VideoStudio :: Match Photo Duration To Music In Advanced Editing?
Feb 11, 2011
With X2 and prior versions I could use the Make Movie Wizard (?) and add photos and music then match the photo duration to the music. Then I could close this and return to VideoStudeo advanced editor and my clips and music would be on the timeline. How do I do this in X3?
I can see where I can use DVD MovieFactory 7se and do this but I can't return this information to the advanced editor. I don't want to create a video file and use that I want to use the actual photos and music so I can do further editing.
I have produced a movie which is a mixture of mostly still photos and some video clips all in the VS X5 Video track. Having now watched the finished movie on my TV, I now wish to extend the duration of all photos. Is there a way to globally change the duration of all photos?
I'm trying to create a photo slideshow DVD. I've used one of the instant project templates. Populated the placeholders and then dropped my photos into one of the video overlay tracks. I now want to increase the duration from 3s to 6s. I have tried doing so by dragging out the first clip to 6s and by double clicking and manually editing to 6s. The result is the same: I get 3s of random transition between that clip and the next.
What I want to do is create 6s photo clips with a transition between each clip. So, how do I increase the photo duration to be visible for 6s and how do I then drop a transition between all the clips? I don't want to add them manually as there are nearly 200 photos?
I cant make the music duration slider in the slideshow go to 3.7. I can only get it to go between 3.6 & 3.8 Can this be done. Fit to Music does not work for slideshow. Music ends before pictures
I want to create a series of photomanipulated images that I would title "Be Extraordinary." Basically, I want every picture to be a picture of me doing some sort of extraordinary thing, leaning more towards sci-fi stuff. I already have an idea for one of me wielding a lightsaber, but after that, I've run out of ideas for anything I know how to do in Photoshop. I had an idea for me creating some sort of energy shield, but I simply don't know how to really create that effect in Photoshop.
I am preparing a slideshow using photos. Is there a way to change the duration time to all of the photos at once? Say to 6 sec. I can do them one by one but I have a number of photos. I am using Video Studio X3.
I’m making a very simple movie using photos only. I need to change the play time of each photo to vary in duration. When I click on the individual photo in the Timeline view and drag it to extend or decrease the amount of time it plays for, it affects the duration of the following photo, either lengthening it or shortening it. Is there a way to adjust one photo’s duration without affecting the next in line? In other words, is there a way to fine-tune one photo, while having all others maintain their current time properties?
I have a 9 minute video of about 100 or so pictures. Each image plays about 5 seconds. I want to increase each picture to play for 7 or 8 seconds. Can I change the duration of each image without going into each image separately?
I've been making great progress in learning and using videostudio... but I still can not figure out what the orange tabs are that are called "pause duration". during a clip review I can move them and nothing appears to happen... what would I use them for?
Black is not all black when encoded to mpeg2, making DVD's. Same as it was way back in 2005 and forward. At least on my TV set. Panasonic PAL. I these days have a new 42" flatscreen Panasonic compared to my old 4:3 "fat TV set" Sony Trinitron. The same experience... I want the same look, contrast and colors, as with the DV tape straight to the TV set, even if there, offcource, could be some artifacts from the encoding itself.
Here is my almost 6 years old thread on that problem.
There was a thread once, I can't find now. Seems to be erased. I have it on paper though. The subject was MPEG encoder settings in VS11+ The starter of it was Jack_HDV and replys came from vidoman, Ken Berry and etech6355. The tip in there was to add the Advance=1 in the uvs.ini file under the subject [viodriver]. I have tried this on the new Corel VS X4 but to no sucess. The mapstructure is also a bit different in W7, users vs. document and settings. The meaning with this added line was to get another button "advanced" under the tab "compression" and be able to change "primary colors" via a dropdown list.
how to do it in Corel VS? Is it maybe something that shouldn't be doable in VS, because of licence payment to the company Mainconcept who has done the encoder. VS should maybe only have the "light" version"? Just before this new thread I managed to encode with an older version of Canopus Procoder v.2, with perfect result as it comes to black and white and also a bit stronger colors. It's so much easier if we could get the same result withing VS.
When I use the Smart Photo Fix command, and check Advanced Settings I see the black & white correction options, BUT I do NOT see the before & after left & right preview panes that are necessary to let me choose black & white & grey points on my image.
There seems to be another post/thread on this topic BUT unfortunately I cannot open that post: when I try I see the message: No post matches the time frame selected even though I have set this to ALL POSTS.
