Lightroom :: Crashes From Simple Action

Aug 2, 2013

I just bought the LR 5 and made a upgrade today to 5.2. From I use it, it alway crash down when I do vey simple action as Command Z or copy and paste or vcreate virtual copy. How can I do to stop that problem ?

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Illustrator :: Find And Replace Simple Action Crashes CC?

Jan 29, 2014

I am now trying Creative Cloud and I came with this bug. When I use a simple action to find and replace a text string in my file it will crash the Illustrator.
My actions is pretty simple:

Find > "aa" (I do have to check all the options to work)
Find and Replace > "aa" to "2014.01.29"
This action works well if I use it once by the Edit menu, but if I close the Illustrator and reopen, it'll not work again and will crash the software. Everyday I do update my action to actual date, so the action will work normally but sometimes I do have to close the app and I have to make the action again and again everytime.
This was a problem already in CS5, last version that I used. I'm using Windows 8.

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Photoshop :: Simple Action To Open PDF And Convert To JPEG

May 9, 2013

I am trying to create a simple action/droplet that will open a bunch of PDF files and make them a certain resolution on the open and then save as jpegs to a particular file. The problem is, when I create the action, the first step, when I open the PDF file, whatever name was in the name box, is it??? Every new PDF opens with that same name and overrides the next one.
Is there a way to tell Photoshop to pick the current name of the file opening and not use the one that was the original file that the action was created from?

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Photoshop :: Record Action For Simple White Frame

Apr 29, 2011

I am trying to record an action for a simple white frame, to add to some photo. the way I do it, is first change the background layer to a layer 0, then (image/canvas size then put it at 5% relative, then control click the layer thumbnail to select the picture only, then (edit/stroke...width 20%...color white... location outside, (select/deselect, and I go to the layer blending mode to add a drop shadow. finaly save as jpg. stop recording.

But when I open the jpg file, the extention of the canvas is white and not transparent it show white. What can I do to have the canvas extention transparent as a jpg file ?

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Photoshop :: Writing A Simple 5 Step Action - Getting (Flatten Image Is Not Currently Available)?

Mar 2, 2013

I'm writing a simple 5 step Action. I keep getting this: The command "Flatten Image" is not currently available. Then it asks me if I want to Continue.doesn't do it each and every time.I'll load two images and it will do that on the first but not the second.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Crashes On Simple Spline Extrude?

Oct 20, 2012

Crashes on a simple extrusion... VERY basic spline...

(When I click extrude... I doubt it's even a complete closed shape yet)

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Photoshop :: Every Time Open CS6 To Edit Simple Photo It Crashes?

Nov 25, 2013

Everytime I open photoshop to edit a simple photo it crashes. Almost as soon as I press clone tool or any other tool it crashes. Its not my computer, or the space on my computer or my video drives. I was going to uninstall then re-install but I am scared because I have the CD but not my serial number.

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Edge Animate CC :: Crashes All The Time When Use To Set JS action?

Nov 21, 2013

adobe animate (normal version and also the CC Animate Version) crashes if i try to set an JS Action over {} Button.
I´am using the latest iMac Version with 3,2 GhZ Core i5 processor, OS X MAVERICKS latest update 10.9.

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Illustrator :: CS5 Freezing On Simple Tasks - Applying Texture Grain Effect To Simple Gradient

Jun 25, 2012

Illustrator keeps freezing when applying an effect such as texture-grain to a simple gradient, or even rasterizing a simple black circle. My system is about a 6month old macbook pro with 16gb ram, i7 and AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB. What could be causing this? It wasn't like this when i first started using the laptop but has started to do it everytime i try and do any of those simple tasks recently.

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Lightroom :: Simple Replacement For Photoshop Elements 4.0?

Nov 15, 2012

I'm a fine artist, oil painter and only need the most basic program to make minor adjustments to images. Brightness, contrast, rotate left to right, color adjust light and dark...all the basic stuff I use often but don't need all the bells and whistles on PS11. Isn't there something simple from the dark ages that WIN 7 can use?

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Lightroom :: Simple Way To Convert JPEG Masters To RAW?

