1) Create a solid block of colour at an integer coordinate (say 0,0).
2) Make it an integer width and height (say 128 x 128)
3) Export
4) Choose '.png' (or '.jpg' - the same effect will manifest)
5) Zoom into the preview and see the weird discoloured edges produced
Alternatively, do the same thing with 'Create Bitmap Copy' and observe the same results.
I'm aware that if you have non-integer sizes/positions it anti-aliases, but this isn't supposed to happen if you rectify these.
[Edit: I think I found out what it was: on my Pro version, I have the option to minimise anti-aliasing, which might well be the issue. Oddly, I can't reproduce the problem at all on my Pro version, but only on my brother's demo version!]
Running Designer pro on Windows 7 Home Premium
I'm probably bumbling around and buggering up the export of png formatted images, but it appears something besides transparency is getting exported as backbround.
I do `Select all' then export to png.The poorly drawn green arrows were added in photoshop to show the area I'm talking about. The xara document which is apparently also getting exported in some way.At least certain other tools see a black background in that area. Not all tools have that problem with the image. For example; photoshop sees only transparency there.
But when I browse the exported *.png files with `Epson print CD', it sees black in that area as illustrated by the screen grab below.The first two images look clean as expected (I'll explain in a moment) but the third (the one that hasn't been cleaned in Photoshop) shows the black background in that area.
The first two were cleaned up in photoshop and now appear clean as expected.So to get a usable image for import into Epson's tool I must:
1) Export as PNG from Xara
2) Open with Photoshop and run thru a procedure where anything outside the outer blue ring in the image is deleted.(Even though PS only sees transparency, if I select everything from the blue ring outward and delete it, saving back to png, then Epson's tool sees transparency there)
3) Import into `Epson Print CD' and print the graphic to a printable DVD.
How can I skip the second step? That is, how can I get a clean export in step one? What is it that some tools are seeing as black background?
why I get a hefty blank section on the left side of an Image exported from Xara as a Photoshop file?I have 4 images inside Xara in a balanced arrangement on an 820x586 pg? (artboard?)They are balanced as can be seen in the provided screen grab:
I exported that composition as a Photoshop file and checked the `export only visible objects' box.The exported files have a fairly heft blank section on the left side, as can be seen in the second screen grab:
I am trying to export a DWG as a WMF in AutoCAD LT 2008. Every time I export it, whether from model or paper space, a black border is placed around the exported image. Is there any way to get AutoCAD to stop adding this border?
I was opening it in Adobe Illustrator to delete the border and exporting as a WMF from AI. However, this last export was distorting the image i.e. in AutoCAD the distance between points A and B were equal, but in AI the distance between A and B were NOT equal. It is critical that the image is not distorted in any way.
It must be a WMF because it is being used by a piece of software my coworker is coding. The software cannot handle any other vector graphic formats. A vector graphic is necessary because the software has a zoom function.
Finally, I cannot use BetterWMF or anything similiar because I am unable to install software on my work computer.
In MS Publisher, if you move objects off of the page they are in the scratch area. The scratch area enables you to have several objects readily available to you as you layout the page.To hide the scratch area objects and see a clean view of your page, uncheck the Scratch Area option. Objects that are partially on the page will appear clipped so that the portion in the Scratch Area is not shown. How can I do that in Coreldraw?
I would like to place a thin white border inside a photo..then I would like to erase a small portion of that border along the verticle side to put my name. I think there is a frame within PSE 11 that does this but I can not find it. I tried to add an example by going to insert photo but I don't think it worked.
This is probably a ridiculously simple thing. I have just started with Xara Photo and Graphic designer 7, and gone through the vids. I am finally acknowledging that Adobe Image Styler (my sweet baby!) is going to have to be given up. Coming from that, I am finding Xara more challenging to use.
When I save an image (jpeg), it exports with a tiny white line around it. I am trying to make a gradient image for a website, and need the edges to blend when I have it repeated (background image).
I've occasionally created some tone-mapped pictures from multiple exposure brackets using the Luminance HDR program. But when I import the jpegs exported from Luminance to Xara, their Red and Blue channels appear to get swapped.
I can fix it by using a Live Effect. But why does this happen? Is there a way to losslessly avoid this before importing to Xara? Because Live Effects impose their own resolution limitations on the image.
I am trying to make a simple wallpaper. I check everything carefully. Make the page 1280 x 800. Make sure the alignment is ok by inserting measurements in the boxes - ie not dragging. Make sure no object is secretly sticking out a bit. I have deleted the page's shadow. But no matter what I do I find there is a white box around the wallpaper I export. Can't figure out why, and can't get rid of it. I have also noticed that sometimes, even though I have set all objects to have a 0 point - ie be butted up against the page - their measurement suddenly will show 7px or such like and it will spring back into misalignment.
I just want to make a simple 1280 x 800 wallpaper for a client, something very easy.
I am using Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (non Pro) version 6. I have a custom page size of 10"x7.5". I have turned off the page shadow in File>Page Options>Tab[Page Size]:Section[Spread]:Checkbox[Show page shadow]. The shadow is gone from the view of the document, but when exporting to PDFs, it's back!
I have been working with Xara for two days now, and it's great! I am using the trial version of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 9. I created a file with a couple of transparent shapes (love the transparency tool - so easy!), and it looked great. I exported to .pdf, and the transparent gradient was all gone. The shapes are there, but have no gradient whatsoever.
