AutoCad :: Create Vertical Lines From Point Reference
Oct 9, 2011
I am working on a horizontal directional drill with multiple survey points.
The survey points make up (what looks like an upside down dome) and they are all connected with polylines. I need to add straight vertical lines to each point. Of course I can do this manually, but I'm wondering if there's a way to automate it. I've tried Lee's point manager, but it seems the problem is there's no option for xstart, xend, and ystart, yend. I also tried created a block out of a line then importing that on the points with point manager, but I need all of the lines to end at the same position at the top. This doesnt work because as you can see the points aren't all equal from the bottom. I also cannot find a way to trim blocks. I was hoping blocks would have the same xstart and xend, etc. as a line, but they don't.
Is it possible to select lines (maybe up to 6 lines) around an intersection point with a reference line. There is one intersection point and the lines are around it. And also, both the intersecting lines are in different layers.
How to get the ObjectARX's ArxDbg tool working on autocad 2012. ObjectARX 2010 sample project fails to open in VS2010 express.
Is it possible with Xara to create vertical lines in a shape? Think of the white house dome, but from a top down view. I am trying to create some domes in my maps that have an effect much like that. I know with the contour tool I can create a dome with horizontal lines, but is there a way to do it with vertical lines?
I have a *.csv file complete with point references, easting, northing and height. I'm trying to find a way that I can import the points so that I can snap to them and also include the point reference beside the inserted point. Currently running CAD LT 2011.
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
How can I store reference to AcadPoint for later use? I am inserting hunderds of point to ModelSpace. In each loop I have reference to created point. But how to store this reference for later use in some array, collection...? The Colletion.Add(objPoint) does not work.
Set objPoint = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint(point)
I create a set of points in a drawing and create each point as a block reference containing the point, text and probably something else. Also I would like to use different symbols for points and each of the symbols is defined as a block definition, and for each point I create a block reference according to the symbol type. The question is if is there any way to "combine" block definitions/references? I mean, I have common block definition for all points, whis defines somethin common for all of them. Also I have different symbols for each type of points and each symbol is defined separately as a block. But when a final point is created (containing common definitions and type-dependent symbol) I want to have it as a single block.
I have points as reference blocks I want to convert them in to autocad points so than to convert them to Cogo to covert block refernc point to autocad points
I need to get a station and offset for a bunch of points and have it show up in the point label. i can't find reference text in the label style so i was wondering if there was a good workaround.
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
I seem to be having an issue with polylines and a few other things like rectangle, they will only draw in up and down movements and not draw to the left or right.
I am looking for a quick way to align vertical pairs of lines that are unequal distance apart and sometimes unequal length so that midpoint between lines are aligned. Right now I draw horizontal lines between each set and use a vertical line from one of these to align the other pairs (red lines on example).
If there is no easy way already incorporated in AC then my thought is a button that will draw lines on a specified layer other than the current layer and in a specified color, and another button to delete everything on that specified layer.
I seem to be having a few issues with Wipeout's and PDF's. When I PDF a drawing that contains a Wipeout, when printed, the Wipeout becomes a mass of vertical lines, and as such has the opposite effect of what I am after.
I know this. I am aware. This is why I avoid changing the reference point as much as possible if I have profile views or anything else dependent on my alignment. I also have no problem with this dialog giving me a useful reminder.
My problem is this: if I want to make my alignment longer, and I grab the grip at the end of it and drag it to a new location, the reference point moves too! Who in their right mind would want the reference point to move when adjusting the end? Personally I wouldn't want C3D to ever move my reference point automatically. I can have some sympathy with moving it if I am grip-editing the start of the alignment, or the tangent on which the reference point resides. But I'm editing at the end of the alignment, on a different tangent. Why would you move my reference point and make me have to go back and reset it to where it was? How dare you throw your warning message at me for moving the reference point back to where it should be when you secretly moved it to a wrong location with no warning whatsoever?
I have programs that at some point or another create dimensions for what was drawn. When you have a vertical dimension that doesn't fit between the extension lines, it will either go up and to the right or down and to the left.
I can change it manually by selecting the dimension and then right click and pick Dim Text position > Move with leader.
