VideoStudio :: Slow Motion - How Does Time Lapse / Speed Work
Jun 27, 2011
I experimented with slow motion of a water fall video clip from Letchworth State Park of New York where we visited recently. The original clip is 1080p24fps. I used virtualdub, avisynth, mvtools method to change the video clip from 24fps to 96fps, and 144fps. This method smoothly builds additional frames between each of the 24fps appropriately and the method works great to create smooth slow motion that plays in VLC slowing the 96 and 144 clips fluidly slow. Inserting the three clips into VS works fine and play normally. Selecting the inserted 96fps clip, and slowing it by 25% plays jerky, and renders as 1080p24fps the same way. Same situation with the 144fps clip. I played with all the parameters: frame and % and I could not make VS X4 play the clips smoothly. I am hoping I don't understand how to use this new Time lapse/Speed feature. BTW, I also own Premiere Pro, and it does the slow down of these clips perfectly. You can see the three clips in VIMEO done with Premiere Pro: [URL]
EDIT: I just tried Microsoft Movie Maker that comes free from Microsoft, and it does the slow down correctly. I am thinking this is a problem with VS X4
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Aug 15, 2013
I took 650 pictures to make a stop motion animation, then imported the pictures to the time line, then selected the "video", then right clicked to time-lapse the video, and the time lapse is grayed out.
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Jan 4, 2012
I wish to use the Speed TimeLapse effect (actually slow motion) I have a clip that last approx 8 min I would like to "slow motion" only a portion of the clip approx 20 sec. Is it possible to apply the effect without having to cut/trim the original clip. The clip properties are as follows;
H.264 Video
Upper Field First ;1920/1080
16:9 ;24bits;29.97 fps
5.1 Dolby Digital
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Aug 29, 2012
I have a video recording of an event with not so good audio, but also a separate high quality audio recording. The problem is that the audio recordign speed is not the perfect match to the video recording, and when I put them in overlap, audio runs about 2-3 seconds quicker than the video by the end; seems real bad.
the obvious solution is to adjust the speed of the audio to match the length of the video; sounds easy.
One small problem is that the audio recording and the video recording were not perfectly synced, so the audio has some superfluous part at the end, so all in all the situation is as below:
Video track length: 1:57:16
Audio track length 2:14:20 with a lot of wasted part at the end
Current length of the Desirable Audio track: 1:55:15; this is the part which should in fact finish at 1:57:16 to match the video.
Below is what I did:
1- Clipped the audio at 1:55:15, Let us call the first part of the audio (the desirable one) Audio A, and the remaining part, Audio B
2- Deleted Audio B from the audio track
3- Pressed shift and dragged Audio to match the length of the video hoping that it will speed the audio track perfectly to cover the 2 seconds gap
4- Played the audio clip to see if it worked; Result: weird. Instead of keeping the track contents as it is and only changing the speed, it somehow resurrected some contents from the Audio B. I thought I had deleted that . So now it plays the same length as the video, but with added audio contents at the end, so the problem remains where it was.
5- Pressed undo, to instead try the Speed / time-lapse dialog on Audio A. Right clicked audio A, clicked on Speed / Time-lapse and entered the time for which it should play directly.
6- played the audio clip to see if it worked; Result: same as 4.
7- Pressed undo again, and tried reducing the speed this time instead of entering the exact time manually. Even 99% stretched the video way beyond the length of the video (as I expected) but strangely enough the contents from the deleted Audio B are still appended at the end.
8- This time tried to shrink the stretched audio to the length of the video by using Shift+drag. And it works perfectly for the stretched clip, but that had the audio contents from Audio B anyway. So the result is exactly the same as 4 & 6
9- Trying to delete the unwanted audio bits at the end of Audio A from Audio B, and then stretching the Audio A to the right length actually reduces the Audio A further down, deleting some part of the wanted audio too :S ... thus just turning the problem upside down ..
I am using Corel videoStudio X5 Pro with Service pack 1.
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Dec 13, 2013
I imported a number of Powerpoint slides into VideoStudio Pro X6 and am now recording voice audio for them. My problem is: I don't know how to stretch each slide's duration to match its audio. By default, all the slides came in with a 3 sec duration. I can increase each to a max of 6 sec, but that's not long enough for my audio.
I've dug around the internet and watched tutorials on Corel's site, but they don't work. Everything I've looked at (even page 60 in the User's Guide for X5) says that to change a photo's duration, double-click it and select "Speed/Time-Lapse" on the Edit screen.
When I double-click a photo, there isn't a "Speed/Time-Lapse" option on my Edit screen (see image). So how am I supposed to change the slide's duration?