Nov 26, 2013

I mostly shoot in RAW + JPEG and when importing my catalog I converted RAWs to DNG.  However, I have on some occaisions had to shoot JPEG only and I'd like all my masters to be stored as DNG.  The only option to convert JPEGs to DNG that I can find is via Export.  I presume if I used this I'd have to export them all then delete the JPEG masters from my catalog before importing the DNGs.
I take it converting JPEG to DNG is lossless?

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Lightroom :: In Export Module Simple Watermark Does Not Appear In Photos

Nov 17, 2013

I make it a habit to always place a simple watermark on all my photos during Export. When i was using LR3 this always worked, but when I recently updated to LR5.2 the Copyright watermark does not show in my photos. I tried several repetitions exporting to .JPEG files, making sure that the Watermarking box is checked. Still, the photos do not show the Copyright symbol and my name.

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Lightroom :: Simple Way To Superimpose Print Onto Surface Of A Photo In V4?

Nov 1, 2012

is there a simple way to superimpose print onto the surface of a photo in Lightroom 4 ?

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Lightroom :: How To Create Super Extremely Simple Image Gallery

Feb 12, 2014

I would like to be able to create an extremely simple image gallery using Ligtroom 5.3.
All attempts to use "Web" module prove to be quite oversophisticated. Here is my point:
1) I have let's say 15 images selected and ready to export (OK)

2) I would like to export these files to ftp to a prespecified directory (OK)

3) I would like lightroom to get me a ready to use html file which will contain all full-size images with descriptions below the pictures (no links to intermediary pictures)
This would simpify 1000 times my workflow with updating pictures to FTP and then adding some text to publish it on my blog.
I even bought LR/Blog plugin, but it doesn't do the trick - even though I can freely generete html code, it keeps applying some weird prefixes to filenames and is not that universal in general

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Lightroom :: How To Create A Simple 6 Image Per Page Book Using Auto Layout

Aug 29, 2013

Using LR 5.
I'm trying to create a simple 6 image per page book using Auto Layout. No matter what I try, I cannot get it to lay the images out in sequential order.

The images are numbered 001_XXXX.jpg and I see them in the correct order in the LR Library.

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Photoshop :: Simple Animation: Turning An Image With 3 Layers Into A Simple Animation

Dec 25, 2007

I only just got photoshop yesterday and I barely know a thing but I have got an image with 3 layers and I want to make it into a simple animation, displaying each layer in turn.

I am a novice user using C2

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Manipulate Column Offset Of Array Action With Stretch Action

Jan 28, 2011

Sure wish you could manipulate the Column Offset of an Array Action with a Stretch Action.


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Lightroom :: CS5 Option Box Is Missing In Action?

May 13, 2012

When in LR 4  selecting "Edit inPhoto Shop CS5" for an image I no longer get the edit option box to choose "Edit a Copy with Lightroom Settings" . This seems to have vanished in LR4. I would like to re-enable this option. Right now I get a original file in PS/CS5 without the ability to select some other option.

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Lightroom :: Where To Find The Action Window

May 3, 2013

where do i find the action window? im trying to resize photos with an application from my photo club - i have the app in the folder but i need to make it available - they say i can do that in the action window but i can't find the action window

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Lightroom :: Delete Picture Default Action

Apr 13, 2013

is there any way to put Remove from disk as default action when hitting del and deleting a picture ("remove" from LR catalog is normally set as default). Lightroom 4 on Windows 7 OS.

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Lightroom :: Keyword List Missing In Action?

Oct 11, 2012

I was keywording several groups of photos, and as I started to click on another word from my list after selecting another group of photos, my list had disappeared. The panel is expanded, no words appear and I am not sure what I did wrong. Keywords are still associated with photos in my library, but the list is gone. how to get my list back?
I had just downloaded and installed v4.2 but the list was there for a few selections.

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Lightroom :: How Many FPS Required To Pull Action Stills From Video

Aug 22, 2012

I want to get crisp action stills (baseball, cycling, etc.) by shooting video on a DSLR and pull still images during postproduction in Lightroom 4.
Is this possible to get without blurred stills?If so, how may FPS does the DSLR need to be capable of (60 FPS?)Any specific DSLR camera recommendations?

