3ds Max :: Can't Reset Material Slots In Material Editor
Feb 28, 2011
Im on Max 2011 with sp1 and the latest hotfix installed, working with vray 1.5 sp5. When i try to re-set mu material editor (compact not slate) i get the folllowing error message
"Runtime error: cannot assign undefined to material editor slots" and a Macro_media utilities window opens with the following script
macroScript clear_medit_slots
enabledIn:#("MAX", "VIZ")
category:"Medit Tools"
internalCategory:"Medit Tools"
ButtonText:"Reset Material Editor Slots"
tooltip:"Reset Material Editor Slots"
I'm not a scripter but it seems that there is no material defined to place into the slots on re-set. I've recently had a problem with my material editor not giving me acess to slate as i had loaded up my 2010 menus into 2011 but i've since re-installed max and vray and am still getting this.
I can delete every unused material except one in the Material Editor.I am trying to make the custom Material library and somehowI have got the Material I cannot delete. URL....
I am doing a virtual tour of a design show. Currently Material editor has 24 slots for materials. Is there any way of increasing the amount of material slots as i think I may run out.
Solidworks 2009-11, Max 10 / 11 Windows 7 Quadro 4000 2 gb i7 2600k 3.4 Ghz, 16Gb Ram, Dx 11
The material editor on my desktop is cut-off near toward the end. I cannot reach what I need to reach; the scroll bar won't go anymore downward, though it should.
How can I dock my material editor so that it continues on another column?
Please see screenshot and note the bottom of the material editor.
Due to some reasons I had to (first i've repaired 3ds max, but it couldn't start at all - "not responding" from very first second of opening 3ds max shortcut, and after that) uninstall and reinstall 3ds max 2011. From first open try it had ribbon problem, but ok, not using ribbons too much. But after working for a half day, there's some problems with material editor too...
What i should do now? repair it or uninstall and reinstall it again?
I am in the samill building buisness. While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment. Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?
I Open material editor select at open/unused material..I use mental ray so all of the slots are Arch design materials.I go to change the Arch design material too whatever.... Freaking max crashes…
Apple IMac: 27" screen OC i7 4.5 Ghz, x1 256 SSD HD, x1 2TB HD, 32 GB memory. All Adobe software, and Blander 3d 2.61Wacom Intuos 4*, 3D Connexion space explorer* (*shared)Custom windows worstation:3Ds Max 2012+Hotfix 1, OS - Windows 7 Pro x64 Sp1, i7 2600K OC 4.5GHz , 16GB 1600mhz ECC DDR3 Ram, Quadro 4000, OCZ vertex 2 90GB SSD, 2x 450 gig 10,000 ,Wacom Intuos 4*, 3D Connexion space explorer*(*shared)
My material editor won't appear when I click the button on my tool bar. The button toggles between on/off but the material editor menu never actually shows up. I've restarted my computer, I've minimized then maximized the program window, I've moved the program window back and forth between both of my monitors, I've tried opening it by hitting "M"...nothing seems to work.
I have made a scene with a metal teapot (i have added it to to the showcase) but now i have deleted the teapot and added and object (a logo) form another project (also in 3ds max 10) and this object has an complex material (multi-sub material with 9 different materials) and i know that there is a way to add the material from the object to the editor but i don't know how...
We're discovering some sort of disturbing differences in some of the shaders in the Slate versus the traditional material editor. You can find them everywhere, but a good example is the Matte/Shadow/Reflection material. Under Additional Params in the Slate node you'll find more parameters than are in the Compact editor (also what is called the Parameter Editor in Slate). Found no information on these extra parameters. See the attached image. Substance maps are another example of different parameters.
I can't seem to find where the shader parameters are in the compact material editor in 2013. When In the attached picture, I've shown how it looks when I open it.
I've looked all over online and checked out every rollout in the editor and can't seem to find it anywhere... and all the online tutorials (lynda, etc) say they're for 2013 but are really for 2012.
As the title says - How can I add a material to material library through Slate editor? I created the library and it appears as a tab to the right but how do I place my materials there? I tried dragging and dropping the node but that didn't work. I also tried right-clicking the node and searching there but nothing there either.
Im having trouble with my viewport once my material editor is open. If I try to play my animation once my material editor is up it plays very very choppy. It didn't before I open the material editor. Its happening with all my scenes and I don't have any animated maps or very high res maps in the scene. Most of my scenes are very simple and still getting choppy viewport playback. If I close down the Material editor I still get the same performance when I play my animation. The only thing that I have be able to do to fix this is restarting max. Once I restart max it will work fine as longs as i don't open the material editor up. I have a top of the line machine from HP so i don't know what is going on.
I put a new material in the material editor. However long later, I save the max file and when I come back to it, the material editor does not have the material I previously created in there.
The get it back I have to 'eyedrop' the mesh to retrieve it.I've not seen this before in any version, and I use the compact material editor.
