I want to encode a video in MPEG2-HD with 1920x1080 and 24 fps (full pictures) @ 35000kbps VBR. Before i bought VS X4 i was using VS 8. There it was kind of easy to create that but in VS X4 this option is missing. I only have the choice between the PAL-DVD and NTSC-DVD Codecs. In VS 8 there was additionally MPEG and MPEG2.
Where have them gone? Or is there any other way to solve this problem? Do i have to install any additional codecs, which i had installed on my old computer where VS8 was running?
I have a mp4 video with frame size 1280*720 and data bitrate 4442 kbps and I want to convert it to mpeg2. if I convert it using the simple way in vs pro x6 through dvd then mpeg2 it will convert it with higher size and higher bitrate. What data rate should I put using custom then mpg files to keep same quality and size.
I have been using Pro 4X for just over a year now but have recently been experiencing crashes while encoding HD MPEG files. I have also just activated/unpacked the included music with the software and these issues just started after I did this. Note: I do not use the provided music but believe the conflict is because of this.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name:APPCRASH Application Name:vstudio.exe Application Version: [code]....
local library with transferring their betacam based collection into digital video files.
The set up is:
Sony J3 video tape player ( a beautiful expensive machine that plays multi beta formats SX, Digi & Standerd betacam tape)
They had this set up through a switcher which in turn is connected to a TV monitor, aVHS machine and a couple of DVD recorders. Till I came along and suggested to remove one of the DVD recorders and hook that up to an external analogue to digi video converter hooked up to a PC ( now running trial version of Corel).
I set this up for them using components they already have. Their set up was so that patrons can view their audio visual collection and I'm setting them on the path of digitising their entire collection.
Basically, when I'm capturing PAL DVD standard video files the set-up and digital converter are spitting out squared pixels...so I cannot capture in the 16:9 anamorphic. This is easily fixed of course by dropping the capture to the overlay video track and selecting fit to screen. Ideally I would like to spend some money re-jigging the set-up so I capture in proper 16:9 anamorphic (and through Firewire) and avoid the extra step. We are also then producing MP4's with the view of making them into low res viewing only lets call them proxy files (with BITC to boot (Burnt in time code))
Why oh why is it so hard to custom select a known small frame size (16:9). Picking mp4 HD is NOT an option because I'm working from SD stock. Why can't I pick something like 640x360? It would make life so much easier.
I'm trying to enable hardware acceleration in videostudio x4 for encoding, but the button is just greyed out. The decoding button is enabled. I have a core i7 2600k processor and a ati hd 6950 graphics card. The online support lists DXVA as supported. So is there any way to enable this?
I discovered reading the "fine print" for another product that if you have an ATI or AMD graphics card, you may need to download and install the AVIVO codec package from AMD's website in order to enable hardware acceleration for encoding. The package is not included with AMD Catalyst 12.10.
After going to the following web site, you need to fill out a survey before you can download the package. [URL]........
After installing the package, the "Enable Hardware Encoding Acceleration" option on the Performance tab in Preferences in VS X5 became enabled on my system.
Black is not all black when encoded to mpeg2, making DVD's. Same as it was way back in 2005 and forward. At least on my TV set. Panasonic PAL. I these days have a new 42" flatscreen Panasonic compared to my old 4:3 "fat TV set" Sony Trinitron. The same experience... I want the same look, contrast and colors, as with the DV tape straight to the TV set, even if there, offcource, could be some artifacts from the encoding itself.
Here is my almost 6 years old thread on that problem.
There was a thread once, I can't find now. Seems to be erased. I have it on paper though. The subject was MPEG encoder settings in VS11+ The starter of it was Jack_HDV and replys came from vidoman, Ken Berry and etech6355. The tip in there was to add the Advance=1 in the uvs.ini file under the subject [viodriver]. I have tried this on the new Corel VS X4 but to no sucess. The mapstructure is also a bit different in W7, users vs. document and settings. The meaning with this added line was to get another button "advanced" under the tab "compression" and be able to change "primary colors" via a dropdown list.
how to do it in Corel VS? Is it maybe something that shouldn't be doable in VS, because of licence payment to the company Mainconcept who has done the encoder. VS should maybe only have the "light" version"? Just before this new thread I managed to encode with an older version of Canopus Procoder v.2, with perfect result as it comes to black and white and also a bit stronger colors. It's so much easier if we could get the same result withing VS.
