I finished my HD project in VS X3. It consist of 1920x1080 clips, titles, music, transitions. It was compiled as AVCHD NTFS 1920x1080. I got a 8 min 13 sec file as just over 1Gb in size. It was payed well in the computer.
Then I tried to get a hybrid DVD by using DF7SE. I choose DVD=>AVCHD, add simple menu and burned a disk. When I tried to play on TV screen by using blue-ray player I found that only menu screen exists, but no my video yet.
I repeated this after number of re-compilations. Even I re-install DF7SE. But result was the same. Then I put into my hybrid disk this mpg file and couple similar 1920x1080 AVCHD files from my prvious projects. Also I slightly modified my last project file, compiled under different name and put into the same disk.
In a burned disk I can see a menu of all four files. But on TV screen I can watch only two files from my older projects.
I couldn't find any differences in older and newer projects.
I am not used to work with HDV therefore my question: did somebody ever create an hybrid DVD disc straight from a 1440x1080 (HDV) file (possible in VS), or is the usual(better?) way to first rescale to 1920x1080. Is this disc then playable on a stand-alone BD player, which normally can play the 1920x1080 versions.
Using VS X6 with one video track and one title track. The problem I have is when I choose the 'Create Disk' option, Create ISO the resulting ISO is missing the Title track.
If I 'Create Video File' and select DVD 16x9 it creates the MPEG file fine with Title track.
Have I missed a setting tick box somewhere?
I've uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled same missing titles problem.
I've been using Video Studio for years and never experienced anything like this.
With prior versions of VideoStudeo I could create a movie and write it to a folder instead of a desk. I used this to preview movies before burning them. How to do this in X3. Neither DVD Factory nor Burn have this option.
I'm using the free trial version of Videostudio X5 and have 3 video files I am trying to burn to a BD-R disk. The files are H.264 and when I preview it before burning, the menu I created works fine. One of the three files is large, over 9gb. When I burn the disk, the large video file is not burning correctly. When I go into that file from the menu, it just loops back to the first menu item. I tried burning just the large file to a BD-R and it worked fine. The total project size is around 17 gb so I'm under the 25 gb limit. I think the next thing I'll try is breaking the large video file into two files. I'd like to buy the software if I can get past this glitch.
How to create an MPEG2 file before creating the disk, I just tried to do this and although I'm using 1080/50i footage in 16:9, the only options it gives is below.
I am now trying to render using the optimiser in custom mode which gives me the settings I need, i.e. higher data rate and 16:9, but still cant adjust the audio type etc.
MPEG files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps Upper Field First (MPEG-2), 4:3 Video data rate: Variable (Max. 6000 kbps) Audio data rate: 224 kbps MPEG audio layer 2, 48 KHz, Stereo
I've just completed my first project and when I attempt to create a video file for hard disk output I'm unsure what option I should select from the drop down box that gives me the highest quality without re-rendering the video.
My AVCHD 50p original files are according to the file properties in VSP -
PAL HDMV H.264 Video 24bits, 1920/1080, 16.9 50.000 frames/sec Variable bit rate (max.26000 kbps) Dolby Digital Audio 48000 Hz, 5.1 channels 384 kbps
So it looks like I need to select AVCHD 1920x1080 50p however in the properties for that file creation, the video bitrate is max 20000 kbps (my video 24.7) and audio is only 2.0 (my audio 5.1). I really would like to retain the 5.1 audio and my higher video bitrate.
Also when I view the project properties the video is shown as 1024 x 576.
PAL double (50 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 1024 x 576, 50 fps Frame-based Uncompressed PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 bits, 5.1 Channels
I am successfully creating a DVD using the Create Disc (DVD) option under the Share menu. I am adding multiple Project files that I have created (.VSP) files to it. Once it is all set up, I select Burning Options add Copyright Information and then I have also clicked on the add Project File to the disc option. However once the disc is created, I cannot find the Project File (.VSP) on the disc.
I am using VideoStudio Pro X4 with all the patches to SP3 installed. PAL system, and I am not receiving any errors.
Am I missing something simple? Does the Project File added to the disc not use the same file extension?
I use Windows 7 Home Premium, and I recently installed VideoStudio Pro X6. After making a video file, I found that the file details that are usually visible within Windows Explorer were not present. For example, when making a video using older versions of VideoStudio Pro, Windows Explorer would display the file size, video length, frame width and height, frame rate, data rate, etc., but now with Pro X6 none of these details can be found. When right-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer to check the properties tab, all the fields reserved for these details are blank.
Is there a setting within Pro X6 that I am overlooking that enables the saving of these details again?
I plan on getting a larger storage device for my Mac to accomadate my growing image files. When I install this device, and transfer my images to it, will Lightroom show these images as "missing"? If so, how would I correct that.
I have bought a new HD Camcorder. I understand that I need Blu-ray disk in order to burn my movie to HD format.
I am using the VS Pro x3 program. Before the burning process, in the "Create Video File" step, I have (among the others) the Blu-ray template, the AVCHD template and the HDV template. Which one of them I have to choice?
In the DMF 7se the output format of Blu-ray disk is BD.
