VideoStudio :: Panning And Zooming Multiple Masked Videos
Nov 7, 2011
I thought I would just check with the experts before I go down a road that may be a dead end.
What I am trying to do can best be described if you happen to have watched some of the Harry Potter movies, where they walk down a staircase that has all the historical paintings on the wall. Unlike standard paintings, these ones take on a life of their own and have movement inside the frame.
I would love to do something similar, albeit in a simpler fashion, by having a large static image on the main track, containing several picture frames, and then pan and zoom around this static image looking at all the moving images (videos) in the picture frames.
One thought I had was to create a very large images (4000 X 3000) containing all the picture frames. Then, in the overlay tracks I would place all the videos that would represent the moving paintings. The videos would be lined up with the picture frames using the picture-in-picture effect, and then I would pan-and-zoom around the static image viewing all the videos as they played simultaneously in the overlay tracks.
I fear there are several problems with this strategy, the central issue being that when I pan-and-zoom the main track, the overlay tracks wont pan-and-zoom with it.... Perhaps I could move the videos around the screen in sync with the pan-and-zoom, but that seems pretty difficult.
Is what I am trying to do even practical in VS Pro X4?
When I pan around a drawing by holding down the scroll wheel of the mouse button, I sometimes pan quite slowly, AutoCAD decides to zoom to extents. I know I have not double clicked the scroll wheel.
I don't mean the Zoom Tool, but simple zoom in/out operations. I seem to recall that the default behaviour in Photoshop was that you zoomed with Ctrl+mousewheel scrolling, and if you just scrolled, then the picture would pan up/down (vertically). And you could untick the "Zoom with scroll wheel" option if you didn't want Ctrl+scroll to mean "zoom".
However for a while now, having that option ticked seems to mean that scrolling (with no Ctrl) is all it takes to zoom in/out, and if you untick the option then you need to press Alt+scroll to zoom; in either case, there is no shortcut for panningup/down.
Anyway, whether this was really ever the case or not, my question is: is it somehow possible to make it so Ctrl+scroll zooms and (simple) scroll pans vertically?
I'm using a student version of RAC 2011 and everything works out well upon installation. My problem is that whenever I pan or zoom in on my model, the screen will blink black and white, and at certain zoom level, the screen stays all black. I'm using an ASUS K52jc-Ex303 laptop with the following specs:
I have already installed the latest drivers from nvidia, which doesn't seem to work.
Matter of fact, it's so bad, that i'm always forced to turn off hardware acceleration which is a headache especially with large-scale models and it keeps on crashing.
I understand the fact that this GPU was built for gaming, and its not listed in the list of recommended graphics cards by autodesk. (I get the some features... message everytime i open RAC) My question is, is there anyway I can tweak the settings within the nvidia control panel to improve this issue on my revit architecture 2011?
My laptop died recently and I had to get a new one then reinstall my AutoCAD 2010 software. Trouble is the mouse wheel no longer zooms or, when held down, pans any more. I have spent the last couple of hours trying to sort this but to no avail - nothing happens when I use the mousewheel at all. SO frustrating as I use this all the time!
I run Windows 7 Pro OS and the mouse is a fairly basic HP model with two buttons and a wheel. (maybe I need to upgrade the thing...!)
Since installing SP1, I have noticed "ghosting" when panning/zooming in paperspace i.e. the original image is still visible. The only solution I have found is to turn off Hardware Acceleration and then turn it back on.
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I using the Trial version of VisualStudio X5. I am wondering if there's a "best" way of synchronizing two different videos of the same event. Example: Say I have one camera that is of someone shooting a rifle. The other camera is of the target impact. Now say I want the video to show this person shooting the rifle, with the target impact shown in a smaller window superimposed on the main video. What is the best way to make sure the two videos are in sync with each other?
The last version of VS I've used was V10. Just installed X5. I'm making a disk that has 2 videos in it. I want 2 menu options, one for each video file. The way I used to do it was to create 2 projects. In each project I'd edit the video as I need. I'd then create a 3rd project and add both projects with the edited videos in them.
Is this still the way to create a disk with multiple videos in it or is there a better way? If I do it this way will I get any audio sync problems? Had that with older versions.
Also, can I edit 2 videos in the same project without having them both in the same timeline?
So recently I started making something in Inventor, and like most programs you can press the middle mouse button and it will pan or orbit. Well I'm pretty sure that in the past if I pressed the middle mpuse button it would pan or orbit. But now it is zooming all for the model, and only when it is zoomed to the whole model does it let me pan or rotate. If I were to zoom in on a line for example and wanted to pan to the right, it zooms me out to the whole model, and then I can pan. I have tried multiple mouse buttona all combinations of shift ctrl and alt and middle mosue, but nothing is working. How can I make it so it does not zoom all when clicking the middle mouse?
