I'm trying to find out if the new iray 2 Layered Material Model is in 3ds Max 2012 Service Pack 2..The Nvidia 2011 Siggraph demo has iray 2 supporting this material, for SSS and carpaint type shaders.
The 3ds Max Service Pack 2 has iray 2 but in the Release Notes for Service Pack 2 I can't see this new shader.Is this something that's in Max SP2 but not supported yet?
I then created a Custom iProperty which consisted of the following "formula": Finished Material Size = <Thickness> x <Width> x <Length> Lg.
eg. of Finished Material Result : Finished Material Size = 6 x 25 x 300 Lg.
The problem comes up when dealing with diametrical components as the above formula will only populate for square or rectangular parts. Which would work if I could use iLogic code to populate the Finished Material Size iProperty. I have tried but failed.
First I created another user parameter called "Geometry Type" which has a drop down selection of either "DIA" or "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR".I then created the following iLogic code to set 0 as the value for the "unused" size parameters
If PART_GEOMETRY = "DIA" Then WIDTH = "0"If PART_GEOMETRY = "DIA" Then THICKNESS = "0"If PART_GEOMETRY = "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR" Then DIA = "0" The part I just can't get to work is as follows.
I need some iLogic code which will populate the "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE" custom iproperty with one of the following based on my "GEOMETRY TYPE" selection. "DIA" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = Ø <Dia> x <Length> Lg.
While "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = <THICKNESS> x <WIDTH> x <LENGTH> Lg.I tried the following code but it does not work:
I'm getting a totally black rendering using iray on an existing file that was created using mental ray. I've tried changing the exposure. Can I use iray with an existing file with arch and design mats?
I have a 580GTX and I think that's a pretty powerful card. With Quadcore 3.6ghz... And iray will never ever stop rendering when set to unlimited? I thought that eventually, somehow it should stop when it calculates everything possible? But there is no progress bar. Despite leaving even a simple scene running for hours upon hours it still has some fuzzy grainy specs in certain parts of image though.
I've started playing with iray just to see how things should actually look so that I can compare it with MR renderings. The main error here is the dark shadows... Why they're so dark? Also interesting how mr has completely washed out the soffit of the walkway and notice how iray brings out the metallic qualities in the copper fascia.
Photographic exposure's used with a daylight system and MR image uses default GI and Draft FG.
So I finally made my own alpha map to simple shapes look like strands of hair. Only problem is when I use Iray and I learn that it won't render the alpha and I'm left with a render of the original shapes. Is there anyway to work around this?
I want to keep Iray, I can't give up that rendering power.But on the other hand I want to use hair without having to use anything that will eat at my computer's performance (so no hair and fur modifier or anything particle system unless it can be utilized easier)
having trouble with rendering with iray on 3ds max 2013. All goes well for the first 2 hours or so and then the drivers crash with error code 4101 ( Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.) This then kills the render. ive tried updating my mobo bios asus p9x79 to latest verion from 2104 to 3305. this had no effect. im using a gtx 670 ftw 4gb with 3104.07 drivers and 80.04.4b.00.70 firmware is installed. 3ds max is updated to update 6 This is on a clean install of windows drivers and apps. this is killing me ive got stuff that needs to get done and i just cant do it at the moment.
asus p9x79 mobo Coursair vengance 1600mhz 16gb gtx 670 ftw 4gb coursair A860 psu. windows 7 64bit
"Why iray in 3ds max 2012 doesn't show imported bitmap textures in renders?" It's quite baffling as to why, but even when i change back to my regular Driver Direct3D 9.0- ATI Radeon HD 4600 series it refuses to show rendered textures other than ones that are made in max 2012.
I have a NVidea Quadro FX 1800 card. The NVidea Control Panel information shows 64 CUDA cores(screen grab attached). Yet the iRay message window shows 0 CUDA cores (screen grab attached).
how I can get the iRay Renderer to use the CUDA cores on my machine?
Any good workaround for Visible to camera option not working with iray? I need to hide one object from my render but still keep its effect on lighting. Even only just making the object not visible in the alpha channel would be enough (if the workaround doesnt mean rendering the image 2 times).
When iray rendering crashes, it briefly displays an error message, then goes to the Autodesk error report, closing down 3dsmax. The error message on my machine is displayed in red on grey for a fraction of a second, and appears to give information as to cause of crash, but is too quick to read. Any way to persuade it to stay on screen long enough to read?
Maybe you remember post about caustics issues with iRay:
I've noticed new issue with iRay: When glosiness of refractions is lower than 1 the SHADOW isn't correct - looks like casted by non-transparent object.
I'm sure it's not caused by "non shaped" light source, I've tried with daylight system and with Photometic shape-visible light.
I've attached ZIPped file to illustrate that problem, and a test renderings I've made.
I can delete every unused material except one in the Material Editor.I am trying to make the custom Material library and somehowI have got the Material I cannot delete. URL....
I am in the samill building buisness. While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment. Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?
I need to get a multi-layered image into another multi-layered image keeping all the layers/effects of both images. Can't seem to just copy/paste and I don't seen import function.
I upgraded to 3DsMax 2011 and still have some problems navigating the Slate Material Editor. I want to create a Mix material as the "first" material but I'm only able to double click on the Sample Slot to get a standard material in the "View1" as my "first" material. I am able to create a "Mix" node here, but it has to be connected to the "Standard" material and this makes it so that i can not drag the material in to the "Environment and Effects" tab as my "Environment Map".
