Revit :: Overlaying PNG Images On JPGs
Feb 1, 2013
How to create very convincing 'Dusk Renderings', see: [URL]......
I tried this and despite my efforts being not quite as good as that produced in the video I was pleased with the result, as follows:
This is a cropped image created from a 'prt sc' of a Revit sheet view on which I had superimposed the png image over the jpg, having followed the instructions in the video. However, when I came to export the project to dwfx, the jpg file (the sky) disappeared leaving only the png image as shown herewith:
Can I not paste one over the other within the Revit environment, and get the expected result perhaps? Can the complete image only be achieved in a picture editing program?
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Oct 12, 2012
merge a number of images overlaying each other then using compound paths to make one image.
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Jul 3, 2013
I am new to Illustrator. I am using CS6. I used Image Trace to turn some .jpgs into vectored images. My printer is saying they are not vectored images but rather that they look like .jpgs that were placed in Illustrator. Every tutorial that I have read and Youtube video that I have watched says that Image Tracing something makes it a vectored image. What am I not getting? Is there something further that must be done after Image trace to turn something into a vectored file?
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Apr 23, 2011
So, I have used Gimp to downsize large architectural drawing images from Tiff's to jpgs. Well, I always thought I was downsizing them. In the past, the process always seemed to make the files more usable in the application where I need to use the architectural drawings without a significant loss in quality.
I will open a tiff in Gimp, save as jpg, export if prompted, then select quality of 40 or 50 percent, and the result is a usable file that is significantly smaller than the source tiff file.Today, the source tiff which is 900 mb in size is being converted to jpg which is 6 or 7 mb in size, totally unusable.
Additionally, if I simply open the source in Gimp, save it to another directory from Gimp without making any changes, the file also grows to 6 or 7 mb. What am I doing wrong this morning that I have not been doing wrong for the last 6 months?
Using version 2.6.11 in Ubuntu 10.10 if that matters.I have a version of 2.7 on my Windows XP OS, and it will lock up trying to open these drawings.
It's curious, because, at 900 MB, I typically can use the drawings without even altering or downsizing them.What I really cannot understand is why Gimp is causing unaltered files to grow in size when saving them.
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Nov 16, 2012
Im using brush with 40% opacity i draw a line and then draw another over it but i want the place where they intersect be just as the color im drawing with. I'll just upload pic.
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Mar 24, 2012
I've read how to fill text with an image by laying the image over the text and setting it as a clipping mask. But I want to achieve a particular effect, and my text also has a surrounding shape.
Here is a snapshot of my layers:
You can see I have a group comprising the text, and a shape layer (with stroke) to define a border. Both text and border are a mid-grey.
And I have set the group to "Color Burn" (over the image) to get an effect I like in the text. I would now like to achieve two separate things:
(a) retain just the text and border (with color burned image within), the rest as white (or transparent)
(b) retain the text and border AND the paler image within the border, everything outside the border as white (or transparent)
In both cases, it would be far preferable to keep the text as a single editable text layer, and the shape layer as an editable shape layer, so that I can tweak both later.
I'm not sure how to achieve either! The techniques I've see have the image on TOP of the text, but for my effect the image is UNDER the text.
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Feb 12, 2013
oBaseView = osheet.DrawingViews.AddBaseView(otargetDoc, oPoint1, DrawingViewScale, kFrontViewOrientation, kHiddenLineDrawingViewStyle, "Default")oDraftView = osheet.DrawingViews.AddAssociativeDraftView(otargetDoc, oPoint1, DrawingViewScale)
I have one base view and one draft view created all at point1 with the same scale. It seems to me the base view's center is at point1. But not that of the draft view.
Just wondering how to overlay them to looks like one view with the same origin point. Or what coordinate I adjust, so I can draw on draft view, but looks like I was drawing on the base view?
Some additional lines are needed in drawing but can't get from projection of a model.
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Aug 25, 2004
I have PS 6.0 along with Image Ready 3.0. What I want to do is take an animated space background with stars in motion from left to right or visa versa and overlay a space craft photo onto it?
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Jul 22, 2013
When I open a photo, it has a grid overlaying it, so any work I do is difficult to see. Why is this happening?
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Oct 23, 2012
I would like a method of overlaying a text block on a picture and have the text change to a different (most contrasting) colour so that it stays readable. Is this possible - maybe with a Boolean function? If so how do I do it.
