VideoStudio :: How To Insert Second Video Track
Feb 24, 2012
I'm a professional musician trying to create material for my website and YouTube. I recently shot video with two cameras at an event. I need to learn
1) how to insert the second video track,
2) how to line it up to the exact time of the first video track, and 3) how to pan back and fourth between tracks to create a short film.
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Jul 6, 2011
I'm using VS 11. Is there a way to insert gaps between clips on the main video track? I can do this when I move the clips to the overlay track, but I need the overlay track for actual overlays, so I don't want to do that for this project. I need gaps so I can put in narrative text between each clip.
Alternatively, is there a way to have multiple overlay tracks?
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Feb 16, 2011
Is there any way to push the video in the video track after the title track is completed ....
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Jan 28, 2012
When cutting video shots in sync with a music track how can I remove part of a clip and replace with a new shot. I know there is a replace clip facility but there appears to be no way of editing the new clip. What I would like to do is leave blanks in sync with the music and fill in correct length of shot later. The same question for overlaying video shots of an interview and holding sync when returning to interviewee.
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Dec 9, 2013
In VideoStudio 6, how does one connect the voice track to the video during the editing process?
My specific issue is that I have to go back and edit material sometimes that precedes the voice track I already have laid down, but when the time frame of the material after my new edit I have to go back and drag the voice track to the proper location. I would like to be able to permanently "attach" the voice track to the specific video clip and have it follow that clip as it is moved, time wise, during the editing process.
Is there a means to make this happen?
PS - I realize there is a work around way - just publish each clip and then rebuild the final project but that is NOT what I want to do.
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Jan 17, 2012
I see that you can split the audio from the video. Can you do the reverse and link the audio back into the video say after you split, cut and mute an off camera scream? It would just make it easier to add clips before the edited one, although it's not all that hard to sync things up.
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Jul 6, 2011
I'm using VS 11. I want to insert some text in 2 separate title boxes. I have selected the multiple titles option. But I can't figure out how to actually insert a second box. It inserts one, and that's it. I'm trying to create a narrative-text screen that has a main title with a large font, and another box with text in a smaller font. How do I get a second box to appear?
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May 23, 2012
Upon uploading a video clip that already has video sound attached, why am I not able to hear that video sound when I try to edit my video?
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Oct 28, 2012
I am using VS5 for the first time by creating avi files in Proshow Producer and importing them into video studio to make a show with both video and still images. My question is; once clips are imported to the video track can they be moved left or right? The reason I ask is the videos made in Producer are not necessarily in the order of the finished show and I would like to move the clips around to make the flow of the show smoother. When I try to move the clips on the video track they won't move left or right but only up or down in the overlay track. When I move the clip where I want it and move it into the video track the clip snaps back into it's original position. Is moving the clips into the overlay track the only way I can put them where I want them or am I missing something?
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Feb 5, 2011
I'm VERY new at Corel Videostudio Pro X3.How do I move the video track in the timeline? I can't make it work unless the clip is in the overlay track.
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Apr 14, 2013
I made a 4 minute video comprising 25 clips including background audio and an accompanying "Auto Music" Music track.At present the background sound of the kiteboarding video is too loud and overpowers the music.
How to I reduce the volume of the entire 4 minute video track in a single procedure? If I open Sound Mixer I only see a way to adjust individual points in each of the 25 individual clips. So changing it this way would involve a ridiculous amount of work. Ideally I would like to simultaneously reduce the background water action sound to about 25% of current lever for the entire video track. Then perhaps go back in and bump it up again in one two two spots to accentuate things. I can select the entire video track with shift/enter but then most of the menus are greyed out. Also tried splitting audio from video but it only does it for one clip at a time. Surely there is an easier way?
Background: I am new to videostudio after deciding Adobe Elements which came with my HP laptop is too complex for what I want. All I want is a simple video editing package. So that I can take kiteboarding video from a GoPro, cut it down to something worth watching and adding non copyright background sound. I can then put it on my iPad or share it to friends via youtube. So I am trialling VideoStudio X6 which seems to fit the bill. Dealing with the audio is the only bugbear I have and I want to work it out before I buy it. I cannot believe it can be so complicate to bump the background audio volume down a few notches.
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Jun 9, 2011
I am putting together a biographical video of my wife and myself for our kids (married 50 years). I want to have a video of her (example) sitting and talking about growing up. Is there a way to insert a photo on the main video track and still keep the voice track intact? Example: She is talking about her childhood. A photo apears of her as a small girl while she is still talking. The photo goes away after a few seconds and there she is live and taliking. I hope to get away from using the overlay track.
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May 15, 2012
Is there a way to show more than just one thumbnail from a given clip when inserted into the video track? Currently in VS X4 I get just a thumbnail at the start of the clip and a blue bar after that. In Microsoft Movie Maker by comparison you get thumbnail after thumbnail from the various frames within the clip, I also see in one of Trevor's tutorials (bottom of the page) URL.... there's thumbnails galore but he may be using images rather than a video clip.
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Feb 26, 2011
When I apply a transition to a clip on the overlay track (and/or title track) the transition is applied to the video on the video track... even if the clip on the video track is 'in the middle' to where the transition is on the overlay track. e.g. If I apply a dissolve (or any transition) to the overlay clip... the clip on the video track will go through said transition also. VSX4
In other words, the clip on the video track goes through the transition applied on the overlay or title track.