Each time I am trying to do something with Corel VideoStudio X6, I have a new issue. This time, when I try to play the preview of my full video, image blocks all the times, I have to hit the space bar two times to pause and resume playback, then it takes more than 30 seconds before playback resumes. I tried to encode the video, it worked, but after around 15 minutes, audio and video get out of sync.
I tried to contact Corel technical support and they could not do anything for me. They suggested me to install the Service Pack 1: installer pretends VideoStudio is not installed because I have an almost-full SSD and put VideoStudio in my data drive. Adding a second SSD would not solve the problem, because this would just create a new drive, and replacing the current SSD with a bigger one forces me, AGAIN, to reinstall everything! Then they suggested me to again reinstall Corel VideoStudio, but this takes hours and hours, because it tries to redownload everything and this is always waiting and blocking (and I DON'T know what to check if I have, AGAIN, to check my Internet connection).
I am trying to do 2-pass encoding on 640 x 480 Mjpeg.avi 30 fps clips using the free x264vfw codec. The first pass works ok. But when I change the codec config to Multi-pass, I get an error message when I click ok to save it.
Using VideoStudio X3. I import a MPEG2 file with res 720x480. Problem is the actual size of the video is 640x480 and the rest is two black bars on the sides. This is the way the source produces the files and I have no control over that. I want to export the project in 640x480, but no matter what I do I end up with keeping the black bars and distorting the image. Tried using the crop effect with no success.
The only workaround I have found is using another program - Magix or Pinnacle - to import the file and save it. In the preview window both Pinnacle and Magix display just the actual video (640x480), although the source file is 720x480. Corel for some reason keeps the black bars.
So how do I do the same using VideoStudio? I hate using 2 separate programs, my PC is too slow anyway and importing and converting long video files takes about a day.
I'm creating a DVD with just one MPEG2 feature length movie. I've selected the movie and done all the technical burn settings.
What I want is for the DVD to begin with a screen that has the options to 'Play Movie' which plays the whole thing or 'Chapters' which then goes to a chapters menu. Obviously they have to be able to get back to the option to play the whole movie.
I've separated the movie into the chapters by doing Add/Edit Chapter and clicked Next.
Am I right that Add Title Menu creates the first screen, and the Add Chapters Menu then creates the Chapters Menu? How do you have the Play Movie option - or is that just achieved by playing the first chapter (ie does it carry on with the whole movie?) With each chapter, does it proceed to play the whole of the rest of the movie after that chapter?
Also, the first chapter has a black screen thumbnail. How can I change the look (but not the actual starting point) of that chapter?
What does 'close the disc' mean? Does closing it give better copyright protection on the movie being taken off the DVD?
Finally, how do I save all these chapters and settings so I can just a burn the DVD quickly next time without creating chapters etc? (I am creating a Disk file, but can I save it as a Project?).
I recently tried to convert a 76 minute movie in mpeg 4 to mpeg 2 using the batch convert function. I first went into options and set the bit rate to 6100 kbps and the audio to Dolby 2 ch. stereo, with the bit rate set to constant. After the conversion had taken place, I found the results were excellent, except that only 38 minutes were converted. I tried it again, but still only 38 minutes and then it it finishes. Why won't it convert the full 76 minutes? The destination folder is on my "D" drive which is 1 TB, so there is lots of room.
How to create an MPEG2 file before creating the disk, I just tried to do this and although I'm using 1080/50i footage in 16:9, the only options it gives is below.
I am now trying to render using the optimiser in custom mode which gives me the settings I need, i.e. higher data rate and 16:9, but still cant adjust the audio type etc.