I have a new computer with Windows 7. I just loaded VS x2 with all the patches and extra content. I can create projects fine but when I try to "share" and create a disk nothing happens. I clock on the "create disk" button and a small square grey box appears next to the button but nothing else happends.
I have the most current Windows 7 drivers & updates and drivers for my disk drive. It worked fine in Windows XP.
I think X4 is somehow creating temp files that gradually fill up the hard drive. Actually not so gradual: approx 3 GB in only a couple hours of editting.X4 crashed this evening, then wouldn't start again. I noticed the HD was full. I deleted 3 GB worth of microsoft stuff I wouldn't be using. X4 would then start, and I continued on editting, till it crashed again. Now the HD is full again, so I assume there is 3GB worth of stuff created since the last crash.
I have a 60 GB main HD where windows lives, and another 1000GB drive where all my videos live. Are there files created by X4 that can be safely deleted, even before the end of the project?
Tonight I created my first DVD disk (ie authored a DVD) using X4 which I purchased last year.It seemed to take a much longer time to complete especially the creation of the title (menu?) than what I am used to using VS10.
Is this normal?
Is this a known 'problem' with X4?
What are others using to author a DVD?
Should I use VS10 to 'create disk'?
BTW I authored using the same characteristics as I used when I created my DVD file (create video file) so I don't think that it re-rendered.Also I am creating a 'standard definition' DVD not high def.
Is it better to capture a video oversize and let VS X5 make it fit a disk or try to estimate the size and make sure it's small than max disk size? In prev versions it was better to estimate so it would always fit to avoid any audio sync issues but I hear those problems may be a thing of the past.
I've got charts I made over the years for sizes/bitrate etc for different video editing software. They don't seem to all render to the same sizes and the bitrate calculators never seemed to be that accurate.
I am now getting a unspecified error when I try to create a disc. It tells me to:send the file C:documents and settingsxxxlocal settings empvstudio_14.0.1.3_20101220_083832.DMP to tech support. Trouble is there is no technical support unless I have a paid subscription. I cannot read the file because windows xp will not recognize it. I see nowhere on here that I can attach the named file.
I am trying to use Video Studio Pro X2 to create a DVD on my new Windows 7 PC. I have produced the project file (95 minutes) and am now ready to burn the disk. I have used the software before on my old PC (Windows XP) with no problems. From the "Share" menu I selected Create Disk and DVD.
I am trying to amend the Project Settings in order that the project file (lasting 95 minutes) fits nicely on a 4.7Gb Disk. I have set-up a Disk Template (which should hopefully produce a file about the right size) and want to select that template for my project. The problem I am having is that when I select Create Disk, the Project Settings button is not displayed, so I cannot select the template I have set-up. The Project Settings button should sit just to the right of the Settings and Options button on the bottom left of the screen, just under the main panel (according to page 146 in the manual), but on my screen (see image attached) all I can see is the Settings and Options button, and then a half-obscurred "Next" button (which should sit on the right of the page, but on my page it is on the left, partly hidden by the Settings and Options button). There is also no "Close" or "Change Display aspect ratio" buttons visible too, which are shown in the manual, but don't appear on my screen.
This is the first time I have used VS Pro X2 on my new Windows 7 PC - it worked fine on my old XP machine and I have never had this problem before. I am now using Windows 7 (64 bit version). I have tried doing a "Repair" to Pro X2 using Control Panel, but this has made no difference...I am still getting this corrupted page without the very button I need to change template. Any way I can create a file that is about the right size to fit on a 4.7Gb blank Disk.
Does the trial/evaluation version of VideoStudio Pro X3 - DVD factory Pro 2010 support creating Blu ray disks. Or is this only possible with the full/bought version?
I downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio Pro X3 which includes DVD factory Pro 2010 version (dutch language version). With DVD factory starting a new videodisk I cannot select blu ray disk in the project settings. I can only select as disk: DVD and as project setting: Dvd-video or AVCHD.
I searched but could not find any resolution. I do like the editing software so very happy so far but before I buy the software, I want to make sure I can create blu ray disks (do a test).
Note: I do have two drives, first drive is Blu-ray burner (LG HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH08LS20) and second drive is normal DVD burner (TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C)
I have recently update my Corel VS from X3 to X5. As in X3 with Movie Factorey 7SE there only seems to be very limited DVD or Blu ray menu templates. I only have about eight possible fairly basic looking menus in either the MF7SE or X5 version of software.
Some SV tutorials I have been watching lately seem to have quite a good selection of menu templates, particularly those with thumbnails, via the drop selection menu allowing very shmic professional looking menus in VS X5. As my primary reason for upgrading was to improve the quality of the disc creation process and menus, how / where I can get additional disk menu templates for creating Blu Rays and any tutorials for menu creation techniques.
I have tried burning a Blu-ray disk using Movie Fatory 7 without any success. First of all I tried to burn an mpeg file to the disk (File Format not supported message in DVD Movie Factory), then in VS4 I tried "create video file" as a blu-ray format PAL Mpeg2 1920x1080 in VS4 - then went to "Create Disc" opened DVD Movie Factory 7 and selected BluRay, (File Format not supported message in DVD Movie Factory), so then I searched these forums and found that it looked like I should create a AVCHD file format in VS4 PAL HD 1920, so I did that and then went to "Create Disc" and got the same error message that file is not supported.
