Photoshop :: When 2 Layers Are Open The Scale Gradually Does Not Synchronize
Dec 4, 2012In CS6 when 2 layers are open the scale gradually does not synchronize even though the layers are the same size.
View 1 RepliesIn CS6 when 2 layers are open the scale gradually does not synchronize even though the layers are the same size.
View 1 RepliesI have a Viewport set to scale 1:100 and the Viewport is locked.The Annotation Scale displayed in the Viewport was 1:50.
When I clicked on the Synchronize Icon beside the Viewport Scale, the Viewport Scale changed, even though the Viewport was locked.
I was expecting the Annotation Scale to synchronize to the Viewport Scale.
Is this how it is supposed to work? and why does a locked Viewport Scale change?
I have seen it on many sites where i image starts off full colour and gradualy fades into nothing i like the effect and i no how to fade a image using the opacity and fill.
View 3 Replies View Relatedis there any way to make gradyally decreasing in size circles in photoshop. like on car windshields in edges if you noticed, starts from black and then it sort of fades away with pattern.
Falftone effect creates crappy jagged circles. I am attaching approximately what Im talking about, manually made every layer for it...
I would like to make a picture "fade out" or better said, gradually go to transparent. I know it is somehow possible by adding a masking layer or something like that, I just can't remember how.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an indoor group photo using flash light. The problem is the center of the picture is much brighter than the sides. Is there any easy way to increase the brightness and contrast towards the sides, and gradually decrease the brightness at the middle?
View 6 Replies View Related1. i want to make the bottom of an image fade to black gradually. like a spotlight all around it.
2. i want to know how to make a gradiented grey backround, starting black. ending gray.
I'm working with both Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 on a mac. I'm creating a graphic. The background is a (cartoonish) mouth and I finished it a couple of days ago. (It's an Illustrator file.) I've been working on the letters to go inside of the mouth, (Once I'm finished it'll look as though they're being crushed.) I scanned and edited small wooden letters in Photoshop, and now I would like to work with them with the background in Illustrator. I understand how to open a Photoshop file in Illustrator, but I don't want to open the document as a separate Illustrator file. Is there a way to open a file from Photoshop as a second layer?
Some of the letters repeat as well. Will I have to create two files for this, or can I open the same file twice?
I have two areas of different plain colors, meeting at a hard edge. I want to blend the two areas so they merge gradually from one color into the other without any obvious edge
I'm an inexperienced CS5 user and have spent hours trying to do this using various tools, without a decent result. There must be a way that I haven't found!
How can I scale several layers (objects) together?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using Gimp 2.8.6.Try as I might, I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively 'merge' 3 shots of the same scene taken at 3 different exposures (using the exposure bracketing feature on my camera).The idea is to end up with the equivalent of an HDR image.
I assume that I open the first image and then open the other two as layers . .
I found out while doing HDR panoramas that WB is not synchronizing on all images opened in ACR 6.7 (mac). I never set WB to AWB on my Pentax K5 for that work (and use a whibal card, custom WB or even "daylight") but have found out that ACR reads a "custom" (?) value that is not correct (?) and so I have to select the "as shot" value and synchronize (or set a °K/tint value). It only works if you change the value of each image individually - like 32 for a Pano HDR - clicking "done" every time!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have imported some auto cad files from a software named arcgis 10. The files are opening perfectly. But when I 'am importing the boundary on those files , the scale/size of the boundary is too large. Is there any option in autocad by which we can reduce the scale as per rest of the layers.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to make the piece appear gradually, piece by piece until all of it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a tool I can use to gradually make a color lighter? The dodge/burn tool only makes it one shade lighter for the color that is highlighted by the cursor.
So lets say I start with a dark purple I need something that will decrease the shade as I move my mouse, kinda like the smudge thingy...
I'm drawing a map of an island and I want to have the colour blue surrounding the island representing the sea. But I want the blue to gradually fade into nothing. I've tried to use the sray can but its just doing weird things with rectangles!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have two related questions:
1. I am not able to do a somewhat basic task. I have an image on a seperate layer and I want to merge it, but I want the edges to be more softened.I used to use photoshop deluxe, it had a paint brush with a soft round tip that you could make hard edges softer. Its not like smudge, more like a softer eraser. Is there a way to do that?
2. Is there some way to make any image gradually more transparent either from one edge to another or from the center out? (Like the effect you get using gradient, but with a gradual opacity to an opaque object/image)
I'm animating a bicycle riding downhill (from the top of a hill to the even ground). What expression should i use to gradually accelerate bicycle's wheels? And how do i gradually slow down the wheels after the bicycle has reached the even terrain?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAudio sync problem I'm experiencing with videos recorded with the latest iPad 3 (well, that's what I'm calling it anyway).
I believe the iPad 3 recording format is 1080/30p with 44.1Khz / 16 bit audio, but when I match those settings on a Premiere Pro CS5.5 project (or try 48KHz audio as a test), the audio gradually goes out of sync. If the video is several minutes long, it becomes quite obvious, and by 10 minutes, it's terrible!
I should add the file plays back fine on the iPad itself and was imported to a Mac via iTunes. It also plays fine on the Mac itself in Quicktime.