Has a fix become available for the 'advanced dialog box' option in PSE 9? My partner has just changed his laptop and now realises that PSE 9 won't give him the option of pre-selecting photos, due to the smaller screen. The laptop won't display at 800 res. The height of the screen is too small. He's annoyed because this problem will affect all users of PSE 9 who get a new laptop with a smaller height screen, which is most new laptops!! It ran perfect on the old Sony Vaio..... till the graphics card went seriously dead! Has this problem been resolved with PSE 10 or 11? If so, it might be worth upgrading to one of those.
I am syncing pictures , effects and video snippets to a song. Why is that when I ever I add a new set of pictures or effect, it moves my music as to make space for it despite using a different layer. Is there a way to lock the music in place as I add more photos and media?
When we capture music from CD's in Pro X3, the last few seconds of the songs get cut off. Or the recording skips, cuts out a few seconds of the song right before the end, and then captures the end of the song. It's an intermittent problem with no rhyme nor reason that we can figure out as to which songs are being affected. But once a song has been captured and the end garbled, that same song will always be garbled no matter how many times we delete the recording and recapture it.
I'd like to make a graphic to be used to frame video footage for a music video I am shooting. I'd like for the 'frame' to make the footage look like a 1920's photo that is damaged around the edges. I want to give the audience the impression they are looking at an old photo that has an animated video in it.
I've exported a few samples as a test. The center was transparent upon export, yet became white when I re-opened the image. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The background setting was selected as 'transparent'.
As I am testing more functionalities (and finishing up a video, obviously), I am trying to add a background music. For now, I used one that came with VS. I am reducing the Clip volume to 3 (I think that is 3%) and it is still too loud. If I move it down to 2, it is inaudible. Is there another adjustment somewhere? I really cannot have a background music compete with the narration!
Just upgraded from X4 to X5, and it seems something is wrong. When I click the Auto Music icon, all options are greyed out.
Okay, it's been over six months since I last used VSX4, but I don't remember having to do anything special to use Auto Music.
Computer is: Dell XPS 8300 Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz DDR3 SDRAM 8 GB Motherboard - Dell Inc. 0Y2MRG Graphics - AMD Radeon HD 6450 OS - Windows 8 Pro
I have uninstalled/reinstalled several times, and have installed VSX5 SP1.
is there a way to separate music from speech and SFX? I want to keep the music out ONLY, so I can re-write it.
I understand 5.1 has 5 channels, so are the speech & SFX separated from the music?
By the way, it's enough to have only ONE channel with ONE type of sound (i.e. music), because then I can extract it and reverse-phase it to (partially) cancel out it's equivalent from the master audio track. It's not perfect but enough.
In the past using VS10+ I noticed an issue importing sound and music clips. I did import them into my project from my music folder without any problems. The issue is when I deleted the sound and music clip from my folder it disappeared from my video project and I would have to get the clip back into my music folder and keep it in there until I burned a DVD. Is this routine for VS?
Am I doing something wrong when setting up the menu and rendering a DVD? Everything sounds perfect/ lines up when I view it in my timeline but after it is burned to a DVD the sound is off by 2-3 seconds. It's only a 15 min video.
I been searching around but other than going to the smart sound website and buying their software I do not know of any other sound software which allows me to create multilayer music for video studio. Additionally it does not appear that their software contains a plugin for Corel videostudio. So what are my options concerning creating custom music for videostudio?
I hit Automusic in X5 pro. It came on and now I can't get it to go away. Didn't mean to get it going but there seems to be no way to turn it off and get rid of the trak. Do I have to reedit this whole video starting again. There must be a way, but I just can't seem to find how to turn it off.
I even uninstalled automusic from the computer - no luck. there is a little brown line begins at 3 seconds and runs just over the video track. Is this automusic or something else?
As a newbie hopping to put video with my still images I started out by making a DVD of a video of a boat followed by the same boat after Mercali processing. Video were fine and Mercali worked as it says. How do you get a plain DVD without one of the fancy backgrounds that the program makes you chose to start the DVD which need titles and without horrible music that came from nowhere? I cannot find how to make a video with nothing at the start that goes straight into the video you have made. All I want is how to make a DVD of my videos (I can put the title on top of the video at the start) that you put into a DVD player that self starts or at worst needs you to press play on the remote control.
I must have turn off a switch somewhere, after rendering a project I found the music track is not included. I can hear the music track in edit and preview. But after render the project, the audio attached with the video is ok except no music.
I have VideoStudio X3 Pro and just want to convert all my DV tapes to DVD - no background music, no fancy themes, just conversion with a menu and 15 minute automatic chapter breaks (or scene breaks using the X3 scene detection).
The only way I can test the themes provided in X3 to see if they have background music is to burn a tape to DVD. That just isn't very efficient.
how I can do this, which theme to use, or a way to adjust the theme before it burns?