VideoStudio :: Black Vertical Edges Of Screen To Create DVD?
Apr 25, 2011
why there black vertical edges of the screen to create a DVD with Corel VideoStudio Pro X4. Video using 16:9 ratio - the relationship between the original. (I get the same 4:3)
I am trying to render some small animated clips to be used as overlays in home movies. I am animating in a program called Poser. I animate 30 to 60 second clips rendering them over a green background (0 blue, 0 red, 255 green) and output them in Uncompressed AVI at 1280x720. When I bring them into VS6 they look great on track 1 but when I put them onto an overlay track they suddenly 'go small'; I right click and change to 'Project Size' (which I have set to 16:9) and apply the Chroma Key; this is where I begin to get the Jagged Edge effect? Especially on anything with a straight edge - for example: I have a Skull and Crossed Swords that I want to spin 360 - the sword edges become so horribly jagged, it just is not acceptable.
However, still using Poser as my 3D rendering engine, I can render a still and save out as a PNG and it will import into VS6 and overlay (as a Still) just fine. I did try rendering Each Frame of the spinning skull as PNGs and assemble the animation in VS6 and again I ended up with the jagged edges...even if this did work it would not be do-able with my 6sec clip of a waving flag (too many frames!)
Perhaps my AVI aspect size to VS6? I notice that while in VS6 I am working in only 720x480 however my final target is to burn to DVD in Wide Screen (I also would like to have MPG and/or AVI to play direct from computer on home entertainment system to TV)
A little background: I do historic reenacting at various events, shows, parties, Tall Ship events, Ren Fairs, and such. The overlays I want for various use: Title effects, overlay photos/videos within the project. Video files come from my Sony HDR-CX430V, photos from Canon SD790IS.
Have just installed VSx4 trial version. I previously used x3 with no problems. I've created a new project, imported an AVI and it plays fine in the preview window, in either Clip or Project mode. However, as soon as I pause it the image goes black.
This makes any kind of editing nearly impossible. I don't get the problem with the pre-installed sample video "V21". So I guess it is clip related? It plays and pauses fine in media player.
I'm trying to create a fireworks display in VS4. I downloaded BluffTitler DEMO and have tried it there, but wonder if there is a way to create them in VS instead? To be precise, the "fireworks" display I'm trying to create is actually made of ice cubes. I've downloaded a great ice cube photo, one cube, which I'll have to duplicate numerous times, yes? Will VS4 animation be able to do this?
I'm also attempting to create a burning edge effect for some photos, like each one is burning up. I've tried the "burn" transition and it's not what I'm looking for. I'm trying to make the photos look like the edges are on fire.
I am trying to use Video Studio Pro X2 to create a DVD on my new Windows 7 PC. I have produced the project file (95 minutes) and am now ready to burn the disk. I have used the software before on my old PC (Windows XP) with no problems. From the "Share" menu I selected Create Disk and DVD.
I am trying to amend the Project Settings in order that the project file (lasting 95 minutes) fits nicely on a 4.7Gb Disk. I have set-up a Disk Template (which should hopefully produce a file about the right size) and want to select that template for my project. The problem I am having is that when I select Create Disk, the Project Settings button is not displayed, so I cannot select the template I have set-up. The Project Settings button should sit just to the right of the Settings and Options button on the bottom left of the screen, just under the main panel (according to page 146 in the manual), but on my screen (see image attached) all I can see is the Settings and Options button, and then a half-obscurred "Next" button (which should sit on the right of the page, but on my page it is on the left, partly hidden by the Settings and Options button). There is also no "Close" or "Change Display aspect ratio" buttons visible too, which are shown in the manual, but don't appear on my screen.
This is the first time I have used VS Pro X2 on my new Windows 7 PC - it worked fine on my old XP machine and I have never had this problem before. I am now using Windows 7 (64 bit version). I have tried doing a "Repair" to Pro X2 using Control Panel, but this has made no difference...I am still getting this corrupted page without the very button I need to change template. Any way I can create a file that is about the right size to fit on a 4.7Gb blank Disk.
I shoot with a Zi8 in 720p mode. I import the file (MOV) and work on it in VSP X4 - no problem. I see the preview window in full widescreen (no black bars). I have tried every possible option to get an FLV file out of X4 without the black bars and it's no use.
Here is a screen shot of my X4 preview, side-by-side with what I see on the web. [URL]
I also get the black bars when I view the FLV file on my desktop using Wimpy FLV player: [URL]
I thought this was going to be a piece of cake in the new Illustrator CC but I am having a few unanticipated issues:)I need to create some vector tire images with different edges, such as the top one in the image below.So I thought this would be SO easy by simply creating a pattern brush in Illustrator and then using that for the outside. So I created the shape you see in the middle image below and created a pattern brush with this shape.I then created an ellipse and used the new brush for the outline.