I also exported it as a .jpg and the gradients are present in the .jpg. In other words, the .xar file looks great and the .jpg looks great. Just the .pdf doesn't work.
Using Xara 3D I would like the background colour to remain within the border only so that the final logo is the border and text within, not a rectangle of colour containing the border and text. I cannot find a way to do this...
I create a square, 300px by 300px. I duplicate the square, resize to 200px by 200px. Highlight both, press Ctrl-F4 and remove the inside box. What I have left looks like a picture frame. Is there a way to shadow the inside area? (the part I cut out)
I wonder if it's possible to achive an effect similar to repel text under but instead to put it inside an ellipse, for instanse with dynamic effect of decreasing the text size as the content text grows keeping it inscribed in ellipse.
When I add an outline to a shape, it always seems to build itself from the center of the line. Can I set my outline (line as opposed to fill) to be outside, middle, or inside my shape?
I would like to get a special border effect on my image. It should get a kind of frayed border. With one of my filters, I can get such effect, but only with included white background. But I need it without background, just like if cropped. Is there any way to get that effect?
(I use version Designer 7, but try out ver. 9 now)
There are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and workplanes.how do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment:
If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences. [code]....
Ive found a way to create a border, just adding the 3d extrude tool, and it works quite well, however adding a drop shadow to the image looks cool to. I have exported the image as a jpg, however on my siote there is this white background. How do I lose this?
Recently, whenever I "Save for Web", the resulting images appear to be tinted (i.e. the colors are not the same as they appear in Photoshop). This applies to both GIFs and JPEGs. However, when I load the saved GIF or JPEG in Photoshop, the colors look just like the original PSD. I have tried saving with "Standard Windows Color", "Uncompensated Color", "Standard Mac Color", and "Document Color Profile", but there does not appear to be any difference between any of the above when the file is viewed outside of Photoshop. I have had Photoshop for some time and I never encountered this issue before. Did I change something in my settings by mistake?
I just purchased LR5 as an upgrade from 4. I was noticing my images were quite smooth when exporting to Jpeg with LR4. It seems now there is alot more graininess that wasn't the issue before.
I'm using Windows 8 and LR 4.3. My watermark does not appear on exported images eventhough the box is checked in the export presets. Also many typefaces available in MAC are not in Windows. Where I might find the same typeface I use on my Macbook and add to Windows?
I have been using Lr for years and recently upgraded to 4.4 from 2.7. Now, when I export my images, they appear blown out and I do not have any changes marked in the export dialog box.
Exported images from lightroom 3.6 to my desktop are much inferior to the image on Lightroom in color, sharpness, detailes ext. I tried all the export combinations I could and the problem remains.
I am attempting to export several CorelDRAW 15 projects to JPEG so I can send them to my publisher, but I've run into a couple of problems...
The first being that the images never actually export. I go to File->Export, select the file type, and then click OK on the options page. The options page just closes and nothing shows up in the destination folder.
The really weird part is that if I try to export the same file again, Corel spits me a message saying it all ready exists and should I replace it. I double check the file path on both ends to make sure I didn't just export to the wrong place and that isn't the issue.
I even went swop far as to check the directory in question in Windows Command Prompt to check for some strange ghost file that I've never heard of and it says that the folder is completely empty.
And then it got even WEIRDER. I right clicked the folder in question to check the properties and, to my amazed shock, it showed the folder containing 4 files and a little over 7 mb (the expected number). Upon a quick search in the start menu, the imported picture ACTUALLY showed up looking perfect with a file address leading to the ghost folder.
Now here's the fun part: I figured maybe it was just a display glitch that I could fix by just moving the folder to an other one, it then proceeded to give me this error:
" The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program. Close the folder or file and try again."
It didn't say what program, but I assumed cleverly it was Corel. I closed it and nothing changed. So I then went to the Task Manager to see if a Corel process is still running... Nope... Nothing. Corel -- as far as the computer is concerned -- is no longer running and I still can't get my files that may or may not be there.
Additional Notes: Running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1 Pentium Dual-Core Processor 2.7 GHz 4 GB RAM CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5
I am having a strange problem when exporting jpg images. I export the image and I can open it with PhotoPaint, but if I try to import it to Dreamweaver or send it in an email, the file is attached, but the image cannot be seen. I get the square with the red X instead.
I'm making large prints (40x60) from Illustrator files, and the print plugin requires Photoshop. I am converting the AI file's Document Color Mode to RGB, then exporting to PSD as high-resolution 300ppi, using artboards.
When I export the AI files to PSD and view them in PS, the photographic elements appear pixelated at 100% whereas the text & graphics are smooth and high-res. I've checked the linked photographic files, and they are not pixelated. So what I've had to do is export editable PSDs from AI using the "Write Layers" option, open the files in PS, and then re-place the photographic elements so that they are no longer pixelated.
FYI, Anti-Aliasing is set to Art Optimized (Supersampling). The AI and PS files are both sized to 40x60, and the PSD is opening as 300ppi.
In Lightroom 3.6 (which I just upgraded to from 3.5), I noticed that when I export photos with the option "Minimize Embedded Metadata" CHECKED, the exported JPG images have no EXIF data at all. This was not the case in 3.5.