, grids,limits....... how can i get rid of this???? I dont want to set each time same things when i open autocad .....
How do you clean up areas where the section view is outside the viewport limits. C3d should have moved the top section to the next sheet becuase it didn't fit. How do you tell it this? An automatic toggle somewhere?
I set a "limits" in my drawing(command "limits"-- "lower left corner is 0,0" --- upper right corner " is set as 20, 20--enter)
But then I moved my mouse horizontally and vertically on the screen, and found that the coordinate value at the bottom was from -25 on the left to 18 on the right, and from 0 at the bottom to 15 at the top. I am confused about what on earth does that limit? should it be 20 in length and 20 in width?
I just got back a submittal package from a customer. Many markups because of incorrect dimension callout for a certain fit. When I dimensioned the drawing, I used the limit/fit calculator that is with Inventor. Now I just compared this calculator with the ANSI B4.1-1976 standard that it is supposed to follow. What I found was that the values in Inventor are wrong.
I just checked a few sizes and they do not match the ANSI standard. Not sure it there are other fits that have errors in them, but I will bet there are. Does Autodesk realize that if this information is put out, we have to take it as gospel. I don't have the time to check every-little-stinking dimension. If the dims in the table is wrong, I might as well type them in myself and forget about using the table.
Here is a screen shot of some of the errrors that I found. I also checked this size range for RC3, RC4 and RC5. They all have errors in them too. I am sure there are more, just dont have the time to check. We are not talking about "Freeware" here...
I would like to write a routine to resize the MText limits box to the minimum size required to cover the text, for background masking purposes. From the DXF codes, I see that I can simply set code 41 to match code 42 in order to set the width. However, I cannot seem to figure out how the vertical dimension is defined. (entget) shows no change in the DXF codes after I resize the mtext box.
I do know how to figure out the height that I need, using (acet-geom-textbox), but I can't seem to figure out how to apply this height the MText entity.
How would I go about creating a rule in iLogic which would limit the minimum length of a pipe (parameter = Pipe_Length) to be half the outer diameter of the pipe (Pipe_OD), in other words "Pipe_Length ≥ Pipe_OD/2"
I know you can use the limits wizard in iLogic, but is that not only for numerical values as opposed to parameters?
Are there any official document describe the limits in a DWG file? For example, the maximum number of blocks that can be added, the maximum number of layers, the maximum length of an object name, etc.?
Sometimes, when I have two or more drawings open in the same instance of AutoCAD, another tab opens up on the Windows Taskbar. Here's the scenerio; I have two drawings open. On the task bar, Autocad's icon shows two drawings open. Somewhere while drawing, AutoCAD will start bogging down, especially when switching drawings. On the Window's Taskbar, it will now show three drawings open. Two of which will be the same drawing. There will only be two drawings open. The drawing which is currently on top for editing will be the one that shows up twice. If I change to the other drawing, it takes a really long time to swap. Sometimes, it will sit there for a minute and then swap back to the other first drawing on it's own. I try going back to the second drawing again, and the same thing happens again. The only way to stop this from happening is to completely shut down AutoCAD and restart it. I think it has something to do with the ribbon. And I also notice it more often after doing a CopyBase, but not always.
In CS3 and back, CTRL+ALT+0 zoomed to actual pixels and the edge of the available area was the edge of the image.
In CS4, the result is an image within a much larger available area, which makes the process of retouching much less convenient because going to the top left, for example, moves outside the image area and, on some occasions, the edges are not at all obvious when the image is a similar colour to the off-image background (I work with a lot of B&W images with gray skies).