Photoshop :: Writing A Simple 5 Step Action - Getting (Flatten Image Is Not Currently Available)?
Mar 2, 2013
I'm writing a simple 5 step Action. I keep getting this: The command "Flatten Image" is not currently available. Then it asks me if I want to Continue.doesn't do it each and every time.I'll load two images and it will do that on the first but not the second.
I am writing an action and I want to select the next layer (up or down) for processing. Much like Layer>Arrange does except it relocates the layer up or down, I want to highlight a layer (up or down) for processing. If I click on the layer to select it in the action, then when I run the action on another photo, the action say it cant find the layer name (from the photo I used to build the action). Is there a key combination to do this ?   Like 'CMD [' and 'CMD ]' does for Layer> Arrange.
I am using CS4 with Windows XP and lately when I try and use my actions I have to manually click on each step of the action to complete it. Some steps fail to work and the action is useless.
I have recorded a set of actions that I am automating for a few images. At the end I recorded the export and close steps (I records Save For Web - PNG 24 settings). The issue is that the script overrides each image once it's saved. How can I run the image editing part of the script, and then insure that each file is being exported seperatly with a different name? Should I have not recorded the export part of the script?
I am trying to create a simple action/droplet that will open a bunch of PDF files and make them a certain resolution on the open and then save as jpegs to a particular file. The problem is, when I create the action, the first step, when I open the PDF file, whatever name was in the name box, is it??? Every new PDF opens with that same name and overrides the next one. Â Is there a way to tell Photoshop to pick the current name of the file opening and not use the one that was the original file that the action was created from?
I am trying to record an action for a simple white frame, to add to some photo. the way I do it, is first change the background layer to a layer 0, then (image/canvas size then put it at 5% relative, then control click the layer thumbnail to select the picture only, then (edit/stroke...width 20%...color white... location outside, (select/deselect, and I go to the layer blending mode to add a drop shadow. finaly save as jpg. stop recording.
But when I open the jpg file, the extention of the canvas is white and not transparent it show white. What can I do to have the canvas extention transparent as a jpg file ?
I just bought the LR 5 and made a upgrade today to 5.2. From I use it, it alway crash down when I do vey simple action as Command Z or copy and paste or vcreate virtual copy. How can I do to stop that problem ?
I am now trying Creative Cloud and I came with this bug. When I use a simple action to find and replace a text string in my file it will crash the Illustrator. Â My actions is pretty simple:
Find > "aa" (I do have to check all the options to work) Find and Replace > "aa" to "2014.01.29" Â This action works well if I use it once by the Edit menu, but if I close the Illustrator and reopen, it'll not work again and will crash the software. Everyday I do update my action to actual date, so the action will work normally but sometimes I do have to close the app and I have to make the action again and again everytime. Â This was a problem already in CS5, last version that I used. I'm using Windows 8.
I only just got photoshop yesterday and I barely know a thing but I have got an image with 3 layers and I want to make it into a simple animation, displaying each layer in turn.
I have somehow reversed the process of changing a sky in my photo so that when I get to the point of painting in the sky from the 2nd photo, it is painting with white (not black) that brings out the background I want on the original photo. Where have I gone wrong? Is there anywhere I can go to find a detailed step-by-step process for doing Layer Masks?
I'm trying to flatten an image with a gradient. This was originally a RAW image. My photos keep having this "C" with circles around it (as seen in Photo 2).
I've been using Ps for a while, but i don't really know an efficient way to flatten just 1 layer. 1 way is to put the layer by itself, but this takes time. Is there another way to do this? The effect would be changing an effect (fx tabs, strokes etc) into part of the image, so that part of the effect could be removed.
I've been printing my images and even with a calibrated monitor they come out darker than what's on my monitor. I'm using the proper printer and paper profiles and got to wondering if my problem might be that I'm printing the psd. In essence, before saving it I just print the image once I've made adjustments to layers, etc.
How would you remove traces of a shadow in an image?
e.g. Let's say I have an image of a sheet of metal with a hole in it. Obviously, in a 2d image, it looks like a hole because part of edges of the metal will be shadowed where the hole is. But how would you edit the image to remove those shadows?
The reason I would need to remove those shadows is because I am importing the image into a game engine, and the bump map will be handling the shadow effects.
how to make text look like it was written in the sand of a specific image however I am struggling.I've spent hours searching on Google and going through tutorials but none of em work well.The biggest issue seems to be around the build up of the sand outside the letters, I don't care if my image has this or if it doesn't.
I have a scanned image of an old letter. I want to know if I can lift, seperate, the writing layer from the background? If so, how would I go about doing this.
I have a large number of images for which I need to collect various data points that photoshop and its plugins produces (i.e., histogram RGB mean, SD, etc.). I'm looking for a way to write this data to a *.dat or *.txt type file from automated manipulations. The structure would need to include the image filename, and all the values captured that are associated with the image.
Using two different shortcuts for "undo" (one step back) and "Step Backward" (Multiple steps back) makes no sense to me. As such, I rarely use the regular undo, and do not have it mapped.
The case:
When I switch to a new layer, do a brush stroke and undo it, photoshop treats my undo as a switch back to the layer I came from. This happens a LOT, and not just to me, but to a lot of designers I know (I'm a GUI designer at a game company). Some of them have even formed a habit of "erasing" a bit in an empty part of the layer, just in case the'd later want to undo. That's bad.
My proposed solution:
-First undo my stroke, Leave my selected layer alone.
-On a NEXT press of "Step backward" change my current layer to the one I came from.
I am trying to flatten an image in Photoshop while keeping my transparent background. When I flatten, it gives me this white background instead.Â
I've seemed to of figured it out. what I did was>merge all visible layers(except for the background layer),>command and click on the layer to select all>flatten image>command j>deselect> and then delete the flatten layer. this gave me the transparent background I was looking for."
I'm using a Windows 7 icore7 machine. The file I'm working on is composed of six layers: 1) a masked Levels layer; 2) a masked Noise layer; 3) a masked Hipass layer; 4) a convert to BW layer; 5) a copy of the background layer; 6) the background layer. All the eyes on the layers are ON. Â When I Flatten Image the contrasty look I've created with the Levels adjustment layer AND with the Hipass layer disappears and the flattened image no longer exhibits those qualities - in other words it reverts back to being soft, low contrast. Â All the eyes are ON. Â I tried various combinations of MERGE VISIBLE and the same thing happens.I swapped Hipass for Unsharp Mask and for Smart Sharpen and even more weirdness happens - These filters have no effect at all.
Say you have a flattened image, a solid background and text of a differrent colour.
If you wanted to change the colour of the text is there some trick to simultaneously changing the pixels around the letters with slightly different hues (because of the antialiasing) into a relative colour?
i have attached a gif image of a letter zoomed in to give an example.
If you wanted to alter that text to say red could you do it?
i put copyright text on my photos, i didn't flatten image but " save as" in JPEG,click "save" then before i close the photos , it said "save changes to the adobe photoshop document ...before closing?" then i clicked NO.
And now i opened these photos to change the size of the copyright text and year, i can't because there's no layer for the text, only a background which means the text and photo are in one layer. What should i do? or did i make a mistake somewhere?