When i go back to the "Compact Material Editor" (which waists time), I can select the Standard icon but "Maps" is not available in the "Material/Map Browser" when i right click on an open space.
Im on Max 2011 with sp1 and the latest hotfix installed, working with vray 1.5 sp5. When i try to re-set mu material editor (compact not slate) i get the folllowing error message
"Runtime error: cannot assign undefined to material editor slots" and a Macro_media utilities window opens with the following script
macroScript clear_medit_slots enabledIn:#("MAX", "VIZ") category:"Medit Tools" internalCategory:"Medit Tools" ButtonText:"Reset Material Editor Slots" tooltip:"Reset Material Editor Slots" [code]....
I'm not a scripter but it seems that there is no material defined to place into the slots on re-set. I've recently had a problem with my material editor not giving me acess to slate as i had loaded up my 2010 menus into 2011 but i've since re-installed max and vray and am still getting this.
I have to import a set of png's from Photoshop to Edge Animate. The actual source file is a Photoshop psd but I cannot import the psd into Edge so I have to painstakingly export each layer as a png and there are over 40 layers. Is there a way to take a layered Photoshop file and turn those layers into transparent pngs so when they import to Edge or another app the layers would remain intact but just as png's?
I have a map that I downloaded and it's in about 7 .tif files, are these layered? I'm assuming I need to put them all together to view the map, and I've never had any experience with layered .tif files. How do I view them? I open them in photoshop but I don't know how to combine them into one image. Do I need a special program for this?
I created a Photoshop file with text and background layers. The client wants me to place an animated GIF in the center of the file.
How do I get all but 3 layers which comprise the animated GIF to not go into the animated gif timeline on the bottom of the screen. I can only get this to work by turning off all the text and background layers. I need the timeline to just have 3 layers in it and only those layers move.
I think that "auto blend layers>panorama" is assumed to make panoramas from layers ... And, there is also "auto align layers" for making panoramas from layers.
I tried "auto blend layers>panorama" with an image and it can not make a panorama from the two layers trial image ... "auto align layers" can make a panorama easily from the same image.
So, I can see that there is a clear difference between the "auto align layers" and "auto blend layers>panorama" ...
But I could not understand the intention of designers of PS about the usage difference between the "auto align layers" and "auto blend layers>panorama"?
Why is it that when I save a file that has many, many layers to a PDF without layers as a copy that the file size is larger than flattening the layers and then saving the file as a copy to PDF? 19Mb vs. 5Mb?? Wouldn't saving a file without layers be the same as flattening the layers and then saving the file??
I have had this problem so much I have switched back to using CS5 Photoshop when I handle layers. For some reason when I have a multi-layered photoshop file in CS6 and I try to save - it gives me a program error. This doesnt happen all the time just when I have been working on a document for a long length of time ( maybe something to do with auto save?) The only way I can save the file is to flatten but then I loose all of my hard work and layers!
Why can I not create a pdf file from CS6 that preserves my layers, which are also known as OCG's, Optional Content Groups? In "save as pdf", I have layers checked and I am indicating I want to preserve Photoshop functionality, which causes the PDF/X box to go to "None". What am I doing wrong? I know there is a script for saving each layer as a pdf automatically from which I could build the layered Acrobat file I want, but it I'd like a one-step process. There is every indication that this should happen, but it does not.
I have created layered templates in CS6. I've saved them both as psd and tif formats (an industry requirement). I have no problems reopening the files but some of my colleagues get an error when opening the tif file. This is the error message "This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead choose flatten to load composite data as a flattened image."
Basically, what i have is an image of a character. kind of a perspective view, 2.5D if you will :p
Each part of the character fits in a certain place in the layer order. He faces to the right, so the left arm/leg must be at the bottom, then the torso/head in the middle, and the right hand side of him at the top. It's a little more detailed than that, but you have the general gist of it, the order of each part must be maintained.
Now aside from that, i actually have two sets of parts. One is the base character, naked. And one is clothing/Armour for all those body parts. I'm planning to make several more outfits and right now it's getting kind of unmanageable.
Again, like the draw order quoted above, the outfit parts must also be in their correct place, each one exactly above the body part it goes on, and below the bodyparts that draw on top of it. So i end up with these two sets of layers interleaving, in a very messy way.
So, what i'd like to do, is figure out some way of sorting things a bit better. I'm not too familiar with the deeper workings of Photoshop, but i've heard of smart objects, linking layers, and grouping layers with the little folder button.
What i'd like to be able to do, would be, at a minimum, to toggle the visibility of an entire set of layers at once, without affecting the other sets. If it's possible, it'd also be nice to be able to transform, and use filters/adjustments/selections on an entire set of layers simultaneously, too.
What's absolutely important is that everything maintains it's proper position in the draw order, and everything is non-destructive. no merging of layers.
I'd like to be able to make all my auctions look like this one:
Prince William Kate Middleton Engagement British by CreativeClam
How do I do this? I'm assuming it would be an editable multi-layered PSD file but I don't know how to do the part that makes it LOOK like a mylar. I can do a LOT in Photoshop but there is a LOT I can't do