I guess because the view is actually saved, but is there a way to disable view saving or any other way that an UNCHANGED drawing does not ask me to save?
This is related to the option to combine zoom and pan actions in undo, but what I really want is to remove them from undo completely. That way if you zoom out you could see what changes, and you wouldn't LOSE THE ABILITY TO REDO by zooming.
Optimally, AUTOCAD could ask for each drawing whether it should save, and then save the ones that you selected, together. This way you could just leave the application to save and tab to something else
I'd be really happy to see this option in future releases. Because when you undo you can't always see the change, and being able to zoom/pan independently of the action history would mean that you can look at the drawing without losing the latest drawing.
I've installed Illustrator CS6 recently and found the behavior of panning with the scroll wheel annoying. When I have low zoom values (e.g. 75%) the scroll wheel lets me pan U-D, L-R at normal speed, but if I zoom in (200% and up), the panning slows to a point where it is unusable at 600% and up. I use [Shift] to speed it up but at high zoom levels it's not enough. This wasn't the case for Illustrator CS5 or 5.5 where panning with the scroll wheel worked at the same speed at any zoom level.
I've placed 4 video files in the Timeline in the Edit mode. I have not merged them, they remain separate. But when I go to "Share" & create DVD, the Title menu always shows the whole project as one Title. I would like each video to show as a separate Title, which I can subsequently subdivide into chapters.
Also, the "Cut" icon is greyed-out in the Title Menu interface, so I cannot cut the project into separate titles here either.
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
Sometimes when I mask an image - or actually - mask a group of several complex images, when I release the mask it is impossible to ungroup the images. Is there a way to make masked groups but then not have that happen?
I know that we can have precision movement within viewport using -pan. However that panning is limited to the active viewport, 1 at a time by double clicking in the viewport. Is there a way to apply -pan to a number of viewports, say I want to move all the model space irrespective of scale 300 mm to the west or 100 mm to the north in more than 1 viewport.
I captured in HD, edited in Video Studio X3 then output to MPEG using same settings as video files. I then gave up trying to burn using Movie Factory Pro 7se as it kept crashing during render so I used DVD Flick. the resulting DVD seems fine apart from when the camera pans and the video appears to be a little blurry. Any stills or slow panning are perfect.
Dropping the bit rate from 9000kbps to 8000kbps but that just made the video look awful.
Basically, I have a Sanyo HD camera which I've used to capture quite a bit of holiday footage. I've edited some together but when I output the project to either mp4 or mts the picture is choppy when panning.
The camera was set to 1080p @ 30fps (there's no option of 25fps even though the camera was bought here in the UK) which I have matched by choosing the "Custom" option when creating the movie. I've matched the bitrate (16789bps on the source) but this ends up being 15540bps on the output file. (??) According to the properties on the source file it's 29.97fps which I have also matched in the Custom settings option.
I understand I should expect dropped frames if I was trying to output the file as PAL compliant, but I've got VS set to NTSC so I don't think this is an issue.
The source file is mp4 and looks fine when viewing the panning scenes.
PC Spec:
Intel quad core 2.4Ghz 4Gb RAM ATI Radeon 5430 Graphics card 2TB SATA HDD Windows Ultimate x64
A friend gave me an SD card of her wedding to tidy up and put onto a DVD. The format is MPG-4. The clips play fine but as soon as I put it all onto onto the time-line I get the odd jump on panning of the camera, which are not there on the clips. I know this can relate to the project settings and I have played around with these, adjusting the bit rate up and down.
I've just bought a fluid head tripod and have been practising with it and getting some fairly smooth results. I've been shooting at a resolution of 1920x1080 at 30fps in MPEG4 AVC/H.264. When I watch the video in the LCD display on the video camera or plug my video camera (Sanyo Xacti FH1) into my 40 inch TV the results look smooth. But as soon as I download them onto my computer and watch them in VideoLan or QuickTime, the results are awful. The picture jerks several times a second throughout the panning shots. I have imported some of the clips into VideoStudio Pro X4, and made smart proxies of them and some but not all of them run smoothly but when I create an MP4 HD file in VS4 the results are just once again awfully jerky. My computer is only a couple of months old: AMD Athlon II X4651 Quad Core and Radion HD6700 series graphics card with 4Gb of ROM running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. What I can't understand is why the panning looks so smooth on the camera and on my TV (so it isn't due to the small size of the camera's LCD) but as soon as I download it to the computer it looks so awful. I'm aiming to put up some film clips of archaeological sites in Crete on YouTube and I am due to go round the island shooting video but I can't possibly put results like these on the Internet. What could be causing the difference between what my camera shows and what my computer shows?
