After Effects :: Scrolling In Timeline Goes Pixelated?
Sep 10, 2013
Whenever i watch i youutbe video people scroll through the timeline without having the picture to render. What happens for me is. I scroll through my video and the picture get's picelated and I see it loading the frame. Is this hardware sided or can I do something inside the software?
AMD Fx-4300 3.8GHZ
8GB Ram-1600MHZ
ATI HD 6450 If i'm corect.
BTW: What are good memory and multiprocessing setting for me?
Why is the scrolling on the timeline so slow when Cache indicators are enabled? It's very useful to have cache indicators on but when they are enabled the scrolling (up-down/left-right) on the timeline becomes significantly slow and unresponsive enough to make it unusable. It's more noticeable the more layers are present in each composition. It's very frustrating and it is something that started happening from 5.5 onwards.
I am now on After Effect 12.2 with a Macbook Retina 2.6Ghz i7 and 16gb of ram. The problem was also present on my previous laptop.
i need to control the timeline animation with the mouse wheel.i've tried this code but I've could only make it work with mouse move, unfortunatly the scroll does not work -
I am having trouble with the clarity of some photos being used in a project. The project has a mixture of both photos and video. The photos are inserted into the overlay tracks in the time line and some have a mask applied to them.
Some photos both with and without mask's appear pixelated both on the time line and when rendered.The file format for the photos are Jpeg and range from 1.85MB to 60MB in size and have no pixelation. In preferences i have in the image section both "anti-flickering" and "Cache image" checked. I have also tried the photos in the first time line and still are not clear.
For my project I created a chat window where the spoken text and questions are written down.
The window is limited to 3 lines, and each character and line is written itself, using the opacity text animation and its offset value. (like typewriting) how can I drop the first line when a new one starts and push the remaining 2 lines up? The only solution that i thought about is moving the whole textlayer in a mask upwards, but i think there is a much easier solution around.
I have a composition that I have duplicated and I want to switch out a music file from the copy and then render them both overnight. The timeline ( or whatever the thing is called where the time ruler thing is) only shows my original composition and i want to switch to the other so i can add the music file. How do i do this? i have tried dragging the copy next to the original comp.
It is possible to duplicate/copy a clip/gap effect on the timeline? Or do you *have to* drag/copy it to a Source Area first? In this particular case, I've got 3 gap effects that I'm essentially using as adjustment layers...for some reason I thought I could hold down F & drag them somewhere else in the timeline which would create a duplicate and drag them to wherever I dropped them. But maybe not...? In the meantime, I just copied them to a Source Area, and then dropped them back on the timeline where I needed them, which worked just fine.
I added a filter to my video but it only lasts for a few frames. There are little marks shown where I added it in the Altered Video section of the timeline. How do I apply a filter or effect to the entire clip?
Also when I ad a filter such as Lens Correction, it only lasts for a few frames..How do I get it to remain?
I'm starting my first project and I've added a song but it cuts off halway through when I play preview. How do I increase the timeline to allow the song to play to completion?
I'm trying to make a mobile app overview and I want to add a little "tapping" animation a whole bunch of times for parts where a button is tapped and so forth. I made an animation of a circle scaling quickly to show the tapping.
The only way I can think of doing this is painstakingly mapping out its position keyframes for the different times in the timeline along with setting hundreds of keyframes for the scale. Is there a way I can just animate it once and then just insert it on various parts of the timeline?
I'm new to Adobe After Effects and trying to adjust audio levels on the timeline using key points. This works great for db levels but the maximum level that can be set is -48db and this is still allowing some audio to "bleed through". I can mute the audio for the whole track, but that's not what I want - I want to mute the track at certain keypoints on the timeline.
I have some very long movies and want to insert some short parts of it in the timeline.So i open the movie in the footage panel mark in and out point and press ovelay insert to insert this part in the timeline.Next time i open the same movie in the footage panel to mark the next part i want to insert in the timeleine, my timeline playhead jumps to the time where my playhead of the footage panel is in this clip. is it possible to unlink the footage panel and the Timeline?
when I preview my video, the current timeline indicator skips to the next 10 frames and I would like to know if there is a way to decrease the amount of fames being skipped to.
I'm having trouble with my animated Lens Flare and the inaccuracy between the main timeline. It's the default AE filter. I have the Lens Flare animation in a composition called textbox which is within the main composition.
If you look at the screenshot you'll see the animated lens flare which moves from left to right. This animation is in my textbox comp.
On the second screenshot you'll see I'm at the same time, but the flare animation is inconsistent. I can't figure out what it is. I have the fps all the same.
Is it possible to render timeline effects in the background on a single machine given the right licenses? I'm finding that CFX in particular take a lot of time to render.
Is there anyway to speed things up? Do multiple graphics cards work? I have a Quadro 4000 and some kind of ATi card installed (in a mac pro) - does it make a difference which one the monitor is plugged into?
This seems to have only started happening recently, and it's a pain. After you preview an effect in full screen, the time navigator brackets are pulled to the very start and end of the video. You return from a fullscreen video preview to see your timeline extended over the whole duration of the project.
Is there some way to turn this off? I frequently work on small sections of a project, regularly watching full-screen previews to check how various changes look, and after the tenth or so time what starts as a minor irritation becomes completely infuriating. It seems like something easily fixed, but I've had no luck finding out how.
i would simply like to automatically have the layer shown in the timeline as soon as i select it in the composition window. Sometimes there are so many layer that i will have to look for it. I know, i can just press p (for example) a few times and it will show. But this could mess up what i have already opened in this layer.
If I have a symbol with its own timeline, I am familiar with targeting it with otehr elements and symbols and activating that timeline. But the symbol will also have a presence on the stage timeline - how does one play that?
I might be overcomplicating it, I thought it might just be play() on the main stage but that doesn't appear to work, neither does so I am doing something wrong somewhere
Ive created a box, turned it into a symbol called box,Inside box i have a left to right animation with auto play turned off.I then went back to the main stage, clicked the box, added action, on click to play, yet it does nothing.How do i Play the symbols timeline?
having scrolling text within the LCD screen of the attached photo. I already know how to create the animation, but the problem is that I cannot keep the text visible only in the LCD screen and not on the outside. I've tried a layer mask on the Text layer in order make text appear in the screen, but obviously that didn't work. lol
I have just about every object in the picture on a different layer. The Green Screen, Scan Lines, Metal, buttons, etc.
I recently got a new HP computer and installed photoshop CS4 onto it. The irritating thing about it is when im using alt+scroll wheel to zoom in and out as soon as i get close enough to the image that side scroll bars appear the alt+mousewheel will no longer work. It simply scrolls up and down and i need to grab the zoom tool in order to do anything else afterwards. Im pretty sure this is a conflict with my OS or something but has anyone else had this issue or know a way to resolve it? HP computer with vista 64 home.
How can I turn off auto-scrolling when tools are used near the edge of the window? It's extremely frustrating to be actively drawing, not noticing that I'm getting near the evil danger zone, and to suddenly be three pages down with a vertical brush streak all the way down my image, and having to undo, reposition, redo ...
The same thing happens with the ruler tool; I'll be near the edge, hit shift to snap the ruler to an axis, and suddenly I'll be a mile away scrolled completely outside of the canvas and throwing my arms in the air in frustration.
When viewing thumbnails in Bridge in the 'Essential' view the right hand side thumbnails are partially cutoff, and I can not fully view them no matter what I do, or how I scroll horizontally.
Also I see no scrolling bar to scroll vertically in this view. I do this by dragging the mouse pointer down. Is this the only way?