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Lightroom :: How To Check Image Size And 500PX Upload Action

Dec 1, 2012

1. How do you check the overall size of an image in Lightroom 4 before exporting.  In Photoshop it is image/size so what is it in Lightroom?
2. I have Canon raw files and tiffs and want to upload to 500PX and other web site galleries in one action.  Is it possible?  How do you set up an action to convert an image, say a tiff, to a certain size and then save as a jpeg and upload to 500pX using the plugin all in one action?  At the moment I am saving the tiff as a jpeg to a correct size using a pre set, but then exporting to another folder ready to either manually upload or re-import to Lightroom as a jpeg then upload.

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Lightroom :: Graduated Filter Arrangement Into Several Hundred Action Photos

Jul 26, 2012

I pasted the same graduated filter arrangement into several hundred action photos.  I then slog through them in capture order, nudging them one way or another depending on crop and subject.  On the next photo, the first time I click and drag --the filter NEVER moves!  I must release and reclick to get it to move.  This becomes highly annoying after a while.  Enough so to write this.

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Lightroom :: 5 Printing Under Mac OS 10.8 - Crashes

Aug 31, 2013

I have been using  Adobe Lightroom for several years - no problems. Recently I installed LR 5 on my imac  running OS 10.8. Two days ago I was able to print files. Suddenly Lightroom 5 crashed as it exceutes the print script. Have re-installed LR5 sereral times. I appear to be able to carry out all LR functions APART from printing. Is this an LR problem or in incompatability with OS 10.8 or somefrom of iMac issue - Swap etc.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Crashes When Opened (Mac)

Sep 21, 2013

I have Lightroom 5.2, which I installed a few days ago. Yesterday, it started failing to open with a crash report generated. I read that upgrading to OS X 10.8.5 fixed this crash. So I upgraded yesterday evening. However I still get a crash. I do have a HD that I recently installed (perhaps 1 week ago) that is 3 TB. I can also open LR 4 and I did delete the Lightroom 5 preference file. Here is the crash report that appears a few seconds into trying to start up LR 5.2.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Crashes During Import?

Dec 7, 2012

I recently moved Lightroom 4.2 to my new Windows 8 PC. All modules work fine except when trying to import from either my card reader or my PC, then the program grinds to a halt and often crashes. Program worked fine on my previous Windows Vista system. The only things I moved from Vista PC were photos, Lighroom catalog file and Lightroom preferences file. Adobe support suggest trying to run Lightroom from different user on my PC, which I tried but no difference. If it makes any difference, LR is loaded on my SSD C: drive and photos, catalog, etc. on my D: drive. 
Dell XPS 8500
Intel i7-3770@3.4GHz
16.0 GB Ram
Windows 8 64-bit
256GB SSD SRT (C: drive with programs) and 2TB SATA Hard Drive (D: drive with data)
Lightroom 4.2

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Lightroom :: 4 Crashes When Printing

Jan 12, 2013

I recently installed Lightroom 4 and after printing one or two pictures it crashes.  below is the crash message: [code]

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Crashes In Windows 8.1

Mar 18, 2014

I recently upgraded my laptop to one with Windows 8 (not because of Windows).  The File Manager program does not work on my laptop, so I've had to install a third party file management app.  Does Lightroom integrate with the Windows app because whenever I try to manage files in Lightroom (plug-in manager, publishing services, import destination) the program crashes.  I can't install any plug-in's or add any new folders to my export settings. 

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Lightroom :: 4 Will Not Export - Just Crashes

Dec 5, 2012

I haven't been able to EXPORT from Adobe's LIGHTROOM 4 in 2 days!  I've rebooted the PC at least 4 times, backup the catalog (with over 90,000 photos that took a while lol), closed photoshop and lightroom and then reopened them countless times and it is still not allowing me to export.  The files are not missing and it's just stalling when it starts to export and has to close itself down.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Crashes When Going Into Development?

Nov 9, 2012

Light Room 4.2 Crashes. I was setting up Light Room and accidently clickede on Development. The program then crashed. I shut the program down and tried to start it up several times with the same result.

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