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Dec 31, 2012
i an having trouble accessing this function. I have CS6 (windows) and i can't access the 'speed/duration sliders' to slow down my clip to look like its in slow motion. I know this can be done
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Dec 10, 2012
I m trying to render a time lapse video on PS CS4 and the process works well up until the export window. When i go there the first option under file options, quick time export, is unavailable( grayed out). The only available option is Image sequence. What do i have to do to enable the quicktime movie creation or any other movie format for that matter?
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Mar 25, 2013
Downloaded the trial VS x6 Pro and am loving it. Been working on a project and wondering if there is a way to do time lapse of video footage. The variable speed is not fast enough for my liking and what to speed things up a little more.
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Jul 26, 2012
I'm playing around with time lapses in VS5 and am having some success. One thing I can't work out though is how I go about adding Pan &/or Zoom to a sequence. I can add it to individual images but i'm not sure how to add the effect over a series of say 300 images so that it's a smooth motion?
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Apr 17, 2012
I've read thru most of the historial threads regarding making time lapse videos using VS X4. I am very happy with the normal videos what I have been able to produce using VS X4, however I am missing something when it comes to time lapse using stills taken with a GoPro Hero2 taken every 2 seconds in time lapse mode. The still images look sharp and clear in my photo editing software, but lose focus and sharpness when imported into VS X4 using Insert photo into Timeline for Time lapse/strobe. a process to improve the quality of my time lapse video I am making for our Boy Scout Troop packing up their campsite on a beautiful spring morning.
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Jan 24, 2012
First I love the way the VS Pro X4 do time-lapse! the question that I have is that I have a web camera for my job which is a IQEYE camera which take JPG snap shots, but these snap shots are put in folders by days and time. an example is like one folder would be May and inside that folder would be the day & inside the folder would be the hour then minutes. how can i input these folders into VS Pro x4 and make a time-lapse? because when I use Adobe Premiere Pro Cs3 or Cs5 I can input the folders into the program and make a time-lapse video. can this be done in VS Pro X4? I just check one folder for May and inside that folder is 139 files
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Jun 12, 2011
I just had my gopro take 377 pictures over a few hours (30 seconds apart) and imported them all into the timeline. What I want to do is compress all these to a time frame somewhere around 1-1:30 or so just for a short clip of clouds moving across the sky. This is easy enough to do by selecting them all and bulk changing the duration to some fraction of a second. The problem is that it was quite breezy so the movement of the tree branches from one frame to another make it more "jerky" than I want when playing back.
Is there some way to smooth this out, I was thinking a real short fade transition between each frame, but that would take a month of Sundays and I don't know if I can get the transition short enough. I tried importing with default transition to cross-fade but the transition was way too long.
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Dec 3, 2012
Is there a way to "render every Nth Frame" with a value of 0.5 oder 0.25 ?
To create a slow motion of the complete sequence without to use rescale time?
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Feb 5, 2012
Since quite some time I have been succesfully uploading FullHD (AVCHD 1920x1080 50i) movies on YT. Some weeks ago I got a strange playback problem with my last uploads: video's are played in (very smooth!) slow motion mode at some resolution settings. The same Divx video's on the contrary always playback OK In order to illustrate the YT playback speed problems I uploaded two times the same 10sec video. The first video has been rendered as a fullHD AVCHD video in VSX4 (never got problems in the past with similar video’s), the second is a fullHD DviX version of that same video (from another converter). The lower resolution settings in the AVCHD video slow down while the 720 and 1080 settings run OK [URL]
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Aug 30, 2011
I am using a title that scrolls across the screen, by spelling out one letter at a time.
However, I feel the speed is a bit too fast, and I'd like to slow it down.
I try extending the length of the clip, but this doesn't seem very effective.
How can I slow down the speed of this title movement?
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Oct 4, 2010
I have the DSLR 7D and it has these wonderful 720/50p module which could offer some amazing slo-mo, if you use it. Is this possible to do with my program, or do I need a better program like Vegas from Sony?
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Nov 23, 2011
I am currently filming with Panasonic TM700 1080 50P. I want to creat a slow motion video. I know FCP Cinema Tool can change 50P to 25P slow motion.
Is there any way that I can do this with Video Studio Pro X3.
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Sep 19, 2013
I am a user of VS X4 Pro but I have not used it for a long time until now...
When I loaded a video from my camera into the library and from there into the timeline I got a problem. When editing in clip-mode the clip appears in slow motion with a noisy sound! When running in Project-mode the clips appear OK. When rendering the result is OK but it is difficult not to work normally in clip-mode.
What can be the problem? Have I changed by mistake any parameter in preferences? I can´t remember that I have had those problems before...
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Jun 19, 2013
I have Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X6 and am having problems rendering clips in slow motion.
