I am attempting to re-create a product my company sells and I've got everything finished but two things - rounding the four corners of my rectangle and getting my 2D text to render in my view port. I've already converted to an editable poly but I can't seem to pick the right options - I know the edge or vertices need to be chamfered.
I draw a rectangle. I want that rectangle to be longer, so I drag one side. Why does the other side move a little? I can't think of an instance where this would be useful behavior. Â Here's the rectangle: Â Â Here is what it does when I drag: Â Â Notice the outline preview of how big the rectangle will be. On the left side, It has moved considerably from it's original position. Why? Why on earth would I ever want that and is there a way to make it stop?
I have created a rectangle object with top right and bottom left corners set to 90px. I have an image that goes inside the box in the bottom left corner. The problem is I need the box to act as if it is using "Overflow Hidden" so I can position the image in the corner and have it partially "cut off" to fit the corner but It doesn't seem to be working when I set the overflow to hidden on the rectangle.
Also (part of my previous post earlier), is there a way to add/change the CSS code generated by Edge without messing anything up?I can write this in CSS and add it if I knew where and how (although I'd rather do it within the Edge interface).
I made an animation with adobe edge which I used in adobe dps. There is a button with touchstart (starts the animation) and touchend (play animation reverse). It works really well, but when I have the finger on the button it shows this gray copy-rectangle (the one with the blue little dots). The people at the adobe dps forum said it has to do something with adobe edge...
I have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.
I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.
I have a path, drawn with the line tool in photoshop. It's made up of lots of hard triangular edges. Is there any way I could round the corners? I know I could use the convert points tool to change the handles, but there are a lot of corners on the path.
I know, i know, question is sooo stupid and for someone who is working in photoshop CS3 4 days not 4 months. But for life of me i cant remember where to go (i think filter) and what to click to have option to round edges. I saw that once when i was reading some tutorial but forgot it tomorrow.
I have photoshop 5.5 and need to round of the edges to several photographs for a website.
Also as a side note, I am using this at work and at home I am not sure what version I have, but it came with my scanner. I lost my CD key and now I cannot install it or use it. Does anyone know how to replace a key? Will Adobe give me another one?
I am making a Schedules for metal flashings that i have added to my project. I have not had any problems using shared parameters to get the length of my line based families and everything is working fine.
But now comes the tricky part. I need to somehow add a parameter that would roundup my real lengths to my production lengths. f.eks i have couple flashings that are 2569mm And what i would like the schedule to show is that I have couple of 3000mm flashings.
I have 2 surfaces that I am sampling and have the bands depicted in the attached. I would like to have all bands with 1 digit of precision and the values in the Cover Depth band add up. The Cover Depth is supposed to be subtracting the two but is often off by one digit. I have tried changing the rounding options in C3D but there is always disagreement between the data in the bands.Â
I tried searching for this issue to no avail. Perhaps I need to have an expression to do the rounding is what one case eluded to. Seems that C3D may use a type of rounding that rounds to the nearest even number?
My computer crashed and I lost many plugins. I've searched for the plugin to round corners but can't find the one where you can select the amount rounded by different percentages Seems it was listed in the Effects main drop down menu and was named something like "fix" ? Is there a way to save all your plugins in the even of crash ?
Notice on the left side, the edge is faded to give a 3-D look and on the right side of the artwork itself (ignore the red HD DVD case), it is rounded.
For example I already have the following, and I want to make it look similar to above. I just don't know how to round the corners on one side and give the left edge that faded look.
Autocad appears to be seclectively rounding this dimension. Both are the same DIMSTYLE, but one is rounding down, and one is rounding up. They are in the same drawing with the dimension taken on the same two lines.
I have a small logo (92x80 image) that I want to round the corners on. There seems to be two ways to do this. One is the filter/decor method, but this is greyed out in my menu. The other is select/rounded rectangle; I can do this one but I can't get it to complete the procedure. After selecting "rounded rectangle", I can see the dashed lines going around the rounded corners. But I can't get the rounded image to save - it saves as the original rectangle not rounded.
What am I missing? The on-line GIMP manual does not explain what needs done. I tried carriage return after selecting rounded rectangle, but that does nothing. I also tried every crop method I could find. I've spent about three hours trying to get the rounded corners.
I am probably missing something simple. Do I need to create layers - a transparent layer? I am not sure exactly how to do that.
Is there a stock filter or one that can be added to GIMP that sort of rounds the edges of sharp parts of an image?
I'm looking for a filter or effect that can round the sharp edges of a bitmap image of a font, to give it that 'Xerox Machine' effect where a sharp font looses it's sharp corners and gets a rounded effect from being copied over and over.
I already tried the 'Gaussian Blur' filter, but that just creates soft edges and not the rounded corners that I'm looking for. The effect that I'm looking for is not fuzzy or blurred, but is more of a 'rounded corners' effect... it can be seen in the attached image that is below.
Attached File(s)Â Universal_Picture.jpg (34.92K) Number of downloads: 4
How to make the selection using the 'Path Select Tool' to auto fit the image edge to edge. The reason is that I have 9 images that have to be exactly the same size with slightly rounded corners for a website header, one for each country. Is there any way to auto fit?
Any information about using the floor command within iLogic. i have written the rule ok and it does not come up with an error. However the rule doesn't actually activate, as the component pattern it is set to gives it 7.6 ul. Inventor then automatically rounds this up, the floor rule should counteract this but does not.
If I make a box with my polygonal lasso tool, it turns into an egg shape. It was working fine, closed Photoshop (7), and when I opened it again it was doing this..
I've searched everywhere for this, anyone know what's up?
I think you will see from the pic my line mabel do not = the distance or property mesurement. all the labels are truncated so there is no auto rounding..
We sre doing 3 line profiles for a road and the left and right curb should be .13' lower than the centerline elevation. In many cases we are getting .14' or sometimes more or less. We tried resampling the cooridor with a tighter interval but still the same results.Â