MPEG files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps Upper Field First (MPEG-2), 4:3 Video data rate: Variable (Max. 6000 kbps) Audio data rate: 224 kbps MPEG audio layer 2, 48 KHz, Stereo
Downloaded and installed the latest VS X3 trial version Direct X is installed on the PC.
There is a problem when I try to play in VS X3 any MPEG2 file created with the earlier version of VS 7SE. The video playback is too fast and I hear only an intermittent high pitch noise. There is no problem playing the same file with the Windows Media Player.
I can play without problem .avi file captured from a DV camcorder. The VS X3 sample files play fine as well.
I just want to warn that the SP2 patch of VS Pro X3 is incompatible with rendering and playback of mpeg-2 files. Your mpeg-2 files will finish rendering with SP2, but the rendered file will have audio distortions. Corel has a patch to repair it (only send to someone who calls Corel & complain about mpeg-2 render problems), but the patch causes a hiccup in the preview playback of the mpeg-2 clip just after the rendering is finished. The result only plays smooth after pause and starting of the playback from beginning again.
I'm struggling to create a 1440 x 1080 mpeg 2 video file with a variable data rate.
The original HD footage is 1440 x 1080 but I can't find this option when I try to create a video file from my project. I am sure that I had many more options when rendering a video file in X2.
If I try using Create Video File/Same as Project Settings I can only get a 720 x 576 file. If I try using Create Video File/Same as First Video Clip it looks like it's doing the job but I think I'm getting a file with a fixed data rate of 25,000 kbps which is too much for playback on my Western Digital TV gizmo (whereas a variable data rate of 25,000 kbps would play okay). If I try Create Video File/Custom I can only get what I want by switching from mpeg2 to MPEG Transport-Stream Files (whatever they may be) but when I try playback on my Western Digital TV player I get the message "no audio channel" although the image is very good.
So how can I get a Video File the same as my original footage but with a variable data rate?
I upgraded from VS 12 into VS Pro X5 Ultimate a while ago and now I have some issues in editing some old footage taken with Sony H9 camera. This camera makes 640*480 30 frames/s Mpeg-1 video files.
After editing the movie, I would like to export it into 640*480 30 frames/s Mpeg-2 file as I used to be able to do with VS 12 (in the old Win-XP machine, current one is Win-7 64-bit). Now however, the VS X5 does not give me the option in 'Create Video File' to set 'User-defined' frame size.
It only lists under MPEG-files -> Options: standard 720 x 576 (yes I am on PAL region) and 25 frames/s. Why is this? The only encoder shown is 'Ulead MPEG.Now Encoder'. Maybe I had some other encoder available in the Win-XP machine?
I have been searching for Win-7 MPEG-2 encoder, but no luck.
How to get user-defined frame-size and rates under MPEG-2 encoder in VS PRO X5 ???
saving photoshop eps with encoding type jpeg will reduce the file size(eg in binary encoding file size is 100mb, after saving as jpeg encoding type it only takes 5mb). my doubt is this(jpeg encoding type) will raise any problem while printing.
I am getting extreamly frustrated with Premier. Yesterday, I was able to save in MPEG2. I open my project today and that codec is not available. This has happened before and the best people can tell me is to reinstall the software.
I have a problem when trying to import french text variables into my data sets (for automated generation of lower thirds). I can not get PS to display french special characters correct. all 'accented' As and Es etc. display as weird text strings, just like your browser running on the wrong text encoder.
How do I get PS to interpret the data sets right?
( PS CS6 (13.0.1), Mac Pro running on OS X 10.7.3)
We have problems importing Avid Mpeg2 IMX files into Adobe After Effects CC. It's a Dell computer with Windows 7 64bits. The importing footage looks like this when imported in After Effects. We have installed AVID QuickTime CODECs Pack PE v2.3.7 but the problem continues.
Any MPEG2 i render in Premiere Pro CC exports in low quality (Grainy and flickers). Even at 1080p and a CBR of 20. I thought i'd wait for the next update for premiere pro CC which came out today with no luck.
24GB of RAM i7 X990 Processor NVIDIA Quardro 4000 Windows 8.1
having problems when generating managed media through the Mediahub from H264 into Apple ProRess 4:2:2 (HQ).