On a related note, I additionally captured the audio using a Zoom H2n which i intended to replace in Premiere, but foolishly I captured it at 48KHz, rather than the 44.1KHz of the iPad video file. Should I resample it?
I actually managed to line-up the 48 and 44.1KHz waveforms from the iPad and Zoom in Premiere quite accurately, but again both gradually go out of sync with the video...
I'm running Premiere Pro 5.5.2 on Mac OSX 10.7.3.
When I use a numeric scale from the scale dialog box, Illustrator will not scale the the strokes and patterns attibutes applied to the layer via a graphic style. Has this always been the case, or is this a new CC feature? You know the ones that keep popping up as I'm trying to get my work done. I have to calculate the scale of all my patterns and strokes MANUALLY?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen photographing a tall object from the ground, for example the rectangle of a house wall, the picture perspective will be distorted in the sense that the bottom of the wall will be wider in the picture than the top of the wall.
Say, for example, that the bottom of the house wall in the picture is 1 inch wider than the top of the wall. Is it possible to increase the size of the picture gradually from the bottom to the top, from 0% of 1 inch at the bottom to 100% of 1inch at the top? So the end result in the picture will be an evenly sized wall from bottom to top?
I know how to change the playback speed of a video clip in my project, but is there a way to have it smoothly transition? For instance, can I have it go from 1x to 3x over a period of 2 seconds or must I jump directly from 1x to 3x (or manually break the files into dozens of super small chunks and manually increase each one... which will still not look smooth)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf one can select multiple layers to modify i.e. scale, rotate, transform... or is it only possible one layer at a time?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using Geosetter to add GPS coordinates to my photos, it also happens that I add keywords to photos directly from Windows Explorer (it's the fastest way in some cases).
The problem with doing that is : PSE8 does not "see" the update. Any other way than removing the containing directory from catalog's scope and readdint it ?
In Photoshop CS6, when you have a shape layer with a layer mask, and the two are not linked together, and the layer mask is selected, you should be able to scale the layer mask independently of the shape. What actually happens is the shape gets scaled and the layer mask stays untouched. In fact, even if you option-click on the layer mask to show the mask by itself, and then try to scale it, you still end up scaling the shape instead of the mask. Even if you go as far as to make a pixel selection of the layer mask and attempt to scale the pixels, the shape still gets scaled and the layer mask still stays put! Unbelievable!
This works correctly in CS4, but not in CS6 (don't know about CS5).
I just started using 2012. Two problems:
1- Somehow, in my current drawing, everything is layer-locked. There are no Xrefs in this very basic drawing. All layers are unlocked. Yet, any attempt to select any entities results in "x objects were on a locked layer". Again, all layers are unlocked. No Xrefs. No blocks. Just simple lines. All entities appear faded. This happened after viewing a layout in both paper and model spaces. Reviewing the text window shows no strange accidental commands.
2- There is a default set of viewport scales in the status bar at the bottom right. Default scales are all metric. I would like both metric and imperial. I see you can edit which exact scales are in a metric list, and which are in an imperial list. But how do you set what is displayed/available in the status bar button?
can I open psd from my MAC PS in PS touch with unmerged layers. I have also opened psd, but only with merged layers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've never had this problem before today but I went to duplicate a layer into another photoshop file I have open, and where you select which .psd you'd like it to duplicate into, the open intended target file was not listed. I could either duplicate it in the same .psd, or I could duplicate it into a new file. I've tried restarting, I've checked for updates...
OSx 10.6.8
CS5 Photoshop 12.0.4
Only other program i have running is Google's Chrome web browser
I've been using CS2 Photoshop 9 for some time on an iMac running 10.4.11. all of a sudden, the Layers window will not stay open. It'll open with F7 but as soon as I click on the image I'm working on, the Layers window closes! All the other windows seem to work OK. Did I mistakenly hit something to cause this to happen? It's almost like an automatic window closer.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy engineering department produces .ps files that need to be merged into a single Photoshop file as individual layers. Here's what I'd like to do:
1) Drag a set of .ps files onto a droplet
2) For every .ps file, open with same parameters (e.g. 300 DPI, RGB)
3) Adjust Hue/Sat and set Lightness to +50
4) Colorize each layer and adjust saturation to 100%
5) Make each opened file an individual layer in NewFile.psd
6) Close/delete any intermediate files (but not the original .ps's) and leave NewFile.psd open for further editing
My current droplet will do 1-4, but now I'm stuck! How do I take all the open files and make them into layers in a new .psd?
If I can't do this directly, I can save the results of each .ps conversion into a separate .psd, but then I'll need a droplet to convert
each .psd into a layer in NewFile.psd. I can't figure how to do that, because the Override Open/Save setting seems to mess things up.
I'm a developer, and a lot of times, marketing companies send me some material for their applications in .psd (Photoshop) files. My usage is basic: just open these files, get some layer and export to web images. For this purpose, I bought Photoshop Elements 10, but then I realized (after bought it) that it cannot open grouped layers (only merge all layers in group in a single layer). I'll not discuss about the lack of this basic feature, we already have a lot of noise around it.
My question is: is this limitation still present on PSE 11? Or now I can open grouped layers on psd files?