I have a record plat drawing with multiple parcels and parcel styles. For my lands of the grantors I view port froze the lots and right of way layers from my parcel styles. I don’t want to show them in this viewport. To my surprise the lines show up in the object layer we have set for parcels. This was not the case in 2011. We are in 2014 with the first hotfix update. I understand putting the parcel styles in the object layer, but why another mysterious line under it? I did create parcels from objects, but had them erased when I created them. This did not matter either way. Is there a way to get rid of them? I did put them in a new layer, set it to “No Plot” This kept them from plotting, but I really don’t want to have to take the time to do it.
When creating and labelling a parcel Autocadd Civil 3d places a label in an adjoining area outside of the intended parcel.
The label seems ubrelated to the intended parcel and is labelled with a diferent parcel number, area, etc.. No additional parcel boundaries seem to be created.
Have created a closed polyline for parcel creation as well as a number of other steps to ensure that there are no breaks in the enclosed parcel.
I haven't used Autodesk directly since Land Development 2i. I remeber being able to draw lines by distances and bearings with the numeric keypad. The bearing quadrant / DMS input was a fast way to draw parcels from an existing map. When I got to a curve, I remember being able to input radius and Delta angle. I've been trying to find those functions for months now. I found the Line by Bearing command and that works well as long as I don't run into a curve.
How do you draw a curve that's tangent to the previous line with the radius and delta angle? I've been going back to AutoCAD version 12 methods. That is, offset the previous line. draw a circle from the end of the offset. draw a line between the center of the curve and the end of the previous line. Rotate that line with the 12d34'56" format. trim the curve and erase the extra lines.
I've gone through all the curve drawing options in the home menu.I found the CoGo editor in the survey menu but it doesn't draw curves. It just draws a line from the beginning of the curve to the center and continues the traverse from the radius point of the curve. That's obviously either a serious misunderstanding of input or a program bug.
Any way to add a (R) to the Bearing dislpay, to indicate a radial bearing, in a Line Table?? This would only apply to certain lines, not all of them. I can specify which line. That function does not need to be automatic.
I draw property plats for a surveyor and looking for a way to add the bearings (for example: N 56 15' 32" E) along the property lines. Right now, I use the Distance command to find out the bearing, write it down, and then add it to the aligned linear dimension text. I'm guessing there's a faster way to get a bearing along with the distance without typing it in.
My parcel inverse reports from the Toolbox Report Manager are still coming in with the bearings having decimal seconds to 3 places (N 0-00-00.000 E). I have already changed the variable for angle precision to zero in the "General_Formating_JScript" xsl file but it's still not coming out correctly. Is there any other file that holds an additional angle or bearing precision setting?
when creating a pipe network, and the slope of the pipe end is say at a 35% from start to end, the crown of the pipe is at a 90 degree angle from the invert elevation (straight up). So if I have an invert elevation of 288.3' the pipe crown elevation is at 292.5'. I need to show the end of the pipe crown perpendicular to the invert elevation so that it reads 292.0'!
I have 2 surfaces that I am sampling and have the bands depicted in the attached. I would like to have all bands with 1 digit of precision and the values in the Cover Depth band add up. The Cover Depth is supposed to be subtracting the two but is often off by one digit. I have tried changing the rounding options in C3D but there is always disagreement between the data in the bands.
I tried searching for this issue to no avail. Perhaps I need to have an expression to do the rounding is what one case eluded to. Seems that C3D may use a type of rounding that rounds to the nearest even number?
I think you will see from the pic my line mabel do not = the distance or property mesurement. all the labels are truncated so there is no auto rounding..
We sre doing 3 line profiles for a road and the left and right curb should be .13' lower than the centerline elevation. In many cases we are getting .14' or sometimes more or less. We tried resampling the cooridor with a tighter interval but still the same results.
How do you set an object's annotation, say a line, to display a line's angle or bearing precision to the nearest 20th second.
Kinda like this for decimals: 0.000 0.00 0.0 But for degrees minutes seconds.
Also, I will require the seconds to hide if the nearest 20th second was a 00. I also need a leading zero for minutes if the minutes was under 10 minutes.
My workflow consists of building a point cloud object from a LAS file, filtering it for ground data, and and building a surface object with it. Breaklines are inserted into a surface object, and then the surface object is exported to a DEM file to be used in a GIS application. The problem is that Civil 3D rounds the elevations to 1-foot intervals, even when the file is structurally floating point. How to override this rounding to get floating point values that reflects the original data?
On a road project I have an acquisition parcel that is matched across 2 viewports on one layout. I would usually slide the parcel label so it's only visible on one layout. Then I'd add a second label that would be visible on the second layout.