I tried different options but that happens that it never finishes rendering the files, and the Jobs tab shows the system updates the files randomly with a "busy" status while all of the others show "waiting". However nothing happens.
I entered the managed folder from the Store and have nothing but a couple of 1 frame clips.
I would like to ensure that all my SVG files are UTF-8 when saved, but they sometimes come out as ISO 5589-1 (the defualt encoding) Is there a way to set & lock this somewhere, somehow?
Weird audio noise after encoding for Mpeg for Blu-ray.
It's random and does not happen all the time. Started to do it after I update the latest Premiere CC.
Seems to happen when i apply a transistion to a audio clip from no audio. Sound like a mic to close to a speaker repeating the sound faster and faster. I cant hear it durning the editing, just after exporting.
I have not had any problems until I started trying to use a green screen, which has turned out to be a major pain. Ultra key did a good job, but I kept being told the after affects does a better job. My computer is a PC has 32 Gigs of ram a 4 gig video card, I7. I also just downloaded all the latest updates. I imported an AVCHD file after shooting a 30 min lesson on green screen. Had to do a lot of editing to get all put together so there were lots of cuts and I had alot nested sections so I can resize myself with the background to keep the perspective correct. After I had decent success with keying, though I wish it were better, I tried moving each indivdual video clip over to after effects to key in there. It looked like it might have been a little bit better than the using ultrakey.
Anyways, after taking forever to get all these clip edited in after affects, I wanted to export my completed video so I could see how well it worked. I never got the the chance because no matter what I choose under MPG2 it would lock up around 8%. Even when I tried to get to encode a 2min section of the video, it still locks up. The only way to get out of the program is to force it closed. As I searched for answer to this problem, someone suggested holding he shift key down while you open CS6, but that did not work. BTW the same file exports fine as long as I do not send any of the footage to after effect
it would be nice to be able to try and use after affects as well so I can at least see if the final result of the keying is better or not.
I exported my 90 minute clip for DVD last night - these were split as I am used to into a M2V file and a WAV file - I checked it and had a look last night. I then turned my computer off for the night and have awoken to one file which is a XMP file?I am now using CC so have the latest Adobe Premiere and haven't changed anything else that I am aware of.
it is possible to render to mpeg 2 with specific settings for VOD content cable provider in Premiere Pro?
Is there a specific preset for it? Or do you really need an external plugin (like the very expensive QT plugin from PIXELtools?
For a cable provider I need to make SD content.Encoded some MPG 2 TS test files and uploaded them to the test-environment of the Cable provider.
The calbel provider said the files are almost approved, they need a little more tweaking.
But the cable provider only gives me a list of errors in return. Errors they see in in the testing environment before publishing.
1. Rendered MPG's have PCR errors (deviation in clock frequention)
2. to get better quality encoded MPG's, they say to stretch the GOP.
Since I'm not in to GOP's, M frames and I-pictures.They gave me a white paper with the following rules....
1. The first byte of the video elementary stream MUST be the first byte of a sequence_start_code.
2. The video elementary stream MUST contain an integral number of access units.
3. A Sequence Header and a Sequence Extension MUST precede each I-Picture.
4. All B-Pictures in the video bit stream MUST use prediction based on pictures present in the bit stream. Specifically, the first GOP in the video elementary stream MUST NOT begin with a B-Picture predicted from a reference picture that does not exist in the stream. That is, the first GOP MUST be closed.
5. For MPEG2 encoding, the length of each GOP SHOULD be 12 frames.
6. For MPEG2 encoding, the number of consecutive B-Pictures between anchor pictures (I-Picture or P-Picture) MUST be two or less.
how to set the above requested into the Premiere Pro exportsettings from below (my settings, to make an MPG
I use Cyrillic parts of text in my lisp programs. But when I start lisp in AutoCAD 2013 Mac for OSX, in text fields I received only hieroglyphics. I try to use different text encoding for lisp file, but i receive only different hieroglyphs, not Cyrillic text.