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Mar 4, 2009
I am trying to blend cut up pieces of a newspaper type thing into a person's face. I want the text to be visible, but not overt and blended into the skin. Any idea how to get this effect? I had tried by cloning the face and sticking the text between the two layers, which kinda worked, but i want a more "collage" kind of effect.
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Apr 1, 2014
I've been using Illustrator to draw up some 2D cartoons and then learning how to animate them and incorporate them into music videos. Small stuff like cute flying birds, suns, flowers, small characters, etc.
I have tons of Q's so maybe it's best to ask this question first ... are their good tutorials online regarding this subject (creating, drawing, animating cartoons to use as stand alone cartoons and also to embed over live footage)? I'm aware of but wasn't sure if they have this sort of tutorial.
If I've illustrated and animated a character (flower, or bird, or cartoon person dancing) ... what's the best way to incorporate that into my live clip? Let's say i have a girl singing and want the bird to fly across the screen, or onto her shoulder. Would I do this in After Effects? Or would I export from After Effects and then do the overlaying in Final Cut Pro (which I'm using to edit my videos)?
I exported a 10 second cartoon I made of flowers lip syncing to the audio track that I'm doing the video for and when I rendered, the background was white. I wasn't sure how to composite that onto my FCP video and so here I am....
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Aug 21, 2012
I have an issue with a transparent image. So, I have an image of someone & I want to paste an image of a transparent heart around their face, which I also have. I open the heart in & notice the checkerboard background, which means that the background is transparent. I then copy & paste it onto the image of the person but the heart still has the checkerboard background instead of being transparent & it is covering the face. Also, when I saved the heart image on my Mac desktop, the thumbnail had a white background but when I opened it in Preview & iPhoto, it was transparent.
PS: I have Parallels Desktop so I'm running Mac & Windows side-by-side.
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Apr 28, 2006
I have given a disc of photos to a client that she can't access without launching Photoshop on her Mac. They were scanned by me on an Epson as jpgs, then run through Photoshop (CS1) for touch-up and resaved as jpgs by me. Now I look under "get info" and see that they are all saved as "Photoshop Jpgs". this can be a big problem, as I intend to make a lot of discs for clients in the future. I don't want to have to tell them to use "Open with" every time they want to view a photo.
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Mar 22, 2010
I use a raster image (JPG) on my title block for the Company Logo. This all worked fine in Revit 2009. Since I installed 2010 the logo no longer prints. I have tried other images and even converted it to a TIF.
It does not seem to be linked to any one printer. I have tried plotting on a HP Plotter, HP Laser Jet, Sharp Printer/ Copier, and even to a PDF. All have the same result. No Logo.
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Apr 6, 2010
I am going out to see a client tomorrow and wondered if any of you have came across a problem like this before??
They are inserting images, mainly their logo and all looks fine untill they print...
When printing the images are all mirrored and flipped? I have tried it in my office and all prints fine.. Obviously this points to his printer but I am not so sure....
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Jun 14, 2013
I recently opened a project I worked on months ago and noticed certain materials in my rendered images had turned blue. I created a new rendering in which all materials came out great and I saved it. Minutes later I opened the new rendering and it too became blue. I worked on this project for months and have not made any changes to materials. All previously saved images in my file, the wall materials, stairs, and certain furniture have all turned blue.
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Sep 5, 2012
I'm trying to save some web interface work over a background image for my youtube page. One problem I'm having is that I can't save to png because my image ends up being over 1MB. I can't figure out how to get it under.
Everytime I save it, the solid button looks muddy and pixely. PNG ends up being about 3MB so it's too big.
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Apr 13, 2006
Recently produced an image and saved as a jpg but need to save it as a gif. When saving as a gif some of the data was lost and the image appeared slightly pixilated. Gave the image to a webmaster and he converted the jpg to gif without any loss of quality. Any ideas where I went wrong please?
Errr... before anyone asks, no I can't ask webmaster how he did it because he's gone on holiday.
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Aug 23, 2006
I'm trying to import a jpg from PS into Flash. When I do, the jpg is washed out looking. The save preview in PS looks great, but when I open the jps in any other program, it looks washed out.
Any ideas?
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Oct 1, 2013
I have many sets of bracket images in which I selected one exposure and made edits.
Now I wish separately to export jpgs resized made from the raw without color changes but still cropped. (just a few are)
Using export as original will export the raw image not the jpg I want.