This line happens to cross the viewport near the end. If I add a label in the lower viewport that looks reasonable. It will overlap in to the upper viewport. I can drag the label to very near the end of the line but it doesn't look right there. I don't think it's good procedure to try and force one parcel label on to it's own layer so it can be frozen in that one viewport.
Any technique for handling this situation?
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1 Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
I copied the General Legal Description report and renamed it. When I ran the report, it asked me to save the file Civil.html before opening it. If I run the OOTB report it does not ask me to save the page before opening it. Is this something that I can fix? I have not found a setting anywhere that changes this.
I need to make a map of a subdivision with all lot dimensions. I see how we can label all the lines of a lot by picking the parcel label, but it only allows one at a time.
I am new to C3D and I have been going through all of the tutorials and learning everything I can from the given data, which has been amazingly useful. Everything has been running spot on except today when I was going throughtthe parcels tutorial, I applied Parcel Number and Area to a group of parcels I created via the tutorial dwg file "Parcle-1A". Everything displays correctly except the Area is not shown as it does in the sample pic. I have applied the "Parcel Number And Area" to the Area Label Style, but it still does not display the area. Only the Parcel Number. Is there some part of this process that I am overlooking? The tutorial dwg file is called "Parcel-1A". It was too large to attach, but you can find all of the tutorial dwg files via the Help Menu. It depends on your OS to where they are located.
If you go under Parcels Tutorial>Exercise 1: Creating Parcels from AutoCAD Objects, you can see exactly what I am working with.
I have a drawing with two parcel tables in it. I would like the header on one to be Line Table 1 and the other Line Table 2, is this possible? When I change the text in the style, the header in both change.
What setting/toggle needs to be turned on to preview the list of parcels in a site? I have a user who clicks on the parcels heading in his site and doesn't see a preview of the list:
Don't deal it as parcel preview when you actually click on the name of the parcel. That I do know how to toggle on. We're just looking for the list.
I am trying to set the value of the exisitng userdefined property "Address" of Parcels using the com method SetUserDefinedPropertyValue but have had not luck. I have looked at the following help sections but that has not worked.
I have parcel segments with a PL linetype. One of the segments came in upside down. Is there a way to flip this line without actually manually pulling the pickbox's?
I would like to have my parcels be able to label the lots with sometihng other than the Lot # given by the setup of the parcel itself. What i'd like to be able to do is have it label Outlot A - which I haven't been able to figure out to date.
How can I get the parcel style to use something other than the word Lot or a number (given the typical lot is a number). We have various reasons why Outlot A is a needed label. How does one go about getting C3D to use something other than the name template in parcel style. I can toggle the name template option off once I create the parcel. But, when I toggle it off - then go to the name and change it to Outlot A - the parcel label still shows as Lot 1. Why?
C3D 2013 managed dot net..I was hoping to find ParcelLoops as a member of Parcel. But its not. used AECC_PARCEL as dxf selection filter then passed to object type; Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices.Parcel
I need to access the parcel boundary segments .. have I used the incorrect object?
I don't have much experience with parcels. We don't subdivide property. But I have to do some Acquisition maps and this is the first time I've had an opportunity to do them in Civil 3D.
I wont get in to the gory detail, but I created some parcels that were very slightly off for rotation. It turned out there were some distance problems too. I thought I would just rotate the parcel based on a couple of known corners and then snap to corners I had from a drawing in the correct system.
Mostly that worked. But now I have a curve that isn't tangent because the far end of one of the tangents was adjusted. Also, somehow, the radius is off. I'm only talking about a couple of thousands of a foot, but I'd like to make it right since it has to be edited anyway. I've tried the parcel editing tools from the ribbon and read some of the sections in help that I thought might apply. I haven't been able to adjust the curve.
So now after all the warm-up, my questions. Can I just erase that curve and use the parcel creation tools to add a new curve? Will that curve automatically be added to the correct parcel? Is there anyway to modify the existing curve to be tangent to the revised lines? IOW What's the best way to proceed?
Any quick way of calculating average Parcel Area? I used to export to LandXML and do an area report in CSV. That doesn't seem to be working for me when I export out of C3D 2012.
The workaround I found was to select all the parcels in Prospector, copy to clip board, paste in excel, find and replace "_Sq. Ft._" with 0, then do the average.
I'm trying to add user defined properties to parcels, and then apply various styles to control shading of parcels, and to display some or all of the user defined data, as applicable depending on the values of that data.
I have managed to create a user defined category within my [User-Defined Property Classification] and then create categories within that classification.
The problem I'm having is that I want to be able to see those classifications in prospector so that I can sort based on those values, and then batch assign styles. How to display the classifications.