This does not seem right. I saw nothing in preference that would affect this and I saw no way of 'de-parenting' the video track with the overlay or title track. (By de-parenting I mean separating the tracks so what happens on one does not affect the other.)
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Aug 20, 2013
What is the difference between the Video track and the Overlay tracks?
I noticed that I cannot trim the "overlay" clips, but when I added some screen recording to my folder and placed it on the timeline, it automatically goes to the Overlay track. And from there, I cannot trim them as the scissors icon is greyed out. Is there a way to add those clips to the video track instead of the overlay track if there is no other video in the way?
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Mar 1, 2012
I am assembling a project with a few video, overlay and audio clips. Everything is timed the way I want, but I decide to add a few seconds to the beginning. I insert the additional clip and all the video clips move over, but all the other clips (overlay and audio) do not move. It takes a long time to adjust everything and get the timing correct again.
Is there anyway to LOCK the audio and overlay clips to their corresponding video, and have them move together when I insert video in the beginning?
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Mar 31, 2012
I want to keep the original audio captured with video footage but remove the actual video and replace it with other video footage taken and still images. I'm guessing that this is possible using the overlay track, but ideally, I would like to just remove the original video so that I can use two new images between the main track and other "images" on the overlay track. I have no need for the original video, just the audio. Is this possible? If not, is there any way to insert audio from video onto either a music or narration track scrap the video portion?
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Oct 17, 2010
If I have two cameras pointing toward one subject (say someone being interviewed) what would be the best way to place the two video tracks in X3?
One I would be the main video track, but would the other have to be the over lay track? Is there an option to create a 2nd main video track that I could switch between? So when I am editing an interview clip I could pick between video track 1 or 2 and choose the angle I want?
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Oct 27, 2010
Is there a way to show the voice pattern and the clip in video track one. I want to see the voice print, so I can make a cup without cutting off part of a sentence when cut out part of a clip.
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Jan 19, 2011
I see that I have to enable Ripple Editing to lock my titles with the video track before adding more scenes, but I can't seem to find where to do this.
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Jun 14, 2011
I am using photos for a slideshow. How do you resize a photo or video on the overlay track to the exact size on the timeline? I know you can use the resize handles but is there a faster way?
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May 4, 2012
I have problem with .avi files. I can insert .avi video to library. That is not the problem, but when I want to insert it to the timeline, that show me error message, where is written: "The content of this file is unreadable." It's video from Google Earth recorded by Fraps.
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Jan 31, 2006
I want to add a realtime clock to my video ... following the timeline clock. Can I do this with VideoStudio? How?
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Oct 6, 2011
In Videostudio X4 pro - can I insert a NORMAL slow vertical ticker (without any stupid effects) inside my running Video. I try this now for hours, but it is impossible.
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Dec 10, 2013
I just finnished editing a music video.
It has over 8 video tracks and now I want to export it to a EDL format but It looks like everything needs to go on 1 video track.
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Apr 11, 2013
I recently started using my DSLR (Nikon D800) to shoot some video. My wife has several musical projects and I'm just shooting some basic demo videos. But since these are musical projects, the audio is important. And while I plug the camera microphone port directly into the mixing board, and get really good audio, I still want to be able to work with the audio track separately to do some basic equalization, volume adjustment, etc.
Photoshop's video handling is pretty basic, and it seems all I can do with the audio track is delete it, adjust the master levels, or add an outside track.
Is there a way I can strip off and save the audio to a separate file and process it with audio software (what software?) so I can then re-add it Photoshop?
Am I approaching this from the wrong angle? I don't want to spend tons of money on a full video editing package. Is there audio software that can open the video file and just edit the audio track?
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Jul 11, 2010
I just came over from Sony Vegas Pro 9 (which kicks ***, but has bad native support for DSLR files).
In Vegas you can apply effects to video in three ways:
1. A whole clip in the project media bin (automatically applying such effects to all timeline events using this clip).
2. Individual timeline events.
3. Entire video tracks (automatically applying such effects to every clip on the track).
Is this possible in Premiere CS5? I find it hard to believe that it's not possible since it is such a useful thing to do. For example, what if you have a bunch of footage that you want to look grainy but you don't want to apply the same effect to every timeline event from the clips because it is time consuming and creates many sources of change if you want to tweak the effect settings?
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Oct 24, 2012
How do I remove the audio track from a video clip which I am using in a Elements 10 slideshow?
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Sep 26, 2011
I have a problem with Video-Studio ProX 4: If I insert a new file in the midst of a cued sequence of files, than the cued video-files of the video track give place and stay synchronized, but NOT the subtitles on the title track - therefore I must they all manual synchronize again with the video-track, - what can I do?
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May 25, 2013
I've installed NewBlue ColorFast, and it shows up in VS X6 as expected. If I drag and drop it onto the video track, the changes I make apply, no problem. But if I drag and drop it onto the overlay track, then make the changes I need, they don't stick … they go away when the dialogue is closed. Is this filter limited to the video track only? Or do I have a problem here?
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Feb 13, 2012
I rendered (in animation software) a series of .png files with transparency for an overlay in VidStudio. 150 of them that all need to be shortened from the default photo duration of 3:00 seconds. Plus, for each one, I will need to adjust the size of the overlay track. Is there a way to manage the entire track for these adjustments? Or a place to adjust the preferences..?
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