What I want to know is, is there a way to set the vertical dimension where you want it programatically? I would like to put the vertical dimension down and to the right of the arrows if possible.
I am wondering if it is normal for the lines to be jagged. Vertical and horizontal lines are straight but the angular ones are jagged, Stair step looking whatever you would call it. It makes the stuff I draw look like (edited) .Especially the low angle stuff.
Can we automatically add sample lines at vertical curve points (e.g. BC, EC, Bottom of curve) ?I need to show the sections at these vertical curve key points.
I am using C3D 2011 but could not find that option when creating sample lines in a station range.
I'm working in ACAD 2012. I am at times, unable to draw simple vertical lines in the z-axis. Drawing pluming riser diagrams in 3D. Steps I am taking,
1) Opening the drawing. 2) X referencing a floor plan. 3) Changing the view using the cube to SW Isometric 4) Using the LINE command selecting a point, aligning the cursor with what seems like the Z-axis and entering the distance, heighten enter.
The line drawn is flat. This line can be seen as flat when rotating views. The only solution I have found is to use the "Reset Autocad Settings to Default"
Observations: Sometimes I am able to draw in 3D just fine, but something will happen in the middle of the drawing process that will now only allow me to draw flat. Also was never able to draw polylines in 3D is that how it's supposed to be? Used another computer with the same drawing, at first won't allow me to draw in 3D but after a couple attempts will eventually draw in 3D just fine. Tried starting from a blank template, no luck. Tried changing drawing space to 3D modeling and 3D basics, no luck. Also, when working drawings with existing 3D objects, I am able to snap to vertical point as a start point but cannot snap to a point on any other points on the object that at are at a different elevation.
I am trying to get point 1234 to show a label that says Point #1234 and then in a grading plan have that same point show up as a spot elevation. I have tried making two point groups "Point #" and "Spot Grades" which include the same points in them with two different label styles for each group, however the point seems to only want to take one label style at a time.
I guess it does NOT support it because it seems that it does NOT work properly. For example, in case of multiple lines of “Horizontal” setting, it works properly like followings. But in case of multiple lines of “Vertical” setting, it does NOT work properly like followings.
Configure of “Horizontal”: ABC DEF GHI
Configure of “Vertical”: ABC DEF GHI
In my perspective, it should go downward like followings.
In my “perspective” of Vertical”: A B C
We are making application software for importing DXF file from AutoCAD. If AutoCAD does not support multiple lines of vertical setting on mtex, our software also should not support it, I think. I want to know the specification for multiple lines of vertical setting of AutoCAD.
On my LED monitor (Samsung XL2370), horizontal and veritcal lines display as different hues. Is there an Autocad setting to work with this or is it maybe some setting on my monitor?
I am begineer in autocad. I have to draw plot margin like ractangle having 2 horizontal line and 2 vertical line. on vertical line i want to put letters from A,B----- and on horizontal line 1,2,3,----.
I am doing a .idw drawing of an assembly that I have several parts that I do not want to appear in the BOM parts list. I have therefore set these parts as Reference parts however this has caused them to appear as "hidden type" lines in the drawing and are even visible through other parts.
Is there any way to make these parts appear in the drawing "as normal" and not be listed in the parts list?
When we select an art object in Illustrator we can get the (x,y) position and the size of the selected object in the control bar.
At the left of the x value, there is something called reference point. We have nine possible choices. (bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right, left, centre, right, top-left, top, top-right). Its name seems to be the reference point (from the tooltip).
Is it possible to retrieve the current choice of the user ?
The Transform Reference point indicator in the options bar is set by default to the center point. I need for it to be upper left, but am having to manually change it with each use. How can I change the default setting on this?
Screenshot provided where you can manually change it on an object, but I would like to change it so that the Top Left is selected by default. I'm a web developer, and just like the web all my designs origins are anchored to the top left.
Running Autocad 2010 in trial mode and did something that created a vertical dotted line giving me an unusable area on the right side of my workspace. I've attached a pic, if I did it right.
I use this program for a long time, but never before I have had to use this tool in this way. Could the text be arranged as shown in the figure without breaking Callout Group Apart, and if so, how?
I change the reference point in the transform panel to the lower left corner and scale a shape down, however, it does not seem to make a difference when scaling the square. What exactly is it doing?