How do I create a BluRay disc that will play in a bluray machine? I have bought blank BluRay discs, but Movie Factory won't burn my file formats?
I recently purchased VS X6 Ultimate. I had been using X4 Pro. I chose the full install not the upgrade version of the software.
While using X4 for a while, the program would not burn a BluRay or AVCHD disk in Dolby 5.1 no matter what settings I chose. It would only burn in "Stereo". VS X4 DID burn these disks in Dolby 5.1 for a long time then it just stopped. I always selected Dolby 5.1 from tools or settings menu at the top of the program (I forget which one as I am not at the computer I use for VS). Also when burning my disk I select Dolby Digital 3/2 and 448kps.
When the disk was played back in my BluRay player, it only showed two channel stereo.
Then I upgraded to X6 Ultimate and the same thing happens! Yesterday I burned a short 16 min video consisting of mostly still photos, some HD video, and music tracks and transitions. I made all the "correct" selections to produce in Dolby 5.1 and the disk, when played in my BluRay player is again in Stereo. I have tried other disks to ensure my BluRAy player and home entertainment system is not faulty. The system readily shows Dolby 5.1 and 7.1 for studio produced disks.
-----> Strange thing is when burning a standard DVD, it burns in 5.1!<-----
I just got VS Pro X3 yesterday and installed it from the disk. All went fine, but there is a menu option on the disk for "Bonus Contents". When the menu option is clicked, it displays three sub-categories - Audio Clips, Image Clips, & Video Clips. When each of those sub-categories is clicked it opens a Windows Explorer window showing the contents of the folder on the install disk. I can't find anywhere that these clips got installed onto my PC.how do I install this Bonus Content, so that VS X3 can use it? If I just copy it to my hard drive, what folder to I place it into?
I would like to know if the "Creating Disk" step in the new VS x4 includes a better burn program than Factory Pro 2010 or Movie Factory 7SE. In Corel website, I didn't find anything about this issue among the features list.
I would like to use Corel DVD Factory to "Create Video Disk". I have created my mpg (Movie Clip) vidoe file and have placed it in a "c:video" directory tree.
How can I user Corel DVD Factory to Create Disk and drag/drop my file to that application?
When I "Select Photos and Videos" it brings up the Library but it doesn't show what I want and I'm not sure how to navigate tothe .mpg file I created so that I can drag/drop to the Media Tray.
Given my problem with jerky video in VS4 (see this thread), I decided to give Smart Proxy another try and switched it on. To my dismay, not only does it take ages to render the proxy videos, but the computer seems to be rather underused during rendering.
VS4 took two hours to create the proxy of a 20-25 minutes 1080p file, 4GB in size. During this time, according to Task Manager, only four of my eight CPU cores are significantly busy (though still below 50%), and disk I/O is in the area of 6-700kB/s for either direction. I took care to put the proxy directory on a third disk - away from the operating system and the source videos. 25% of the 8GB memory is used.Would the smart proxy rendering process make more efficient use of the available resources, it wouldn't take half the time.
VS4 configuration
VS4 service pack 2, version
Hardware acceleration is set for both editing and file creation
The video material is 1080p, 59.940 frames/sec, variable bit rate (max 26000kbps) and comes from my Panasonic camcorder. I used the tool that came with the camcorder, HD Writer AE, to copy the files to the hard disk. Audio is Dolby, 48000Hz, 256kpbs (I have no problems with audio).
Project properties:
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps) MPEG files 24 bits, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps Upper Field First (DVD-NTSC), 16:9 Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps) LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
Completed my film, created video file and burned it successfully. For this film I used copyright free music. Unfortunately, when playing back the burned disk, the sound "skids" and sounds somewhat distorted in places. Less so but still distorted is some of the spoken word in the film (ie the person on the film not voiceover). (Everything is fine when playing back the project in VS.) It's not so bad you can't play or hear it but obviously not satisfactory to my own pride! - letalone the viewer.
I do not use the "normalise audio" function and wonder if this would make a difference? I had presumed until now that the normalise audio function would merely make all audio the same level - on whatever work I had done to make the sound/voice overs different, e.g. lowering sound at the point of voice-over etc. I should say I have used a lot of visual effects in the film - 6 overlay tracks - and wonder if I have exceeded the bounds of sensibility!
I am trying to burn a non-HD project onto a Blu-Ray Disk and every time after the video/audio stage I get the "unspecified error" message. I have now wasted 6 Blu-ray disks trying to solve this problem. I have reloaded the software and uploaded the patch. I have checked and all my drivers are up to date.
Files are not corrupted as I have checked. I have even tried this on a 16 second video and it fails. I can burn it to DVD but the quality is poor. I have tried reducing the speed to the lowest setting at 4X. It is writing to the BD-R as mentioned but the content is not recognized. If I write it to a Blu-ray file it appears to work.