All of those are open has taken the shape and applied it to the outline but has kept each shape separate, so I am not able to fill the circle in black. I could of course go in and manually join each little corner separately where the little shapes meet but this will take FOREVER with all the images I have to do.
How can I convert a grayscale photo to a vertical LINE B/W image (no grayscale)? I can't find a way to do it with the filters in PS CS6. Is there a plug-in that will do that?
I am trying to figure out how to take a vertical photo and merge it into a black horizontal background in Photoshop CS4. I have to upload a vertical photo to a website that will stretch the photo to be horizontal if I don't do something like this.
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
As I import an OBJ into max (using 2012, but it was the same for previous versions too) I edit the objects and as I delete some edges to refine it, it looks as if I break the object/polygon flow. Black smears appear near edges, none of the polys are black so I don't think it's a normals problem.
Each page is just an image file, and the page background is black. So for the image to go into the page seamlessly, the edges have to fade to black. So far I've only been able to do it with specific kinds of pictures that are already black, or have very dark edges, and I just use the burn tool to fade it to pure black so it blends in nicely. If you go to the page, you'll see what I mean. However I'd like to be able to do a similar thing with brighter images, or images where the edges aren't already black/dark. How can I fade bright images to black in a convincing way? When I try using the burn tool, it doesn't bring it all the way to black, and if I use the gradient tool (i.e. from transparent to black or something), it's hard to get it uniform all the way around the image.
When you zoom into the picture that's being edited, scrollbars appear but you can scroll only to the edge of the picture, pixel in pixel this way it's pretty hard to capture the edges with selection
How to add a free space to all sides so it will be possible to move edges of the picture to the center of the screen and work with them easily?
I have been messing with a simple black rectangle and when I transform it, jagged edges appear. This is the base for a logo for web. I have anti-alising checked in pref. The logo looks horrible and blurry/jagged on the edges even when previewed on several screens from pc to mac.
this is also happening with text, that has been made an object (top of text seen in the rectangle.)
CorelCAD, looking for a way to create vertical incremental numbering for schematic line number referencing. Don't see any way to do it with table. want to maintain control of vertical spacing.
Is it possible with Xara to create vertical lines in a shape? Think of the white house dome, but from a top down view. I am trying to create some domes in my maps that have an effect much like that. I know with the contour tool I can create a dome with horizontal lines, but is there a way to do it with vertical lines?
Running Autocad 2010 in trial mode and did something that created a vertical dotted line giving me an unusable area on the right side of my workspace. I've attached a pic, if I did it right.
How can I create this verticle pattern within a circle? I have tried using pathfinder tools to stamp out the repeated verticle lines but that doesnt work.
I had the problem of a Black screen in the LAB mode with the new camera raw ( and CS3 10.0.1. I am running Windows XP with a RADEON 9000 graphics card. I am finally rid of it.
I right clicked the Desktop then properties. Settings. Advanced. Troubleshoot. I unchecked the option there (but that was not necessary as I added it back later) but what made a difference was to reduced the Hardware Acceleration by one notch. The problem is gone.
I am having trouble with the ram player in 3ds max 2013. I am using vray to render and when i try to load the last render into the ram player i just receive a black screen, although the dialogue beneath is consistent with render time,frame name etc.
I am working on a horizontal directional drill with multiple survey points.
The survey points make up (what looks like an upside down dome) and they are all connected with polylines. I need to add straight vertical lines to each point. Of course I can do this manually, but I'm wondering if there's a way to automate it. I've tried Lee's point manager, but it seems the problem is there's no option for xstart, xend, and ystart, yend. I also tried created a block out of a line then importing that on the points with point manager, but I need all of the lines to end at the same position at the top. This doesnt work because as you can see the points aren't all equal from the bottom. I also cannot find a way to trim blocks. I was hoping blocks would have the same xstart and xend, etc. as a line, but they don't.
I'm trying to draw on CS6 and the screen keeps flickering Black, I've tried to switch off using the graphics card and switching to Basic mode, that hasn't worked.
Ive booted my computer up and started Photoshop. i use a second screen, its installed automatically on Mac OSX 1.8. Now, when i drag the file to th second screen, it appears to become black. if i drag it back to my Home-Screen, the content appears. Resizing don't change anything as well as disable the graphic processor on Photoshop.
A second restart solves the issue. but i don't want to restart my machine every time when i work on Photoshop.
I only installed Photoshop last week, the screen goes black almost constantly and I have to click a few buttons for it to suddenly reappear. Its running on Windows 8.