What I suspect I will have to do as a work a around is to export the originals then create a new temp catlog and reimport them and export as the reized jpgs I want and recrop the few that need it.
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Jan 6, 2012
Can Lightroom (3.6) read GPS data from JPG files?
I've just encoded a batch of assorted JPGs and raw images with HoudahGeo and updated the files in Lightroom by reading the metadata from the files again. As far as I can tell only the raw images are showing GPS data as a result.
I know the date is there because
(a) I can see it in HoudahGeo if I look at the files again and
(b) Aperture picks up the locations correctly.
Is there anyway to pick these up in Lightroom?
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Sep 5, 2013
I'm new to Lightroom and I would like to add keywords to my jpgs. These have already processed using adobe camera raw. If I add the jpgs to my catalog and then add the keywords, those keywords are not written to the jpgs when I close Lightroom. How do I add the keywords so they are searchable for example using windows search?
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Jan 28, 2013
I recently had my hard drive replaced by Apple and did a clean install of my programs, no Time Machine.
I have LR 4.3 and CS5. I have always chosen the Edit in PS CS5 option from LR for editing individual RAW files. When I save my photo in PS, I save it as a jpg. Once back in LR, I would have to synchronize the folder in order to import that new jpg and it would show up alongside the original RAW file. Well now, after upgrading to 4.3, synching won't see that new photo that was created. It IS in Finder, but LR doesn't see it.
I have expanded stacks and no filters. Is there anything else I have to do?
If I use Filters/Metadata/File Type, no jpg's appear.
The only way I can see the photo is if I use the Text filter and write .jpg.
How can I get the jpg to show alongside the original RAW file again??
I'm also getting the "File must be saved as a copy"in the PS dialogue, when I save as jpg. Before, it would just save it as the file type is different.
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Oct 9, 2012
I produced a 4 page A5 brochure in InDesign. I would like to present my brochure as a mock-up. Should I use photoshop? Should I save the 4 pages as JPGs then place into Photoshop?
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Jun 7, 2012
I copy a digital image from my Canon Rebel to my New Imac running OS Lion and Adobe CS5.When I view the file size, it's 3 MB before I open or do anything to it.
I open it in Photoshop and run some filters on it and the size climbs to 16 MB after I save as JPG baseline quality 12.If I again open that jpg (16MB) and apply "unsharp" mask" 6 more times and then save as JPG, baseline quality 12, the file size climbs to 20 MB on my mac.
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Oct 14, 2012
WHY am I (suddenly) receiving 'bad file' messages when I try to upload jpgs that were created in PS? When I did a test and tried to upload PS jpgs that had been uploaded successfully before, the bad file msg popped up again. I also tried re-creating the PS file from scratch multiple times, made sure to save it under 'standard' format, tried making a new file and just placing the saved jpg (which will save ok to my computer) and then re-saved as a new jpg, but still the error message.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have a sequence of still jpgs I rendered out of Maya. There are 90 total. I want to throw them into the editor at 30fps and have them be in order. I have tried simply copying them all and dragging them all at once onto the timeline but that leave each image at 3-4 seconds per image and they are not in order.
I know there is other software I could use to do this but since I'll be editing the video in Video Studio I thought it would be nice to be able to do this inside of it. Is this possible with Video Studio?
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Nov 8, 2008
I'm using Vista 32. After updating to CS4 I can no longer open jpg files directly into PS by clicking on the file in windows explorer or an e-mail. After much searching and looking for file associations, I was able to get jpgs to open into Bridge from windows explorer, but still cannot get them to open directly in PS. When I attempt to open a jpg from an e-mail message, I get a window in Bridge pointed to a temp folder.
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Dec 18, 2003
I'm having some trouble saving large, print-quality jpgs at 150 dpi. It seems that photoshop will only save the files, as long as they don't exceed a certain physical size.
The size I'm trying to save right now is 37" x 33" in inches or "5550 x 4950" in pixels.
When I save the file, even if I move the compression slider down halfway, it'll save, but it won't allow me to open it again, saying "invalid jpeg marker type found."
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Oct 28, 2008
I'm in CS3 I have hi rez .psd files which are layered and have transparent backgrounds. I need to convert these to display on a web page and so far I resized the images and tried to save as jpgs, gifs and bmp's but the backgrounds are not transparent. How can I save for the web with transparent backgrounds?
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