I have recently upgraded to a HiDef video camera and at first was recording at 1080i (interlaced) and now changed to record at 1080p (progressive).
I have noticed when viewing (on my PC) some of the clips I recorded that there are 'jagggies' along the edges of objects.
I have found that this is a result of 'interlace' and possibly panning too fast. My camera displays a warning "camera is panning too fast" if in fact I do pan too fast but this was not the case as when recording with panning I usually pan so slowly that I often have to increase playback speed during editing AND also the clips I viewed were on people walking in the same direct at the camera, hardly panning too fast. With that said I am thinking (and hoping) that it was a result of using 1080i (interlaced).
This begs the question - Can shutter speed have an effect. The reason for the question is that I have noticed that my new camera (seems to) automatically sets the shutter speed faster and leave the aperture wide when there is a lot of light (I can see that by changing to MANUAL mode and noting the aperture and shutter speed.
If this is the case then should try using a NEUTRAL DENSITY filter to force the camera to use a slower shutter speed? I used to have to do this with my old MiniDV camera to prevent overexposure in brightly lit scenes (the shutter speed never seemed to change without me manually doing so).
I am very familiar with the editing software I have (Video Studio Pro X3). I was wondering if there was a way to make your title stationary, while the camera is in a panning motion for instance.
For example, I want to pan right to left and have my title sitting on a tree branch the whole time stationary as if it were "in the scene" I searched forever to find an example but came up with nothing.
I do understand if this editing software just isn't capable just want to know if it is possible.
I forgot my login/password and am unable to recover it. Tried having it sent to my email, but it never shows up so I had to create a new account.
I have Video Studio Pro x4
And I am about to start a video for a foster dog I have. Basically, I want to take a whole bunch of pictures (and possibly a short clip or two) and put them into one video and post on Youtube for the rescue to use.
Here is the one I did for the last rescue dog I did when he got adopted and was waiting for his new owners to come and get him. (I know nothing overly fancy, but I am happy with it). [URL] ......
Now, my question is this. Another lady in the rescue did a video seen here: [URL] ........
She zooms in and out of some pictures and I REALLY like that effect. I emailed her and she said she did it on a Mac and it's called the "Ken Burns Effect" Is something like that possible using Video Studio? And if it is, how the heck do I get that to work?
I have a video clip in my 'video' timeline and while it's being played, I want to zoom-into a user-specified location on that clip. Hopefully, using a 'stretchable' rectangle, circle, ellipse, etc. to encompass the part I want to zoom into. Is this possible with a video clip, or does it work on static graphic images only?
I've created a dvd slideshow and also added two music tracks to it. I then used the original file and put two different music tracks on it. I hoped it would then play the slideshow twice and I would hear 4 music tracks (i also want it to repeat continuously).
When I used Share- Create Disc the disc played as I wanted it to on my computer, but when I play it in the dvd player at work it just plays the first video with the first two songs on and keeps repeating this.
Is there a tick box I've missed somewhere for it to play both the videos on a loop not just the first one?
I have been trying to add an MP4 video to edit in VSP. Every time I select the file, it would tell me that "The file had no video data" when it does.
I tried to install the Service Patch which is said to include imports of MP4 files, but it won't install. It tells me " The installed version of the application could not be determined"
I am trying to publish several videos to one DVD. I used the menu template and everything works fine after burning the DVD. The DVD auto plays and shows the main menu.
The previews are fine. When I click a video to start, it looks good.However, I cannot find a way to easily return to the main menu so I can start the next video. I tried adding navigation buttons but when I previewed the DVD, they did not work.
I am making some videos.. And i really liked the flashback transition. but there's only one transition. i saw some tech videos online where they used somewhat same transitions.. where can we get more transitions?
Have Sony HDR-TD20V 3D camera and transferred 3D videos to PC. Starting X6 program files are recognized as 3D (little box bottom left) putting videos in timeline. Went to "Create Video File" and selected 3D per manual.
Now here is what I need to know my options as presented. I want to use a Bluray disc to burn with burner (BD) and play in my Sony S570 3D player to 3D Tv. Do I use the Bluray setting and what format (1920x1080)?
I know there is AVCHD, MVC and so on as choices. In other words (in case others have similar camcorder and X6 software) what are the steps I need to follow. I was wondering if I had to leave file as is or have it side by side, etc.
My 3D Tv is able to play any formats (side, Up/DN, etc) I used the Sony Play Memories and burned a bluray successfully but played only in 2D. I've read about players needed to be AVCHD 2.0 to play Play Memories 3D made disc.
I want to be able to use X6 to create discs, burn them and play in BD 3D player.