Is this another bug with this version, or is this a strange new feature added?
How can I get glossy result in Slate material editor? I do not seem to have any problem in compact material editor with glossy and reflectivity set to 1
I'm having a issue with the material editor. Whenever I use the shortcut (M), it randomly quits. No error message what so ever, just quits. I've reinstalled it twice, deleted everything. By everything, I mean every single folder and registry key that has to anything to do with 3ds Max or Autodesk - but the problem continues.
What have happened with the material editor(slate?) in 3ds max 2014, its takes years to render a material compared to render the same maps and material in 2013.
Problem does not stop there, quite often the whole 3dsmax dies to when it stucks on a material?
the file is not optimized in any way, I probably made all sorts of bad decisions that have ended up with me having an unwieldy file that is hard to work with, but it's doing the job for me.
However, I have to make the same change to around 30-40 materials that I created which each have their own individual bitmaps assigned to them, as they all have different text on them.
I want to remove the opacity mapping from each one, but opening each one and making the change, then saving it, is ridiculously long winded with the file performing as bad as it is (running on an SSD with an i5 chip and 16gb RAM.....)
So I'd like to know if there is any way to, for instance, open all those materials in a text editor and manually remove the opacity setting. They are all in "scene materials" in my document.
Maybe I could add them to their own library, open a blank document with this library, edit them there, and move them back?
I just had 3ds max hang while I'd updated half the materials
I have exactly same question as here: [URL] .... but this solution does not work in 2012 max.
first of all i don't have that "enu" folder with defaults. however i found defaults/designviz.mentalray/medit.mat (designviz.mentalray is scheme that i'm using) but changes to that file doesn't have any effect. after that i've tried to activate designviz.mr scheme again and restart 3dsmax, still no effect.
I'm trying to edit some material properties before rendering. But suddenly, I can no longer open up the Material Edit window. I searched and it said to look where it was last opened. Ok, I did that because I was using it this morning. But then it disappeared for good and I cannot figure out how to re-open it. I've cold booted my computer and restarted AutoCAD but the results are the same. So what am I missing. This copy is AutoCAD 2013 and it has SP1 and SP2 loaded.
UPDATE: OK...something weird happened. I finally found it but it was hidden beneath the other icons which I have anchored on the left. I was only able to get to it by carefully placing my mouse on a piece of it and dragging it out into the model space. So, what gives and how can I avoid this in the future?
I upgraded to 3DsMax 2011 and still have some problems navigating the Slate Material Editor. I want to create a Mix material as the "first" material but I'm only able to double click on the Sample Slot to get a standard material in the "View1" as my "first" material. I am able to create a "Mix" node here, but it has to be connected to the "Standard" material and this makes it so that i can not drag the material in to the "Environment and Effects" tab as my "Environment Map".
When i go back to the "Compact Material Editor" (which waists time), I can select the Standard icon but "Maps" is not available in the "Material/Map Browser" when i right click on an open space.
How to get the all the materials back in the materials palette?When I switch to 3D Modeling and go into the Render Tab in the Materials section, I do not have any materials loaded.
When I pull up material it list 1 density but when I go to iproperties that material has a much different density therefore giving an incorrect. mass reading. 2 1/2 days to install 2013.
How do you get the density of a matreial in material editor to be the same as the material density in Iproperties?
I am having a very strange issue that appears in the Materials editor within Revit 2013 Update Release 3. If I change a surface or cut hatch pattern within the editor, and then attempt to close out of the editor, go to a different material, or apply the change, the hatch dialog pops right back up again, as if I never closed it. I have found two ways to get out of this obnoxious loop:
1. Use the 'esc' key to back out of the materials dialog (unfortunately no changes are saved).
2. Change the color of the hatch - this allows for the changes to be applied etc.
I've tried resetting the UI and reinstalling Revit to no avail.
Design 2012 and 2013 has been giving me problems in the material editor.
System Specs:
Win 7 Pro 64 AMD FX-8320 Black Edition 16GB Ram GTX 660 GPU Sabertooth 990FX Max Design 2013 R6 Nitrous
Basically, when i add a sub-object to a slot in the material editor (Using Mental Ray)nothing happens right away, so I have to do it again to get it to show up in the material editor. When i do get it to show up the slot looks all wrong and distorted, everything is unresponsive. I can save the scene and restart Max and everything will be ok, but as soon as i try to add another Multi material to another object it happens again. This was happening also prior to updating to R6 which i did last night. I've read a post about the same thing for 2012 but there was no solution.
I just tried it with Direct3D rather than Nitrous and did not run into this issue (using default Scanline).Just switching to Mental Ray and changing the standard material to MR A&D made the program unresponsive again. I'm starting to think it's MR that is giving me issues. Upon closing Max i get an error message saying that an error occurred and the program will close.Just switched to OpenGL and tried it with MR, still getting the same results.