I have recorded at 50p in full HD. In Video Studio I have slowed the clips down to 25%, and when I do a preview in the editor, it looks fantastic. However when I render to a MP4 file it looks terrible. You can see every frame.
How do I render and get at least the same quality as I get in the preview window?
Here is the video I am talking about. [URL]...... through to about 30 seconds to see the jumping.
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Dec 26, 2012
Using Videostudio Pro X5. Captured video using GoPro at 240fps. Video imports fine. I want to edit the video in slow motion. I'm using the "speed/time lapse" option - I set the speed at "25%".
However the outcome is that the video is choppy as if it's throwing away frames. At this setting I should be getting decent smooth frame rates but this is not the case. I'm looking to end up with at least 25-30 fps.
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Mar 6, 2012
Is there a way to apply slow motion to just a couple of seconds or so of a clip without having it apply to the whole clip?
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Sep 6, 2005
I was wondering if in Photoshop i can add a "Bullet-time effect" which was in Matrix.For example a scene which was shown in slow motion where an Agent was firing at Neo and then Neo dodged bullets and we could actually see effects produced by bullets.Maybe i need to combine some filters/layers.
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Oct 4, 2011
Is it possible to change the time of the fade in/out motion effect of an overlay video? I use VS Pro X3.
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Mar 21, 2013
can simple fade into slow motion or fade out of the effect ?
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Aug 16, 2013
I shot 887 images to make a time lapse video. I adjusted all frames in LR5 ( including removal of dust spots on lens. I was on a moving boat) only to find out that time lapse info I was using was from LR3 and the ability for time lapse no longer existed in LR6. I can use the video editing in Photoshop by going through Bridge but I loose all of the corrections made in LR. Is there a way to use the images with the LR5 corrections?
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Mar 13, 2014
I'm doing a time-lapse in Lightroom 5 and understand all the steps expect the one towards the end which deals with the Template Browser. From my understanding in order to export my time-lapse video as a video I will need to downlaod a free plug-in. Explain the IRTimelapse software and do I have to buy this on top of the Lightroom 5 as well?
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Apr 2, 2013
Will lightroom be able to put together a time-lapse, after I shoot it, or do I need to do in Elements 10, or another program?After I finish editing a photograph, I want to put only edited photographs in a new catalog.
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Jul 4, 2012
I have been tasked with creating a time lapse video of a building being built. I have been supplied with the time lapse pictures that go back over 18 months so there are a large number of files.
The problem I have is the pictures were taken by a motorized web cam - basically it took a picture to the left, move about 40 degrees take a picture straight then another 40 degrees and took a picture right to fit the whol building in. 3 shots were taken a minute so for every minute there is the whole building.
When initially looking at the 3 seperate shots it looks like it would be fine for them to line up BUT there is a problem. The left and middle pictures have a small amount of overlap and can be automatically stiched together BUT the picture on the right will but up but has no overlap, is there anyway I can automate 2 different functions on the 3 pictures or do a 2 step automation that would firstly stitch the left and middle pic then but up the right pic to the joined images already stitched.
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Aug 12, 2012
I'm trying to make a time-lapse video from pictures I took of my kid.
The photos aren't well aligned, so I had tried the jpegs as multiple layers. I cropped, rotated, and scaled each successive picture so that it would be best aligned with the previous one. I then tried saving as a gif. The colors were messed up due to the color conversion. If I could export as a video format, that would be ideal, then I wouldn't have to convert the colors and could compress the file. I'm using windows 7, 64 bit, and GIMP 2.6, GAP didn't seem compatible with windows 7.
There are quite a few photos that I'm aligning, so the layers method seems the easiest. There are other programs which could take the aligned pictures individually and put them together, but I'd need a way to export the layers as individual files.
Lastly, I'd like to see what "morphing" one picture to the next would look like. I assume that would depend on what method I use to put the photos together.
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May 18, 2012
Why isn't there support for making a time lapse video from a sequence of stills? Perhaps with some motion effects like zoom and pan. im amazed that this is not in lightroom.
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Apr 2, 2013
I'm working on a time-lapse project where I have taken 240 shots of a highway heading into my city, and have erased the cars from the shot, creating the look of an "empty city". This will be one of many sequences like this.
I got the highway background plate perfect, no cars, and I threw that into my AE comp (CS6), along with the 240 images as a JPEG sequence. I've layered the background plate on top of the image sequence and used a mask to "hide" the cars from the highway. The problem is, some of the cars are taller than the roadway (trucks, busses, etc), so they push into the upper part of the frame where the motion is supposed to happen. If I extend the mask upward, you can see a literal bisection between the still plate and the animated JPEGs. If I just move the mask path to hide cars as they go by, the moving mask becomes VERY obvious in the exported QuickTime.
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